Realisation Strikes

The beautiful day I had been out in with my friends, was slowly turning black and stars were beginning to shine, I should have left earlier I thought to myself. I knew it was silly to wait until the film had finished and then deny a ride home, but I was an adult now. I shouldn’t need to rely on people for anything. I turned into an alley way – a shortcut home – when a bad feeling ran up my spine and stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t know what it was but the shiver travelled through my body again and I went back to my original, longer route. I was humming quietly when I heard footsteps; I turned my head slightly, there was someone there, staring right at me. Don’t be silly I thought, just walk and keep to yourself. Still, I quickened my pace and finally turned the corner. I sighed in relief, I was nearly home, I looked back but couldn’t see anyone behind me or hear any footsteps. I smiled and started walking again.
Then suddenly out of nowhere I bumped into someone, a boy or man I couldn’t be sure of his age, all I could see was his beauty, and the light that radiated from him. “Oh, gosh. Sorry.” I said in my quirky Irish accent, feeling embarrassed that I hadn’t seen him.
“Oh it’s okay.” He said gently, his voice was like liquid gold, deep and slightly throaty sounding. It reminded me of Orlando Bloom’s voice. Then he smiled and it literally took my breath away I didn’t know whether to choke my words out or just keep my mouth shut. As I looked at him and saw something familiar in his face, I knew him from somewhere I was sure. And as I thought about it some more I did know him, I’d seen him at my college, around town, quite a few places. But I didn’t really know him. I was trying to remember his name when he interrupted my inner chatter as if he was reading my thoughts, “I’m Marcus” he smiled that smile again.
Marcus, his eyes were shadowed but they looked dark and his face was like a sculpture. Perfect to look at and it seemed to be radiant in the moonlight. I opened my mouth a couple of times to reply before clearing my throat, smiling back and finally saying, “Yes, I remember, I’ve seen you around town a few times.” Had he been following me? Is that why I could remember him? I didn’t seem to be thinking rationally and the thought soon disappeared.
He chuckled slightly, “Yeah.” He moved slightly as if he was uncomfortable, I looked around me and it was definitely pitch black now and the street was deserted. God this was awkward.
“I better get going,” I said still smiling and checking the time on my phone, “I should be home by now. Nice seeing you again.” I smiled at him and started to walk away.
His hand on my arm stopped me, “Wait, couldn’t I walk you back? It isn’t too far is it?” he stepped forward meeting my eyes and again my breath was taken away. I knew him, so it couldn’t hurt. I nodded and carried on walking with him by my side. Our arms brushed every so often as if he wanted to touch me, at least just a little bit. I couldn’t hear him breathing but I could see his chest moving in my peripheral vision. The silence went on for almost a minute.
“I remember your face.” He said interrupting my thoughts again, “I liked you... I thought you were beautiful.”
I stopped and looked at him to see if he was joking, he wasn’t. His face was sincere and I couldn’t help but believe him and that sent the blood rushing to my cheeks. His expression changed slightly... like he was straining for something.  I looked at the floor and then back at his face.
“Thank you.” I said trying to stay calm, “I did think you were pretty cute too.” I shrugged my shoulders and looked away biting my lip. I felt his hand under my chin pulling me to meet his gaze again, his face inches from mine. I could hear his breathing now as his face moved closer, he was taking long deep breaths. What am I doing? I suddenly thought, I didn’t know him, not really. Not enough to be stood on a dark street kissing him. I was about to protest when his rough but gentle lips touched mine and then I couldn’t think about anything else. His cold lips brushed mine softly and my lips responded by moving with his like I had no control. It was strange that I couldn’t move away from him, and that I didn’t want to, I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him closer, his strong hand was on the back of my head tangling with my hair. My whole body reacted and responded to him and got hotter with every flick of his tongue, every touch of his lips. It was like a fire inside me had been let loose; I was burning up and wanted more of him. Even though I knew we were in the street and it was completely slutty, my hands began to move down to the top of his trousers – to his belt buckle – and I rubbed myself against him.
In the midst of the wonderful experience I felt a sharp pain on my lip, he’d cut me. I was shocked and I released him but he didn’t release me. The fire died quickly. He was getting more aggressive and his arms gripped me tighter and a strong hand felt its way down my back, pushing me against him again, he was hurting me. I had definitely been wrong before, I should have stayed at Angela’s house or got a lift home. Or maybe I just shouldn’t have accepted his offer to walk me home... he was a stranger. Then I realised with a jolt of horror, I was scared and I had no way out. I squirmed and he loosened his grip slightly, “Let go!” I managed to say and surprisingly he did. He was panting and his eyes were frenzied as he moved closer again. I stumbled backwards and felt my back come against something hard, the wall. Then his arms were at each side of me trapping me again. “Marcus?” I said, “You’re not like this...” wasn’t he? My breathing was heavy.
“Aren’t I?” He snarled the same question, “How do you know? You’re such a silly, ignorant little human.” The way he said human sent shivers down my spine, “You’re beautiful. But you’re human. And you smell delicious. Why would I come to you, to a girl walking all by herself in this lovely dark night?”
I swallowed hard closing my eyes for a couple of seconds before opening them again, “You’re going to kill me.” I said in a shaky voice which made him laugh in humour. I wish I could have been stronger to scream at him and run, but it wouldn’t have made a difference. His arms were like steel bars trapping me between them. I was imprisoned and I was going to die at the hands of a beautiful man. I would never see my family ever again… I couldn’t even say goodbye.
“Only if I can’t stop.” His eyes were dead, his face was cold. I couldn’t figure it out, only if he couldn’t stop? Stop what? Then his face changed completely he was no longer just a man in the night scaring me, but he was a man with blazing red eyes, the skin around his eyes taught and wrinkled, a slightly odd-angled face and sharp pointy teeth that came from nowhere. Fangs, I realised with a jolt. Then his body shifted, I might not have noticed if I wasn’t so close to him, and his head tilted towards my neck. I was shocked as the realisation of what was happening came to me. I struggled to think it. Vampire. I had never believed in them, not ever, not until that moment. My breathing came faster and harder. His hands moved to hold my head to the side whilst I struggled to get away. He chuckled a dark menacing laugh and his horrifying mouth moved towards my ear, “Realisation strikes.”
Then began the searing, hot pain in my neck.

The pain was all I could feel, it overtook all of my senses and I couldn’t move. But I could scream. “Just kill me!” I screamed, pleading over and over again. Death was much better than this; I was sure. I felt like I was burning alive I could feel the flames and acid in every part of my body. Suddenly the image of a witch burning at the stake came into my mind, but I still didn’t think they had to endure this much, they would have died quicker. Everything in me felt like I had been hit by a bus, not just once but thousands of times, and scolded by hot water, thrown off a mountain and been trapped inside a burning building all at once. I whimpered weakly as my heart accelerated under the pressure of the heat. I felt pressure against my neck and shied away from it, “Shhh, it’s okay,” I heard a voice whisper, “Everything will get better soon. Don’t fight it.” I recognised the voice, it was his.
I struggled to listen over the flames but I heard him and I didn’t believe him. How could I? I was burning in my own skin with no way out; it didn’t seem worth it to listen. I tried to remember my family; my mum, my dad, and my gorgeous little sister, but they were just a blur in my head, like a smeary photograph. I wanted to cry and scream and die and kill whoever did this to me. Especially that last one, I couldn’t feel anything for him but hate and that made the burning stronger. I tried to pull away from it, fight against it, make it stop, do something. As the burning got stronger I felt my limbs and my muscles get weaker, yet stronger at the same time.
I wanted to move my head, to shake it, to somehow make him move away from me his scent was making me sick. Then I realised I could smell and I could hear, so I did both and heard his breathing beside me, smelt each breath, I even heard something else in the room. Someone moved their feet and it wasn’t this man beside me, the footsteps were lighter and slightly more shuffled.
“When will she wake up?” A Woman’s voice asked, I was stunned, her voice was so melodic and full of harmony it was beautiful.
“I don’t know,” the man beside me growled, “she’s been out for longer than normal, should be soon but she’s fighting it.” He seemed angry.  His voice rough and deep but in a way, soothing – well to someone who liked him.
“Well what do you expect? She didn’t exactly ask for this did she?”
“I don’t need you telling me what I already know” he snarled, “Go tell the others to be awaiting a new arrival. Soon.”
And with that she shuffled out the room.

After what seemed like years the burning started to die away slowly but painfully. Finally I could feel my fingers without the burning, I wiggled them grateful for that feeling.
“Ah that’s right, burning away isn’t it?” I heard the smile in his voice and I moaned in pain still. I didn’t want to stop burning afraid of what had happened to me, I wanted to die, to escape him. The burning was definitely retracting but the burning in my heart was getting hotter and hotter. I arched my back gasping as my heart raced on burning hotter and faster. Then it was over. I lay still unmoving; I realised I could do this without taking even one breath. I gasped, which made the man in the room freeze.

