
The sun had just begun to set below the level plains of the field laid before the plantation- like mansion of Sabinal, Texas’ oldest ranch, Ovy. This ranch had gone by many names in the past, but for the last few hundred years; such had been its title. It’s rather dark history added to the overwhelmingly bleak presence that surrounded the eerily shadowed landscape it rested upon. The wood of the sides were rustic and grey from age, and the marble like columns were draped in snaking vines.

Sitting in a chair alone and pondering in a window of the lowest chamber of the manor was a little red headed girl by the name of Sussex- Anne Davis. Sussex’ long curly red hair and bright clear southern blue eyes screamed her origins as loudly as her thick Irish accent coupled with a subtle West Texas drawl so familiar to the area. She knew she didn’t belong in this gargantuan house surrounded by strange objects with a myriad of servants to dote upon her every whim.
A woman with long black hair almost to her ankles, and a walk like that of a cat on the prowl sauntered into the room to pull up a chair directly beside the redhead. Sussex’ pale face grew bleak and contemplative as she allowed her burning curls to fall before her eyes. The woman beside her with skin of fresh mocha and eyes of pale green glass turned to the girl and examined her face as if to absorb the girl’s thoughts through her no- human eyes; absorb the problems of her adoptive daughter.

          “Mom, my childhood was... hard, to say the least. But I know who I am; I realize how normal and unexciting my so-called life is. But you... what was your childhood like?”

          “Why do you inquire?” Her smoky serpent like voice rolled like a storm through the air between them.

          “I ask” she intentionally emphasized, “because you’re just not like anyone else, even the way you speak... something’s just not right with you; dad

          “True” her voice sent chills down Sussex’ spine as it poured through her ears like the fog off of a block of dry ice.

          “I mean come on; who has a name like Arorabourialace Dechodah Victoriana. It’s like you’re not even human!” Sussex’ exasperation was becoming overly apparent.

          “I’m not” those words hung in the air like a weight in the mind of Sussex, but to the unchanging, uncaring Aurora, it meant little more than the telling of her favourite colour.

          Sussex didn’t know how to respond to this, but she knew she had to know more. “So tell me then, what was your childhood like?”

          Aurora’s eyes drifted to the world outside the window. Her mind drifted to the memories of her twisted and horrific past; well, horrific to those capable of understanding or felling such things.

          Sussex put her hand on Aurora’s arm. Her arm was cold to the touch and felt as though it was darning the energy right out of Sussex.


Aurora drew in her breath sharply and let it back out as slowly as she could so as to allow herself a few more moments to gather her story within her mind, this way insuring the story’s accuracy and ability to be correctly perceived by someone as young as the present audience.


A man passing through the halls of the mansion heard two beautiful female voices, one of a young 16 year old Irish- Texan, the other of a woman so old in voice as to be more ancient than the very planet in which she resided, yet so young in physiology as to be equal in age to a new- be pop star. This man, by the name of Rhydian AndrèMar, walked to the doorway and was immediately taken aback by his stepdaughter’s audacious inquiry, and his wife’s preparation to actually reply. He stood their afraid to leave his wife for he sadly knew her story all too well.


2: Chapter 1: Bio- Gens
Chapter 1: Bio- Gens

“You know my name; Arorabourialace Dechodah Victoriana, but you do not know its origin. I am not from earth; rather, I am from a place called Moonachria. You know it by its ‘so- called’ scientific- name; the void. Even this is not entirely the truth, for I am in fact a Bio-Genetic Creation of the Moonachrian Empire. There were nine of us in total, well ten if you count the one who did not survive her creation. I surly do not”

“what happened” the concern was palpable on Sussex’ face

“It broke, simple as that” Aurora said without any emotion at all. This was something no human was truly capable of, but she could pull off with ease, “The nine of us where created by decree of our empress- at- the- time. We were given only one purpose. We were created as warriors, or more to the point assassins. Once finished we were ordered to travel out into her empire and carry out her will as such.” Aurora paused, contemplating her past before taking a deep breath to continue

“Moonachria in English; as closely as it can be translated, means Empire of Eternity. Of course this is just its name; it doesn’t mean we had dominion over it.” If Sussex didn’t know any better she would have sworn a smile was just spoken, “It gained this name however by having dozens of galaxies under its direct or indirect control. It is one of the largest empires to ever exist, as well as one of the most powerful. This power was mostly held by its military might and the riches it offered to those who joined. Originally the leaders invoked fear in their people to keep them in submission to the empress, but once the empress of our time came into power love was the primary motivation. This didn’t stop the empress from creating us however. In her mind there were still problems that needed handling, and in her mind we were the solution.

Moonachria was in some ways an oligarchy, but for the most part the Empress had the final say in matters. No wonder our empire fell so hard.” Once again Aurora fell into her own thoughts until Sussex pulled her back out.

“What happened?” her sympathetic and curious eyes where almost too much for he onlooker behind them.

“That is another story for another day child, for now let me answer your first question.” Aurora pulled herself together and continued, “So our assignment was monumental. The empress had got it into her head that if all creatures inferior to our own where eradicated then eliminating the need for war would be elementary. This was the task we were assigned.”

“No! You could never do a thing like that! You’re not capable!” Sussex was trying so hard to defend Aurora.

Aurora was amused by the child’s outburst, “It will all be explained child, please allow me to continue.”

Aurora was eerily calm which made Sussex uneasy, but she allowed the woman to continue.

Sussex looked down with a shaky glance and wearily asked, “So, who were the rest of the Nine?”

“That was not our title, just descriptive of how many there where. In truth I suppose we didn’t have a title, but I digress…”

“Still” Sussex urged

“Very well… I was first to be created; I was the test so to say; I was created without emotion, without self-evidence, and without conscience. I was designed however with absolute power in mind and in body. I could not be destroyed, but I was not really alive either.” Aurora was interrupted by the little living thing beside her

“Could not be destroyed; past tense?”

