


                So, how do I start? My name is Amelia Walker but I go by the name Kay Anderson. I am somehow related to a serial killer, though I grew up in an orphanage in Winchester, England since I was six years of age. My friends are little, aside from a few from the orphanage. I am an artist and I help some authors with covers for their novels. I have two different colored eyes, one described as Onyx, and the other described as a light grey almost clear color. Some say I have these eyes to show the light and darkness in this world, that I possess both light and darkness. I am twenty-one now.

                My hair is auburn, wavy or curly depending on the day, and I apparently do not have much of a chest, making people say I could pass as a man.

                I know Rose Thatcher, the first legitimate daughter of the Thatcher family, and she is my roommate on several occasions. I sometimes wish I had never come to know the twenty-two year old. Then maybe I would never have met her boyfriend’s brother, and my partner would never have been found. Perhaps I could have changed his fate.

                But then again, this story leads to the same ending for me as well.

2: New People
New People

New People


                The apartment door opened with a slam, the sound of giggling echoing all the way to my closed door. Another sound reached my ears, actually two male voices. One sounded awkward, like he didn’t want to be here, the other sounded like this wasn’t his first time here. I stifled a sigh as I continued sketching a draft of a rose and raven.

                “Kay,” a voice called through the once silent house. “I’m home with Richard and his brother Carter.” This time I sighed. The Mattson brothers seemed like more trouble than they were worth. But when I told Rose that, she got upset at the fact I had pointed something bad out about her boyfriend and his brother.

                “Is dinner ready?” Rose questioned. I rolled my eyes at my paper, not wanting to respond.

                “Yes, it’s still in the oven,” my English accented voice said above the chatter. I heard the clicking of her high heels on the wooden floors as she made her way to the oven.

                “Thanks,” she said back. “Kay come meet Carter, he’s about the same age as you.” What is this? A game to her? I thought; irritated at the fact of what she was trying to do.

                “No. But thank you for the offer,” I called back. I heard her huff and the clicking getting strangely closer. My gaze wandered down to my draft; the raven was biting the rose, its thorns sticking out on either side. I thought of the shades of red I should use for the rose out of all my Copic™ markers, even the shades of black and blue were going to be a challenge. Perhaps a blood red and a darker pink would be more fitting for the petals, and a lighter green for the stem….

                My thoughts were rudely interrupted when Rose, with her high heels still on, came barging into my room to tower over me. I looked up at her with a stoic expression. This is why I am going to have a lock installed tomorrow, I thought, trying not to seethe in my desk chair.

                “Might I help you?” I kept my tone leveled, keeping the ice out of my voice.

                Rose wouldn’t look me in the eyes, the two colors making many uncomfortable, and raised her head proudly. “Yes, we have guests and you are sitting here alone in this dark room with only your drawings to keep you company.” I looked around, my eyebrow raising.

                “Your point is?”

                She huffed like I needed everything explained to me. “Come be social.” Then we were silent. Rose stood right in front of me, having turned my chair around, waiting for me to give in. She should know me better than that.

                “No,” I replied shortly, spinning my chair back around to my desk. My hand drifted across the paper, adding lines here and there to make it complete.

                Then, suddenly, the paper was getting farther and farther away. I blinked surprised and looked at my right hand, which still held the pencil, and then to behind me. Rose, the persistent bugger, was pulling my chair and I all the way to the living room; her red dress was a flame behind her.

                I scowled before asking as politely as I could muster, “What in the world are you doing?”

                She rolled her brown eyes. “I am bringing you to our guests.”



                “That is not a very complete answer.”

                “It is not supposed to be,” Rose finished, still dragging me to the living room. Sometimes she acted like a child, and right now was one of those times.

                “You do realize you’re ticking me off, right?” I said; trying to keep my voice leveled.

                “Yep, and by the way I love your accent. So, keep talking.” I blinked turning back around in my chair, considering we were already in the living room.

                Two men sat on the leather sofa in the living room. One, Richard, had dark brown, almost black, hair with hazel eyes and tanned skin, while the other, Carter, had light brown hair with kind hazel eyes and paler skin. I blinked at them; both avoided looking me directly in the eye. I snorted at their lack of kindness. But I suppose it was good that they didn’t look me in the eyes, most people said I was a freak for having them and that they frightened everyone, telling me to avert my eyes from others or where shaded glasses. 

                Only one person ever looks me in the eyes, because he thinks their beautiful and amazing, not frightening and odd. He himself is a rather odd person, so when we call each other weird we take it as a compliment.

                I smiled at the thought of my only true friend and partner. Rose came from beside me with glasses and a pitcher of water.

                “So,” Carter started, “Rose tells me that you are an artist.”

                “I am,” I replied, pouring myself some water and taking a sip.

                “Are you anything else?” I let a croaked grin appear across my pale skin.

                “That depends on what you call ‘anything else,’” I said, letting him see my grin. He gulped.

                “Are you from England?” Why is he asking me these questions? Is this normal for a person to ask in a conversation? I must ask Rose later on, I thought to myself as I pondered how to answer Carter’s question.

                “I was born and lived in England for many years,” was all I said.

                “Why did you come to Canada?” Carter asked.

                “Reasons.” Carter seemed to want to press for more information, but Rose intervened.

                “Kay doesn’t really like talking about her past much.” Carter mumbled an apology. I would accept that if you would just look me in the eyes.

                I stood up suddenly, making everyone turn towards me. I ignored them, pushing my chair back to my room, and closing the door behind me.

                Once inside I let go of a sigh, not opening the door to come out again.


                By the time the knock came on my bedroom door, I had already finished drawing out the entire raven and the details on the rose. I got up slowly, heading over to the door. I pressed my back to the wall, waiting. The handle to the door rattled and turned, the person opening it taking a step inside. Wrong move, my eyes narrowed and I swung a sword in front of the person. The sword happened to be one I kept by my door, a knife was by my bed along with a lethal dagger.

                The person stopped and tensed physically. They took a step back quickly, tripping, and falling on their back. I simple pointed the sword downwards.

                “Stat your name and business,” I said calmly but icily. I heard the person swallow loudly.

                “Carter Mattson, dentist’s assistant.” Oh, I thought, withdrawing the sword from him. I casually placed the dark blade back to the wall and started to wander back to my desk chair.

                “Sorry,” I mumbled dully. A hand stopped my trip back to my desk. Wildly I turned around to see Carter, smiling at me.

                “It’s fine. I just didn’t realize that you would try to kill me,” he said kindly. I looked at the hand on my shoulder, uncomfortable with the contact from a stranger. Carter saw what I was looking at and removed his hand, his face flushed.