I felt a hand come towards me and I leapt away as fast as could which only took a second, if that, and exactly that time for him to pin me against the wall. I turned my head away from him, I couldn’t bear his scent, it was like a sickly apple and cinnamon smell and it made me sick. Because he was a monster. I opened my eyes and looked into his. They were hard, cold and were the colour of dried blood. He was staring intently at me as if calculating something, his face was even more beautiful now than when I had first met him. He frowned, still pinning me against the wall, “What...?” He was interrupted by talking coming from outside the room.
“I’m telling you I heard movement. Which means she’s awake.” It was that voice from earlier, then the door opened and a gorgeous, delicate brunette entered the room. Her eyes widened at the position of me and Marcus and moved towards him, “What are you doing?” he stepped backwards slowly, releasing me.
“Making sure she wouldn’t do anything stupid.”
 I sank to the floor and closed my eyes again. “What have you done to me?” I glanced up to see the brunette moving towards me, her skin was tan and flawless, her face was rounded and she had a short bob to frame it. Her eyes were red too, I shied away from her. Another monster.
“Hi, my names Clarissa.” She laid her hand on my shoulder and I surprised myself by hissing at her. Her grip tightened a tiny bit, “There’s no reason to be afraid, you’re just like us now.” I shook my head. Just like them? I didn’t want to be.  I had a family, friends. Everyone who cared about me would never see me again. A vampire. They would disown me. Hate me.  And it was his fault. Marcus.
“She isn’t listening to you Clarissa.” He said plainly. My head whipped up and I snarled a feral snarl and moved into an offensive crouch. He raised his hands in bored surrender and said, “Look at her eyes.” I blinked and calmed for a second, what? Everyone did as he said and I turned to look at them, there was Clarissa and two other males. They gasped a little and then frowned.
“What?!” I snapped. Clarissa stood and retrieved a hand mirror, she held it towards me. “I know. I know okay? I don’t have to look. I don’t want to. My eyes are red, I get it.”
Clarissa shook her head, “no they aren’t. Just look.” She shoved it forwards and I almost growled again, but decided I didn’t like the sound, so I stood, more quickly than I had anticipated, and took hold of the mirror. I closed my eyes as I brought it up to my face, I didn’t want to look, I didn’t want to see the stranger in the mirror, I knew she’d be there. I breathed in a deep, un-needed breath, opened my eyes and frowned. The beautiful bright green my eyes had been before was still there. No red coloured my eyes at all. I smiled in relief and looked at the rest of my face, my skin was definitely flawless, still scattered with a light dusting of freckles but perfect. I still looked like me, just a more perfect version. I opened my mouth and no fangs were present until I thought about it and they snapped down sharp and deadly. I willed them away and they were gone again. I was shocked at how normal I looked, and so were the others by the look of it. I handed the mirror back to Clarissa, “Thank you.”
“Why are her eyes still green?” One of the other males asked.
“I don’t know.” Marcus snapped, still looking at me. “Maybe it’s because she hasn’t fed yet.”
“Well our eyes were red when we first changed. Before we fed.” The same guy said again.
“I know Smith. I don’t understand either. Go and get her some blood, quickly.”
I didn’t realise how hungry (Thirsty?) I was until he spoke about blood and my mouth began to water. Ew. All I remember about the taste of blood was a horrible iron-y taste to it. Not nice at all.
It didn’t take long for the guy called Smith to come back with blood in a mug, he handed it to me and I hesitated before taking a sip. It was delicious, the taste just exploded in my mouth, I felt strangely feral as I gulped it down. Before I knew it, it was all gone and he passed me another. “Who are you?” no one answered for a moment.
Marcus spoke first, “well, you know me, and Clarissa. The one handing you blood is called William, and the other one is called Gerard Smith. We call him Smith.” I glanced at their features as Marcus spoke, William had wavy black hair, high cheek bones and a square jaw. Another well-built body, but not as bulky as Smiths, he didn’t look as if he wanted to say anything and he didn’t meet my gaze. Smith had sandy blonde hair that was gelled into a current style, golden skin, a well-built body – he was huge – and those horrible red eyes. His chin was a little pointy but that was his only imperfection. Otherwise he was beautiful. I glanced at Clarissa and she was smiling a breath taking smile – if I was still human – and Marcus was still staring intently at me. He had medium brown hair gelled similar to Smith’s, he looked about 20 or 21, with an intense expression, and a well-sculptured face – and body. For a second I remembered his hot kiss, the way he knew what he was doing and the way my body reacted. But then I remembered the hatred deep inside my gut for him. I gave him a look of disgust and then looked away to the still smiling Clarissa. “I’m so happy I have another girl here!” She seemed to almost bounce around the room, and then she stopped and looked a little guilty. “Oh I’m so sorry; this must be really hard for you. Erm, what’s your name?” She asked gently.
I hesitated and cleared my throat, “Dale.” I swallowed, “Dale Murphy” I put the mug down feeling loads better.
“How old are you?”
“The youngest then,” She nodded then hesitated and looked over at Marcus, “Did you see her eyes when she drank?” He nodded. I frowned, “Oh, they went red when you heard the word blood and when you drank, now they’ve faded back to green.”
I smiled at her
“Right. Everybody out I need to talk to her alone.” Marcus said abruptly. I gasped and grabbed hold of Clarissa’s arm.
“Don’t leave me alone with him.” I whispered. She pulled my hand from her arm.
“What he says, goes. Sorry Dale, I can’t.” She bit her lip and walked out the door, closing it behind her.
I pressed myself against the wall again, “I’m sorry it had to be like that Dale.” He said simply.
“Is that all you have to say to me?” I shook my head, “No. I don’t accept your apology. I hate you.”      
“Do you though? You say you do, but I don’t think it’s true.”
“You don’t know anything about me!” I shouted, angry.
He stayed silent for a few seconds, “Don’t I?” That made me think, but I shook the thoughts away frowning, and he sat down. “I thought you would accept being a vampire, you were so accepting to other people, kind and understanding at college. I thought it would be the same for this.”
I kept him busy talking whilst I thought about other things, “But why did you want me as a vampire anyway? I don’t understand.” I tried to sound calm.
“I just… did. I thought you would be a good asset in my coven. You definitely reacted to my kiss. I’m sorry about how feral and angry I became, it’s not easy being a hungry vampire, smelling a human at such close proximity. I was careless… I hadn’t fed at all for a few days.”
“Don’t remind me.” I frowned, “Asset? An asset for what?” I ignored his second apology, not wanting to feel bad for him.
He chuckled, “I can sense power. You had some. That made you special, and therefore I wanted you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I growled and took my opening as he relaxed. I leapt across the room knocking him from his chair and scratching at his face. I had surprise on my side and it took him a few moments to react, I bit down on his neck with a feral snarl before he kicked me in the stomach and I flew across the room. Then he was on top of me, hands around my throat, his eyes glowing and his fangs down and his face mangled from my scratches. It was obvious I didn’t anticipate his strength.
“I was wrong. Maybe you do have hatred for me. But you are never leaving this coven. You have my blood inside you, I can find you wherever you go.” I grasped at his wrists and yanked, he held on tighter, “I’m more than 300 years older than you, don’t underestimate that, I could kill you without blinking, don’t think I won’t if you try my patience ever again.” He lifted me a little then slammed my head down into the floor, I growled in pain. He held me like that until my eyes stopped glowing red and my fangs slipped away. The fight was lost and I was thirsty, I relaxed and closed my eyes letting go of his wrists. “You will have a miserable forever if you don’t learn to like me.” He released me and stalked from the room, leaving me to wallow in my own stupid self-pity.


2: New Life
New Life

When I thought I was finally able to, I walked out of the room to look around the house. I was on the ground floor in what was obviously a hall way. The room I had just left was at the back end of the house, the doorway opposite this one was under the stair case and looked like a spare toilet. The floor had squishy cream carpet and the stairs were made of a beautiful dark wood that had intricate details engraved into them. I made my way towards the front on the house, on my left was a kitchen/dining room that had an archway instead of a door, and it was the same for what I guessed was the living room opposite this one. The kitchen was modern with an antique, dark-wood dining table and chairs and black tiles on the floor, it was pretty big. I walked past the front door through to the living room which was literally half of the house. The same squishy cream carpet was in here and the sofas were a mixture of style and colour; creams, browns, greys and splashes of red (not blood). They complemented each other well, and all faced towards centre piece, an old, huge fireplace with a telly hanging on the wall above it. Other furnishings were made of the same dark wood as the stairs and the dining table. Talking from the other end of the room startled me, I looked over to see Smith and William on an Xbox – no surprise there – and they were sat on leather gaming chairs. The other end of the room was obviously furnished for games, computers, laptops, Xbox’s, PlayStations, and even a football table was down there. I left the room quietly and headed up the stairs, one flight up, there were 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedrooms, from what I could see, were huge and well furnished, there all looked very manly so obviously were the guys’ rooms. The bathroom had a Jacuzzi bath and a corner shower, a huge counter with a mirror and sink to match, and spread over that counter was mostly female products, with one or two male hair gels thrown in. I left the bathroom and nearly got knocked over by Clarissa, “Woah! Sorry!” she grinned and I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “Are you looking for your room?”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Well, us girls have the top floor to ourselves. Because girls need their space, I explained that to the boy’s years ago.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me up another flight of stairs that bent round as we moved upwards. There were three doors on this level, she gestured to the first one, “That’s the spare room. It’s pretty dusty. We don’t have many visitors.” She laughed and I smiled at her. She went to the next one and opened it, “this one is yours it’s not as big as mine but you know, first come first served, there is a closet in the back that is filled with clothes I bought for you.”
“Thank you.” I smiled at her and she shrugged. I studied the room, the bed was a four-poster in that dark wood from downstairs, it had netted drapes hanging from it, the closet doors were wood too with carvings of flowers that were beautiful. That was it.
“It isn’t very furnished because we furnish the rest ourselves eventually.” She tugged on my arm and led me to her room, and she was right. Her room was definitely bigger, and I was glad, I didn’t think I could live in so much open space. Her bed was similar to mine but her drapes were a purple silk. Purple in any shade seemed to be her theme; she had cream covers on her bed with purple cushions and a big purple throw, a rug and many other things that were purple. She had wooden bedside tables, and a chest at the end of her bed. Her walls were scattered with beautiful pictures and paintings, that’s when I noticed the easel in the corner of her room, she was a painter.
“These paintings are beautiful.” I said looking at each of them.
“Thanks, it doesn’t take me too long to do them anymore, because I’m so fast. I’m having a hard time convincing Marcus to let me put them up around the house. He won’t let me yet.” At the sound of his name I reacted, and Clarissa noticed and nodded. “We heard what happened earlier. You will get used to him, just give it time. He’s very temperamental; I’d attempt not to anger him for a while if I were you.”
I nodded in agreement. “Good idea,” I sighed.
“Well what power have you got?”
I shook my head, “I haven’t.”
“Well you must do. We all do, that’s why he chooses us. He likes to feel powerful and protected… not that he’s ever been threatened.”
“What’s yours?” I asked.
She grinned and flicked her wrist, a vase flew from the corner of the room and she caught it. I stared at it for a few moments, unsure of what to say.
“I have telekinesis. I can move things with my mind.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal. I opened my mouth and closed it again, probably looking like a goldfish. She laughed “It comes in very handy.”
Everything about this world was unfamiliar to me. “I must not have a power.” I said feeling weirdly disappointed. “What have the guys got?”
“You do, Marcus hasn’t been wrong yet, it might take a while for you to come into it. And you will have to ask for yourself, I’m off shopping.” That’s when I finally noticed her blue contact lenses, they suited her.
“Nice contacts.”
She grinned, “Thanks.”
“Did you have blue eyes before?”
She nodded, “Yes, but they were dark blue, I prefer them light blue. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye.” I said to the whisper of wind she left behind. I sighed and went into my room, did vampires sleep? Because I definitely felt tired. I looked down at my Jeans and saw the blood spattered there, I stripped and threw them in a corner and went to look at the clothes Clarissa had picked. Funnily enough, they were all the correct size, even bras and shoes. I looked in the full length mirror on the back wall and my eyes widened a little bit, my body looked perfectly formed, slim, but curvy. I looked good, which surprised me; I had always been so self-conscious of my body. So to see my body like this... I felt weird. To be honest, I didn’t feel different, I felt better, and I could do things better, but I didn’t have a raging desire for blood like it is in films or books – I didn’t feel like I’d lost myself. There was just an uncomfortable itchy dryness in the back of my throat that, no matter how much I coughed, never seemed to go.  I chose some dark blue skinny jeans, a long fitted top, a baggy jumper and some pumps – for a slob day – and headed down for a shower. My black curls were looking a little greasy… could vampires get greasy hair though? There was so much to this I didn’t know and I wasn’t talking to Marcus about it. The only choice left right at this moment was to speak to Smith and William… Brilliant.