“Hmm… I’ll come to that. The vision of invincibility, immortality, without fear or consequence; I had become a special project for my mother, the empress herself. It only took a century to complete me to my mother’s satisfaction. When this same process was tried before it took almost seven hundred years and, and the creature only survived for three millennium after his creation’s completion. This time they only created female specimens, and with a few tweaks to my success the rest were also deemed capable. Well, all but the third after me, but she is of little consequence. After my completion the empress herself brought me before her audience and named me. Immediately after she ordered the creation of nine more to be designed and improved and then made. This process was to be looked after by the empress’ second in command, the adviser herself; Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline.”

“What was this empress like?” Sussex had a gleam in her eye and Rhydian registered this as excitement

“Oh if only you knew the truth my dear” Rhydian whispered from his safe place behind them

 “She was a strong woman, a fighter by all means, and a killer. She was tall, almost seven feet, with long thick red hair that stretched almost to the back of her knees. She had gold eyes so cold they could make anyone quiver, or such was the tale. Her lips where as full as an Egyptian monument’s, her fingers were long and daintily formed, and when she walked she carried with her all of the anger and the power of our entire peoples. Immortal and infinitely powerful, this was what was conveyed in her step; of course that was all proved to be very much a lie but that too is a tale to come. She ruled Moonachria for over six trillion years before she made the mistake of creating the one creature capable of destroying her. And that was how our civilisation; if you could call it such, worked. It was not like here on earth at all, if one is displeased with their ruler the only way to get rid of them was to destroy them, and apparently that wasn’t an easy thing to do… though it was simple enough for me.”

“You killed her?” the fear and shock rose in her voice like pressure in a volcano before it erupted in her yell

“I found her… annoying.” No real emotion was present in her words, “Of course I did not kill her in the way you believe me to have. She is not dead just… out of the way” this was almost as sinister in Sussex’ mind but she dared not think about it. She had to know more, she had to understand for the woman she has grown to know would not be capable of what she is describing, right?

“My darling child, if you will allow me to tell you the entire story all will be made clear to you.”

“That is exactly what I’m afraid of.” Rhydian shook out under his ragged breath

“So what about the others you keep talking about?”

“After my successful creation the empress as I said sent her right hand woman to head the project decreed by her. Now Onyx knew what we were designed for, but despite her great disapproval, there was no way she could refuse the assignment, so she decided to sabotage it instead. This way of thinking resulted in the creation of the second drone. Onyx came up with an ingenious idea to create a counterpart for me; an exact foil, but with enough similarities in our differences as to be able to work perfectly with me. She was designed from the exact same physical blueprint as I was so we looked almost identical. Onyx did however think well enough ahead to make differences, even in this regard. Now don’t get me wrong, just because we were all created indestructible doesn’t mean that we cannot die, just that it is excruciatingly difficult to get rid of us…”

Was that a smile in her voice? Impossible, she can’t. But if I didn’t know any better I would have to consider that her first attempt at humour. Rhydian felt a slight tinge of jealousy despite himself that this first was not shared with him knowingly, but he quickly became ashamed of his feelings for he loved his step daughter too dearly to deny her even this. Even with his beloved.

Sussex smiled, but failed to realize the significance so she bade her mother on.

“I was still and would always be the most powerful of the nine. This was a fluke but something happened when I was being created that even I am not fully sure of, that makes it to where even a touch pulls in energy for me to feed off of. This is why you say I feel cold. Cold… Rhydian tried explaining that concept to me once. It seems so pointless, oh well. Onyx was wise to my fluke however and so she gave the second drone a characteristic unique to her alone. She gave her the one emotion capable of destroying even me; love. Over the course of this drone’s creation, which she had named Mouraludia Dehara Victoriana, a nice parallel to my own name, Onyx grew to love her even as her own and actually raised her as such in her own home. She did this without the empress’ knowledge or approval which constantly brought the dread Mouray’s death if Onyx was caught, but that dreaded emotion, love, kept her going. This gave Mouray; Mouraludia, an experience the rest of us where not privy to, a family which loved and cared for her.”

“Mommy, what was Moonachria? I mean you talk about this void but what galaxy is it in, what is the planet like?” The inquisitive child tilted her head ever so slightly, subconsciously, publically emphasizing her curiosity

“Moonachria is not a planet at all. Have you ever heard of the absence expanse? Your father likes to talk about it from time to time.”

“It’s the dead space between universes? You once described it as a clear and hallow ball filled with wet noodles.”

“Correct. If you think of the dimensions and universes as wet noodles, each one bends and twists around the others in its vicinity. Some loop and twist back on themselves, you can think of these as time loops and paradoxes. Some break apart; you can think of these as places where time just stops and everything after becomes non- existent without a warning in the world. Some still fray; and you can think of those as the occurrences when time frays off into parallel dimensions. Now the void we can think of as all of the space between the wet noodles. Now think of that see through ball with all of the wet noodles within it. If you picture all of that space outside the see through and hollow ball, what do you think is out there?”

“Well nothing would be out there. I guess not even nothing, for technically nothing is still something? I suppose it would just consist of absolute oblivion. This is hard to wrap my head around.” Sussex put her head in her palms and squinted to make the picture in her head a bit more clear

“This is what Moonachria is. It is our word for what lay beyond the reach of the outermost edge of the multiverse. The skin right up against the multiverse and just slightly out farther, this is where I am from. It is home to my kind and my creator’s kind and no others.”

“That is almost horrific to think about. It’s like you come from less than no were.”