                “What can I help you with,” I said kindly. He looked up.

                “Oh, Rose told me to ask you to show me where the guest room is.”

                “Why couldn’t she do it?”

                “She said this was your apartment,” Carter concluded. I nodded; he still hadn’t looked me in the eyes yet. I motioned with my head toward the door and for him to follow me. He did.

                We walked together in silence, I knew Rose went to her room with Richard, and soon I pointed at a door with a silver handle. Carter opened the door, seemingly happy that he found the guest room, and then turned toward me.

                “Thanks,” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

                “You are most welcome,” I replied before turning around toward my own room.

                “Hey, I’m sorry if I pried earlier. I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to know why you came to Canada when you grew up in England.”

                “Its fine,” I said over my shoulder, quoting him. “And you’ll find out soon enough why I am in Canada.” Carter probably looked confused, but sadly I wasn’t that far off.

3: A Start
A Start

A Start


                I didn’t fall into a peaceful sleep, not like Rose would have. I fell into a restless sleep riddled with nightmares.


                The woman with a mean face looked at the five year old me with a scornful expression. In her hand was a rusting knife; on the counter was a red rolling pin, her fingers held onto that knife like her life depended on it.

                “Such a filthy freak,” she hissed at the younger me. I wanted to reach out for the five year old me, but I knew how this dream played out. For it was a memory. The five year old gazed up at the old woman as her husband with a scar marring his face walked into the kitchen.

                “Don’t look at her with those eyes of yours,” he yelled. The child started to cry as her gaze turned toward the dirty tiles that were called the floor. “What did she do?”

                “She looked at me,” the woman replied to her husband in a teary voice. The man grunted looking at the child.

                “Well, she knows the punishment for so many offences.” I glared at the man, just like the five year old.

                “She did nothing!” I yelled, but I knew they couldn’t hear me. This was simply a terrible memory that was now a nightmare. The woman looked down at the glaring child, then back to the knife in hand. The man grabbed the child roughly by the shoulders, leading her to his wife.

                “What type of orphanage is this,” whispered the girl sadly.

                “The bad kind,” the woman said. She slowly dragged the knife across the child’s back, braking skin with the rusted knife. Red drops soon littered the floor in a pattern. The five year old wanted to cry out, but knew that would only cause another cut. Her white shirt was ripped and stained with the warm liquid called blood.


                I jumped out of bed with a start, grabbing my knife quickly. I would have cried out, but I knew that was pointless; I knew I was whimpering softly though. I ran my hand across the scar on my back; it was just a beginning to my life.

                I sighed, not bothering to try to go back asleep. I heard the sound of someone shuffling across the floor, trying to be quiet. That’s not Rose, I thought.

                I carried my knife with me as I crept towards my door. I opened it slightly, gazing into the building darkness of night. Seeing no one, I kept my back to the wall, sliding across it. I heard a dragging sound, like someone was taking out a garbage bag that was just too heavy for them to carry. I didn’t dare turn on a light, knowing that would alert the intruders.

                I saw one bulky shadow carrying a male over his shoulder. I slid behind the counter, knife ready for battle. Then I heard a voice.

                “The girl said there was another one in the room over there.”

                “Then go get her,” came a snarky reply. Crud, I thought.  The bulky shadow came beside me, walking in the direction of my room. I jumped out, lashing at his legs. He backed away quickly, noticing my movements.

                “How dare you come into my house,” I hissed at them, hitting the light switch. I mean they already knew I was here so why be disadvantaged?

                The bulky man looked bewildered and the snarky one looked at me, his curved nose moving along with a snarl. The man beside me charged; grabbing my leg, making me cut at his arm. He let me go, trying to grab my shirt instead. He managed to grab my hand, squeezing, making me drop the knife. I should have grabbed my sword.

                “Knock her out.” The man slammed my skull into the counter.

                And as my vision blurred and blacked, I saw them drag everyone out of the house.


                Damn my head hurts. I attempted to stretch, only hearing the sound of chains moving together. That’s odd. I opened my eyes, only to immediately close them again. The light over head was too bright for its own good.

                “Boss looks like that one is awake,” I heard that bulky man’s voice. I opened my eyes again, and that’s when I remembered. I am going to have to beat him an inch of his life now, I thought angrily.

                “Good to know John,” the snarky one replied. So, he’s the boss. I looked at him. He was skinny, like a tooth pick, with a snake tattoo curling up an exposed arm.  He was sitting on a crate, only getting up when he heard that I was awake.

                “My you have interesting eyes o’ spirited one,” he started as he walked toward me. “You can call me Snake.” Oh bloody hell Snake was the one we were looking for, I thought.

                “Well, Snake,” I spat his name like dirt in my mouth, “I do hope you realize that I am bloody ticked off.” He raised his eyebrows.

                “How’s your head?”

                “Oh, fine. I just can’t wait to bash it in John’s ugly mug,” I said innocently. John looked me up and down, snorting.

                “Kay, calm down,” Carter’s voice said beside me.

                “You should listen to your boyfriend. Though you do have more fight than ‘im,” Snake said smiling a yellow toothy smile. Carter’s face flushed.

                “He isn’t my boyfriend,” I hissed, leaning forward so that it was in his ear.

                “Oh, so you’re sayin’ you’re free, hmm?” Snake trailed his finger down my chin. Disgusted, I bite his finger with all the strength I could muster. He jumped back swearing, holding his now bleeding finger in his hand.

                “Bitch,” he hissed at me. “I hope you save that spirit of yours when we ransom your friends and you’re all alone with us.” I glared knowing that was all I could do at the time.

4: Hope



                I rested my head against the metal bar holding my chains, and sighed. The worst of it wasn’t being kidnapped; it was the boredom of waiting; waiting for them to move or to try to do something to you. Only one tried to do anything to me, and that was Snake. I had already bit him, so they duck-taped my mouth when he came near me, this made me knee him in the stomach instead. Snake threatened that he would get me, but this only made me roll my eyes.

                What I was really doing, trying to suppress the boredom, was to come up with a plan. Since Snake didn’t seem to think of how he was going to contact the Thatcher’s and the Mattson’s, an issue I brought up when they were talking, I had some time to think. The Thatcher’s were on vacation, that’s why Rose was at my apartment, but I didn’t know where the Mattson’s were as of late.