After my shower the steam rolled around me as I finger fluffed my hair, I didn’t need to blow-dry it. My hair, as curly as it was, always went kind of the way I wanted it. I looked in the mirror at my now perfect heart shaped face and green eyes and sighed, I would be being shouted at right now for taking too long by mum, but not today. I pulled on my clothes and contemplated makeup – but decided against it, and headed downstairs preparing my 20questions for the boys. I detoured into the kitchen and opened the American style fridge; the drawers in the bottom were filled with blood bags. I hesitated for a moment, nibbling my lip, before I plucked a baggie from the top drawer, walked around the kitchen, found a mug and squeezed the blood into it. I turned and jumped, William was stood behind me, I hadn’t even heard him come in, “Erm. Hi. Sorry, did you want some?” I held the mug out towards him he glanced down at it then back at my face. It felt pretty awkward. I pulled the mug back and sipped from it, I had to hold back a moan, and I closed my eyes briefly.
“I didn’t. Thanks for asking.” William said sarcastically I opened my eyes and frowned.
“Well you didn’t answer me so I assumed you didn’t want any.” I went back to the fridge, opened it and tossed a baggie towards him, he caught it with ease and glared at me. “What now?” I asked.
He shook his head, “Nothing.” Well. Someone was being evasive.
“Fine.” I started to walk away when his voice stopped me.
“I don’t like you.”
I turned to look at him, “Wow, thanks for letting me know.”
“Marcus likes you too much. It makes him angry and unpredictable. I told him not to turn you but he didn’t listen. He never does.”
“And… Marcus being upset, upsets you? Aw, are you in love?”
He bared his teeth at me (fangs and all); I really wasn’t good at this. “No. I killed the girl I loved when I was turned into this.” He gestured at himself. “I don’t like our coven being disrupted, and you disrupt it. It would have been better if he had killed you.” He stalked past me, knocking my shoulder powerfully as he went. Nice guy.
I felt kind of hurt, no one had ever said they wished I was dead. Never. I downed my blood and felt better, marginally. I went through to the living room and found Smith reading a magazine. Porn by the looks of it. I cleared my throat. “Hey Smith.” I said nicely.
He glanced up at me, and then back down to his magazine, “You know, it’s not particularly good to have William as an enemy. He can be quite cruel.” I noticed his accent was English.
I sighed and sank down onto the sofa opposite him, “I know. I don’t understand it, I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Except pounce on and maul Marcus, who really likes you, which isn’t good for anyone, and then be snarky to William? No nothing at all.”
“Okay, so why aren’t you pissed off at me?”
He grinned and closed his magazine, “Because I love the fact Marcus almost got his arse kicked by a woman. You did his face in pretty good you know?” I couldn’t help smiling back at him, “Of course you do. With no training, you did a pretty good job.”
“Um, thanks?”
“You’re welcome.” He chuckled, “now I assume you had a reason to come downstairs before William was a nasty little blighter.”
I giggled, I hadn’t heard the word ‘Blighter’ since I last spoke to my grandma. I noticed his manner of speaking changed every so often, from posh and civilised to modernised and a little rude. “Well, I wanted to ask some questions, I have no idea about anything to do with vampires.” I paused, “Well, real vampires.”
“Okay, Shoot.”
“You might think some are a little stupid…”
He sighed, “Do you want me to answer them or not?”
“Right, okay. I don’t have overwhelming thirst, what’s that about?”
“Books and films are bullshit lies, you might get thirsty, but not crazy thirsty unless you’ve been starved for weeks on end.” I nodded, that made sense.
“Do I pee?”
He laughed out loud, “Yes.” He chuckled once more, “of course you do, you poo aswell.” He winked, “And before you ask, yes, we can eat normal food. I love chocolate.”
I felt like I should be blushing. “Okay. Sunlight.”
“What about it?”
“Will it kill me? Will I sparkle?”
“Sparkle? No. That Twilight pissed me right off. Fucking sparkly vampires. We aren’t fairies you know?” He shook his head, “We are sensitive to the sun, it won’t burn you straight away, but the longer you stay the crispier you get and eventually turn to ash. Dead. It’s best not to try going out in the sun for at least a year after you’ve changed, and when you do, cover up.”
Great.  “Okay… Do we sleep?”
“Well, yeah.”
“When were you turned?”
“1912, I was on the titanic, so was Marcus, he liked me and he changed me as the ship was going down, took a while but he swam us both to shore.” He paused, “I’ve never been on a boat since. Even though I am a vampire.” The date explained the change in his speaking.
“Oh gosh, was it scary?”
“Yes. Next question.”
“When were William and Clarissa turned?”
He hesitated for a moment, thinking it over in his head, “William was turned in 1855 and Clarissa was turned in 1963 – she was a flower child. William’s been with him the longest.” I didn’t have to ask who the ‘him’ was.
“What’s William’s power?”
Again, he hesitated, “If he touches you, and wills it, he can cause immense pain.”
‘He can be quite cruel’ Now I knew how. “What’s you’re power?” I asked to change the subject.
He grinned, “I can make ice” He chuckled, “a slight coincidence since ice was the downfall of the great Titanic.”
“Make ice?” I frowned, he held his hand up and white mist flowed from his palm and formed into an ice swan. I gasped and reached out to touch it. “That is cool.”
“It took me years to make a swan.” He put it down on the table and smiled. “What’s your power?” He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, “I haven’t got one.”
“That’s bullshit, Marcus wouldn’t have turned you otherwise.”
“Well if I have a power, I haven’t figured it out yet. How long did it take you to figure out yours?”
“Well, the first time I felt a major emotion. Maybe you just need to get angry or upset.”
I thought about that for a moment, “I would try to do something but… how do I try if I don’t know what I’m trying for?”
He nodded, “Maybe I should get William downstairs and we can do some training, get you worked up?”
“He doesn’t want to see me.”
“As soon as I say the words ‘Dale’ and ‘Training’, he’ll be all over you. Trust me.”
“Wait, one more question. Apart from speed or strength is there anything else that vampires can do?”
He grinned, “Mind control.” Then he was gone, bounding up the stairs to fetch William for some training. I couldn’t wait. 

3: Gifted

“Ooft!” the air whooshed out of me as I fell flat on my back. I had only been training for twenty-five minutes and I had been off my feet more times than I wanted to admit. I glared at the sky, “It’s not working.”
“Get up.” Williams hard, flat voice commanded.
“I just said it’s not working!”
“You aren’t trying hard enough.”
I sat up and glared at him, “You’re pushing too hard, you aren’t even giving me a chance.”
“I’m not supposed to be giving you a chance; I’m pushing you for a reason. Now get up and stop whining.”
I stood up and brushed myself off, I heard a chuckle come from Smith and I sent a glare his way which shut him up. “Fine. Again.” I said stubbornly.
William smiled and took a step forward, I took a step to the side as his hand came up. I could almost feel the white hot pain coming from his hand and into my body, I involuntarily flinched and jumped backwards. His smile turned sadistic and he took another step forward, moving like a snake, I hissed and dropped into a crouching position, thinking of ways to attack. His best advantage is his power, he knows how to fight but he never uses it. People stay away from him, they don’t go towards him. Then I had the answer, it had worked for me before and I was willing to try again. Surprise. I knew I was supposed to be harnessing my power – if I had one – but attacking seemed like my best option. I took another step back, making him think I was retreating before I bolted towards him, and then jumped over his head. I saw the surprise flash in his eyes when I wrapped my hands around his throat and pulled him down to the ground. He grunted and glanced over at Smith, white hot pain seared my hands and arms, sending my whole body into spasm and immense pain until I let him go.
Smith laughed, “Good plan Freckles, but it’s not just in his hands.” I mentally shook off the pain that echoed and stood up.
“Now I know.” I looked back over at William. Skin to skin contact was all it took for his power to work, I would remember that forever. Literally. He moved towards me again but Smith stopped him.
“Let me try.” He stood and walked over to me, “Give it the best you’ve got, kid.”
I grinned, “Don’t hold back.” I replied as he took a few paces away and turned to face me. His hands were curled into fists at his sides and I began seeing mist slowly creep from them. They came up lightning fast, I barely had time to dodge the icy blast that came shooting from his palms, right at my shoulder. It sent me flying and I had just enough time to twist in the air and land in a crouch. He was stood with his arms folded and a cocky smile plastered on his face. I shook my head and stood up. “Maybe hold back a little.” I said and rubbed my shoulder with feigned hurt on my face.
“You don’t fool me.” Smith chuckled and spun throwing his hands up again, ice flowing from them. In that same moment something in me threw a hot blast out from my own hands, and before I knew what was happening it was as if me and Smith were duelling. Fire against ice. Both were powering heavily against each other. Surprise flashed through me, and I could see it on both Smith’s and William’s face, but I didn’t stop. The longer I held on, however, the more I began to feel drained. Finally I pulled away from the blast and sank to the floor, looking at my hands, they were glowing red and throbbing, but it didn’t hurt. It was strangely cool and gentle. I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head a little, Fire? Why fire? I sighed and dropped my hands to the ground, palm-first against the lush green grass; I could feel the strength there, the vitality. It strengthened me inside as if I was sucking the strength away from it, as if it was giving me the strength willingly. I frowned and pulled my hands away, breaking the connection, and stood looking over at Smith, then at William. Both were staring at me, and both were looking more than a little startled.
Smith spoke first, “I think its fire.” He said and then grinned, “Fire!” He laughed, “And you said you didn’t have a power.” He shook his head and walked over, messing my hair. “I knew you did!” He grinned and wrapped his huge arms around me into a massive bear hug. I returned it with a smile, Smith had the potential to be my best friend – Or the brother I never got.
I giggled, “I can’t believe it.”
We pulled apart and Smith did a little victory dance, which made me laugh again. We both looked over to where William had been sitting and noticed it was empty, Smith shrugged his shoulders and nudged me, “Don’t let him get you down.”
I smiled up at him, “I won’t, don’t you worry.”
He returned my smile and glanced up. “Hey Marcus.”
I closed my eyes and heaved a big sigh before turning around to meet his gaze, I nodded in greeting. “What’s the celebration for?” Marcus smiled at Smith and walked forwards.
Smith nudged me again and took on a proud smile, “we found out what her power is.”
Marcus looked back at me and raised his eyebrows, “And what is it?”
“Fire.” Smith said.
“Yes, fire. Just like I can do ice. The same actually, but I’m sure it’s different somehow.”
Marcus nodded, “Would you like to show me then?”
“Well actually –“ I started.
“Of course she can show you.” Smith butted in. I shot him a glare before we moved into position.
“I don’t know if it will work again…”
“Just try Dale.” Marcus said.
Yes sir. Smith rolled his eyes and grinned at me, he waited for a moment before throwing his hands up and shooting the ice from them. I thought about fire and how it shot from my palms earlier and the same thing happened again.  I noticed the drain in my body again sooner than before and nodded at Smith, we both pulled away at the same time. I panted gently resting my hands on my knees, bent at the waist and looked over at Marcus. He had a smug / satisfied smile on his face. “Very impressive.” He said, “I chose well.”
I laughed but was quieted by the look he gave me, “Well, that just sounded… cliché-like.” I shook my head and stood up straight, “I’m thirsty, anyone else want some?” They both shook their heads and I walked away as quickly as I could.