“Or more than, depending on your view of it” Aurora grew almost cat like in her words. They slivered from her mouth dripping with pride and a haughty seduction.


These where all points which Rhydian had never thought of before, but to hear his own daughter describe the love of his life as belonging to less than nowhere, cut him almost too deeply to handle. Did she realize what she was implying; obviously not, for if she had surely she would not have said anything, right? In fact what she implied by saying such a thing was that nothing Aurora was, is, did, is doing, became, found a way to do had any importance. For how could she if she came from less than nothing. Even with this deeply cut wound newly inflicted on his heart he still found it impossible to leave. ‘She may need me yet, I can’t… I have to stay by her side; I promised.’


“So can you tell me about the rest of the creations?”

“The third to be formed died during her creation process, after just a year into it. She was disassembled and thrown into the expanse beyond our borders. When news of this reached Onyx, this one was deemed a failure and the adjustments made to her where scrapped to make way for new ideas.”

“I’m sorry she didn’t make it.” Her sympathy was harshly rejected.

“I’m not” Aurora spat, “It malfunctioned then it shut down entirely, simple as.” Rhydian wanted so badly to explain that Aurora couldn’t help it; she was designed to think that way. He knew from being with her for so long that she didn’t really, but it was just easier to pretend she hadn’t changed then for her to accept fully that she had. Rhydian understood that without it even being possible and maybe even without her being fully aware of it, Aurora was afraid to change.

With a lowered head Sussex pressed on, “So who was next?”

“Ah my dear, this one is a special case. This Bio-Gen was both an enigma and an accident, her name; Jasmine Reyalana Freeze.”

Sussex cocked her head to the side and asked timidly, “What makes her so special?” knowing now that sentiment was probably not a factor

“Ah dear child, simple, she was unique! A diamond in the broken rubbles of the Moonachrian consciousness, she was cold hearted and a hard eye wrapped in dark brown hair and a voice like a spider’s leg strumming along its web in the heart of an October’s afternoon. Her ability was a simple one, but it was far superior to any who came after her, she had the elements at her command. You see, when the empress had her commissioned she was irritated with the inability for Mouraludia to truly keep up with me even though she was my counterpart, opposite yet equal. The power starved empress wanted more, much more, so she put every scientist she has at her disposal form more than one world in fact to go about designing a creature that could not only match, but out do even me. Now of course she failed, miserably in fact, but what she did create; not that she ever truly appreciated it, was a Bio-Gen capable of manipulating for short amounts of time the elements at her disposal. Now; whether that be bending a gold ring around Rhydian’s finger, or pulling the iron out of an entire planet, she was exquisite!”

The sheer awe of which she spoke of this fellow creation shocked Sussex; she didn’t realize Aurora could care. “What was her personality like?”

“Aw, she was wonderful, quiet, calm, but when needed, she could blaze with the anger only I could rival. Her intelligence was equal to mine as well and she stood with the stance of royalty. Side by side with Mouraludia we were sure to be a force to be reckoned with. Had the empress left it at that, the mission she decreed us for would have without a doubt been a complete success.” As Aurora spoke those last few words her eyes fell slowly downward as did her voice. Hardly noticeable, but somehow it sent shivers wracking through Sussex’s entire body

“Wh-ho n-next-t” Sussex stammered as she did her best to regain control over her body

“Tristah Dojè, Drone 5. She was the next to be created successfully. She was the embodiment of light itself. But don’t take this too simply now, for her abilities were not constrained to mere illumination. She could light the hearts of anyone towards anyone or anything. This would have come in handy when our empress ordered us to destroy a population but preserve the planet, fortunately we never allowed it to get that far. Tristah would not do anything without a really good reason to; this was one of her best qualities. She would even stand up to orders when she felt things went too far.” Aurora paused to recall her favourite instances with the young blond, fair skinned firecracker. At the back of her heart she felt something quiver, but soon dismissed it as a mere reflex, then proceeded with her story, “Once Mouraludia was created, the concept of counterparts became almost taken for granted, for from then on all of us where created with one. Tristah’s counterpart became Drone 6; her’s is a tragic tale however. Cheyenne Dojè, Drone 6 of the Moonachrian warrior class models; she was almost half of the way through her creation process when the scientist in charge of monitoring her ran off for reasons unknown to this day. If the scientist had stayed where she was assigned to stay she would have caught the neuron pattern spike twenty point below normal in a matter of milliseconds. This was an easy thing to fix and in fact happened all of the time. It’s not a big deal if it is caught right as it happens, this was the reason for having us monitored as we are incubating in the first place, but if left to long the neural patters would keep decreasing exponentially eventually leading to vital systems shutting down permanently to make up for the lack of activity in order to preserve the being as a whole. When Onyx discovered this she immediately reported it to her empress of the time. It was decreed that the one responsible for this negligence was to be indefinitely imprisoned. The scientist got off too easily for what they did to Cheyenne in my opinion. Because of their negligence, Cheyenne had to live out the rest of her existence without some primary features including the ability to hear, leaving her counterpart Tristah to translate for her when she was not close enough to us for a telepathic link to be established.

          Curious about her abilities Sussex asked, “What could she do?”

          “As being the counterpart of Tristah, her abilities were not limited to just darkening her surroundings. She could take the hearts of creatures and darken them into anger or confusion or misery. She being forever locked in her own mind actually in the end heightened this ability considerably, but rarely was she ever given the opportunity to use it. She was always a voice of reason and responsibility when Onyx wasn’t around and that is what she is most known and remembered for. Her counterpart on the other hand was considerably more of an opposite in this regard and was constantly being restrained by Cheyenne, usually in ways Tristah was not too thrilled with.