                I sighed again. Their idiocy was not the thing ticking me off the most; it was the fact that they found out where I lived. Maybe Rose and Richard tipped someone off, I thought. So far we had been kidnapped for two weeks, no one even noticing Roses disappearance, and I had only been talking to Carter who was beside me twenty-four seven.

                I learned that his father wanted him to become a lawyer if he was going to get a job, but Carter didn’t want his father running his life and so he was working his way up to being a dentist. I told him how I had grown up in orphanages in Winchester, and that I only really had one friend.

                I wonder how he is doing, I thought. Carter was asleep beside me, as were most of the gang members. I jumped up, remembering something. I had a distress button in my jeans, but it was in my back pocket. I can signal him.

                I stretched as best I could, my chains hitting the metal pole with a clang. Snake was awake and turned around to look at me. I stared back at him, making him wither under my gaze.

                “What ya doin’ Spirit?” He asked. I shrugged and continued with my hands trying to get to my back pocket.

                “I am doing nothing,” was my reply. “Perhaps we should work on your vocabulary, Snake.” It was meant as an insult, but he just looked confused.  And that’s when I felt it, the small bump of the device. I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time; hope. I pressed down onto the device, hoping the signal would reach him soon.

                “You wantin’ to teach me somethin’,” Snake said, breaking me out of my trance. I shook my head, making him shrug and turn back to the small television in front of him. I turned and nudged Carter with my shoulder. He stirred.

                “Hey,” he said drowsily.

                “Hello,” I said. “Do you think you will ever look me in the eyes?”

                I could tell that he smiled even though I could not see him. “Yeah, I think I will.”

“Good, because I do hope you know that you are not my friend unless you look me in the eye at least once.”

“I figured.” I let myself have a small smile. But I soon frowned again in remembrance. The dirty floors of our prison reminded me of the first orphanage I went to. Though, the people here tortured us for different reasons; it was to punish us for not following their rules. Whereas, the orphanage tortured us for enjoyment, even though they said it was for punishment.

I closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep; knowing that it would be far from peaceful.


                I opened my eyes to see the cracked ceiling of Miss Pennies Orphanage. This time I was not the person on the side lines watching it happen again; this time I was living it again. There was a light pitter patter of rain on the windows, that meant that the ceiling would be leaking somewhere in the living area.

                I knew this orphanage better than the back of my hand, or I did at the time. My hand would always get new scars and cuts, making me forget what my hand looked like half the time. I knew only one place better than this and that was Safe’s House, the second and final orphanage I went to.

                Sadly, since I was lying in the bedroom up stairs and not working; this would lead to punishment from either the woman or the man. I took in a deep breath, hoping that it was the woman. But I knew this memory too well; it would be the man.

                There he stood, leaning slightly on the door’s archway, towering over me. He grabbed the back of my oversized t-shirt, dragging me to my feet. I swung my hands, desperate to be free. But, I was only a five year old, almost six, I could not fight against an older man.

                “What were you thinking you little brat?” The man hissed in my ear. The splintering wooden floors were starting to tear at my hands and legs. I knew not to talk back to him, which was one of the rules in this house.

                We rounded a corner, having made our way down the creaking steps, and into the woman. She looked from me to her husband, nodding and shaking her head; like it was sad that I was always being punished by one of them.

                “Was she not working?” The man nodded, lifting me up higher. “Though she should be punished, someone is here for her.” I stopped squirming; someone was here for me. I wasn’t going to be punished; that never happened.

                Then the man grunted, placing me down on the floor roughly. The woman nodded her head to the door, motioning me to follow. I did. Only I was lead to a kind looking man in a suit and hat, he was an older gentleman, and not some savage family looking for a child to torture. The kind man looked at the woman then back at me.

                “Are you Amelia?” He asked. “My name is Max Waters. I’ll be taking you to my orphanage where you will learn, and grow smarter. Is that okay?” I stared at him. Mr. Waters was offering me a way out of this horrid place.

                “Yes, I’m Amelia. But please call me Kay,” I said. My voice sounded strange, like it wasn’t my own. Though my accent was still there, my voice was hoarse from ill use.

                Mr. Waters nodded, extending a hand, which I took gratefully, and we went outside into the frigid air of winter. A black vehicle waited in front of the run down orphanage. Max Waters opened the door, letting me climb inside the back. Another child, a couple years older than me, sat in the other seat. And I knew that this would be the end of the terror that was Miss Pennies Orphanage.


                I woke up sputtering, ice water dripped down my hair and into my face. Snake stood in front of me, a wide smirk spread across his face. I glared back at him defiantly.

                “Looks like ya’ll awake now,” he said, staring at me with cold eyes. I kept my expression stoic, aside from my eyes that is. Carter looked concerned from beside me as Snake turned and left; a blue bucket in hand.

                “Are you okay,” Carter asked, concerned. I nodded, even though he could not see me.

                “We will be out of here soon,” I stated simply. “Very soon.”

5: Time



                I gritted my teeth as Carter went on and on about how he was so very concerned about his darling brother and his girlfriend. I was very close to killing someone, even if that went the closet person to me. By my standards, Carter was my friend until he proved otherwise. Though, I would love if he would look me in the eyes just once.

                It had been three days since my signal went out. I didn’t know if he responded or not, but I did know that he was coming. Now all I need is to find out where Rose and Richard are, I thought to myself while I bite my lip.

                Snake was pacing back and forth impatiently. I watched him, my eyes trailing his movements. John, who I now called Troll, was leaning against one of the dirt caked walls.

                “Snake where are my friends?” I asked politely. He stopped pacing, looking at me curiously.

                “Why are you askin’ me now?” I shrugged as best I could.

                “It just came to mind now.” His eyes narrowed.

                “Do you want to talk to them?” I nodded slowly. Snake looked at Troll, indicating his head to someplace behind me. Troll nodded, lips pursed, and made his way over to the other end of the room, out of my sight. What is he doing? I thought.

                Snake sat on a crate near me, reaching over to touch my hair. I moved back, bumping into Carter on my way. Snake laughed; a savage cruel sound, not unlike someone coughing. I sighed; right before Troll came out, dragging Rose and Richard with him.

                “Ah it’s like a family reunion but only with friends instead,” Snake said smiling. I just continued to glare.

                Rose’s eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying this entire time. Richard look like he was about to cry; his rich attire was gone, leaving him looking like me in my pair of ratty jeans and shirt. Carter looked at Richard with pleading eyes, as though he could get us out of our chains. Rose looked over at me.

                “Now I know why you keep a sword in your room Kay,” she said teary. Richard looked at me confused.

                “You have a sword in your room?” I shrugged.

