
Congmei dragged along the path to her village with the meats she had traded with a year's supply of rice. Those meats were delicious, but she had to work for it. After all, she WAS the only child of her small village's Chief. She was willing to do all the lifting for her friends and father.

"Hey, have you heard?" an older man said.

"The new Emperor? Yeah." said the younger man.

"There's rumors going about that he's looking for wives." an older woman said.

"Wow, it would be nice if he took our daughter, wouldn't it?!" the older man gleamed.

"Oh, shut'yer yap, you old bag. He's gonna take my sister!" the younger man nodded.

Although, she was long gone when she heard that the Emperor was looking for wives.

"Papa! Papa!" Congmei called excitedly; she could have a chance to make sure that she, her father, and her friends lived in the laps of luxury.

The old man looked up lazily from his scrolls at the door as she entered, with a quirked a bushy brow.

"Did you win another record duel?" He guessed. Oh, how wrong he was.

"Guess what I heard?!" Congmei jumped around.

"What did you hear?" He sipped his tea, amusement in his voice. This should be good.

"The Emperor is looking for new wives!" His daughter grinned. He choked on his tea, knowing what popped in her head.

"You are to stay here." He stated, going back to his scrolls.

"Aww, but Daddy-" "No buts." He interrupted, clearly livid, yet calm.

"Pretty please?" she puppy eyed him.

No, he will not fall for those eyes that resemble her mother.

"Pretty, pretty, pretty please? If I become a wife, I can make sure we don't have to suffer anymore." Congmei sniffed.

He sent a not-so-menacing glare at her. "No. We are fine as we are." He chugged his tea, waving his dismissal.

She sighed dejectedly, turning around, to see a young man dart in, pale as a ghost.

"Chief! There's an Imperial Envoy requesting your presence." He bowed deeply.

At this the Chief went serious. "Take my beloved daughter to the storehou-" He noticed her gone. "Fetch her before she gets to them!" He screeched in outrage. He didn't want her to lose her head. He was being called for war again, he had guessed. As infuriating as the girl was when she was bent on something, he had still loved her. He sighs as he got ready, that girl could be the death of him.

She ducked behind a bush, spying on the Imperials. They wore finely crafted armor, sitting upon their horses-surrounding an exquisite carriage. Royalty? No. Somehow, she believed it wasn't beautiful enough to hold royal blood. There was also a woman there. She tilted her head curiously when her father arrived, intent on eavesdropping.

"I, the Main General of His Imperial Majesty's predecessor, Hong Feng Hua, have come on request to take one young woman from this village of higher status to compete in the exams to become His Imperial Majesty's wife. Rest assured, for if she is unsuccessful, I, myself shall see to her return. By Imperial Law, you have no right to decline-as the continent is in dire need of your daughter-maiden." The heavily armored female's voice boomed loudly, sending what few curious villagers were out there into hiding. Congmei shivered at her authority.

There was a long pause.

"There are Warlords' daughters you could take. Surely you jest of mine." her father sounded sincere.

"As I have said, Captain of Squadron 58, Xin; by Imperial Law, you have no right to decline-as the continent is in dire need of your daughter-maiden, should she be successful in exam." the female warrior's voice was just as loud, yet calm.

He sighed. "Surely we can work this out?" He frowned.

Then there was another long pause.

"My crew-" she gestured towards her eleven intimidating men. "And I." She then gestured to herself. "As well as the other Generals and the Squadrons have been appointed to protect those chosen young women throughout their stay-and if three women succeed-we will become their appointed bodyguard, as well as their person to speak her troubles to." She said in understanding. Congmei didn't fail to notice her intimidating aura lowered.

Xin, her father, clenched his teeth in thought. The General was the legendaress 'Merciless Maiden', so he could trust her with his daughter. The prices have raised in the City Marketplace, and there were more criminals. This woman was right, everyone WAS in dire need of her presence, if she should succeed. Plus, he knew that with her mother's determination, she'd do anything to get things straight again.