Rhydian’s eyes grew dark as he recalled his old friend. Truly, out of the nine Cheyenne was the one that, other than his Aurora, he would probably miss the most. She was the voice of reason yes, but not because she wanted to be. She was forced into that situation for she was the only one so cooped up in her own mind to give her the perspective and inward sadness to be able to handle it. Inside her mind she was empty, not just sad or depressed as the average soul might feel, but truly empty, uncaring, detached and completely at peace with her cold black heart. The only one to ever be able to understand that was Aurora, for Aurora had the same black hole within her. Aurora though, took that emptiness and contorted it into anger and into power by way of control and an inward darkness so profound that it billowed out of her and consumed all that surrounded her. Cheyenne on the other hand didn’t have that luxury. Her cloud around her was bright and shiny and always mistaken for caring and warmth, yet the emptiness within was hypocritical to this ideal. The darkness embodied so completely within her mind that it broke down everything turning it into unfeeling shadow and emptiness within her.


“Of course I could have just as easily burned everything to the ground” the temper in Aurora’s voice was mounting now but to the untrained ear of Sussex it went entirely unnoticed. Aurora quickly recovered and continued, “The next Bio- Gen was Chelsea Quel. She was the first to be created without any specific ability in mind; rather her brain’s chemical makeup was manipulated in such a way that her natural aptitude for instinct and reasoning were heightened beyond even the predicted outcome. Surprisingly though, she was the least wise of any of the group and one of the least intelligent. Her counterpart, Loren Quel, came about next; they were a weird pair really. Normally with counterparts you would expect them to be either extremely similar or exact opposite, except for their near exact physical appearance of course. Never before these two and never again after would a counterpart set be designed so differently from one another. Where Chelsea was chemically manipulated to her abilities, Loren was actually given them specifically. Now this does not mean that one could function better or worse than the other, but the process which brought them about was very different indeed.


Rhydian smiled to himself and thought, “It was all quite odd really. Here it was, a pattern established and proven to be quite effective and then all of the sudden they change it on a whim… almost like they knew something no one else did or ever would. Or maybe they knew just how childish and idiotic these two would be and designed them like this intentionally to annoy Aurora.” This thought made Rhydian chuckle but also very angry at the same time weird mix of emotions. Maybe this is how Aurora felt? Who am I kidding?


Sussex looked at the ground with great intent as a small almost un-noticeable speech began to crawl on the ground. As she watched it, Aurora watched her eyes. Soon Sussex stepped on the minute insect and as she did so she looked directly into her step mother’s eyes and what she saw shook her deeply sending a slight tremble through her. The smile on her step mother’s lips was filled with cruelty and twisted enjoyment but was so slight and so small that if it weren’t for the fact that Sussex was staring at her, she would have completely missed it.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Sussex once again pulled up from the pits of her the courage to speak, “go on then” her voice was so shaky and small that she was worried that her step mother wouldn’t be able to hear her, but the coy smile on Aurora’s full mouth quickly assured her that she in fact had

“Very well, Loren Quel was created with far more sinister ideas in mind then her ironically directionally impaired counterpart. She was specifically designed and more to the point forcefully infused with the ability to lighten or darken any space to any degree she so wishes. Though in reality, this turned out to be more of a nuisance rather than any great help.”

“How so” Sussex was still hesitant in her words but the fear was quickly being pushed aside by her intense interest into her mother’s past

“Both Loren and Chelsea were constantly playing ‘games’ as they called it, who knows where they got that idea from, and causing nothing but trouble for the rest of us.” Aurora spat like a viper in all its fury, “Teasing and mocking and using their abilities to all but thwart our efforts. If it were not for Mouraludia restraining me as best she could they would have perished a lot sooner than they had, and I would have been quite glad of it to be frank.”


When was she ever not, Rhydian chuckled silently to himself.


Aurora continued with a hint of amusement and agitation in her voice, “It is so bizarre to me really just how polar opposite the view others had of Loren stretched from how she in fact was. You see, most feared her at a mere glance. Not as much as they did me of course. I mean I had people literally running out of streets and shops and into their dwelling places, locking up doors and windows in the hopes of escaping the mere sight of me. Who knows what they thought I would in fact do to then if ever given the chance? Of course, if I really did want to get at them, a few mere doors or windows were nothing but a technicality and quite easy to get past.” Aurora thought introspectively her head dropped ever so slightly and a smile swept across her face quick enough to miss if one was not paying special attention.

“What would you have done if given the chance?” Sussex asked a bit fearful and ever so slightly agitated in her fear of what she was starting to expect to be a monster beside her

“Nothing” Aurora simply stated as though asked what she would prefer in her tea for the day

The room fell silent and the air grew thick once more until Sussex felt so suffocated that she has to press on, “Who next?”

“Ah the final of the pilot Bio-Gens who’s story is about to be revealed to you, such a young little thing. How exciting” the way Aurora hissed her new nick name made Sussex’s skin crawl Rhydian noticed this and shook his head with a smile.


Sussex, Aurora knows just how uncomfortable she is making you, and because of her stupid pride or inability to communicate she plays into it, please don’t begin to fear her, please. She needs us… she needs me now. He was getting a bit achy standing in one spot for so long but he was so worried that if he moved his beloved would notice and the whole thing would be ruined. For the sake of her having just one more understanding presence, he would bare the low throb at the base of his spine


The ninth was a fiery spirited creature named Shada Velysha. But before we get into that there was a pivotal series of events that transpired almost directly after the creation of Loren that we need to establish first. A separate project, not a Bio-Gen technically, but a sort of self-aware android was introduced into the dynamics of the group as a sort of test.” Aurora paused to collect her thoughts


Rhydian knew what was coming, and was slightly worried that the child would not be able to handle what she was about to be told, but she seemed to be doing relatively well so far so he dared not step in until he absolutely had no other choice. Besides, she needed this; Aurora has been alone for so long, she needed another creature out there that at the very least wasn’t repulsed by her. She needed this


Sussex was growing far too impatient about waiting on Aurora to speak so she pressed harshly, “go on” Sussex jumped ever so slightly in her seat. That was my imagination no way that happened. For a split second, if that, Sussex could have sworn that Aurora’s eyes appeared of glowing coals but they were pale blue now, so it must have been her imagination, or at least this is how she reasoned.