                “Of course,” I said as if that explained everything. Rose looked down at the ground as Snake walked by. He has trained her well. I stared after him, Rose giving me a warning look.

                “So, what are you going to do now?” I asked Snake. He looked at all of us, as though we were all broken and helpless.

                “I have to wait until her parents call back.” I raised an eyebrow. When had he contacted the Thatcher’s? Must have been when I was asleep that one time, I concluded.

                “But, you get to stay with me. Since there is no one willing to pay your ransom,” he smirked. Of course there wasn’t; I didn’t have any real parents.

Snake was about to continue when a sudden noise cut him off. A teenage boy ran down, what sounded like stairs, over to Snake and Troll. He yelled at them saying there were some guys attacking the house in search for us. I couldn’t help but allow a smirk to appear across my face. Snake told Troll to stop the people, and then he turned to me.

                “What did you do,” he hissed.

                “Oh, me? I simply alerted my friend of our present situation,” I said innocently. Snake shook with rage; I personally wanted to hit him upside the head.

                A loud grunt echoed off the walls of what I now assumed was a basement. Snake gave us one last look before dashing away. Coward, saving your own skin. A skinny man appeared beside us, a gas mask on his face. I smiled widely at him.

                “You couldn’t leave your partner, could you?” He grunted before another man, this one seemed older, came over with chain cutters. The skinny one came over to me, cutting mine first. I rubbed my wrists happily.

                “Thanks Lawrence,” I said to him. He nodded, handing me a gas mask and cutters.


                By the time we cut everyone out and were in the helicopter to freedom, they all we asking me questions. All I told them was that I would explain once we were back on solid ground. Carter pouted like a five year old, but fell asleep along with the rest.

                I let go of a breath I didn’t even know I was holding, and climbed to the co-pilot seat. Lawrence was steering the helicopter toward a safe house. Mr. Waters, the man from before, was in the back tending to the injuries of the sleeping. When he had tried to tend to mine first, I had told him to go to the others. 

                “Thanks again, Elliot,” I whispered his real name. He looked at me briefly.

                “What type of partner would I be if I let my partner die, Amelia,” he whispered back, his English accent a hum.

                I sighed. “Not a very good one I’m afraid.” Elliot glanced behind him at the three sleeping forms.

                “Do they know?”


                “Will you tell them?”

                “I have to,” I said looking out the window and closing my eyes. I leaned my head back against the seat. I could feel Elliot’s eyes on me. And so I spoke.

                “Goodnight, Elliot.”

                “Goodnight, Amelia.” By the time we get to headquarters, I had better be ready. Or else, I might just lose what little sanity I have left.


6: Explanation



                I woke up from my sleep with a soft bed below me. A warm blanket made for the harsh winters we got in England lay on top of my form. How I get here, I thought tiredly. Elliot probably brought me in here. I smiled slightly at the thought. My pale friend being the only person I was close to for years, that is until I grew close to one other.

                My hand searched for a clock, wondering what time it was. I found a digital watch lying on its side on the bed table. Nine in the morning, hm. I should probably get up. Then the thought struck me. I had yet to explain the whole meaning of my being here in Canada, and who Elliot was.

                With a sigh, I climbed out of the bed and walked into the hallway. I heard Carter yelling at someone. Most likely Elliot, I thought with a roll of my eyes.

                “So, where is she?” Carter started.

                “Who?” was Elliot’s response.


                “She was asleep but is now in the hallway looking at us strangely,” he said. Carter whipped around to the hallway entrance, where I was standing. I gave a small wave, which Carter ignored as he turned back to Elliot, who was staring at me.

                “I owe you guys an explanation,” I stated when I saw Rose and Richard sitting beside each other on the couch. Elliot was on the chair, looking bored; and Carter was standing there, seething. I took the chair beside Elliot’s; he watched my every move.

                And so I began. “Though all of you know me, you do not know a person named Kay Jane.” They all looked confused, aside from Elliot. “That name is simply an alias, much like how Lawrence is for him.” I pointed at Elliot. “I will not tell you my real name or his, but I will tell you why I am in Canada at this time.

                “I am a detective here on a case pertaining to the gang the man Snake is in. Lawrence here is my only partner and is a detective too. Since my case was with that gang, I decided that I should not stay hidden and I came out of hiding to gain more information.”

                “Against my wishes,” Elliot piped in. I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

                “Yes, against your wishes but please shut up. The gang has been kidnapping and selling off people to others, or ransoming them, and in some cases murdering them. They sell drugs around the world but their leader was stationed in Canada, thus the reason why I am here.”

                “So you’re saying you became friends with me because I was a target,” Rose questioned.

                “No, meeting you was never part of the plan; Lawrence and I did not even know you were the target until it was too late.”

                “So, what detective team are you?” Carter asked, having settled down.

                “We are known to the world as the Colored Raven,” I finished, getting up from my seat to sit on the arm of Elliot’s chair. Carter, Richard, and Rose all just blinked, confused by my explanation. The Colored Raven was one of the top detectives in the world.

                “We will need to keep you three here for security reasons,” Elliot said from beside me. We shared the same stoic expression, even though I knew he was angry at the fact I took the risk and was captured. I bit my lip in thought of what to do.

                Carter just stared at Elliot and I, as if he didn’t like me being near him. I raised an eyebrow at him and stretched. I winced, forgetting that I had yet to treat my wounds I had received. Elliot noticed, looking up until he caught my eyes.

                “I’m going for a shower,” I said abruptly. I really did not want to have a conversation right now with Elliot. But before I even left the room I noticed that everyone had changed into different clothes, meaning they already had showered.

                I rushed down the hallway, into the room where I seemed to have some spare clothes, and into the bathroom. The door shut with a click behind me. I let out another breath, knowing that I would have to face Elliot when I got out.

                I turned on the water for the shower, making the room steam. As I pulled my clinging shirt over my head, I hoped that the running water would wash away everything.


                By the time I was out of the bathroom, the building was too quiet. I looked around trying to find any sign of life. I scratched my head while I turned the corner and blinked; there was no one. It was as if I had entered a horror movie, me being the last victim; or the killer.

                I backed up; heading to the room I had now assumed was mine. I noticed that there was only three other doors down this hallway, aside from my bedroom. One was the bathroom. I opened the door across from the bathroom to see a towel closet, meaning the last one was probably a bedroom.

                I sighed, opening the door to my room and putting my dirty clothes in a grey hamper near the dresser.

                “You are not very observant sometimes.” How would you feel if all you heard was a low monotone voice behind you in the dark? I didn’t feel too well.