Just like her mother, he thought, with a smile. He then decided. "Very well, I shall entrust you with Congmei." He said, then raised one finger. "However, on one condition." He said, as the General lifted her brow.

"And what might that be?" she said, curious amusement in her voice.

"You must at least try to understand her reason of doing things." Xin stated, firmly.

A short pause ensued.

"Very well." She nodded, causing Xin to inwardly sigh in relief. He then looked towards a bush, as a squeak emitted from it. The General and her crew posed for an attack.

"Congmei, you sneaky little girl, you may show yourself now. It is safe." Xin raised his hand, releasing tension from the Imperials. Congmei hesitantly came out from hiding. Feeling twelve eyes staring at her intently, she bows deeply out of embarrassment.

"This is my daughter, Congmei. She is only fourteen summers old, please treat her with care." Xin said, gesturing towards Congmei, with a terrifying hidden threat evident in his voice.

"I-It's nice to meet you Sirs, Madam..." Congmei bows deeper, many thoughts racing through her mind. The sound of heavy boots dropped on the dirt with the neigh of a horse. She shut her eyes tightly, then a feminine hand clasped her own, brought to the woman's lips.

"My men and I vow to protect you throughout your travels." The General said, Gentlemen-like. "My Lady, do say farewell to your Father." The General got up from being in a bow position. "Do not worry, though they will not be frequent, he will be allowed to visit you." The General said, noticing Congmei's expression of fear and sorrow.

Congmei gave her father a bear hug, trying to hold in tears.

"Congmei." Xin whispered to her. "Yes?" she sniffled.

"If you find yourself in a predicament you cannot get out of, think..think of what Mother would do." Xin smiled, then his daughter beamed happily, remembering to bed time stories about her mother.

"Yes, Father!" Congmei said, twirling towards her guards.

"I'm read to go!" She skipped to the carriage, and hopped in. Inside, it was beautiful; a one-person bed and exquisitely painted hanging scrolls, beautiful curtains complimented by the wallpaper. She sat down, looking at every detail intently.

"Ya!" a male voice said from outside, and the carriage started moving into it's direction. A long week it would be.

2: The Orphans
The Orphans

They were on the road for five and a half days. Congmei was getting really bored. Bothering the General didn't work, as she would say 'oh' or grunt in approval or disapproval. The troops didn't want to be bothered either.

"I'm bored!" Congmei whined.

"My Lady, we will arrive tomorrow at sunset, please be patient." the youngest troop, Tenfei, laughed nervously.

She turned to the window where his voice came from and gave him puppy eyes. "Please let me play?" Congmei begged.

The poor guy scratched his helmet with an awkward smile. "I'm sorry, I'm not the one in charge here." he said.

Congmei pouted, then headed for the front window sneakily. She slid open the wood covering the window. "General! I wanna play! Let me off!" she screamed childishly.

"That is a no, My Lady." the General said, acting as if her eardrum was never ripped to shreds by the young woman's voice, sliding shut the wooden window.

"But I'm bored.." Congmei huffed, and sat down. A lightbulb turned on her head. She went to the window where the youngest troop was. "May I ride with you on that horse?" she whispered.

"No, under no circumstance, you may not." the General said, interrupting her new recruit.

"Aww man..she caught me." Congmei pouted and sat back down. "I give up." she lays down, with a sigh. Just then, the carriage stopped. Interested as to why, Chongmei peeked out the window to find two boys a little older than her sparring-they appeared to be in a conversation.

"Weimin, you think you can beat me this time?!" the gentle looking boy yelled.

"Oh, yeah, Zhong! Ha!" Weimin, the rowdy looking boy yelled, with a throw of his wooden sword.

"Don't you even think about it!" Zhong, the gentle looking boy guarded against the attack, then pushed him away, noticing Hong Feng Hua.

"Why you little-" Weimin charged.

"Whoa, there." Zhong pointed his sword out, unknowingly socking his partner in the gut. "Oops." he chuckled.