Aurora’s fury subsided and she steeled her composure and pressed on, “this test proved quite useless or so we thought. Even Loren and Chelsea were more competent and capable then this useless scrap heap. All of us were in complete agreement that we were tired of lugging it as extra weight, so we destroyed it.”


Rhydian was tense all over as he tried to read his step daughter’s expression. Her eyes seemed to be in the process of trying to understand. Please child, be kind with her. She is far more fragile than she appears to you or me.


One word repeated in Sussex mind over and over and a tear formed at her eye’s croaked as she prepared to ask her next question, “sentient?” she croaked on a whisper

“Hmm?” Aurora was already mentally pulling together the rest of her tale and was so far away from the point Sussex seemed determined to cling to and hold down

“You said the android was sentient, self- aware” her voice was still weak but growing ever stronger

“But of course” Aurora said matter- o-factly

“And you killed her?!” slightly hysterical now

“It was how we were programmed, back then we had no real choice” again her voice was so steady it was as though the winter’s fog was reading off a grocery list


Rhydian cringed, hoping that Sussex would understand just what his beloved meant by that.


“Alright” her voice was soft, and hallow, and a bit reserved but her eyes were set as though she understood at least somewhat.

“Quite a few years passed between Loren’s completion and the final drone’s creation. See, after Loren’s creation the project took a three century break. Those of already created were sent for a learning process within the Palace Grounds. It took this long for the empress of the time to be sure of our abilities and our assignment’s likelihood of success. In fact it was during this testing, or at the very beginning of it that we were imposed upon by that imbecilic android, they had run out of ideas at that point. Finally, when she was sure that we would work the way she had planned, the final drone was created. Ah the final of the nine; our glorious Medallion…” Aurora was interrupted by the voice of her step child

“Wait, what do you mean you thought they had just run out of ideas?”

“You see, years later, after we were sent out and then returned, I found out that the creation was in fact a test to see if we had the ability to kill one of our own without mercy. Needless to say the empress of the time was more the pleased with the reply she received. That was just the sort of person she was.” Aurora replied impassively

“She doesn’t sound like a person, more like a monster.” The look of horror in her step daughter’s eyes permeated throughout her trembling form

          Aurora laughed quietly and a bit wickedly, “Really, I never thought she was that bad.”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..          Sussex had no idea what she was getting herself into saying something like that, Aurora would never admit just how repulsed she was at times. Can Sussex take what she wants to hear? Her step mother is no saint. I’ll probably have to step in real soon if things keep progressing like this. The stories of Aurora’s beginnings were really nothing special, but what she almost did thereafter, the fact she was even capable, almost made me stop loving her; me, her loving husband! I will be here for you forever. He promised silently to himself. If Aurora only knew what was going through his head she would tear him apart limb from limb, she hated sentiment with a ferocity uniquely hers.


          “You said something about a glorious medallion?” Sussex wanted more information, and she wanted the story to ensue.

          “Not a medallion, the medallion. Her actual name, as I have alluded to, was Shada Velysha, she was the ninth and final created Moonachrian of that empress, of the original warrior class pilot series. She was glorious!” Aurora emphatically stated

          Sussex had never heard her mother speak about anyone or anything like this before in her life! Not with that tone of voice.

          “She was created as a singular drone, thought that wasn’t her intent. This should have presented itself a hindrance but instead it became an asset for her. Her ability lay in her words. She was a master speaker, with words she could inspire hope or topple empires. She could give a light to those who thought they had none or surround in darkness those who believed themselves immune. That was the brilliant thing with her, things didn’t have to be perfect, they didn’t have to work as planed but she always believed it would. She was always so sure of it; sure of everything, of us…or me…” no light remained in Aurora’s eyes.

          Realizing that there was more to this drone than meets the eye Sussex proceeded with a question and a leap of understanding, “so medallion was more than just another drone to you.”

          A hint of a smile cracked Aurora’s face completely unnoticeable to anyone but the man in the doorway behind the two women when knew Aurora well enough to tell, “She, I suppose, could be considered my first friend.” Her syrupy voice coagulated and bubbled over her full darkly coloured lips.

          “But from what I understand, you weren’t capable of emotion back then so how did that work?” Sussex’ eyes scrunched in her confusion

          “Even you used the past tense when expressing what you just did. True, back then I would have never entertained the idea of a friend but that was then, and this is the present. In hindsight, she proved a friend to me.” Her step mother explained blank faced but sullen eyed

          “I still don’t really understand” Sussex huffed

          “Let me tell the tale you asked of me and all will be made clear to you, I promise.” Aurora took in a deep breath and let it out slowly known that the floodgates were quite soon to be opened, and odds were the waters could wash away everything on their path…permanently.