Marcus watched Dale retreat gracefully and he sighed. Why did everything about this have to be difficult, she obviously didn’t particularly like him – because he lost his temper twice when he was with her - and he liked her too much. Maybe William was right, he thought, maybe I shouldn’t have turned her. He shook his head to banish the thought, she had a powerful power inside of her, but he sensed more than that. He turned to face Smith, “Well done, Smith. I wondered when her power would show. Obviously sooner rather than later.”
Smith grinned, “I convinced William to help do some training, and you know what he’s like.” Marcus almost growled knowing what type of training William would have used. “Don’t worry man, she held her own and did a good job, she got William on his back before he shocked her again.” Marcus sighed. “But, turns out pain wasn’t the trigger for her. So I jumped in and my power got hers out by the second go.” Smith finished.
“Fire.” He said, “She definitely has a fiery temper.” He thought for a moment, “Keep training her Smith, I can sense something else, something more than just fire. Did anything odd happen during training?”
“Well… when she first used her power, her energy seemed to drain rather quick, she fell to the floor and touched it with the palms of her hands.” He showed him, “Then it was if she was rejuvenated immediately after, she seemed a little surprised herself.”
Marcus nodded, listening intently, “maybe her power is more than what we just saw, that is very possible. She might be the most powerful of us all however, and that could be bad. We’ll just have to watch her carefully.”
“Aye, aye captain.” He did a mock salute and walked inside the house still smiling. If only Marcus could be like the care free Smith, maybe Dale would like him. He sighed and went inside leaving the cloudy afternoon behind him. 

4: Meet The Parents
Meet The Parents

After I had replenished myself, a thought hit me like a tonne of bricks. I looked normal, which meant I could see my family without them hating me. I sped up the stairs to my room and found my pile of clothes, tucked inside the jeans pocket was my phone. My stomach clenched as I stared at the phone for a minute, it was currently ringing, and caller ID showed it was my mum. I cleared my throat and answered the phone, “Mum?”
Her heavy Irish voice burst from the speakers “Dale! Where have you been? We’ve been calling you for days!” She shouted.
“I’m so sorry.” I racked my brain for an answer, “I went out the other night and my drink got really badly spiked, I’m okay now.”
“SPIKED?” Damn, maybe that wasn’t a good excuse.
“Mum, calm down, nothing happened. I’m staying at friend’s house at the minute.”
“You can’t tell me to calm down, you’ve been missing for days, and we even had the police looking for you! Come home right now.”
I bit my lip, “Well… I don’t know if I can do that.”
“What do you mean? You come home right now, or else.”
“Mum I’m not 16 anymore, I’m 19 and I can look after myself.”
“You’re still my daughter.”
I sighed, “I know. I know.” I thought as quickly as possible, "I’ll be home this evening but I can’t stay long. I’m… I’m moving out.”
“Moving out? To where?”
“House sharing with a couple of friends.”
“So you’re telling me, you got spiked four nights ago, and you’ve just suddenly decided to move out with ‘friends’ that I’ve heard nothing about. I don’t believe you.”
“Look mum, I can’t live with you forever, I have to leave at some point. I’m not a child anymore. I need to spread my wings. You know I love you.”
I heard her defeated sigh, “Fine, come home tonight and we’ll talk about it. Bring the homeowner with you, we’ll need to talk with them.”
A sound behind me made me whip around to see Marcus at the door, a deadly look in his eye. “Okay mum, I’ll be an hour. See you then.” I hung up before she could say anything else. “Knocking is okay, you know?” He clenched his jaw and didn’t say anything. “Is something wrong?” Obviously.
“Who was that?” He said flatly. Oh.
“My mum.”
He flew into the room, “Are you kidding me?” He shouted, “You aren’t supposed to contact them.” He slammed my door, “Why would you do that? Why would you give them false hope when they won’t see you again?”
I frowned, “But they will. I’m going over there tonight, whether you like it or not. And for the record, she rang me.”
He shuddered as if suppressing his increasing rage, “Do you not understand that you could kill them? You could rip out all of their throats and feed on them. How do you think you’ll feel when you see them lying there completely lifeless?”
“I won’t let myself! I trust myself enough not to do that!”
He shook his head, “That’s what William thought. You’re so foolish, why do I continue to let you do this?” He sighed, “Fine, you can visit them, so you will know how horrible it feels to kill your own family.”
“You have to come.” I said as he was leaving the room, he paused, “I told them I was moving out and they want to see you.”
He snarled under his breath, he whipped around, his face suddenly inches from mine, “and why should I do that?”
I took a deep steadying breath, “Because I know how much you like me.”
His eyes softened and he sighed in defeat, his hand came up towards my face close enough to touch me. It seemed he thought better of it and dropped his hand, “Fine, tonight.” Then he left my room.

It was an awkward, and long, car journey. Marcus had put in brown contact lenses but he said they wouldn’t last very long, a couple of hours at most. “This needs to be a quick, short visit. Get your stuff and say good-bye. You won’t be able to see them in the future.” He’d said.
“You don’t own me.” I snapped.
“I think you’ll find I do.” That had shut me up and made the silence awkward.
Eventually we turned towards the street where my old life was taken away from me, I saw the scene repeat in my head and I closed my eyes to get away from it. He must have felt me tense up or sensed my irritation, “Are you okay?” He asked gently.
“Don’t you recognise where we are?”
He didn’t reply but I knew his answer, of course he knew where we were. We pulled up outside my house four minutes later, the lights shone through the thin curtains and the garden looked as well kept as ever. It all looked so normal, as if I had never left. I noticed the living room curtain twitch and it was another minute before the front door opened, my mum stood there with a worried look on her face. An ache came up in my chest as I stared at her.
“We can go if you want.” Marcus said gently.
“No, I’m fine.” I said stubbornly and unclipped my seatbelt.
“Remember to keep your movements slow and human-like.” He said quickly.
“Fine, whatever.” I heard Marcus sigh heavily as I opened the door and called out, “Hi mum.”
She frowned and stared at me for a few moments before shaking her head, “Dale? Is that you?” I moved forward and nodded, “You look different…” she looked as if she didn’t want me any closer so I stopped in my tracks.
“I think it’s your eyes playing tricks on you.” I joked and then motioned to Marcus, “This is Marcus, the guy I’m moving in with.”
“Guy? You’re not living with a man Dale.” Her accent was much heavier than mine, we had moved to America with my real father when I was young. I sighed and looked at Marcus, my look saying; well go on, you talk to her.
He moved forward with ease and held out his hand, “Nice to meet you Mrs Murphy, I’m Marcus Franklin.”
She eyed him warily before shaking his outstretched hand, “Thank you Mr Franklin but I’m afraid I’m Mrs Johnson, I re-married after I was widowed eleven years ago.” She looked around him at me, “Didn’t you tell him that?”
“It never came up.” I shrugged my shoulders. I shook the thoughts of him away when I heard a small voice.
“Day-Day?” My little four year old sister, Jennifer, poked her head out of the door-way. She spotted me and giggled a happy giggle which made her blonde curls dance around on her head – we each got the curls from mum and the hair colour from our dads. She squealed and ran towards me; I scooped her up in my arms smiling brightly.
“Hi beautiful.” I sighed as I held her warm body in my arms.
“Day-Day!” She shouted my nickname again and grinned. She threw her arms around my neck squeezing me tightly, which would have choked me last week, now it was barely a tickle.
“Let’s all go inside shall we?” Mum said. I walked forward with no hesitation as Jennifer rambled on about what she had been making and eating. I gasped in awe when it was needed and said, “Wow!” more than enough, it satisfied her enough to carry on. I was so happy to be home that I didn’t think about the repercussions of holding a warm, little body in my arms until Marcus whispered low enough for me to hear,
“maybe you should put her down now.” I nodded and did as he said but Jennifer refused to stray, she kept a tight hold on my thumb.
We went through to the living room and my dad – he had always felt like my dad – was there, he studied Marcus with a harsh look before he turned his eyes on me and they widened.
“Dale? What happened to you?” He looked saddened.
I couldn’t help myself and I rushed forward to hug him, “Nothing Dad, I’m fine, don’t worry now.” Then the smell hit me like a wave, it invaded all of my senses and incapacitated me for a moment. It smelt like stale blood, but blood none the less. I pulled back sharply and looked him over, a deep gash was on his arm, it must have been at least a day or so old. “What did you do?” I asked in a dazed voice.
“Oh, I tripped and fell in the work shed, wh- ” he broke off suddenly, “Dale? What… what’s wrong with your face?” He went to move forward but I shook my head and turned away.
“Nothing Dad. Sorry.” I stared at Marcus until I got myself under control; he nodded to let me know it was safe. I moved to sit on the sofa where Jennifer climbed up on my knee, I didn’t have the heart to move her so I made sure I didn’t breathe too much. Mum came into the room finally; her eyes were red and watery from unshed tears.  “So how are you all?”
They didn’t answer me so Marcus broke the silence first. “Mr and Mrs Johnson, I realise Dale moving out must be a big shock to you all, but you must know it had to happen one day. She contacted me a few weeks ago just as an enquiry and she was out of four applicants, we felt she would fit in better than the others.” I tried not to look shocked at how easy the lie poured from his mouth.
“A few weeks ago?” My dad said sternly, “When were you planning on telling us!”
“It was going to be a surprise, so Jennifer could have my room and we could all have some more privacy. I’m old enough now guys.” I said quickly, “I didn’t think you would be this angry.”
“Calm down Paul.” My mum said gently and tapped him on the shoulder, “We knew it would happen soon enough,” she looked at me sharply, “it would have been nice if you had given us more warning though.”
I nodded, “I know, I know, I’m so sorry.” I rested my cheek against Jennifer’s head, out of habit.
“Why do you look so different?” Mum asked.
For a moment I didn’t know what to say, “I didn’t realise I looked any different.”
Jennifer looked up at me and put her hand against my cheek, “You pwetty” She said softly. I smiled at her and looked up at my parents.
“I’d like to talk to Marcus alone.” Dad said abruptly.
“But…” I started.
“No. Please leave the room, pack your stuff or whatever. Just go.”
It wasn’t that I was worried about Marcus, I was worried about dad. I didn’t know how long it had been since Marcus fed, he had lost control with me once; it could very well happen again. I stood up and took Jennifer with me, “Okay.” I walked past his chair and stopped, “please don’t be mad.” And then I carried on up the stairs towards my bedroom, mum followed behind me. When we got to my room I hastily put Jennifer down as the smell began to overwhelm me again. I might not be crazy with thirst, but it was definitely there. She ran around picking clothes from my drawers and bringing them to me, it was just a little game to her. I discarded the clothes I didn’t need anymore.
“What will you be taking?” Mum asked as I pulled out a suitcase.
I looked around the room and then at my mum, “Just the stuff I need.”
“So, everything then?” she sounded sad.
“No! not at all, I won’t be taking the telly, or the bed, or the wardrobe…” I looked around, “I’ll just be taking my clothes, my chest of drawers, my bears, and my bookshelf and books.”
“Right. Do you want me to get you some boxes?”
“That would be great, thank you.” She turned to leave, “Mum, wait. Talk to me please.”
She sighed and looked over at Jennifer, “Jen sweetheart, Go and get your pyjamas ready for bed.”
“Okayy” Jennifer sighed and skipped from the room.
Mum stayed quiet until we heard Jennifer humming a song. “I don’t want to lose you Dale. I can feel you slipping away from me each day, I don’t know how to feel about it. And now this.”
“And now what?” I asked gently.
“Well look at you! What happened? You’ve always been pretty, but now… something has changed and you look completely different. You’re even acting kind of different… as if it’s painful to be in the same room.”
I sighed, “Mum,” I walked slowly towards her. “You know how much I love you, and I’m fine, there’s nothing painful about it,” I smiled and hugged her. “See?”
“Please don’t go Dale.” Her voice quivered and she squeezed me.
“Mum, don’t. You can’t guilt-trip me into staying, not this time. I’ve made up my mind.”
“I just want everything to be the same as it was four days ago.” The thing about my mum is that she is co-dependant. On everyone.
“You’ll be fine. You might even find that you enjoy having the peace and quiet. Jen will especially love having the bigger room.” I gave her a cheeky grin.
She nodded sadly, “I’ll go get some boxes.” She turned and left without another word. Jennifer came back through with her pyjama top on backwards and her trousers inside-out. I laughed and bent down to sort her out, tweaking her nose as I went, she giggled a lot. When mum came back with some boxes, much later than what I would have thought, she had a slightly dazed look about her.
“Are you okay Mum?” I frowned.
She shook her head and blinked a couple of times, “Yes, sorry. I’m so glad you’ve finally found a place to live, I know you’ve been talking about it for a few months now, finally it’s all happening.” I had? She smiled and hugged me, “I’m so happy for you. Do you need any help packing?”
“I… no thank you I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, Jen, say goodnight to your sister it’s bed time.”
Jennifer skipped towards me and hugged me tight, “Night, night Sweetheart. I love you.” I whispered in her ear.
“Love you morest!” She giggled back and then left the room with mum. I peeked into the hallway to make sure no one was there and used my new vampire speed to pack my bag and boxes.

