
It was two years after the Tranquilians had sent their first group of agents to Earth to investigate this new species on that, so far, overlooked planet, but not anymore. The planet was now a threat to them. Taking their people and torturing them! They could not stand this injustice any longer! However, their species was always trying to keep peace. How could they do that if they started a war with this planet? Planet Earth. They repeatedly tried to send in other agents to rescue the ones that were captured and somehow the humans always managed to find and capture them, too. They were losing more and more experienced veteran agents and if they kept this up their whole species would be captured and, therefore, have no future left. They would give it one last try. But they would do things differently this time. They searched their whole planet for the strongest, fastest, most intelligent and best agent student they could find. When the search was over they had their agent. A young 15 year old girl by the name of Syuri Mayrie.

Syuri's heart raced as she first took her seat in the small aircraft. Gauges and buttons blinked with many different coloured lights. She buckled her seat belt and then looked straight out the front window. The small screen in the window's top right corner blinked twice before the image of one of the elderly women appeared. "Syuri, you know your mission. You are our last hope and we all have faith in you. Do us proud."

"I will." Syuri responded. The elder nodded and her image blinked off the screen leaving it black. Syuri adjusted her seat belt, trying to control the adrenalin rushing through her veins that made the diamonds on her body-that were usually a dark purple- start to turn a nervous grey. As she looked at the window she noticed that she could see a faint reflection of herself. Her hair was a deep, fiery, blood red and her eyes were all black with dark cooling blue pupils to contrast her hair. The diamond-like things that were a natural part of her species' body, that changes colour as the emotion of the owner changed, were still the nervous grey she was trying to get rid of. She didn't want anyone to think she was scared (though she was truly terrified). She wore what looked like a leather outfit, though it wasn't leather. It was a fabric of her planet and none like any human could duplicate. It was black and had three parts: the shirt, the pants and the footwear. All made of the same fabric. The shirt had thick sleeves that covered most of her shoulders, and it came to just above her waistline. The pants were knee-length and were low-cut. The boots rose to about half way up her calf. She closed her eyes and heaved a heavy sigh, before opening them again. She hailed the control station. "I'm ready to take-off." she said.

"Okay, Syuri. Go ahead." was the reply. The gate opened in front of her as the adrenalin began to surge through her once again. She adjusted the gauges and switches and then pressed down slowly on the gas pedal. The machine's engines started up and it moved forward, launching.

From the control station, everyone watched in anticipation of her success. So much rested on Syuri's shoulders, even though she was so young. The elder woman watched the younger launch. "Fly young, Syuri. Fly and make us proud."

The small ship raced through space as fast as light, but Syuri's heart had it beat. Soon enough the medium sized, blue and green planet appeared in view of her window. She adjusted her position to ensure that she entered at the right co-ordinates. However, entry itself was a completely different story. She was told that there would be friction, but she never would have imagined this! The ship rattled as gauges blinked and beeped wildly. Then there was a huge impact and explosion on her right hand side. She looked and saw that her right wing was trailing smoke. A human missile had hit her. Great. Two minutes in and they had already discovered her! She saw yet another round of missiles headed her way. She managed to avoid them but now she was off course. She saw a fair-sized group of trees and decided that if she was going to crash land she may as well make herself hard to find. As the ground neared she squeezed her eyes shut and embraced for impact. Soon enough, the sound of snapping wood and scraping metal engulfed her ears and her little ship was shook even more violently, before a huge thud and everything was still and silent.

Moments later, Syuri opened her eyes and blinked a few times. A sharp pain seared through her head and she groaned, a shaky hand reaching up to gingerly touch the sore spot on her forehead. She pulled her hand away to look at it and was almost terrified to see blood trailing down her fingers. She looked around at her surroundings. Her ship was badly damaged, parts scattered in the small space of the disturbance in the trees and ground. She now felt the blood trickling down her forehead and attempted to wipe it away with the back of her hand. She must have hit her head off the dashboard due to the impact of the Earth's surface. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened the hatch and stumbled out of her craft onto the surprisingly sandy ground the group of trees inhabited. It was more moist than the regular sand she had seen, they must water it for the trees. Earth life liked water, a fact she had learned in her training.

Somehow, Syuri managed to make her way up a small path through the trees. She ducked behind some shrubbery when she heard some muffled sounds. Silently, Syuri pulled her plasma-gun from its hidden pocket in her pants and looked through the shrubbery and saw-for the first time- male and female humans.

"Wow, you really know how to treat a girl to a good date." The girl giggled.

"It's just what I do." Shrugged the boy.