3: Chapter 2: Onyx and a Plan
Chapter 2: Onyx and a Plan

“During those waiting years before we were sent out on the task we were designed for I was moved into the palace where the prior empress and her councillor resided. I never felt as though I fit in though. I was a natural outcast even in the palace I should have been able to call home, or at least could have had I the ability to back then. All of the nine were given spaces within the walls of the palace, well, all except me of course. I should make clear now that although I refer to us as the nine now, back then I would not have. I mean, we didn’t even have nine in total at that point, but I digress. I was allowed to pick my ‘ideal’ living space.  I picked the most secluded place I could find. It was a huge portion of the palace, but the empress of the time was willing to give anything to her prized creation. It was a place in the northernmost portion of the palace, in a grouping of about five large and black spires reaching deep into the dark surrounding our enclosed home. You see, Moonachria is sort of an outlook point from the edge of the universe into the oblivion of the void. We resided in a place so impacted by the physical universe but at the same time so detached as to be a part of the void itself that the persistent dichotomy drove most that were not used to or designed for it completely insane. Within the void, Moonachria has only two real places on polar opposite sides of the universe’ skin. They are both referred to as the Palace Grounds. On one end the grounds were marked with white spires and on the other, where we were, were black. This was done intentionally to keep the two separate and easier to refer to for both technically held the same name. Now we were given the choice of which side, black or white, we would like to live in, and to everyone’s great surprise even Mouraludia chose to reside in the Black Palace…” once again Aurora was interrupted

          “Why black and white? Why not brown and blue or grey and purple?” Sussex was almost irritated as she asked this, Rhydian couldn’t understand why, and Aurora was too emotionless to notice

          “Simply this, the palace walls were constructed of black hole course. Let me explain. As you well know, in the simplest of terms, a black whole attracts everything to its center; it’s what makes them so destructive. But think of it, at the heart of these monsters, at the very core of them with everything pressed into one singular point it must be extremely dense yes?”

          “Sure.” At least there was a little bit of hope for this species

          “Well if you could extract it, and build with it, well, then you have a structure able to last through anything! And that is exactly how the palace spires were all constructed. The one was encrusted with black diamonds and the other with white because no matter what planet you’re from diamonds scream wealth, more so for the planets that doesn’t have any. Now for the colours, it’s simply because of the dichotomy. Like everything on Moonachria, the juxtaposition of things is not only amusing but wisely recognised as our cultural way of being. I mean we exist in a place where reality and oblivion collide. Were the empress was loved and yet created us. Everything was full of contradiction and confusion and that was just the way it was. So black and white like good and bad or dark and light or up and down or confusion and understanding were just what were decided on for sake of culture.

 The center spires at each of the two grounds acts as a sort of watch center were court officials sit to keep an eye on the empire and pull in and deal with complaints. Each is self-sufficient in their procedures and rarely need the supervision of the empress, but with the larger issues she is called in.

          Now as I was saying, I chose the black spires in which to live amongst for I felt it best fit me and my personality, besides I do so love black, whether it is a colour or mere shade. It’s the colour of my heart and of my soul, if you do excuse the way that could be taken.” An ever so slight chuckle escaped from Aurora’s lips. From the door; if either of them would care to look, a slight mock huff.


          Oh come off it Aurora, you know full and well you have just as large a heart as any other creature designed without emotion could have Rhydian joked inside his own head.


          For reasons that escaped Sussex’s comprehension her step mother’s eyes glanced behind her and a smile pulled at the left side of her face, but other than that her stagnant composure was unchanged.

          Aurora composed herself and continued on with her version of events, “to my surprise and the surprise of everyone else who knew of her, Mouraludia chose to live within the black spire palace as well with her adopted family which consisted of her adopted mother Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline, her oldest step brother Harthord who was only 1002 at the time. Her oldest stepsister was 2 years younger than Harthord and went by the mane Jostine, Jo for short. Navita was the middle girl, coming in at four years younger than Jo putting her at 996 years of age by your readings. And then there were the youngest set of twins; the boy was named Kredek and the girl was named Jasphire, the twins were just three years younger than Navita. Mouray was in fact the oldest of then all, but none except Onyx were privileged to this information, for on Moonachria, just like on earth, the older the person the more power of the crowed that one demands. Because she did not want to steel the seniority from the eldest girl she said nothing and proceeded to ask Onyx to respect her choice in this, which of course she did. Such a weak move on both their parts, I can’t believe I can stand either of those weak underling fools…I do apologise I am still under the effects of my initial programming to some degree. Sadly it becomes all too apparent that I am not entirely in control of myself at any given point” she revealed in a very rare moment of self-doubt.


          Rhydian became worried, Aurora never shows herself like this to anyone when her head is straight. Should I go to her? But before he could take a step, Aurora composed herself and continued.


          “I digress” but before she was allowed to continue, Sussex had another question that could not wait the length of her tale

          “it sounds like you had a lot of free time, how did you spend it?”

          “I thought,” simple enough, “I sat and I thought about, well, everything really. I would from time to time take the journey down from my living space down the twisting stairs of fire like stone, and plopped myself down across form the waters of crystal bursting from the chasm at the center of the palace. The chasm was there simply as an artistic touch of the designers of the Palace Grounds, but it was quite daunting to look at, this is why I loved it. I could appreciate the deep darkness sucking at you as one appeared into it. Here at the chasm I would stare as deeply into it as I dared possible and pondered the works of our testing as well as the nature of the assignment we had been designed for but left utterly in the dark about.”

          “Why were you left in the dark about why you were created? That seems dreadful” Sussex sounded startled

          “I suppose, in hindsight, it was to make sure that once we were told, we would be capable of handling the information and more so the task at hand. At the time I thought more that it had to do with some sort of sensitivity issues.” At Sussex’ confused face, Aurora decided to elaborate, “what I mean by that is this, we were basically a government project and thus a secret for all intents and purposes, so I figured at the time that we were left in the dark because the empress did not want the reason for our existence to become public knowledge. Although the majority of us kept to ourselves, we were still given free reign of the entire empire and thus allowed the possibility that we would talk to many different individuals. I assumed that the empress had thought it through enough to realise that the best way for us to keep silent about the assignment was to not tell us at all.”