Finally an hour later I was ready to leave, everything was in the car and my parents were on their front porch ready to say good-bye with… smiles on their faces? I glanced at Marcus as he climbed in the car straight-faced but he didn’t notice. I walked to my parents and hugged them both gently, “I’ll miss you.” I smiled at them.
My dad smiled even bigger, “I so hope you are happy at your new house Dale. I’m glad everything has come together for you.” I inwardly frowned, only an hour ago he was upset about me moving out, he didn’t want me to. I nodded,
“thanks Dad.”
My mum kissed me on my cheek, “Good luck.”
I walked towards the car and climbed in, we drove away with one last wave. I clasped my hands in my lap and thought about what my parents had been saying to me and nibbled my lip. “Marcus?”
“What did you say to my Mum and Dad to make them so okay about all of this?”
He glanced at me quickly, “I told them that this was your choice and that they should accept it if they want you to be happy.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re lying.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re lying. You did something to them. I know you did, because Mum came into my room, after taking longer than necessary to get boxes, saying how happy she was that I’ve found a place because I’d been talking about it for months. Care to explain that?” I felt the first flicker of anger inside me.
He hesitated, “I did what was necessary to make this easy for you, for us. I didn’t want to deal with angry parents, your parents. It’s your fault I had to do it.”
“You messed with their minds?” I shouted, “How dare you! You had no right to do that. There is no us. And, my fault? Do you forget who it was that turned me into this? What monster did this to me? Of course you didn’t forget because you enjoyed it. You enjoyed seeing me in pain. Arsehole.” I sat back in my seat absolutely fuming.
The car suddenly stopped. “You think I enjoyed seeing you in pain?” His voice was deadpan.
I shrugged my shoulders, “That’s the only explanation I can think of. You seemed to enjoy it when you had me pinned against a wall.”
He blew out a breath, “If I remember correctly you were enjoying yourself as much as I was.”
“Not when you started sucking my blood! You gave no explanation, I was terrified. I was about to die – or so I thought. But you didn’t care, you carried on anyway. You destroyed my life.” My eyes welled up, “And you’re supposed to care for me? Doesn’t seem that way.” I opened the car door, “I’ll see you back at the house.” I slammed the door, denting it as I did. I started to walk away and a tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it away angrily, “He doesn’t deserve my tears.” I said to myself. I shook the sadness away but the anger stayed, my hands began to throb. I looked down at them and they were on fire.
Marcus pulled up beside me, “Dale. Get in the car and calm down.”
“Stop telling me what to do.” I growled.
“Well what else am I supposed to do? You’re acting like a child.”
I stopped walking and my arms started throbbing too. “Seriously Marcus, leave me alone. Now.”
He glanced at my arms, “You need to calm down, your emotions are heightened and obviously so are your powers.”
I could feel the flames licking at my shoulders but it didn’t hurt. I almost couldn’t think straight. Marcus got out the car and came round to me his hands raised in surrender. “Look, I’m sorry okay? But I did what I thought is best for our coven, not for you. Not for me. But for the coven. You’re being selfish. I understand you are upset about your mother and father having their minds messed with but there was no other way to make them unsuspicious. Do you want Smith or Clarissa to be hurt?” I shook my head, I liked them. “Then stop being angry with me. And understand that what I did is for the best.”
“It still doesn’t make what you did okay. It was wrong. And you still destroyed my life.” The flames began to die away.
“Have you ever thought that Fate had this planned for you all along? Look at your new power, you didn’t have that when you were human, and now you do.” He stayed silent for a few moments. “Maybe you were made to be a vampire.”
“To be a monster.” I said brokenly.
“You may see it that way now, but in time you may change your mind. The rest of us have.”
Finally the last of the flames extinguished and I collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I let Marcus pick me up and put me back in the car. I let him take us back to the house and carry me inside.
“What’s wrong with her?” Smith growled.
“She’s had an exhausting evening. Let’s leave her be.” Marcus didn’t stop walking until he placed me on the bed and kissed me on the forehead – thinking I was asleep – and then left me to cry myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke to find all of my belongings at the foot of my bed. I honestly didn’t feel like leaving my room so I slowly unpacked, placing everything gently and neatly. I felt silly for keeping my teddies, but they smelt and felt so much of home I had to keep them. Eventually my thirst won out and I left my room. Stood in the doorway opposite mine was Clarissa, her arms were folded and she had a contemplative look on her face.
“Good morning.” She said gently.
“Is it?” I replied with a sigh.
“Dale, you’ve got to stop hating on us. And on yourself.” She said gently.
“I don’t hate you Clarissa, I hate the monster that we all are. I didn’t ask for this… and I don’t want it.”
“Well you’ve got it.” She said sternly. “It’s who you are now.” She moved towards me, “When life gives you lemons, grab some fucking tequila.”
I looked up into her red eyes and a small smile spread from my lips, “That’s a good tip.”
She shrugged, “I know.” Then we both started to laugh, “I’m so glad you’re here Dale, it’s been horrible being the only girl for over five decades.”
“Oh, well I can understand that!” I smiled and we both made our way down stairs. Somehow, even though I was in a crappy mood, even though I was a monster, talking to Clarissa and laughing with her…I felt a lot better knowing I wasn’t completely on my own. 

