Prologue: Stolen




            I jolt awake and see my sisters in my room and automatically feel guilty that I woke them up with my thrashing and screaming. Part of my nightmare bundle package. Almost every night I wake them up with the same nightmare of losing my memory and getting separated from my family. “Sorry,” I say as they retreat back to their rooms, soon only Samantha remains and she sings a lullaby that she always sings because she knows it’s my favorite.

            Goodnight my little friend

            Goodnight my little friend

            Close your eyes and sleep

            Close your eyes and dream.

            Goodnight my little friend

            Goodnight my little friend

            We all love you yes we do

            We all love you oo

            Goodnight my little friend



            Let me explain myself a little bit. I have straight blonde hair that has natural brown lowlights, the ends of my hair are curled and comes down my waist. I have eyes that change color every time I blink. They change from blue to violet to pink and back again. I have twelve sisters and am a princess, I’m the youngest and have six sets of twin sisters. My country is Portalis.


            Portalis is a country in the Atlantic Ocean, but close to the Artic Ocean. About a hundred years ago a group of scientists came up with a way to manipulate the human mind and give us powers. A group of twenty-seven people chose to have their minds manipulated (though later more went to get theirs manipulated). Twenty-four of them were perfectly fine after the process. The other three died during it. We were secluded from the world and kept secret to the American government. Once the world found out about us they’d call us mutants. For our safety, the European and American governments pulled together enough money and supplies to send us here to Portalis.

            If a man and a woman get married and have the same power their children are guaranteed that power. If they have different powers the powers of their children are random. Unless the parents have the same power no one in the immediate family can have the same power. Jeremiah and I are the only exception to this unspoken/genetic law. We have all of the powers. The only people in history to be that way. The powers are: Health, Time, War, Love, Art/Music, Mechanics, Riches, Weather, Plants, Animals, Fire, and Ice.


            I have bangles that have a locket on them, each one holds a picture of one of the boys and one of my sisters. The last one has a picture of me and Jeremiah. My necklace is a locket that holds a picture of my parents and Jeremiah’s parents. Jeremiah is a prince and his family is like mine, except that his family has all boys, not girls. His brother’s names are Richard, Alexander, Victor, Christian, Samuel, Andrew, Kenton, Lance, John, Anthony, Scott and Seth.


            In the morning I put on a white tank top and a gray sweater. I slip on my jeans and put on a pair of white shoes. I walk down the stairs as I put on my bangles and necklace. I go into the dinning room and sit down in my chair. Sophia comes over and places my crown on my head. I get up and put Rosalind’s on her head. Suddenly the ground starts shaking and one by one they all disappear. My nightmare is coming true. I scream their name as they disappear. “Rosalind! Annabelle! Victoria! Christina! Samantha! Amanda! Kathryn! Lauren! Julia! Amelia! Sophie! Sophia!”

            Then the darkness swallows me.