In the Begining and the End

The white fluorescent light illuminated the red blood that was dripping over the floor and into the pallid white tub, mixing with the running water. My hands were bloody, as were my clothes. My white top was partially soaked in crimson. My hair was wet and my eye liner a smudge… I was shaking, and afraid. I was a sixteen year young girl and already a killer and I knew I was going to do it again…


You see, my mom divorced my dad two years ago because of money problems, and then she immediately married this new guy, my stepfather. His name was James and he was rich, he owned his own pharmaceutical company and went abroad a lot. The first few months were fine; he treated my mother with respect and took her out a lot, so I accepted him and he accepted me and my younger sister.

After about Three months I saw it for the first time. My mother had a black eye. She said she fell, but I knew she didn’t. It was James. For the next five months my mother kept appearing with fresh wounds and I caught her crying in the bathroom once. On December 26th 2015 he drew the last straw. Fourteen months after they wed, he did it.

He off course cried and acted all innocent, he wrote obituaries and cried some more. He was courted and the Judge fell for it. “She lost her footing while going upstairs and fell, smashed her head against the wall” they said. Bullshit, it was that bastard James, he did it. I was angry and he was abroad.

I was left alone to care for me and my sister. She was only five so she wasn’t much help. I had to drop out of school to work at a supermarket to make money. I saved up $10 each day and stashed it inside of the fridge. Each day I grew angrier at James.

Over a few months, I decided to bring my little sister, Sandy to work with me for this one day only. We must have been watched because when we got home, the entire place had been ransacked, most of the electronics gone and off course the money as well. Over $1000 just gone…

My anger was getting uncontrollable, my anger at James. If he never existed, none of this would ever have happened. I waited for James’ return.

Finally over the next few days, he returned.

Each time I wanted to talk, he was ‘busy’. And then one night, one late night, when it was raining hard and the thunder were roaring and cracking, he hit Sandy. A defenseless five year old girl… I was boiling with rage. I trotted to the kitchen and ripped open a cupboard and pulled out a sharp knife. I was biting hard down on my teeth. Then I heard James enter the kitchen behind me. I turned around and faced him, the light was off and he was standing at the table, his back facing me. He was busy going through his suitcase so he didn’t notice me.

I closed the cupboard hard but the downpour muffled the sound. I was inching closer to James’ back and then the lightning struck hard and my shadow were cast on the table next to James. He froze for a second and then I missed my chance at revenge.

He quickly turned around to face me. His eyes fell on the knife. “Oh Kat… what are you doing?” he said with an uneasy fear in his voice. I almost found a delight in his anxious voice. My chance had passed but I didn’t care, my temper flared.

My face must’ve shown my desire to kill because James didn’t linger. He shot for the open kitchen door. I yelled and charged down at him. By the time he reached the doorway, I ran the cold blade into his arm, painting the door pane red. James’ yell echoed back inside the house but no one would hear him in this rain. No one...

I pulled the blade back and stabbed again, entering his body just beneath his arm. I pulled back yet again but the blade slipped from my hand and fell on the floor. James fell forward into the water. The water quickly turned scarlet.

I was starting to shake. I picked up the knife and walked out into the rain. James seemed pitiful as he tried to crawl away. “Kat… Please…” He tried, but I wasn’t letting him go after all he did? I was going to end this. I got a faint smirk on my face as I went on my knees next to James. I was wet from head to toe and felt alive. The lightning lit my face up for a second and I must’ve looked like a crazed psychopath, but I didn’t care.

I grabbed James by his hair and pulled his head up. I put the cold blade to his throat as he cried. I whispered in his ear “now you’re free”, and I cut. I cut deep…

I wasn’t done. I had to let all my rage out, so I stabbed him. I stabbed him more. I stabbed him maybe a hundred times before I tired myself out. To top it all off, I gave one final scream, at the top of my lungs.

I stood up in the deafening rain and stroked my hand through my wet, jet black hair. I staggered into the house. I made my way into the hall and almost fell down. I grabbed at the wall and steadied myself, leaving a talon-like blood splat against the wall. I walked into the bathroom, blood dripping over the white floor. I opened the bathtub’s faucet and held my blood soaked hands, still clutching the knife under the stream of water.

“Kat?” came Sandy’s voice from behind me. I quickly looked at her and she was frightened. I must have looked like a monster to her. I quickly slipped across the floor to Sandy and hugged her.

I broke down and cried… I cried for more than thirty minutes around Sandy when I said”It’s all over now…” I told Sandy to go pack some clothes and she obeyed. I closed the door and threw the knife into the tub. I took off my white bloody Top, followed by the rest of my clothes. I threw it all into the tub.

I stood and watched myself in the mirror. I looked so innocent, yet there was blood over my face, but I was innocent. I would never kill someone… That is what the average person would think if they saw me.

I climbed into the shower and switched the water on. I stepped into the water and it felt so unreal, as I watched the cherry colored water rushing down my body and into the drain. I stood there in the shower for almost twenty minutes, staring in front of me until Sandy knocked at the door ”sis? I’m done.” “Yeah… Yeah okay, I’ll be out in a sec”. I quickly finished up and got out of the shower.

