
I think an age long question man has long sought after is ‘what is love?’ Where does it come from? Why is it an emotion we can feel? I think it’s true to say that everyone loves to be loved, at least to some extent of the word. But why? That’s the question I want to focus on. I think some of the most unexplainable things make for the best moments, the best memories. And to ask what it is and where it comes from seems crude almost. Rather than just accepting it for what it is.
Science has already proven that social interaction is important, vital even. Touch and hugs are what keep most sane and alive, in this prospect I understand it. One needs energy to survive, giving and taking energy is much easier than creating it all yourself. One can get this energy through pets, family and friends, truly it isn’t hard to find. But what everyone seems to look for, crave even, is a special kind of energy. An energy you create with only one other person in your life. But why?
Why does it seem that everyone’s one goal in life is to find that “special” person? I’ll admit that the feeling of love, the energy created through it is unlike anything else and pales in comparison to most other emotions, except perhaps hate, since I believe hate to be its polar opposite. It’s an experience that can’t be recreated, not truly anyway. Is that the reason people seek it out so hungrily? Because it’s different? If that were true then I don’t think our world would be in the state it is today. People fear change and cower at the prospect of anything different, usually lashing out violently towards it. This one thing, love, seems to be the exception to the rule. And even I’m not excluded.
For the longest time my thoughts were always relationship based. Terrified of being alone I begged and pleaded to find that one person. But is being alone really such a horrible sentence? People act as if being forced to live alone is a death sentence and a lot of them can’t stand the idea. Myself included at one point in time. The question now, that I can’t seem to get out of my head, is ‘why?’ 
Why do we need this special kind of energy? You can get lower forms, lower doses of it from other people, your friends and family. So why seek out something more when you already have it? Was it greed itself? Playing into our everyday lives? Disguising itself as something wonderful on the outside but under the wrapping paper lies an ugly green monster. Maybe it’s part of mans conquest for power, to seek out the most powerful of anything and own it. And certainty love is a powerful emotion, bending the moral will of one for another, to have them follow you to the ends of the earth. Love can make anyone do anything. Literally in some cases.
I’m not sure, I don’t feel it’s that simple. Because receiving love can be just as rewarding as giving it and I think most people understand this rule. So if not greed, then what? Why do we crave it? Feel as if we need it? Like our world will stop if we don’t get it?
I guess I just don’t understand..