But Syuri didn't understand what they were saying. The only language she spoke was her alien tongue of Transee. However, an opportunity like this was perfect. From another hidden pocket in her outfit, she pulled out a small hand-held device, that resembled an oval-ish remote control. The buttons dimly glowed an array of colours, but the screen faintly glowed a dull blue. This device could change her into whatever she wanted to be. She pointed it at the human female and pushed one of the circular orange buttons. The word 'HUMAN' appeared on the screen. She then pointed the device at herself and pushed a green triangular button. Slowly, her hair began to change from blood red to a faded brown , the diamonds on her skin began to disappear and the few purple sections on her skin faded to match the fleshy peach colour. Now she looked like a human, but that didn't solve the problem of the language barrier. Syuri switched the mode on the device to language and again pointed it at the unsuspecting human couple and pushed the circular orange button. This time the word 'ENGLISH' showed on her screen. Then she, again, pointed it at herself and pushed the green triangular button. Now, she would be able to speak and understand English, even though her thoughts would be in Transee.

Putting her oval device back in its hidden pocket, she quietly crawled away. When she felt a safe distance she stood up and walked normally the rest of the way to her ship-wrecked aircraft. She climbed back inside and rummaged in one of the small compartments for another high-tech device. She found it and held it out in front of her. It looked almost like a Game Boy Advance, but it wasn't. It had buttons on either side and a rather large square screen in the middle, but its purpose wasn't to play video games. It was a location device. Syuri turned the switch on the side to ON and from the screen popped up a hologram of Earth, with a small pulsing red star that showed her location. With her finger she touched the star and the hologram zoomed in closer and she saw her small ruined ship laying in a small crater it had created with its impact. She then used the buttons on the side to put in the co-ordinates of the place she needed to be. The hologram shifted and showed the directions to her desired destination. Good, it didn't look far…at least it didn't look far on the hologram. She turned off the location guide and put the rest of her devices into the small pack she had brought with her, turned on the ships cloaking device and headed to where she was supposed to be.

Syuri had been walking for almost thirty minutes. The pain in her head had subsided slightly to a dull, pulsing pain and she was no longer leaking blood from her injury, but was she ever tired. She found her way into a small restaurant restroom and turned on her location guide again. The hologram popped back up and she was relieved that she only had two more blocks to go. She left the restaurant and continued on her way to her destination. She stood at the base of a fairly nice looking apartment building. Opening the door, she walked over to the intercom and pulled out a sheet of paper she had been given before she had left Tranquility. Quickly, she punched in the code on the pad and the intercom beeped a few times before Syuri heard a voice respond.

"Hello?" a woman asked.

"Hello? Sabrina? This is Syuri Mayrie." The first English words Syuri had ever spoken. She had been thinking them in her native tongue, so they sounded odd and very foreign coming from her mouth. She almost didn't recognize her own voice.

"Yes. Come up to the last floor. I'm the last apartment on the right." Sabrina instructed.

Syuri did as she was told and found the room with no trouble. She knocked on the door once and it was opened by an average height, blond woman, who ushered her in quickly. Sabrina shut and locked the door behind her before turning to look at Syuri.

"So. You're the new agent they sent." she said as she looked Syuri up and down. Syuri nodded. Sabrina sighed. "You're just so young."

Syuri was almost insulted. Maybe she was young. So what? She was the best in her class-the best out of every class on her planet. She had to be otherwise she wouldn't be on Earth. Syuri's eyes narrowed slightly adding intensity to her pretty features. "I'm more than qualified to be here." she said blandly.

"I'm not trying to say you aren't. What I mean is that you have such a future ahead of you. I don't want to see them get you, too."

It was quite obvious that the "them" Sabrina was referring to were the Area 51 people that had her comrades. "I won't fail." Syuri said with no emotion. Sabrina smiled sadly.

"I'm sure you don't want to. Come. You look tired and hungry from your long trip. I'll get you a band-aid for your head. I'll fix you some food and explain everything to you. Then you can get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." Sabrina led Syuri to the small living room and sat her on a couch, leaving her there for a moment. Soon, she returned with a sandwich for each of them. "What have they told you so far about Earth?" Sabrina asked. "Besides what your mission is." She unwrapped the band-aid and carefully placed it over Syuri's healing wound, receiving a suspicious look from Syuri.

Syuri chewed on her sandwich thoughtfully for a moment. Then, swallowing she answered. "They said I would have to go to school and learn human things."

"Have they taught you exactly what you're supposed to know?" Sabrina inquired.

"Of course they did." Syuri was appalled that Sabrina thought that the Elders would send her somewhere without the proper training.

"That's good." Sabrina nodded, ignoring the slight irritation in the young alien girl's voice. "Just checking. Did they tell you that you are going to need a new wardrobe?"

Syuri blinked in surprise and shook her head. "No."

"Well, that's the first thing that we're going to work on tomorrow."

"I thought I had school tomorrow." Syuri replied.

Now, it was Sabrina's turn to shake her head. "No, tomorrow is Sunday. You don't start school until Monday."

"When's Monday?" Syuri asked.

"After Sunday." Sabrina replied, smiling at Syuri's newness, though she also felt sorry for the young alien. The two chatted as they ate their sandwiches and when they were done eating Sabrina showed Syuri her new and temporary room. Syuri crawled under the covers and fell asleep almost instantly.