My Little Android

Copyright: I own all of this and as much as you love this, please do not steal. Reposting this under someone else's name is theft! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

The oh-so-glorious-but-still-annoying doorbell rung throughout the house, startling me from my nap. I rubbed my eyes in annoyance and stepped into my bunny slippers, walking to the door to answer it. The doorbell rung once more before i heard receding footsteps.

'A delivery?' I opened the door and gasped at the tall form looming over me. A large box stood on my front step, the signs, fragile!, all over it. "How the hell am I supposed to take this inside?..." I whispered to myself. Noticing that there was no way I was gonna get out through the front door, I had to walk out through the garage door, which I was not happy about.

The thing couldn't even be called a garage, it was hell on earth (next to school, so glad that part of my life is over). I rolled up the sleeves of my hoodie and shoved the box through my door. It toppled over and landed with a loud thud...still in the doorway. I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes and glared at the box. Once more, I pushed at the mass of cardboard and tape, finally managing to push it in just enough so I could step in and shut the door. I did just that and brought out my silver scissors, tearing the tape to pieces just to satisfy my rage.

Satisfied with the shining chunks of sticky plastic on the floor, I opened the box. The first thing I saw was a small yellow envelope, covered in little hello kitty stamps. I opened the envelope and immediately held it away at arm's length. The sickly sweet smell of synthetic daisies filled my nostrils and made me want to gag.

With great caution and care, I reached into the envelope only to find in my hand, another envelope. This process continued until I had a small tiny note that was the size of the pad of my thumb. I facepalmed before gingerly opening the note. Inside were two words: Enjoy him!

'Him? Who's him?' I looked back at the box and nearly screamed when I saw a full sized human boy sat up from the box and looked around before stepping out. I watched in utter surprise as he walked up to me and handed me a holograph projector. I raised an eyebrow before turning it on, squinting at the brightness before my eyes adjusted and I gazed down at the holograph of my sister. She was wearing a maid costume this time.

"How's my little sister? Hope you're doing well little Jolie! Asher and I sent you a little gift we cooked up in our lab. It's a prototype android made to imitate a living human! The android's model type is XEIX03 but you can name him whatever you want. He's programmed with the sole purpose of learning but we gave him a little knowledge in the defensive arts. Hope you have fun Jolie! Remember to think about big sister Rosalyn once in awhile! Love you!"

The holograph blinked before disappearing. I sighed and looked at the android my sister had sent. He was only a few inches taller than me, with greenish-blue eyes and dark brown hair. What surprised me the most were a pair of ears on top of his head. They resembled a wolf's but also sort of reminded of a fox's. I sighed and watched as he explored the house, resembling an excited puppy. After all these years of gadgets being sent to me from my sister's and her boyfriend's lab, I learned to just roll with it. He returned to my side looking at me expectedly.

"Mistress ...Are you going to give me a name?" he asked timidly, his voice light and meek. His ears were pressed against his head in submission. I gave into the urge to pet his ears and when I did, he closed his eyes and a content expression took over his face.

"My name is Jolyn, and your name will be Cyan," I said after awhile. The greenish-blue hue of his eyes was haunting and it seemed to suit him. "And me Jolyn." Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as the other things she's sent...

OK, I WAS TOTALLY WRONG! THIS IS TORTURE! Over the past 2 weeks, my house has become a madhouse. All because of one android. Cyan was always a bundle of energy, and he was constantly nosing into my stuff, in the process wrecking everything. Now I had to go and buy a lot more staples due to Cyan's annoying curiosity. Just as I was about to step out of the door, he bounded up to me and clung to my arm.

"Jolyn where are you going?" he asked fearfully. For some reason, he always has this fear that I will abandon him forever. I sighed and pried his hand off my arm.

"Just going out for supplies. I'll be back in an hour." He teared up at this.

"An hour?..." He turned his puppy dog eyes full blast. I stiffened and sighed.

" can come along with me," I muttered, pushing him out the door so I could set the house alarm. The slow beeping warned me of the little time I had to shut the door but before I did, Cyan tackled me, ripping the alarm control off the wall. The beeping stopped and the wires that poked out from the wall sparked. Before I'd even realized what had happened, Cyan had already effectively destroyed the alarm control. I sat up and stared at the mass of meta, plastic, and wires. Cyan looked so accomplished that he was completely taken aback from my angry burst.

"What the hell did you do!?" I glared at Cyan. His ears wilted and he backed away.

"I destroyed the bom-."

"That wasn't a bomb! That was the alarm to keep the house safe while we were away!"

"Ohh...," Cyan sat on the floor with his knees up and his arms hugging himself. He looked so small and dejected that I was immediatley filled with guilt. I called the alarm company requesting a new control and sat down next to him. He didn't acknowledge my presence. I silently reached over and stroked his ears. After a few moments I felt him relax and he laid his head down in my lap. I continued to pet him when he spoke once again. "Are you still mad at me mistress?..."

"My name is Jolyn and no I'm not," I said scowling a bit before smiling a little. We sat like that for a little bit before I heard Cyan begin to snore. A smile ghosted my lips. I felt complete at that moment for some reason, me and my little android.