Chapter 1

The Ancient Lay Of The Battle Drums Of Bellanior


Lay of the earth,

Lift its song in high regard,

In solemnity, sadness and endless mirth,

Giver of life, mother of birth,

Precious foundation, warm, kind yet hard,

Sow seeds of nobility in men’s’ hearts,

To lift up a standard,

When evil tramples its children,

And stand with courage and be love driven.

Lay of the earth,

Sound quieter still,

Wait for the moment of silence to fill,

The hearts of her children, the hearts of men,

With Bellanoirs’ drums,

To fire her kiln.

Courage and loyalty spark anew,

To one and all, family true,

Knowledge found, never lost,

When the Battle drums of Bellanoir sound through you.


Light of the sky,

Strikes the earth,

Where the birds wing their way high,

Close to the source of life, of birth,

Where the freedom, the joy, the dance of life,

Round Bellanoir’s circle is tread,

And the reason is found,

Why we raise our heads,

And why Bellanoir’s spirit is ne’er truly dead,

Wild as the wind, never tamed,

When evil comes, our land, our life, to claim.

Song of the sky,

Sung from rays on high,

Touches the light within noble hearts,

Sends the light of the world burning inside,

Brings out the strongest chant that ever was cried,

Ghostly harmony to the melody of the battle drums,

AS the army of evil toward Bellanoir’s children comes.


When the standards of men fall,

And those of evil rise,

Blood of innocents shed,

And scales tip toward demise,

Where men of good intent gather,

Evil to oppose,

The battle drums of Bellanoir shall sound,

And the children of Bellanoir,

Shall cut down all their foes.

Beware the Battle drums,

Beware the age-old challenge,

For life is precious, so is light,

And the Battle drums sound only,

In darkest night.


2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

“Tell me,” Ariana said as she hefted her sword into position, “Have you ever heard the battle drums of Belanior?” Hearing that sound, looking at her all I could think of was ‘those aren’t drums’. I was hearing drums yes but strings and symbols and to add to the unearthly quality, voices. ‘Where were the voices coming from’ I thought wildly. Then I noticed her lips moving. The army……….. Silence now. Battle drums again. “Stand” she tells me, “It is not your time yet.”She shifted her sword and took one step toward the edge she was standing on, the army copied her. Step by step and then horns from the other side. I watch as the waves of men come up and then she stepped off and plunged down.  A moment later I saw her skimming above the army on the great eagle and the drums increased their pitch and the army raised their voices in something more. It lifted the hair on my whole body with them and strengthened my heart as I watched them plunge into battle. I stood on top of that ledge clenching my fist as watched as the battle raged. Watched it swing from one side to the other and back again. And there was nothing I could do. I watched and watched as then such a fateful moment, an act to end a battle or start a massacre and…..I did not see it. I was pulled back abruptly into my own realm.

I stood clenching my fist tightly for a moment and breathing in. They would win. I knew they would. She would bring them through. They would win. I had to believe that.

“Well cousin?” came that voice I hated most, have you become man enough? Did you make good use of the chance I gave you to gather your wits?” I turned around and walked slowly to the throne on which my usurper cousin was seated. “Ah, good!” he exclaimed, “You have decided to see sense and kneel to me at last. I could never figure out how such a cowardly mouse like you could dare defy me.” I kept walking and walking. I was almost to his throne now. I walked the last few steps to come just before him. Just in front of his leering face. “Come on now, don’t keep me waiting.” But his words ended in a gasp as I leaned forward and grabbed him by the front of his clothes. Before anyone could react I spun powerfully and wrenched him out of the throne and threw him down the steps of the dais. The throne room went into shock and watched speechless as I sat in the throne. “Whoever could unseat you gets the throne right? Wasn’t that your challenge cousin?” I asked. He got up eyes wide and staring and began to sputter. “That was meant in political terms!” he said. “Did you specify?” I asked. He sputtered some more. “I think not.” I said “but before you sputter more useless mumbling let me ask you something cousin. Have you ever heard the battle drums of Belanior?” He shook his head numbly going into shock the second time from hearing the ancient words being spoken as well as recognizing what they represented. “Then let me tell you what I have learnt. You do not want to. So get you and all yours out of my castle and whoever wishes my throne will have to unseat me, politically speaking.”  I leaned back and regarded them coolly and smiled.