"You look as you are friends. Yet, you fight. Why is that?" Hong Feng Hua, the General, raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you old hag! I lost AGAIN thanks to you!" Weimin shouted, glaring at the General. She, however, paid no mind to his audacity.

"Weimin..look at the carraige, and at her armor..she MUST be a high ranking officer.." Zhong told his partner, with a grimace.

"Correct, I am currently escorting a possible Lady Wife to the Imperial Palace." The General said. " have not answered my earlier question. I do not like to repeat myself." she said.

"We are orphans. Our parents were killed in the last war." Zhong said, posing for battle.

"We have a dream. We wanna become the World's Greatest Generals." Weimin added, he too, posing for battle.

"We'll go to war, rack up the military honors." Zhong charged at his friend.

"We'll work our way up. We'll have a huge castle, filled with servants and beautiful women." Weimin guarded from Zhong's attack. "I'll marry the most beautiful woman in China, and have a castle-full of brats." he pushed Zhong away, then charging to him.

"We don't have anything from our parents, but we have these bodies." Zhong said, as his sword, and Weimin's sword met, creating a blast of air.

The General stayed in her place, unfazed.

"We train everyday." Weimin bent his arm.

"We also made a Warrior's Oath;" Zhong hooked his arm with Weimin.

"My soul, my body, my blood.." Zhong and Weimin said in sync.

" yours to order, your shield, and your proof of Oath." they finished.

"Tell long were you training?" she said, narrowing her eyes.

"Six years now. I won 1893 times, lost 1567 times, and we had 597 draws." Weimin said, proudly.

She smirked. A laughter exploded from her chest. "Impossible!" she laughed, only to be calmed by their tense silence. "So, it is true?" she said, her tone serious.

"Yes!" Zhong said, a soft grin on his face.

"Hmm..impressive." The General said, turning around. "I do not wish to lose my head, so I'd best be on my way." her voice with dark humor, walking towards the carriage.

"Uh-oh!" Congmei ducked into the bed, pretending to be asleep.

"Tenfei. Follow them to their house via shadows. Report back at the inn when you find the location. That is an order." The General said.

"Yes, General!" said recruit saluted, and went on his way-while the carriage went to a different direction.

After a few moments, murmurs and shuffling could be heard. Congmei peeked find the villagers on their hands and knees, their foreheads touching the ground.

"Could that be a woman who is going to compete for the throne?" one whispered.

"Idiot, stay silent!" an old man whispered back, nudging his son with his cane harshly.

Congmei slowly withdrew her hand from the curtain, then sat down sadly. This village was mostly old people. How would they get up? What if they hurt badly, what were they thinking about her? As the questions whirled through her mind, the wooden window opened.

"My Lady, will you grant me permission to console you?" The General greeted in a low voice.

"Why..?" Congmei unconsciously said.

"Because they have faith, that you will make this nation a better place." The General replied, her voice solemn.

"But.." a silent tear slid down Congmei's cheek.

"We are humans. We don't have long to live..throughout our lives, we search for something." The General said. "Allow them to believe it is you, for the sake of their nearing times." she finished, sliding the wooden window shut, with a nod.

After registering what the General just said, Congmei smiled. Yes, it was the least she could do. Rule alongside the Emperor, and make the nation a better place. Not just for the sake of this village, but her friends, her father, mother, the General and her crew, everyone. Congmei grinned. Yes, someone has to do the work. It would be her, she thought, with a determined gleam in her eyes.

3: The Marketplace
The Marketplace

The General opened the door to the carriage, and held her hand out. "My Lady, take my hand. I will escort you around the marketplace so you may stretch your legs." she said

Congmei hesitantly took her Guard's hand, then walked out, to be greeted by ten men. Tenfei had yet to return. The bowed deeply, in sync. "My Lady." they greeted.

"You two, stock on provisions." The General ordered a tall goofy-looking guy that was grinning like a maniac, and a short bulky guy who looked annoyed.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the goofy one saluted, while the short one groaned and walked away to do as told.