          “But that wasn’t the reason why she kept it from you.” Sussex stated, but in a questioning tone

          “No. she wanted to make sure we could handle what we were meant for before she ran the risk of us finding it so deplorable that we turned on her and her entire empire. She was well aware that if we ever decided to find fault in our creator that we, or more to the point, I could topple her entire Moonachria in one swift strike. No one could kill her before she had us created; she designed the one creature that could bring about her demise so before she turned it loose, before she shared with it the truth she had to make sure we... no, she had to make sure I was completely under her control.” Aurora seemed to spit the words she was saying

          “That sounds awful, like she treated you like pets.”

          “We were her pets, her creations to do with as she pleased. Slaves in our superior state, but that was her greatest downfall, she made a critical error, a design flaw if you will. She created us to hate inferiority, and she was inferior to me. But that all will be further explained later.” Aurora sounded angry as the mist of her words thickened and hissed like a low pitched steam from her deep coloured lips. “Before I get into too many details about that part of the tale there is one very important event that needs to be described in full to you for future understanding’s sake. You see the advisor to the empress and the second in charge of her empire, Onyx, who was put in charge of the creation of the rest of the drones as I have already told you, had never before met me. Now if this seems shocking to you, realize that I was special to the empress, like a prized pig that she kept in its pen till the day of the auction. The first day I did in fact meet Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline however was a day I would never there after forget. I was resting there at the chasm at the center of the black spire palace, thinking to myself about that day’s activities, most consisted of skimming through the library of crystals that we could link to and upload history or science or any other information we there desired.” Aurora paused her tale; for Sussex’ face tweaked into a confused grimace, “you see, on Moonachria we don’t have books. We have what we call, Zydmex crystals which are sort of like computers that we can telepathically link ourselves to. See, a normal Moonachrian would have to have a device with them to plug the crystal into, but we Bio-Gens were created so that we could simply link to these information packed crystals for easy access of knowledge. Think of it like plugging ourselves in to the computer but without the use of a cord. Anyway these crystals contain stories and information of our entire empire. Some of them are trillions of years old, and all of us had to go through every one of them that the libraries contained. There were only two libraries in all of Moonachria with this sort of technology, one in each of the spire Palace Grounds, but each contained countless numbers of Zydmex crystals. Anyway, with that explained I can proceed to the tale I was telling. So as I sat there pondering the information that I had inserted within my mind a very tall presence, comparable to my own, swayed up the path behind me. Once it got within a yard or so of me it stopped dead. At this point I didn’t take any notice of it, nor did I really register its existence other than to assess whether I was a threat or not, which was a quick no. I ignored the being behind me until it started to speak with a genteel, almost musical voice…”


“So this is the prize position of the empress? Such a fine creature you are aren’t you, you are aware of it I know for certain.” Her eyes were staring directly at the back of Aurora’s head boring a hole there

Aurora was poised for retaliation but refused to reply. She knew now who stood behind her and she didn’t at the time care enough to want such a massive confrontation for she knew if she destroyed this insolent being then she would declare war on all of the rest of the empire that was just the culture. So Aurora kept silent, but her posture was threatening, so much so that Onyx took note of its obviousness.

“Well, I’ll give you one thing, your progress if phenomenal” she continued slightly less demeaning but her tone was still mockingly set, “the empress picked you as her favourite for a reason. Well I hope you can live with what you were designed to do, and if you can’t well then I will be the first in line to find a way to deactivate you.” The venom in her melodic voice was palpable.

Aurora was to the point of fury now, as was indicated by the glowing embers behind her eyes growing into deep grey coals. Her voice grew to a whisper of smoke and dense mist as the words danced over her tongue and out her mouth in macabre turns and writhes, “I can’t be destroyed by the will of others, you know this as well as I. look into this abyss and know how this creature you despise perceives you, know how this slave you belittle exists. No? You fear the darkness Advisor, you fear what you know does not exist within me. You are weak and you are fragile and if you really had the power to accomplish what you wished done then it would have been done long ago. You have existed in the shadow of the empress your entire existence and thus in the shadow of our empire the same. So yes, I am the prized creation, the one for show and the one to be led around and paraded for all to see what can be done by the hand of our empress, but you, you are the one to stand behind even the pet project and clap and smile because that is what you were created for. You are nothing more than a placemat and an extension of the spit at the end of our empress’ tongue. You say and do exactly as she commands in every aspect of your existence so by all means, tell me how sick I am tell me how I am nothing and know for a fact that however low you paint me, I will always walk over you as a placemat.” At that Onyx left, belittled and ashamed for she knew Aurora was right, she was the animal led by a leash in the hands of the empress of the time. She didn’t believe in what was being done and although she did do what she could to sabotage it she did not exercise her full authority to stop it, and she knew full well what we were designed for. Had Aurora known that at the time; she may have pried it out of the Advisor’s hands and then eradicated her for it. But in the end this was not the way of it.

Aurora hated Onyx at this point, even to the point of wishing her destroyed, but she would never have done that on her own accord the price for that sort of betrayal was too high for her at the time, besides she did not quite know the full extent of her abilities quite yet and she knew that she had to accomplish that before she decided on any drastic endeavours.


          “Not long after this first encounter with the Advisor there at the chasm it became habit. It was as thought it was intentional on her part to be there at the exact same time on the exact same days I was. It was as though she had taken the time to memorize my schedule. Granted because I fallowed a very exact pattern, this would not be too hard to do at all if one really applied themself, but the idea that someone cared enough to take the time to do so was beyond my realm of understanding.