5: New Power
New Power

The week passed in a blur. Marcus avoided me at all costs, as did William. I assumed they were off doing something together, William probably trying to convince Marcus to get rid of me, I doubted that I would get that lucky. Although, I seemed to be the only one to notice their disappearance, Smith as carefree as he was, didn’t seem to care let alone notice. And Clarissa seemed to enjoy the fact the boys were outnumbered by the girls for once. Our friendship grew stronger – as did mine and Smith’s. My ‘training’ continued with him while Clarissa watched from the side line egging us on.
“I know how to work it, I get angry. Why do we have to do this?” I frowned
Smith sighed, “Look Dale, it’s mandatory, we all had to do it, you cannot just assume you know everything or are invincible just because you have a power. It doesn’t work like that.” He looked at Clarissa,
“it’s true.” She confirmed with a smug smirk.
So far I had learnt the basic offensive and defensive moves; Smith attacked me at different angles and in different styles so I was ready for any kind of attack. Throughout the week he had me running through the forest, jumping from trees, swimming, and fighting off his power and Clarissa’s too. I was able to not only project fire, but throw fire balls and light candles, I even managed to make a huge fire ring around Smith before I had to break it off because of the drain it caused.
“When will this get easier?” I panted, sitting on the floor.
Smith shrugged his shoulders, “For me it was almost a year and Clarissa, it took you 5 months, correct?” She nodded, “I don’t know how long for William, he doesn’t talk about it much.” He was studying me so closely it wasn’t hard to miss.
“What?” I asked defensively,
he blinked, “I’m sorry?”
“What are you staring at me for? It’s a little unnerving.”
“Sorry, I was, erm, watching how quickly you recuperated.” He shrugged his shoulders and went inside. Weird.
“Lesson one,” I heard Clarissa say, “Never let yourself become distracted.” And a rock hit me flat in the face.
“Ugh!” I said as I fell backwards, “Bitch!” I grinned as I sat up a flung a fire ball at her, she laughed and deflected it into a nearby boulder. I chuckled and rested my hands on the soft grass next to me. It felt as though the grass shocked me before I felt warm and energetic again. I frowned.
“What’s up?” Clarissa asked walking slowly over to me,
“I’m not really sure…” I pulled my hands away, suddenly full of energy, “I’m ready to go again.”
“That was faster than normal, what did you do?”
“Touched… the ground?” It sounded silly in my ears.
She looked at me with a strange expression, “The ground? The ground made you feel regenerated?”
“Smith?” she called, even though we both knew he was listening,
he jumped down from his window, “Yes?”
“You heard that?”
He nodded, “Very interesting, lets wear you out again and see what happens.” His arms came up lightning fast and I did the same, throwing fire at him, but this time Clarissa joined in, throwing rocks and branches at me. I lost my strength pretty quickly defending both of them, I held my own for a good 15 minutes before I collapsed again.
“Now, do what you did before.” Smith commanded.
I sighed and put my palms flat on the ground, the same thing happened again, I felt the life and energy flowing back into my through my hands. Not like I was stealing it, but like it was being offered to me. I jumped back up smiling; two pairs of eyes studied me.
“Your face is flushed, and your hands are red. Did you just get energy from the earth?”
“I think so, I’ve done it before but ignored it, I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”
“I think Marcus was right, you have more inside you. I’ll be inside.” And then he was gone, without another word.
“This is exciting!” Clarissa giggled, “you have more than one power! That is impressive.” She winked and another rock came toward me, this time I dodged rather than threw fire. I gave her the evil’s and walked inside for some blood.


Later on I decided to cook. After finding out we can actually eat human food, I’ve been dying to cook in the gorgeous kitchen. I began to get impatient waiting for the meat to cook through, waiting for water to boil, but I was determined to see it through. Like a normal person.
“Oh, something smells good!” I heard from the living room, Smith bounded through with a grin. “It’s been years since a woman has cooked for me… Clarissa can’t cook.”
“I can too!” she came in behind him, “I just choose not to. I don’t want to make you boys feel insignificant.” She winked at me and I shook my head smiling. “Smells like spaghetti bolognaise.” She noted with pleasure.
“Yeah, it’s one of my favourite meals. I’ve been craving it for a few days now.” They both watched me for a few moments, “Well, you aren’t going to leave me to do everything are you?” They looked puzzled, “you could start by setting the table.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Smith nodded and got to work.
I looked at Clarissa, “Am I old enough to be a ma’am?”
She laughed, “Yes.” Great.
It didn’t take much longer for everything to be ready – thanks to my lovely power. I gave up on being patient. We all sat at the big oak table enjoying some good food, there happened to be enough for about 3 servings each. I was going back for my second when Smith spoke.
“So, I’ve been researching and texting,”
“texting?” I asked.
“Marcus. We have a theory about you.”
“Well this sounds interesting. Where is Marcus anyway?”
“He didn’t really say.”
“When’s he back?” I walked back to the table with a neutral face.
“He didn’t really say.” Smith repeated and shoved some spaghetti into his mouth, “Why are you so interested?”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I like the peace and quiet. What’s your theory anyway?”
“That you can manipulate, fire, earth, water and air.” He took a sip of blood, “All the elements.”
I thought for a moment and popped some spaghetti in my mouth. I looked at Smith seriously, “You’re sure?”
He nodded, “yes. Undoubtedly, as is Marcus.”
I bit my lip, “But, we’ve not seen any specific evidence, only that I can get energy from the earth that doesn’t mean-”
“Throw a fire ball at me,” Clarissa interrupted.
I frowned and put my fork down, “But, why?”
“Just do it.” She sighed.
“Seriously Clarissa, I’m not going to do that.”
“Aren’t you interested as to why we are asking you to do it? Do it and you’ll find out.” Smith said flatly.
I sighed and rubbed my fingers together and built up a fire ball – hopefully soon I would be able to create a fireball without this gesture. I flicked it towards her and she deflected it into the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” I Jumped up.
“Put the fire out.” Smith stood slowly. I lifted my hands and started to suck the fire away, Clarissa threw my hands down, “With your water power.” Smith crossed his arms.
“Guys, don’t. You can get seriously injured, or worse you could burn to death! I do not want to be responsible for that!”
“Then put the fire out.” Smith said.
I looked between them both, “You can’t trust me that much. I don’t even trust me that much.”
They both shrugged their shoulders with a small smile – neither looked worried. I growled under my breath and turned to look at the fast growing fire. I was so worried my arms and hands shook violently, I pointed my hands towards the fire and willed water to do something. The air was becoming dry, the fire expanding, getting closer to the gas pipes. I closed my eyes for a moment and calmed my mind, calmed the anxiousness and wiped away the worry. I took in a deep smoky breath and found my glass of water, being dehydrated from the heat wouldn’t help. I drank and breathed out and with all the force I could muster I threw my hands up, my fingers pointing toward the fire.
Nothing. Nothing happened.
I opened my eyes and looked at Smith and Clarissa, their eyes unreadable, the fire was so close to them now.
“Please!” I shouted, “Leave.”
They both ignored my plea and the fire caught hold of Smiths arm, he grimaced in pain.
“Smith!” I rushed towards him but Clarissa stopped me with her power, this was torture, I’m sure. I looked at Smith and tears sprang into my eyes. He let out a scream as the flames tore up his arm and onto his torso. I screamed too and threw my arms up again like before and a cold blast shot from my fingers onto Smith. Relief swelled through me as the fire was put out and he started to heal. I turned towards the rest of the fire and it was out soon. I panted and sank to the floor, “why would you do that?” I whispered through the smoky haze. I felt kind of betrayed; surely there would have been another way to get it out of me. Another way than this. All I wanted was a nice easy, simple dinner. Devoid of problems. I guess we never get what we want.
Smith shrugged, “Well it worked didn’t it?”
I stood up on shaky legs, “that isn’t the point. Look at your arm, it’s barely healed yet, it’s at least a third degree burn and I know it hurts you.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “No pain no gain.”
I was so angry I couldn’t even reply. Fire crept up my arms and licked at my neck. The whole kitchen was destroyed, just the way my trust felt. I knew I was probably being stubborn or childish, but I didn’t care, in my eyes what they did was wrong. I stormed past them and went straight outside into the cool night air to clear my head.

After two hours of walking alone I still didn’t know how I felt. Part of me was elated, I had a water power! I couldn’t believe it; my powers were growing and were making me hate my life a little bit less. But then another part of me still felt hurt, still felt as though Smith and Clarissa broke my trust.
“Sulking again?” The deep voice startled me and I whipped around.
“Marcus! Christ, you scared me! What are you doing here?”
He smiled gently, “I just got back. I thought I’d find you and see how you were doing.” He shrugged.
I frowned for a moment, “was it your idea to set the house on fire?”
He sighed heavily, “even though I’m the bad guy, no it wasn’t my idea. It was my idea to try and force it out, but I didn’t mean that. In all honesty it worked didn’t it? Smith knew what he was doing, can’t you just get over it?”
I sighed and looked into his eyes, something flipped inside my stomach. I ignored it. “I…” I didn’t know. All my thoughts were jumbled and confused, I didn’t know what to think anymore. Instead I just nodded and began walking back to the house. “So where have you been?”
Marcus sighed, “I’ve just been trying to figure things out.” He stopped walking, “I’ve been having a hard time recently, with my thoughts, my feelings...”
I stopped and looked at him, “Look, Marcus, thank you for being nice to me, and thanks for leaving for the week – it’s been great, really – but that doesn’t make us friends. Not even close. I don’t want to hear about your problems, you have William and Smith to talk to. Even Clarissa, she likes you more than I do.” Ouch, I saw the rejection on his face and I almost felt bad, “I don’t want to be harsh but, don’t waste your breath on someone who really doesn’t care.”
He nodded slowly and his jaw clenched, “Fine.” After sparing one last look at me – one filled with anger and rejection – he sped off. A part of me felt horrible, I’d never been like this before, never been such a bitch. He just opened up the horrible side of me and I never thought before speaking when I was near him. I leant against the nearest tree and put my face in my hands, what’s wrong with me? I thought angrily. He was obviously looking for comfort and advice. I just couldn’t shake away the tinge of hate he brought up within me. I shook my head and stood up straight, he’ll get over it, surely? I began walking towards the house again, hopeful and quickly because dawn was fast approaching. 