I stepped into the steam filled bathroom and dried myself off. I got dressed: a black miniskirt and a red top. I put on some high heels and just before I opened the door, I saw the blood stained clothes in the tub. I closed the water and blocked up the tub’s drain. I emptied two bottles of bleach over the clothes… Hopefully it would destroy the DNA.

I switched off the light to prevent Sandy from seeing this mess. I opened the door and the steam streamed out of the bathroom into the vacant hallway. I led Sandy to the living room and told her to wait for me at the front door. She took her packed bag and headed to there.

Without hesitation I walked through the kitchen and into the dark and wet night sky. The rain were still hammering the ground. I stared at James's lifeless body and approached, I would have to wrench the car keys from his cold, dead body.

With good luck, the first pocket I searched, held the keys. I quickly took them and jogged to the garage door. I opened the door and unlocked the car. I got in the car and quickly realized; I would have to drive... I mean, My mom only took me out to drive a few times. I still didn't get the clutch and I had a tendency to misjudge the distance between my car and the ones in front of me, but it wouldn't stop me from fleeing, not now.

I forced the car into reverse and reversed out into the front yard. I saw Kat standing in the doorway with her little pink backpack, looking confused. I signaled her to come and she quickly ran through the rain and got in the car.

I struggled to pull away... When we were finally cruising on the road, Kat asked “Where’re we going sis?”... I couldn’t find an answer to explain to her what's going on. “We're going to the gas station”. This wasn't a lie, as the car was almost on empty, I decided to go fill 'er up.

We drove for a few miles util we reached the gas station. By the time we stopped, the rain had silenced. Everything were drenched. I got out of the car to fill it with gas but I forgot... I had no money. I searched the vehicle but could only find about one dollar. I opened the cabby hold. Hidden under some papers and redundant documents I saw it. James' .44 Magnum.

I took ahold of the gun and got an iniquitous idea. I took the gun and climbed out of the car. “Sis, what are you doing?”, “Sandy just stay in the car!” I bellowed. I walked with the Magnum in plain sight into the store.

Just as I entered the vacant store, the clerk's eyes immediately fell on the weapon I was clinching. I saw the frightened look that befell his face. I hoisted the gun up, which made the store clerk jump at the counter, his hand was reaching for something... A weapon?

Before I could thoroughly think, my finger tensed up and the shot fired... The echoing gunshot sound reverberated and stupefied me for a few seconds before I came around. Blood was splattered against the back wall and my hands was shaking. I dropped the gun and hurried over to the counter. The lifeless corps of the old man was laying in a pool of blood. He was clenching something in his hand, the weapon he reached for? No... It was no weapon at all! It was an asthma inhaler! I killed a person because he was reaching for his asthma inhaler...

“Sis what just happened!?” I heard the faint panicked voice behind me... It was Sandy. She looked bewildered.

Before I could console my terrified little sister I saw blue lights flashing outside, through the store window. “Shit, cops!” I yelped. I ran over to Sandy and grabbed her. I threw her onto my hip and ran straight for the back door. I busted through the door. I was in an alley way and I could hear someone approaching from the corner of the shop. If I run the opposite way I would never make it away without being spotted... Unless I abandon my little sister right here? No! I needed to think of something else!

I saw a huge trash bin only meters away. I quickly jogged over to it and opened the lid “Get in Sandy, hurry!” She wanted to quarrel but didn't. She scrambled over the top and fell in “Ouch!” came her young voice. I quickly vaulted myself over and landed on a horrible smelling pillow. I closed the lid just in time. I heard the cop coming around the corner “Hmm, maybe someone is here” came his male voice.

Suddenly Sandy started moaning in a whisper “Kat... my leg is...”,”Shhh, be quiet!” I yowled in a whisper. But her weeping and wailing become louder and louder. The cop will surely find us like this. “It hurts sis, my leg!” I was angering “What!?”, and I grabbed her leg. She groaned in pain. Her leg was soaked in blood. When she fell into the bin, she must have cut open her leg... It was bleeding profusely and she cried louder. I heard the cop approaching. No, he was gonna find us If I couldn't silence Sandy.

I grabbed the pillow. “Sorry Sandy... I have to” I pressed the pillow into Sandy's face as hard as I could... It silenced her, yes... But she was struggling to get out, she was wrestling, because I was suffocating her... tears started trailing down my cheeks. “I'm sorry Sandy... I'm sorry...” I silently cried.

I heard a second males voice “Dave, let's go. The killer won't hang around here... Let's do a parameter search.”, ”Uh... yeah sure “and just like that the two cops disappeared.

I pulled the pillow off of Sandy “Sandy, are you oka..?” It was too late... Sandy, my young sister who trusted me, was killed by me... Suffocated by me... Now only a body... I can't... This is where I draw the line...

Should I go to the police station? Should I give myself in?


Three hours later at the police station...

“Do I take this final step?” I asked myself. The answer was? “Yes”... I took the step, from the top of this six story police station... I fell helplessly through the air towards the ever closing ground... I hit the ground and the last sound I could hear was my own bones breaking and my spine shattering... It was painless...

I repented...