                 “Bloody hell,” I yelled turning around. Elliot was sitting casually on my bed, his expression innocent. “What are you doing here?”

                “I needed to talk to you,” he said seriously. I took a seat beside him on the bed; it made a creaking noise from the weight. My wet hair dripped into my face.

                “About what?”

                “You know what.” I frowned; I wasn’t going to get off that easily. I refused to look at him.

                “I can’t believe you decided to go and leave right after I told you not to. Where was your sense? You say you were fine but you were not; you got captured and injured while I was far away. I could not protect you, that ticks me off,” Elliot said, trying to get me to look at him. I gulped. “Amelia, look at me.”

                I turned to look at him, but nearly jumped out of my skin. He was so close our noses were almost touching; I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I stared into his sky blue eyes, those eyes were home for me.

                “I am,” I stated, my gaze not wavering. Elliot smiled a warm smile.

                Getting nervous I asked, “Where is everyone?”

                His eyebrows rose. “They went to go get some of their things. I put trackers on them just in case.” Elliot moved in a little closer, but then backed up slightly. I could feel my face getting hot. Then looking at me, he suddenly got up.

                “I am going to check the monitors to see if they are back. Please come out soon Kay,” Elliot said to me.

                “Back to alias’, already?” He didn’t respond as he slid out the door, shutting it behind him. What was he doing? I thought to myself.


7: Plans



                I sat at a one of the many computers in the monitor room, typing in the information I had gathered. Elliot was beside me, eating cherries and tying the stems into knots. Even though the others were here under protection, that didn’t mean they didn’t complain. Carter was the worst out of all of them; he thought that it was a waste of time to be sitting around looking for information.

                I sighed, before I resumed typing. Elliot said we were at a standstill, even if this was our first one, and that we were going to get through it like we had with our different problems. When he said that; Carter seemed oddly angry, as though the thought of Elliot knowing me better was a problem.

                “You seem to be sighing a lot as of late, Kay,” Elliot said. I caught his emphasis on the alias, causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

                “Well, at least I am being productive, Lawrence,” I shot back. My cocoon of blankets was covering everything, aside from my hands, but started to fall to the floor.

                “You need to focus.” I glared.

                “Says the man doing what are supposedly sexually teasing activities…”  Now everyone was staring at us.

                “…Well at least I have friends!” Elliot shouted back in Japanese.

                “Liar, you only have me!” I shouted back, also in Japanese.

                “I have awards!”

                “Well, look at that Lawrence only has his awards to back him up!”

                “Apposed to what, per say?”

                “I don’t know, maybe, human gratitude!” Now we were in each other’s face, close enough to kiss.

                “You got one hug three years ago…”

                “…Oh yeah look at that, Kay gets a hug and Lawrence almost gets murdered!” Rose, who was watching us with the others, ran over pushing my chair away from Elliot’s. I blinked, confused.

                “What did you do that?” I asked in English. Rose looked at me oddly; Elliot gazed over her shoulder, sharing my confused expression.

                “Yes, why did you do that?” Elliot asked as well. Rose looked from him to me.

                “I don’t want you to fighting and going for each other’s throats,” she stated sternly. We both blinked.

                “Fighting?” I said.

                “Why would we fight?” Elliot said. Rose blinked at both of us.

                I turned swiftly back to my keyboard, about to continue typing. I called over my shoulder at Rose, “Maybe you should take a break. We would never fight.” And I continued typing, Elliot continued eating his cherries.

                Carter said the one thing that was probably on all of their minds. “What the hell was that?”


                I ran up a set of stairs, heading to the small gym that was in the headquarters building. I slammed open the door, excited at what I had found. I was about to yell out at them when I was on the ground.

                The air was knocked out of me, making me struggle to breathe. I was about to take a breath, when another force slammed into me. I was gasping on the ground like a fish out of water. Voices were calling my name; my fake name at least.  I stood up, clutching my chest in pain.

                “Uh, are you okay?” Carter asked, sounding concerned.

                “I-I’m fine,” I got out. Elliot was glaring at Carter.

                “And you wanted to practice fighting Carter. You almost killed her,” Elliot growled.

                “Me? You’re the one who kicked me,” Carter complained. I raised my hand, as if to say I was fine.

                “Lawrence, I found something that could be important,” I said, ignoring Carter completely. Elliot raised an eyebrow, curious. I motioned for him to follow me back to the monitoring room. He started following me down the steps leading there.


                “I found out that the guy, Snake, isn’t the main leader. He has been receiving many calls from anonymous places,” I told Elliot, who looked amused from over my shoulder.

                “You’re a genius,” he stated.

                “Nope I simply am losing the thing humans call sanity,” I said back with a genuine smile. He smiled back. Carter cleared his throat. I swiveled my chair to face him, raising my eyebrows in question.

                “So, you found out that there is a main leader. Now what,” he said smugly. I stared, not really sure what to do.

                “This is great. It means that Lawrence and I are closer to solving this case and putting this guy behind bars,” I said. Carter snorted and walked away, annoyed. What’s his problem? And why did he seem nervous when I was saying I had found a main leader, I thought, but soon I shrugged off the feeling of suspicion.  

8: Question



                I stretched from my desk chair by the monitors. I was alone; Elliot had told me that he was going to go and try to get some sleep. He told me that if I discovered something or came across a problem I couldn’t solve, to come and wake him.

                Currently, I was researching the fact that the leader and all of his important men were going to have a masquerade party. Sadly, to get this information I had to track down Snake’s phone and tap into his conversations. Meaning I had to listen to him telling some men that he would track the Thatcher girl down and kill the other girl; meaning he was planning on killing me.

                All we need is the name of the leader then this is all over, I thought calmly. But, when this was over then what? I was probably going to go back into hiding with Elliot, solving other cases all around the world. Elliot, I thought.

                I sighed, collecting the papers littering the desk. I was going to try to think this case over from my bed, meaning that sleep would hopefully help me.

                Picking myself up, I went toward the staircase leading to the abandoned place I called a bedroom. Maybe I’m looking at this case wrong. Maybe I am looking too far for the leader. I rubbed my head in irritation; I mean how far could I be from the truth?

                I heard the light noise of someone walking, making me stop dead in my tracks. I was about to go for the small knife I had been keeping in my pocket; Elliot gave it to me knowing that I had lost my own. But as soon as I went for it, I was pinned to the wall.

                I blinked in the dim light; in front of me was Carter. Carter had pinned me to the wall; for what, enjoyment? Torment? His breath fell on to my face, smelling slightly of liquor. I gulped, trying to reach for my knife.