"You! Order six rooms." The General ordered the silent guy, and he just nodded, and headed to the inn. "Everyone else, guard to carriage." she turned to the rest of her men.

"Yes, General!" they saluted.

"This way, My Lady." the General guided Congmei through the market.

Congmei looked around in awe at the finer silks.

"We must make sure to make you two look decent in front of the Emperor." The General stopped at a stand. "See anything you like?" she rose a brow at the dazed young woman who depended on her.

"Oh, no! I couldn't!" Congmei flushed.

"You have to, like it or not." The General said.

"No, no, no! I haven't done anything to earn any of this..this..pampering!" Congmei scurried away, only to be grabbed by the General, and placed in front of the stand.

"Choose a dress, hair ornament, a pair of shoes, and lip shade. Now." the General ordered.

Congmei gulped, then grudgingly picked out an outfit she liked most. A three layered dress; the under-layer was black, and fuzzy, the middle layer was a beautiful teal long-sleeved traditional gown, that had a long train in the back, and the top layer was an Imperial Palace over-garb that complimented her shoulders and waist-courtesy of the General-with a long ornamental fabric in front of her legs. A simple, yet beautiful silver chrysanthemum flower hair-pin. A pair of exquisitely made brown flower-pot shoes, with a dragon painted on them. A luscious pink lip shade.

"That will be 181,270 yuan." the clerk said.

"I take-" "We'll buy." The General interrupted Congmei, placing a large bag of money on the counter, taking the bag of clothes and Congmei's hand. "Keep the tip." she said, walking off to another stand. Picking out a simple orange robe for young men, and brown sandals, she paid and headed to the carriage.

"Who's that orange robe for?" Congmei followed the General.

"I'll tell you when we get you ready." the General avoided the question.

There, the tall goofy-looking guy and the short bulky guy who looked annoyed were double checking the provisions they had bought.

"You, wait at the inn for Tenfei to return. When he does, bring him here." the General ordered the short one, who in turn rolled his eyes and mumbled, then went to the inn. She put away the outfit for a young man, then guided Congmei into the carriage. "Peek and I'll have your head." the General glared at her men. They fidgeted, obviously afraid of what their General could do. She shut the carriage door behind her, and Congmei, then took off most of her armor.

At this, Congmei tilted her head, jealous of her guard's body. Hong Feng Hua had large breasts, well toned arms, and legs. She had beautiful cheekbones, her long wavy brown hair accenting them. Her skin was a healthy tan, and when she opened her eyes, she had breathtakingly beautiful long lashes complimenting her beautiful dark hazel eyes. She looked towards Congmei.

"What's wrong?" the General said, snapping Congmei out of her stupor.

"N-Nothing, your just beautiful." Congmei said without thinking. Noticing what she just said, her face turned crimson with a squeak.

At that, the General chuckled. "I always get that." she said. "Now, to get you ready." she the took out the garbs, getting to work on the younger woman.

As the General was dressing her to look decent for the new Emperor, Congmei decided to ask the question. "Who's that orange robe for?" Congmei look at the now tense General for an answer. Congmei grinned slyly. "I might as well know if I'm going to the Imperial Palace." Congmei said.

The General calmed down with a sigh. "Very well." The General tightened the corset, earning an 'ouch' from Congmei. "I hope your up for a long story." she said.

"I don't mind, I love stories." Congmei smiled, remembering the stories of her Mother.

"Alright." The General finished Congmei's make-up. "Now..where to begin..?" she thought out loud.

4: The General's Story: The Beginning
The General's Story: The Beginning

As the General, she had to plan ahead. Several different strategies, several different hide outs, several different ploys. Everything. She was loyal to her Liege's bloodline. From that very day she made an oath for her bloodline to eternally serve his...

"Your Imperial Highness, this lowly woman is most honored to be granted access in your divine presence." A woman traditionally bowed, her forehead touching the ground.

"We have heard of your Clan's achievements, Fenfang Hua. We praise your power." The Emperor said from behind the blinds. "We apologize for not contacting you sooner on your enlistment request." he continued.