6: Misunderstanding

When I got back to the house, Smith and William were cleaning the kitchen, it was nearly completely re-done. William threw a glare my way as I entered the kitchen,
“is there anything left for me to help with?”
William snorted, “No. you came back at the most opportune time, how fortunate.”
I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at Smith, “Can I have a word?” He nodded and followed, I took him outside near the stream to ensure that William couldn’t listen in. “Look, I’m sorry I reacted the way I did, I just felt like, you somehow betrayed me. I know it sounds stupid but that’s just the way I felt.” As soon as id finished he scooped me up into a hug and buried his head in my hair.
“I’m so sorry. It’s the only way I could think of.”
I wrapped my arms up and around his neck, “I forgive you. Just try not to do it again,” I joked and it worked, he chuckled gently and set me back on my feet. His eyes lingered on mine for longer than I felt comfortable and I looked down at my feet.
“Is there something wrong?” He asked gently. I glanced up at him and shook my head, he took a small step towards me. “Dale… I, I want to…” he pursed his lips in thought.
Oh no. Oh God. This wasn’t happening. The guy has only known me for a just over a week! I looked back up at his gorgeous American boy face, fussy blonde hair, massive body, full pink lips and his red eyes were sparkling. I didn’t want him. Not like this, I was seeing him like a brother, like a best friend. Not like a lover. I took a step back, “I think I know what you want.” His eyes were down at my lips and they snapped back up to my eyes.
“you do?” He took it the wrong way and lurched forward, his left hand weaved into my hair and his right hand went around my waist, pulling me to him. His lips touched mine roughly – full of need, and instantly I knew what was wrong with him, he wasn’t ‘getting enough’ and this new girl – me – might help. Needless to say it was the worst kiss of my life, I mean, don’t get me wrong he knew what he was doing but it felt completely wrong. Everything was screaming NO!
I pushed his chest, hard. “No, Smith, stop.” He pulled back confused, “I don’t want this.”
He let go of me rapidly, as if I’d burnt him, “But I thought…”
“did I ever give you any reason to think so?”
He frowned and thought for a minute, then shook his head.
“Listen, you’re a great guy Smith, one of the best, you’re handsome, lovely, caring, and a lot of fun. But I’ve been growing to you like a best friend, a brother, I don’t want to lose that.” I rested my hand on his arm in sympathy, “When did you last have sex?”
He chuckled gently, “I don’t even remember.”
“Well, then this little episode was just you hormones blazing out of control. Do you even like me in that way?”
“Not really, you’re gorgeous, but like you said… like a best friend. Today I seem to keep pulling out the dick moves.”
“as long as its only once every so often and not every day.”
He sighed, “It’s just so hard.”
I raise my eyebrows and glance in his trouser snake region and then back to his face with a deliberate Really? Look.
He laughs, “Stop it, that’s not what I meant.” He grins and I’m grateful to see him back to his old self. “what I meant was, Marcus sets the rules so tight. We can only turn people he sees fit. And going out to meet people is hard because we can only go out at night.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“As bad as it sounds, can’t you just go out to a nightclub, with contacts in, and have a one night stand?”
He sighed heavily, “I’ve never had sex with a human woman, well not since I’ve been changed anyway. I would be afraid of killing her, or breaking her bones.”
I nodded in understanding, “Blow up doll it is then.” He laughs and punches me in the arm, I punch him back giggling.
“Don’t be crude.”
“Me? Hang on, the second time I ever spoke to you, you were reading a porno mag.” I grinned at him and raise my eyebrows. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently and grinned.
 A severe burning sensation spread across my arm and I yelped and jumped into the shadow of the trees, the sun was finally up and we were in the cover of the trees. Dammit I hadn’t been paying attention. I looked at the sparse bare field between me and the house. I didn’t know if I could make it. I looked up a Smith, “Can you go through that without burning?” He nods, “Can I?”
“Seeing your reaction to your arm, then no. I can cover you if you want? Beats waiting around here all day.”
I thought for a moment and stroked the closest tree next to me, “I think I have an idea… if it will work, I don’t know but it’s worth a shot.” The trees surrounded the field towards the house, I followed the line of shadows until I reached the tree that was closest to the house, still it was more than a few metres away. I rested both my palms against its trunk and whispered in my head, Stretch for me… cover me. The trunk groaned slightly and heat pulsed against my palms, the branches started growing and the leaves expanding. I watched the whole process with shocked, wide-open eyes. It was working. The tree was moving for me! I grinned as the trunk bent over slightly to give more coverage. The bark was stretching like a pair of leggings, not cracking too much to expose its under-layer. I pulled my hands away and patted it gently, “Thank you.” I don’t know why I said it, it seemed appropriate. I was now stood under the biggest tree I had ever seen in my entire life and it covered my path to the decking, I had only to run across the decking and into the house.
Smith grinned at me, “INCREDIBLE!” He yelled and fist pumped the air with a whoop.
I noticed everyone inside, looking through the glass with wide eyes. Marcus emerged with an umbrella, a neutral mask plastered on his face. I jumped under it “Thank you.” And I followed him inside.
“How did you know you could do that?” He asked with not much enthusiasm in his voice.
“It was just a hunch.”
Clarissa pulled me into a hug as soon I was away from the pulsing sun, “I’m so sorry, Dale. There was nothing we could think of. I… I…”
I hugged her back, “don’t worry about it, I’m in a forgiving mood.” I glanced over at Smith but he didn’t meet my eyes, a guilty smirk on his face. I noticed Marcus glancing between us both with narrowed eyes but he didn’t say anything. I pulled away from Clarissa and looked at my arm, still red.
“Maybe I should get some blood in me?” She nodded and we walked through to the kitchen together, grabbed some blood then went upstairs to lounge on my bed and chat.

“So what did Marcus say to you?”
I sipped and thought carefully about my reply, “He basically told me to get over it, I’ve gotta live with you buggers forever.” I laughed as Clarissa pushed me and I toppled onto my side.
“He came back before you though, and he wasn’t happy.” She looked at me sternly.
“Oh it was nothing.” I stared at the ceiling trying to look nonchalant.
“Look, I consider you my best friend. This is girl talk and I won’t tell anyone.” She smiled gently at me and slowly I sat up and sighed heavily.
“I think I’ve ruined any kind of truce between us. It’s not enough that I attacked him when I first woke up, I ignore him, I snap at him all the time, accuse him for ruining my life – which is kind of true – and earlier in the woods I pretty much rejected him. Discarded him and he was pissed.”
“Only kind of true?” Clarissa asked,
“Well without this,” I gestured to myself, “I wouldn’t have met you guys.” I smiled pathetically and she grinned back at me.
“so what happened in the woods?
“Well, he told me to get over it and then he started trying to confide in me he was all ‘I’ve been having trouble with my thoughts’ or something and I cut him off and told him not to waste his breath on someone who didn’t care.”
Clarissa bit her lip and thought for a minute, “Erm, maybe that was a little bit harsh. He is trying to nicer Dale.”
“I know, I know” I put my head in my hands, “I don’t know what happens, he opens his mouth and I just want to pull his jaw off. It’s an instant reaction, all I feel is anger towards him and I can’t stem what comes out of my mouth.”
“Maybe just try not to open your mouth to begin with.” She tried to look sympathetic but I don’t think she quite understood.
“I guess I’ll try.” We stayed silent for a few moments and it was awkward. I struggled for a conversation topic and remembered what me and Smith has talked about, “Is there anyone special in your life then?” I winked, “Not special as in ‘in love’ but … Special.
She laughed, “It’s harder to meet people than you might think, but I have had a few encounters.” She winked back at me.
“Really? God, will you talk to Smith about it, he’s afraid he’ll break someone if he tries. I told him I’d have to buy him a blow up doll.” I laughed to myself but Clarissa had a strange look on her face, “you okay?”
She shook her head and blinked, “Sorry, I zoned out.” Her voice sounded strangely sad.
I frowned, “What’s up?”
She smiled, “Nothing. It’s nearly 8 and nearly dark fancy going out tonight?”
I grinned back at her, “Yes!” I jumped up, “What are you going to wear?”
Finally she looked carefree again and followed me to my closet, “I think I know, let’s sort you out first.” She rummaged through, “I hope you like what I got you, I took your measurements and just bought loads.” As she was talking she pulled out an array of skirts, shorts, play suits and dresses. She laid them on my bed.
“I love them, thank you!” I went over to look at the pile, “I think I’ll go for a bodycon dress.”
She picked up three different ones, “These are my favourites.” One was light coloured, with different patterns decorating it in pinks, oranges, greens and blues, it has laser cut outs where my cleavage would be and down the back. The second was a dark green halter neck, and the third was simple, black round necked and long sleeved. 
“I think I’ll have the green one.” I reached out and she gave it to me, it would kind of offset my eyes, but in a good way.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” Clarissa went to her room – to get dressed.
I quickly stripped and pulled the dress over my head, I looked in the mirror and appraised myself – I didn’t look bad. It hugged my curves perfectly and did good for my eyes. I went back into the closet and grabbed some black six inchers and a black clutch bag. It was good enough for me. I went into Clarissa’s room and she was in an orange, strapless bodycon. She wore white heels and had a white clutch bag and she looked stunning. “Wow you look amazing!” I grinned and she looked at me.
“So do you.” She smiled back, I noticed the contact lenses in her eyes, “We’ll drive there, I don’t fancy running in these!” She laughed and sat down to put on makeup and straighten her hair. I frowned and bent down to look in the mirror, my hair was messy curly as usual and I only had on some mascara. I quickly went back to my room and put some foundation on and applied some eyeliner. Then I was ready to go.
“It’s still early.” I called through to Clarissa, “We don’t need to leave yet do we?”
She was behind be in a second, “No, we’ll fill ourselves up on blood, so the temptation is… lowered. Then we’ll leave at half nine.”

7: Mistakes

When Clarissa and I got downstairs for some blood an approving whistle sounded behind us, “Well, Ladies. You look hot!”
We both turned to see Smith leant against the archway, Clarissa smiled brightly and spun around, “thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” He was shirtless.
Because I was chugging down some blood I almost didn’t notice the blush in Clarissa’s cheeks and the sexual tension radiating from her. I set my mug down gently, “You fancy coming out with us Smith?”
Clarissa’s eyes shot to me and then back at Smith, “No I think I’ll stay here tonight. Helping William out with something.”
I couldn’t help but notice the disappointment that radiated from Clarissa, “Next time then.” I said with determination, he nodded, winked at us both and then headed upstairs. I waited until I heard the shower come on and I stared at Clarissa expectantly, “what was that?”
“What?” She asked, innocently shrugging her shoulders.
“You know what!” She widened her eyes slightly and kicked my leg, “Oi what was that for!”
She kicked it again, “what was what for?” this time she nudged my right leg so I would turn around. Oh… Marcus was now in Smith's place. She didn’t want this conversation heard. I kicked her back gently and smiled over at Marcus, “hey.” I remembered what Clarissa said to me earlier and kept my mouth firmly shut. His gaze penetrated me and had my blood boiling, why did he have to do that? It just pissed me off.
“What’s going on?” He asked and glanced over at Clarissa.
“We’re getting out of the house. We need to blow off some steam.”
“Then do it here, go outside and do some training. You can’t be serious about going clubbing.”
I gaped, was he trying to ground us? What a dick! “We’re going out Marcus, I want to. We want to. Clarissa knows what she’s doing.”
Clarissa’s hand grabbed my arm and squeezed gently, “Look Marcus, I trust her, she trusts herself. You can’t expect us to stay in the house forever.”
I busied myself by drinking again.
“No I don’t, but she’s only been a Vampire for two weeks, give or take.” I rolled my eyes at him, he noticed and narrowed his, “I don’t think I trust her enough. She nearly ripped her father’s throat out, would have done if I wasn’t there.”
“Oh for god’s sake Marcus!” I slammed my mug down, “get over yourself. I’ll be fine, it’s not like everyone there will be telling me to suck their blood. Not that I would anyway, I don’t want to be like you.” I heaved a sigh, “we’re going out.” I said more firmly.
He ran his hand through his hair angrily leaving it messy and stalked forward until he was at the other side of the kitchen island, I kept eye contact. “Stop talking to me like I am a piece of shit Dale. When you get home later I’ll know if you hurt someone or not, and if you did I will punish you.” I couldn’t believe he just said that. “Do not take my threats lightly, I always keep my word. Always.” He pushed away from the counter and head straight out the front door, slamming it as he did.
I stood there silently, stunned. Too stunned to talk. Clarissa broke the silence first, “What did I tell you Dale?”
“Please don’t Clarissa. Can we just drink and go?” My mood had instantly worsened.
“You still want to go?” I whirled to look and her and she held her hands up in surrender, “I’m only thinking about you having a good time, you seem pissed off.”
I forced myself to relax and smile, “I’m good.”  She offered no reply, I couldn’t help but feel like a shit friend.
I downed another few bags of blood and we both went out to the car, ready for clubbing.