                “Why?” His voice said in confusion. Why what?

                “What,” I asked; knowing that if I didn’t this could end badly.

                 “Why is he so important to you?” I blinked.


                “Lawrence. I don’t understand why he is so important to you,” Carter explained.

                “He is my family,” I replied simply.

                “But what is he to you,” he slurred. What is Elliot to me?

                “He is someone very special that I would never betray in my will. As long as I am beside him it would be enough for me; as long as I am there to protect him.”

                Carter looked up at me with sad eyes; his face inches from mine. He brought one hand down to stroke my cheek, making me turn my head away. The sound of footsteps echoed off the empty room. I looked over Carter’s shoulder, hoping someone would make this position disappear into a comfortable one.

                From what I saw; Elliot was standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable. I let out a breath, Carter backed away from me. I turned to Elliot.

                “What are you doing up?” Elliot watched me, his eyes searching mine.

                “I was coming to get you; hopefully to get you to sleep,” he replied. I blinked. Oh, I thought. That’s good right? But then even when I told that to myself, why did I feel disappointed?

                “Well then let’s go get some sleep,” I replied, taking a step toward him. We turned to the stairs, slowly making our descent. I could feel Carter’s eyes burning into my back the entire way down.


                When we had made it to the hallway which led to my room, I learned that the room across from mine was Elliot’s. I was about to enter my room, but a long pale arm covered in a black sleeve stopped me, pulling the door closed. Turning, I was going to say something when he pulled me into his room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

                I frowned, knowing that I was not escaping this room. Sighing, I sat on the bed behind me, Elliot soon joining me. Everything fell into an uncomfortable silence.

                “What were you doing,” he finally asked. I looked up at the ceiling, biting my lip.

                “I was coming to my bedroom. Carter just happened to push me against the wall,” I explained. Looking at him through the corner of my eye, I noticed that he seemed to be seething.

                I shrugged. “But I’m here now, so let’s get some sleep.” Elliot’s reply was a grunt, but he complied. I soon lied down beside him, quickly falling into slumber; still hoping for peace.


                I woke up, surprised. I had not had any nightmares or memories interrupt my sleep; for once I felt safe. That was until I realized I was in Elliot’s arms. Jumping up, I quickly made my retreat off the bed. Sadly, Elliot was awake.

                “You were peaceful in your sleep,” he said softly. I looked at him awkwardly.

                “Thanks.” Then I remembered something. “Elliot, can I go to get my violin?” He watched me carefully.

                “No.” I rolled my eyes.

                “It’s not in the apartment it is in a studio I rented, and you can put a tracker on me and everything.” Elliot just looked at me; knowing that I wasn’t going to give up, he nodded. I gave a small “thanks” before leaving the room behind and going up to the monitor room, where everyone else would most likely be.


                The first thing I saw was Carter, the second being Rose and Richard kissing on the couch. I ignored the latter and headed toward the computer that I had spent most of my time on lately.

                Carter came up beside me, looking as if he had a question to ask.

                “Yes, can I help you?” I asked politely. He bobbed his head up and down enthusiastically. I waited for him to ask his question.

                “Well, from the information you told me yesterday night,” he started, making me almost flinch at the memory. “If Lawrence was dying would you try to save him?”

                “Yes,” I said immediately.

                “But what if you had to die in order to save him? Or you did die when saving him?” I pondered this. Then I shrugged.

                “I don’t know.” Carter looked confused.

                “You don’t know?” I nodded. “Why don’t you know?”

                I began to explain. “I don’t know because I think if I died to safe him by choice he would be angry at the fact that I left him. Or at least I would if I was dying and he did that. Now if I died against my will, he would take it out on the person who killed me.”

                Carter nodded before standing up and leaving; Elliot had just walked into the room, taking a seat beside me. I couldn’t help but noticed the evil gleam in Carter’s eyes. Ignoring his look, I bit my lip in thought. What if the leader is closer to us than we think? I jumped from my seat. That would make perfect sense; he would have all of our movements when planning his own.

                “Are you okay?” Elliot asked from beside me.

                “Perfect, I think I just found out something,” I replied before running swiftly out of the room; not even turning back to wait for his reply.

9: Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams


                “Oh, come on Lawrence,” I said exasperated. Elliot just looked at me, a scowl dancing in his eyes.

                “No,” he said with finality. I sighed, irritated for having this conversation for so long.

                “I am a grown woman; I think I can go get my violin from my studio by myself. I don’t need those three to go get it.”

                “You are my partner and I said no. The others have already gone for you, so calm down.” I blinked; I hadn’t even realized that the others were gone. Looking around I sighed again, closing my eyes, before plopping myself on the couch in the living room; where Elliot and I ended up after he chased me through the building, yelling for me to tell him what I had discovered. I still had yet to tell him.

                When I opened my eyes, all I saw was a messy curtain of ink-black hair and sky blue eyes. He was mere inches away from my nose, staring at me with such drilling soulless intensity that I almost shuddered. Elliot had never before used those types of eyes on me; eyes seemingly deprived of emotion and thought.

                He was leaning over me; one arm on the back of the couch, the other beside my left shoulder. I just stared up at him from the reddish leather of the couch. Elliot just watched my movements, even though there weren’t any. Then, I final asked the question.

                “Elliot, what’s wrong?” He just blinked; leaning slightly closer to me making him mere centimeters away from my nose. “Did Carter ask you some questions?” I felt like I was talking to a young child; lost and confused. He nodded.

                “Are you worried?” Another nod. “Why?”

                “Because I do not know what your answer was, and I don’t know what your relationship is with him,” was his only reply. My relationship with him? I thought to myself. What relationship? What did Carter say to Elliot? To say I was angry was an understatement; I was beyond that emotion.

                “I don’t have a relationship with him,” I replied with a reassuring smile. He sighed in relief, taking his left hand from the back of the couch to play with a curl from my hair.

                “Your hair has grown longer,” Elliot said, distracted. I let my gaze wander down to a strand of hair; it used to be just above my shoulder, but for the past few months had grown to just past my shoulder blades.

                “I guess it has,” I replied. Elliot seemed to have leaned closer, making our noses touch.

                Even though it was distracting, a thought occurred to me. “Elliot, do you want to know what I was thinking earlier?” He searched my eyes.

                “No,” he said softly. “Not right now.” I blinked, not sure what to do. I was about to ask why, considering he chased me around to find out; but by the time I opened my mouth to say something, I was interrupted.