The woman didn't reply.

"You are granted permission to speak to us." The Emperor said, slightly amused. "Now, lift your head." he ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." she whispered, lifting her head. "My clan does not deserve your praise, for we are savage women." she said. "However, as we are from deep in the forest, we rarely stray, as we are considered pack. As you see, I have strayed.." she continued. "..our Goddess, Delisyth, has ordered me to faithfully aid your bloodline, for she fears there is.." she hesitated, afraid to insult the Imperial Bloodline.

"We have heard of the legends of Delisyth, the Goddess of Destiny. If she does indeed mediate through you, then continue. We, ourselves..have a fear that is unsaid." the Emperor urged the woman.

"She fears that your middle son will grow to be the most impure." she frowned, hearing the Emperor groan in thought.

"There is no way to repair his destiny?" the Emperor asked.

"Try as we might, we cannot." she sighed. "She has sent me astray to rid the nation of this impurity, when time comes." she frowned once more.

The Emperor became silent.

"My blood has renewed, became my own. If I decide to continue my line, our blood with eternally serve yours, aiding throughout the passing eras." she said, changing her position to bowing on one knee, her fist over her heart. "My blood oath to you, Your Majesty.." she said loud enough for the whole court to hear.

"This woman, as Hong Feng Hua, promises her bloodline as both sword and shield to you for as long as it survives!" she vowed loudly.

She smiled at the memory. It had been fifteen summers since then.

"My Lord! The East has forty thousand troops!" her troop panted, running; albeit stumbling to Hong Feng Hua.

"Their planning to surround us on all sides!" another ran up to her.

"My Lord! The west has eighty thousand enemy troops, sharp!" another ran up to her, tripping on a rock.

"Sir! An urgent delivery from Lanfen.." A messenger handed the female General a package.

"From Lanfen..?" the General tilted her head, opening find three wilted heads of chrysanthemum, and a fresh petal pointing north. Staring at it, she lost herself in thought. Then, a memory flashed through her mind.

"Here is the chrysanthemum flower you had asked me to fetch, Little Lady." a young female in heavy armor whispered, with a smile.

"T'enk you, Guard.." a toddler whispered weakly, reaching out for it.

"You are most welcome, Little Lady." the female guard gave the toddler the flower.

"Guard?" the toddler gently pet the petals, as the young female in heavy armor answered with a hum. "If perhaps..your in trouble one day.." the toddler paused, causing her guard to raise a brow. "...I'll send you chrysanthemums, so you don't lose hope!" she grinned, earning a chuckle from her guard. "It means I'm coming to spank those meanies!" the toddler giggled, only to cough harshly, dropping the chrysanthemum, her back rubbed gently by her guard.

The General widened her eyes. "That idiot!" she boomed, throwing the package to the ground. "She's coming whilst she swells with child!" she screamed, her voice causing her men to cower in fear. "Men! Prep to head-" she paused, as a theory popped in her mind. "Soldier, how many troops approximate to north?" she demanded.

"Ten thousand, my lord!" he reported, causing the General to grit her teeth.

"Still the same, that foolish child.." the General muttered harshly. "Very well, her wish is my command!" she boomed. "How many troops are left?" she demanded from another troop.

"T-Twenty thousand, my lord.." he reported.

"Tch..outnumbered.." she whispered. She took a deep breath. "Captain!" she summoned her right hand man who bowed down to her with a grunt. "Take and command of thirteen thousand troops and head west! Dwindle their numbers to below fifty thousand, no excuses!" she commanded, earning another grunt from him. "Search, herd, destroy! Survive!" she boomed, the captain headed out of camp to fulfill his orders. "Lieutenant! Take six thousand troops to the east! Dwindle their numbers below fifteen thousand, no excuses!" she yelled. "I will take one thousand troops north!" she boomed, "Search, herd, destroy! Search, herd, destroy! Search, herd, destroy!" she screamed as loud as her lungs would allow, then stalked out of the camp to head north.