Marcus was in a rage, the tree closest to him reaped the damage of it. He slammed his fists into it repeatedly, the tree eventually cracking and groaning before falling to the ground. He roared up into the sky and punched the next tree so hard that the whole thing flew out of the ground and landed seven hundred yards away. His muscles were bunched up so tightly they were straining against his shirt. How does she drive me so crazy? He angrily thought to himself and started walking again.  He ran his hand through his hair – his usual motion when he was angry. It usually left his hair trussed up, sticking out at odd angles but he didn’t care. He rarely cared what people thought of him, until Dale looked at him with those accusing green eyes. Crack! Another tree split in two as he lunged at it. He popped his jaw as he caught scent of a hiker in the mountain, so close. He clicked his neck and started in the direction of the smell and sure enough he caught sight of the man. Marcus stopped and stared at the figure who was finding a route up the side of the cliff, a huge back-pack dragging him down. Marcus could hear the thudding of his heart and almost started his hunt. But remembering the threat he gave to Dale he slowly turned and headed back towards the house. He would punish her. He hated himself, knowing he spoke too quickly but he always kept his promises.


Boom, boom, boom, the music pulsed through my body, and everyone else’s, some writhed together, some jumped up and down, some were only tapping their feet but everyone was moving. I smiled as I danced and followed the DJ’s instructions, throwing my arms in the air. I looked over at Clarissa and she was one of the couples that were writhing together. She was a proper party chick. The guy she was dancing with was very tall and quite skinny, hints of muscle showing through his shirt, as well as tattoos, Clarissa noticed me looking and winked. I grinned back and carried on dancing. I didn’t know it was possible for a vampire to get drunk, but there I was, having fun and dancing like nobody was watching.  
Thick arms snaked around my waist and pelvis rubbed against my backside. I didn’t care. I was having too much fun to let it bother me so I danced with him for a little while before turning in his arms to look at his face, he was pleasantly attractive. Thick muscly arms , obviously a gym goer, and a nice face. It could be worse. And looking around the club, there was plenty of ‘worse’. I had no idea why Clarissa chose this place, it was pretty grimy. The floor was sticky with either alcohol or piss, the music wasn’t great but the beat stayed and kept your body moving, most of the people that were here really stank and had sweat pouring off them. The drinks were cheap – always a bonus. The guy grinned at me and his hands rubbed my back gently as he ground against me. I inwardly shrugged and wrapped my arms around his neck and following his lead.
He leant down slightly, “Kent.” Was all he shouted.
I nodded back, “Sophie.” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to give him my real name.
“You want a drink?” I nodded again, eagerly this time, and he tugged me to the bar. He leant across the bar, avoiding the sticky bits, “I’ll have two double vodkas please.” The barman nodded and in expert time handed over the double shots, Kent handed over five dollars and waited for his change. He never took his eyes off me, there was a slight disbelief in his eyes that I was with him but I ignored it and downed my vodka in one. His eyebrows raised appreciatively and he did the same with his own whilst putting his change away.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the dance floor, stood with my back to him and began dancing again. He was a pretty fine dancer, moving with ease and gyrating his hips against me. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but only because it had never happened to me before. His hands were planted firmly on my hips, pulling me into him when he moved forward and around. I have to admit, I was pretty drunk and caught up in the moment, I was enjoying it. I reached my arms backwards and wrapped them around his neck to pull his mouth against mine. Our lips mashed together and moved in time, just like our hips, his tongue pushed against mine and mine pushed back. My hands were gripping his hair so tightly that I had to control myself so I didn’t pull it out from the roots. He quickly spun me around and I readjusted myself, our lips never breaking, he grabbed my backside and pushed his erection against me. I involuntarily moaned. He pulled back for a second, his lips red and puffy from the kiss, he nodded in the direction of the toilets. And how slaggy I was to nod in agreement.

He pulled me through the thick crowd, I found Clarissa’s eyes to let her know I was okay, and then I was back to following Kent. He didn’t take me to the toilets like I’d expected, and I was suddenly thankful, I bet the state was worse that the dance floor. But he led me through the corridor and through another door, a cleaning cupboard. Much better. We were both still panting as he moved things out of the way to give us area. I noticed a lock on the door and flipped it quickly before slamming back into him and wrapping my legs around his waist. “Whoa,” He mumbled before our lips were together again. His hands gripped my backside to hold me up although my legs were holding me perfectly steady. I realised what he was doing, his hands were gently caressing me, moving from my butt to my inner thigh. God it felt good. I had not been this ‘wild’ for over a year and it felt goood. My lips kept their desperate pace until his moved from mine to begin kissing and biting at my neck, I gasped slightly and then leant into it, my head rolling back. My hips were moving against his erection and he moaned low in his throat. Everything in my body was singing, I’d never had sex with a stranger before. It was so exhilarating! He began kissing me again, and now knowing I wouldn’t fall, one of his hands was rubbing my sweet spot and the other was trying to undo his belt buckle. I panted and moaned, and felt myself letting go. I moved my lips and nibbled on his ear, then something happened. All of horny-ness got drawn into one beat, which I thought at first was the music, but it was the pulse in his neck. I moved my hips to the beat, his hand rubbing me harder, and my face felt like it was tightening and squeezing my bones. I was too far gone to be worried, the whole top half of my face felt completely odd and then my fangs snapped down. Finally his erection sprang free and he replaced his hand with it. I moaned again and then a raw guttural growl sprang from my throat.
“What the-” He was cut off by me biting his neck. Oh holy mother of god. The bloody coupled with the touching and writhing felt absolutely amazing, until I noticed he was pushing me away, clawing at me to get off.
Something within me took over, I grabbed his throat and pulled back to look into his eyes, “You will enjoy this and will not be scared. It’s sexy.”
“But your face! Your eyes!” He whimpered.
I stared harder, “You will enjoy this.” He closed his eyes for a moment before he moved to kiss me again, “ooh, slow down there boy, I’m gonna need some more.” He nodded and began fondling my boobs as I started slowly sucking at his neck again. We started moving more quickly and we were moaning. A really loud smashing noise erupted behind us and instinctively I dropped down from Kent and turned into a defensive crouch. There in the broken doorway was Clarissa. And boy did she look angry. I straightened out quickly and felt my face return to normal, my fangs slipped away.
“Um, hey.” I said smiling, the Kent started groping me from behind and what I’d done hit me like a tidal wave. “Oh my god!” I whipped round and checked his neck, it was still bleeding, I ripped his shirt and wadded it up, “Put pressure on this”  he did as he was told but his other hand kept groping me and I realised my dress was up at my waist. A pang of self-loathing hit me as I shoved it down and turned to face Clarissa. “Clarissa I’m so, so sorry I don’t even –”
She held up her hand and tried to close the broken door. She flipped. “I can’t believe you Dale! For god’s sake!” she punched the wall, “What were you thinking?! Why didn’t you just turn away when you started to feel it, now we’ve got to deal with this!” her eyes were blazing when she Motioned and Kent.
Tears filled my eyes, “I’m sorry.”
She huffed out a breath, “Marcus holds his promises Dale.” Then I started crying. “Oh don’t cry,” She cooed, “I’m mad at you but only because you should have known better, and because you were my responsibility.” He voice was still harsh but slightly softer than before. I knew I was completely in the wrong, I was crying because I’d just done the one thing I never would have wanted to ever do. Turn into a mind-controlling freak-monster. She hugged me quickly, then shoved me aside.
“Kent is it?”
The guy nodded looking more than a little intimidated, she was feisty. She grabbed hold of the sides of his face, and he flashed a look at me. “Look. At. Me.” she growled, and his eyes met hers. “You will not remember any of this, you will not remember us, you will only remember being here with a blonde who liked it rough, she bit you too hard and then ran away to be sick. Go home and sleep it off.” He blinked twice and left straight away.
I heaved a little, “I’m so s…sorry. It just happened, I hate myself.” I sobbed and sank to the floor. Ew, snot.
“Dale get up, we need to leave.” I stood on shaky legs, “I didn’t realise you’d had so much to drink, it gets harder to control.”
“That’s no excuse.” I said pathetically.
She sighed exasperatedly, “Stop it.  It’s not the worst anybody has done. At least you gave him mind control to enjoy it.”
I looked away from her and sniffed a few times. “I’m covered in blood.”
“I’ve got it covered.”
She dragged me from the closet and with a raised voice said, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I was coming on my period!” My eyes widened, completely stunned, “does anyone have a tampon?” everyone pulled a face and took a few steps away from us both. “it’s only period blood!” She shouted at them. When we made it outside we went more quickly to the car and settled down.
She started laughing, “The looks on their faces! Haha!” she shook her head, “I can’t believe you went along with it! Brilliant.”
I shrugged, “I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.” She made me smile.
“Finally you’re smiling. Will you stop feeling bad about it now?”
I didn’t know how I felt, it’s a natural instinct I’ll give myself that, but I couldn’t believe how gut-wrenchingly disgusting I felt. How much of a monster I felt. Then I had the wrath of Marcus to worry about.
“Right, I’m going to tell you a story to stop your whining. Okay?” I nodded slowly, “When I first got turned, I was taking LSD… a lot. And so afterwards I wanted to carry on taking it, I used to sneak out of the house all the time to buy it, I’d take it on my own most of the time. And one night I bumped into my old boyfriend, he already had some on him, it didn’t have quite the same effect of me as before but it still kind of worked.” She explained. “So I went with him and my old circle of friends were there, they thought I’d been on holiday, I never looked directly in their eyes because mine were red, until they took their pills. We were all there for hours, having fun, smoking and drinking as well as the pills, when my ex started kissing me. I was so overwhelmed with all the feelings rushing through me that I bit his lip, the sharp taste of his blood ricocheted through my body. I ended up killing everyone there. Marcus had to fix it and make it look like an animal attack. He punished me for that.”
I stared at her for a few seconds before hugging her, “I’m so sorry about that.”
She shrugged, “I was exactly how you are now, self-loathing and all. But you have to get past it, it will eat you up otherwise.”
“You’re so wise.”
“Oh shut up.” She chuckled. “let’s go home.”
Awaiting was Marcus. Ready to deliver my punishment.