                Elliot leaned down, just brushing my lips with his. I felt the blood rushing to my face, causing a warm blush. He started to lean in towards me more, as though to kiss me, but suddenly backed up. He retreated to the other side of the room, his face as red as mine. What the hell!

                “Now please tell me,” Elliot said, trying to change the subject and atmosphere; though he wouldn’t look at me. It didn’t really work, but I was thankful for the change of subject. And so, I sat up; looking at him in the far corner, as if I was illegal to be around.

                I cleared my throat, my blush still lingering. “Well, I thought what if the leader of the gang is someone we know.” He looked up at me.


                “That would mean that the leader would know our movements so that he could plan accordingly. He would learn our weaknesses and try to use them against us, hoping to probably kill us,” I finished. Elliot pondered this.

                “If that were true that would mean the only suspects would be from the Mattson family, since no one else knows us as persons. Rose Thatcher is not a suspect simply because her family runs hospitals and she was being held for ransom,” he said monotonously. I nodded, getting up to head to the monitor room.

                “That would make sense since the Mattson family owns one of the largest trading facilities in the world.” Elliot started to follow me; the monitor room was only one floor above us.

                “Then it would have to be a family member that is either not receiving inheritance, or someone who has been ignored through the family for generations,” Elliot finished for me. In a matter of minutes we had made the ascent up the stairs, pondering on possible suspects.

                “That would mean that….” I trailed off, not even wanting to think of the possibilities.

                “Our only suspect is Carter Mattson, who has been asking rather interesting questions as of late,” he finished my sentence. I bit my lip in thought.

                “Where are they now?” Elliot typed some words into the computer.

                “All three trackers are on their way here, Amelia.”

                “Then I guess we better come up with questions for him, don’t you think?”


                I was staring at the ceiling when it happened. Elliot told me that Rose, Carter, and Richard’s trackers said they were in the building coming up the elevator. We had come up with the questions we needed to interrogate Carter.

                The elevator, which Elliot and I usually ignored, came to a shrieking halt; the doors opening slowly. I stood from my seat, expecting Rose to come bursting through to tackling me in a hug, but what came through those doors were anything but friendly.

                Carter was leaning on the left steel wall of the elevator, smiling wickedly. Troll and Snake stood in front of him wearing what could only be gas masks. I turned around to warn Elliot, but I heard Carter whisper softly before he put his own mask on.

                “Sweet dreams.”

10: The Truth
The Truth

The Truth


                I woke up groggily, my vision spotted. My head felt like I had been hit with a concrete bat, though it was probably just a metal one. I was tied up….again. But this time it was with rope, not with chains and a bar. Looking around to clear my vision, I noticed that Elliot was nowhere to be seen; only Rose tied up beside me. She was looking at the ground, tears streaked her tanned face. Richard was not with us either, I realized.

                Then it hit me, as some would say, like a ton of bricks. Elliot was not with us, and since I know he was captured, although gassed and not hit over the head, that meant he could be dead without me realizing. I began to panic, tying to untie the knot around my wrists to no avail. Rose noticed me though.

                “Oh my God,” she said. “I thought you were dead. You weren’t moving and Carter came in here with you saying that he had Lawrence and Richard and I thought…..”

                “You thought what,” I snapped. Rose looked taken aback; even I was taken aback by my own voice.

                “I have never seen you lose your cool,” she said carefully. I blinked, turning my gaze to the ground. My head was swimming; my vision blurred. “Are you worried? I’m sure Carter wouldn’t hurt them.”

                “You’re wrong,” I stated quietly, my voice just above a whisper.


                I chuckled lightly. “You’re right in the fact that he probably won’t hurt Richard, so don’t be concerned. But I have every reason to be concerned.”

                “How do you have every reason,” she asked. I could practically hear her pouting. My eyes found her eyes, and I leaned back.

                “Lawrence is the only thing left keeping me from going insane. If he is gone then what am I to do? He is the only person I truly know and care for.” I didn’t mean that as offensive, as though she wasn’t my friend or someone I trusted, and she knew that. I had just known Elliot for too long to say that he wasn’t helping my sanity.

                Rose blinked, and then asked, “What is he to you, Kay?”

                That question again. I seemed to be getting that question a lot lately.

                And so I answered, “I’m not sure I know.”

                She frowned. “You do know you just won’t admit it.” Even though I knew it would not help me, I scowled at her. Rose scoffed.

                “I can’t,” I said clearly. She watched me, looking as though she had something to say; but a stabbing pain in my side stopped her.

                I fell to my side, grunting as the wind was knocked out of me. Snake stood over top of me, smirking.

                “Never thought I would be seein’ you again, spirit,” he said. I coughed; he had kicked me in the side, with what felt like steel toed boots. Rose looked like she was about to scream, but one look from Snake stopped her.

                “The boss wants ta see you two. Meanin’ I get to lead ya that way.” I glared up at him, letting some of my emotions go.

                He scowled, dragging me to my feet, and motioning for Rose to get up too. She did. Snake made both of us stand in front of him, though I had to stay the closet to him, meaning I had loaded gun on my back. He explained it as “To make sure I didn’t try anythin’”; even though I was injured and probably couldn’t even lift a knife.

                But he led us straight to Carter, who was glowering over Elliot and Richard. Carter noticed us, turning to face Snake.

                “Put those two over there,” he commanded, motioning Snake to put us opposite of Elliot and Richard. While being made to sit down on our knees, I looked around; noticing that we all seemed to be in a warehouse.

                What turned my gaze was Carter, who sauntered around the room, looking as giddy as ever. I noticed that in his left hand he held a pistol, the safety off, and loaded.

                “Ah, I am so happy that you’re all here,” Carter said gleefully. I rolled my eyes.

                “Yes, isn’t it grand,” I replied sarcastically. Carter waved a finger in my face, scolding me. I wanted to bite him.

                “Though we need to teach you manners, Kay, we sadly don’t have the time,” he tsked, clapping his hands together. “But, we do have time for the truth, since I know you’re dying to hear it.”

                I blinked, letting my eyes wander to Elliot. He seemed fine, meaning he had no blood on him. I bit my lip, remembering that my hands were tied by rope.

Rope! I thought. I can untie it. My fingers worked their way to the terrible knot that one of them tied. Carter started to explain while I untied the knot.

                “So, it all started when my father said that as the second son I get nothing of the family business,” he explained. “At first I loathed Richard but then I realized something. I thought ‘Hey, why don’t I start my own business, so that I can change the world.’ So, when my father was on a business trip in a different country, I met up with Snake and his gang. He liked my views; thus, leading to our selling of drugs and humans, even making a few killings here and there.”

