The beginning and End

God. To some he is a man noted for being the creator of Terra Firma to other's he is a mystery and yet to other's he doesn't exist. To me he is my brother. That's right you heard me correctly I am the brother of God, and no he doesn't really care about the race and world he created. Without me your world would be nothing it's true he made the world and added islands and ocean and plants but I am the true creator of life, I am the true creator of the human race, I am known as Terowin. You see what you all know is a lie I myself made the bible and unfortunately i let God proofread it and he of course did not like the picture i painted of him so he erased all mention of me and added himself in my place. He wrote new things into the bible saying that he created two humans by the name of Adam and Eve and that these two people created the human race by copulating with each other this is also not true as I found that this would be disgusting as it would mean that you the reader of this factual account would be the result of a huge amount of incest and everyone around you is your brother or your sister. So why am I writing this you may ask, well consider this a sort of anti-bible and when I say that I don't mean I will try to disprove everything in the bible what I mean is that I will tell the true happenings of main events and myths that have come up since the age of the dinosaurs.

Chapter 1
Age of Dinosaurs
The age of dinosaurs is a mystery to many. Some think the dinosaurs were just victims of evolutionary processes, many others just think they got rid of most of their food in many ways. However the truth has been partially discovered the K/T extinction event did infact cause Terra Firma's most of the dinosaur's extinction but it did not contribute to all of it. The dinosaurs in the region now identified as the United Kingdom survived the K/T extinction and thrived. However they could not find a way to repopulate the rest of the world which made them eventually eat the remaining food they had left and the extinction of the dinosaurs had come.

Chapter 2
World War 2
World War 2 was one great example of human kind knitting together to keep things the way they want it to be. Adolf Hitler was under the command and visions of God, who had by this time taken the name Lucifer, Lucifer believed that glory on our planet came from destroying the great life that had thrived on Terra Firma, he felt that he needed to find a way to destroy a huge part of the human race and his first planto get the president of the united states to declare war on the United Kingdom and then the rest of the world failed when the U.K banded together and found a way to calm the U.S down and eventually make the world stay banded together. However the same did not happen with Germany as Lucifer managed to get one of his agents on the inside of the German government which led to Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany. Lucifer had something I didn't have patience and forward knowledge on how the Jewish people would react to the restrictions that were slowly being put upon them. He ordered Hitler to apply more and more pressure onto Jewish people and order many of his men to build various concentration camps throughout Germany. I caught onto his plan to late but I still had time to warn many countries of the coming war. Italy joined the Nazi party, France fell to the German's superior troops and weaponry. Britain however gave the German army a suprise when they managed to defeat them narrowly with outside interaction from myself and the 87% of my race that was behind me and not Lucifer, and so the second world war began. Britain called upon America to help them as they knew that without American troops and weaponry they faced no chance against such combined armies and forces of Germany, Italy, and shortly Russia before Germany attacked it when they were allies and Russia formed a deal with the allied forces of the United States and Great Britain. However before this American and British forces had to find a way to bring the fight to the German's and make the German's go on the defence. I met up with Winston Churchill and Eisenhower and discussed how much interaction I could have with their war effort, I offered as many troops as they needed and promised to them that I would make sure they would win the war. I gave them the idea and a map of how they should start their invasions. I gave them plans such as d-day. They took to me and my forces immediately and they immediately recognized from how much I knew about their history and the landforms that I had greater knowledge than them and although they never questions where I was from i suspected they knew I was from another world despite the human form I had taken in order to reduce fear and improve relationship between us as they could think of the discussions with me as human to human. Anyway long story short I discovered Lucifer/God's plans and gave them to the allies which led to the axis destruction and the Americans using what we consider to be Grade 1 bombs to make Japan surrender.

Chapter 3
9/11 was once again an attempt to demorilize and initialize a war worldwide by God and this time as before it worked. God located one man he though would be able to pull together a group able to initiate a war if the United States against Iraq possibly bringing the British and others into the fighting I don't have much I can tell you about our interaction of this except that the death of Osama Bin Laden marked the demoralization of God and his will to continue the war ending.

Chapter 4
The Future
I undersatnd that right now you may be saying well Terowin how can you know the future well in response I tell you this, you try to create an entire race designed to be able to evolve and adapt to the different environments on Terra Firma in an alloted 7 days. If you are still here then I guess you deserve to know the future of the human race and how Terra Firma ends. It's not a pretty future but it happens nonetheless. God once again initiates a war on "Earth" and this time he picked the two starter countries very well. He forced an American nuke to fire and explode in Russia forming World War 3 and unfortunately a nucelear breakout begins, billions of the human race were wiped out and the remaining formed small colonies under previously build glass domes originally used for weapon research but now used for the preservation of the human race. A civil war broke out between myself and God and forced me to divert my attention away from Terra Firma. I eventually won the war but unfortunately for humankind in God's last hours of life he sent many meteors in a collision course with Earth which caused the end of Terra Firma. I must rebuild human civilization but fortunately this will not happen again as i have disposed of God and luckily have found the last of the five planets we had that were suitable for human life. Yes the last as you see a similar situation has happened between humankind and us on four seperate worlds with Terra Firma being the most recent. Remember you are not alone and humankind will survive even if you do destroy yourselves everytime we give you a new chance.
The End

Thank you for reading this short story I have made I hope you enjoy it I enjoyed writing it. P.S. I am athiest and do not have anything against religion I just wanted to write a short story and the idea of this popped into my mind. As I am athiest I don't know much about religion but I still hope this was enjoyable.
-Hogan Hetelekisis