The Skeloton Hand

 Sarah couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, and eventually found hereslf staring ahead at the closet door. Slowly, it creaked open, and a skeleton hand crept out from inside. The moonlight shined in through the window, and the hand tapped on the door lightly. Sarah screamed. Her dog jumped off the bed, startled, and when here parents came rushing into the room, she said,
"There's a skeleton in my closet!" They whipped open the door, and there was nothing there but empty shelves, and clothing hung on hangers.
"It was only a nightmare, go back to sleep," her father told her. So she tried, in vain. Her dog sat on the floor at the foot of her bed, but she couldn't sleep. She stared ahead at the closet, and again, the moonlight poured in the window, and the skeleton hand crept out of the closet, only now, it was joined by a foot. Sarah screamed again. Her parents came rushing into the room once more, and Sarah exclaimed,
"Theres a skeleton in my closet! I saw it's foot this time!" Her father flung open the closet doors, only to find nothing lurking in it's shadows.
"Sarah, it's okay, it was only a dream, now do try to sleep," her mother told her, and she kissed her head and walked out. Sarah tried, oh she tried to sleep, but no sleep came. Her dog, sat alert as well, but she was to frightened to close her eyes. She only stared ahead at the closet. The moonlight shined in again, and the door crept open, this time, a bleached white rib cage peeaking into veiw, along with the hand and foot. She screamed again. This time, only her mother came to her side.She said,
"This time, I'll leave the door open, and then no monster can hide in there, because it'll be too afraid that you'll see it," Sarah thanked her mother, who walked to the baren closet, and opened the doors wide, letting the moonlight pour into the space. Sarah felt better now, and pulled the covers to her chin, and closed her eyes. No sooner than had she closed her eyes, did she feel a scraping of fingers against her feet...

Her dog looked onward at her frozen, lifeless body, and whimpered as he scraped against Sarah's feet with his paws, wanting up on the bed to lay next to her.