                I blinked, having untied the knot.

                “So, what you’re saying is that you did all this out of jealousy,” Richard practically growled at his brother. Carter shook his head sadly.

                “It started that way, but when the Colored Raven started to work on my case and my men were getting caught I thought it would be fun to have a challenge,” Carter explained, making me scowl. He turned to me.

                “I also wanted to see if I could get you to help me, but sadly for me you stayed with Lawrence.” I glared defiantly at him. “Oh, I love it when you glare, makes me know that you still have some fire left.”

                He swiftly turned towards Elliot, making my heart drop. Elliot glared at him too. My side was throbbing, as was my head.

                Carter looked over at me, pointing his gun at Elliot. “I wonder if you’ll join me once I kill your partner.” His finger was on the trigger, about to pull.

                It was as if everything was in slow motion; I jumped up and run toward Carter who was about to pull the trigger, then I slammed into him just as he shot, wrecking his aim. I pulled back to look over at Elliot, blood dripped down his shoulder where he had been hit. Good, at least it was not fatal.

                I then felt a stabbing pain in my chest, causing me to look down. I saw Carter’s hand on the hilt of a knife, blood dripping down his arm. I looked down at my chest, all I saw was the hilt, the blade having disappeared into my chest.

                Carter stood up, watching me fall to the floor. I was not sure if it was shock or the fact that I was losing blood at an alarmingly fast rate, but I just laid there on the dirty warehouse floor.

                “Bitch,” he hissed at me, raising his gun. From the corner of my eye I noticed Elliot struggling against his restraints. Someone shouted my alias as I heard Carter shoot, and I felt the pain of the bullet in my shoulder near my throat.

                My eyes slid closed; my vision falling into darkness.

11: Death



                I watched as my partner fell to the ground, a knife in her chest. I froze, not being able to do anything to help her. Carter Mattson leveled his gun towards her, causing me to struggle once more, and shot. The bullet hit her. I yelled out. She didn’t respond, just closed her eyes.

                My head fell, even with the pain in my shoulder; I felt more pain in my chest as though I was the one stabbed. Her name just kept running through my head. Carter Mattson fixed his jacket, looking down at her with disgust.

                “Serves her right,” he spat, turning toward his men. “Untie my brother and his girlfriend. Burn the place down.” I looked up; Rose Thatcher was crying where she sat, Richard Mattson was looking at his brother with disdain.

                “How could you,” he whispered. “How could you just kill her?” Richard shouted from beside me. Carter grunted, making his way towards the door behind us on the other side of the room. Blood started to puddle on to the ground underneath Amelia; my own blood was just dripping through my shirt, staining it red.

                The one man by Rose untied her then Richard, leaving me for death. The rest of the men spread gasoline, by the smell of it, throughout the centre of the building and rushing to the doors.

                I heard Carter, my enemy, yell at us. “Hope you two run ‘cause I’m lighting this place up.” I swore I heard the match hit the concrete. Rose stood up, rushing toward Amelia, who was taking shallow ragged breaths.

                Richard Mattson came over to me, untying the knot binding my hands. Rose Thatcher looked confused.

                “What do I do?” She asked. I ran over to her and Amelia. “Lawrence, what do we do?”

                I looked at Amelia’s face, pain streaking it, her eyes closed.  Her breathing was ragged and small.

“Call an ambulance,” I stated, ripping a piece of my shirt and grabbing the hilt of the knife. Rose looked at me, confused. And even though I knew I was the wrong thing to do, I pulled out the knife; Amelia gave one straggled cry of pain. I whispered an apology, wrapping my arms under her dying form.

I lifted her up bridal style as some call it, and almost immediately dropped her. Richard caught my arm, motioning for me to give her to him. Can I trust you? I thought.

                “You can trust them,” I remembered Amelia saying to me one night when we were working late. “Because I trust them, and you trust me.”

                The thought of giving her to the brother of the man who had stabbed her sounded revolting, I complied; though somewhat unwillingly. Richard took her from me gently, holding her the way I was trying to earlier.

                I gave Richard Mattson the piece of fabric I used for the hilt, telling him to put pressure on the wound by her shoulder; I did not want his hands near her chest.

                “We need to leave now,” Rose Thatcher shouted as she ran for the door; Richard following suit.

                I ran behind them, gripping my bleeding shoulder; the fire was starting to lick my arm by the time we made it to the steel door. The three of us jumped out of the building, coughing from the smoke.

                “Does anyone have a cellular phone,” I asked, still coughing. I felt a small burning pain on my arm, and looking down I saw that the fire had given me a first degree burn on the lower part of my left arm.

                “I do,” Richard said, laying Amelia on the ground. “Carter forgot that I keep a spare in my back pocket. Or, at least he didn’t take the spare.” He said the last part thoughtfully, like it was odd for his brother to not remember that it was there.

                “Then call an ambulance,” Rose practically yelled at him; I could see that she was in a panic, stress now having caught up to her.

                “Rose Thatcher gets stressed quickly; sometimes making her faint,” I remembered Amelia saying to me over the phone when I was searching for her.

                “What does that have to do with you running away?” I had asked her, irritated that I had not found her until she called me.

                “It doesn’t,” had been her response to me. Then she had hung up saying that she that she had to leave rather soon. I wonder; if you had not run away that day, would we be in this situation? I thought.

                Richard was putting his phone away, having called an ambulance. He went over to Rose, trying to calm her down before she fainted. I was beside Amelia, putting pressure on her wounds; but sadly her blood was starting to puddle on the ground again.

                “When did the medics say that they would be here?” I asked, knowing that Amelia might bleed out by the time they do.

                “In a couple of minutes.” Was Richard’s casual reply. I wanted to kick him; I didn’t know what I would do if I lost her, my only partner.


                We waited ten minutes before the medics came. Amelia’s breathing had become minimal, as though she was ready to give up. The medics had brought two ambulances, one for me and one for Amelia.

                They immediately went over to her, placing her on a stretcher and trying to give her oxygen. I tried to go with them, but one man held me back.

                “You can’t go with her. You need to go with the other ambulance,” he explained. I didn’t care; I needed to make sure she lived.

                Eventually, they forced me into the ambulance. Rose shouted at me saying that she would go with Amelia. This meant that she would be under the name Kay Anderson in the hospital records.

                The medics asked me for my name, making me reply with Lawrence Williams. But I was distracted; I just watched my partner be driven into oblivion, maybe even death.