          She was no longer hostile towards me and as we continued our encounters she in fact became more and more friendly. We talked every week, by your perception of time. We grew very close, but even so there was always a wall between the two of us stemming from that first encounter. I have never been one to understand the intricacies of interactions between of similar or non- similar origins whether it be verbal or not, as you are surly well aware. Never the less even I was aware of this fact. I think more so than even our disagreement, the largest obstacle was more to do with the fact that neither of us could really connect in the way that most people who believe themselves friends can do. I was designed with a very limited emotional parameter, as she was more than well aware. Despite this she grew over time to care very deeply for me, even I could tell, though I never made mention of it. I suppose my reasoning’s lie in the fact that I was never too thrilled with the idea of anyone getting too close to me. I was a killer and a destroyer by nature, even I could figure that much out. I somehow knew even then that this was going to be my soul purpose in life, and why would anyone wish to become close to that. Even so I secretly revelled in her company over time; I would even go so far as to say that she acted at the time as a sort of advisory figure to me much the way she did the empress, but with me it was different. It was as though she felt responsible for me somehow like a mother does her child, and I was not Mouraludia so in a way this did not sit well with me, but I allowed it for I was bored of my own company and she was interesting enough; an intellectual sparring partner if you will.” Aurora wrapped her lips over her words like a snake does its pray forcing them to wreath and wriggle out of her and plop down into Sussex ears dripping and bleeding

          After the chill had subsided within Sussex she pressed her step mother with another question, “were you and the empress close?”

          “The empress of the time definitely pretended that she and I were close, I was her favourite drone by far, but it was easy for me to see through her intentions. She knew even then that she had created a monster and the more she tested me the more I came to realize this fact myself. She also knew that if I were to ever be let loose and left to my own devices I could end up destroying not only her but also her entire empire and everything she had worked so hard to make perfect in her own eyes. She was haughty and felt herself above all, oh how she disgusts me now.” The venom in her voice plunked down into the air beneath her moth word for word, and hung there heavy and coagulated.


          Rhydian revelled in the sound of her voice; it was like nothing he had ever heard before, completely unique to her. It was like metal plunking down dripping in chunks into a deep hallow rift as acid dissolved a hole into it. He shook himself and forced himself once more to pay attention to the words being said between the two women just beyond the threshold of the doorway he was leaning against.


          “You ok?” Sussex asked, genuinely concerned, not that Aurora could tell the difference

          “Of course I am. So with onyx and I at least civil towards one another if not the closest thing to a respectful working partnership one could have with one who acted as an advisor could have, her standards wore off on me at least to a certain degree for even when the time came when we were commissioned to go out and fulfil our purpose I could occasionally heat her voce within my head telling me how to proceed. Of course I did usually choose to disregard her warnings and words of advice.” Inwardly Aurora huffed a laugh as her eyes slit shut slowly for just a split second

           “So when did you start on your adventure?” Sussex smiled eagerly

          “Oh sweetheart it was no adventure,” the condemnation was obvious enough that even Sussex huffed in indignation at the pet name, “it was a commission. None of us were in the least bit unsure of the details when we were finally let loose to fulfil it; well, at least this was our thinking at the time. I mean the very finite details may not have been obvious but in general we knew what we were made for and what we were going to do…” syrup erupted in boiling form at the back of the creation’s throat

          “So what exactly did happen?” she urged eagerly

          “Well, finally after the ninth drone had been deemed completed and our allegiances to our empress sufficiently checked our oh so devoted empress summoned all of us into her chamber located within the innermost sanctuary of the black spire palace the road to even the base of the entrance to her sanctum was far too lavish to be anything short of a masterpiece in anyone’s opinion. Even the most cynical of wealth would not be able to help being taken by even the simplest of its features. The path itself was cut directly from the mountain, which the palace was built around. Each step was equally cut five feet in length, two feet in height, ad six feet in depth. The rock which wit was carved from; with such skill, care, and accuracy that each step was not only flawlessly level no matter how you measured it and so smooth a tissue could be pulled taught and drug across its surface without the slightest fear of being torn. The stone smoked and misted with the residual energies of the black holes of which it was created. The whole place was warmed with that radiating energy permeating the airless expanse around us. On each side of the path towered walls, which each reached one hundred feet into the air. These too where cut right out of the mountain. Every six yards a face would give you a smile as you passed for the walled chronicled the dead on both of is massive sides. It would do the same thing every six feet off the ground as the walls climbed higher…” Aurora described this place with wisp of authority in her voice similar to that of a tour guide

          Again Sussex face turned a puzzled scrunch, “Six feet across, six yards forward, and in increments of six feet up. Was that pattern intentional?”

          “But of course, although those measurements are strictly earth terms. For us Moonachrians it was actually in sets of 19. The reason for this was at the time of the erection of these palaces the empress at that time was the 19th empress to rule over Moonachria.” Aurora explained

          “Something you said has been bothering me though. You said that the walls chronicled the dead, what exactly do you mean by that?”

          Aurora sighed not enjoying having to stop and explain things every five minutes but she supposed with this little thing she had to, “you see, each of the faces were carved there either of advisers or council members or of empresses themselves in memory of what they have done for Moonachria. Most of these faces in the walls also had descriptions, either a quote of the person in their living years, or a saying or sentence that those who knew and respected them would pick out to best fit and describe them for and to all future generations to come.” Aurora really hoped that this would be enough of an explanation to appease the curious child.

          “So sort of like a memorial, like the statues people have made of important people?”

          “Yes, precisely like this. The only real difference there is in our definition of deceased. You see there are now Moonachrians who’s only way of being eradicated is to lock them permanently within the void far out of reach of the palaces grounds. It is either this or you are stuck with them ruling over you for all far too long to contemplate.” Aurora noticed the child’s eyes begin to droop, and she had already noted the absentmindedness so common with this species when they required their rest cycle.

          “Ah I see, please continue” Sussex said hesitantly, trying to keep her mind focused enough to think through the new gems of information she had been given into her mother’s pre- earth existence

          “Sussex, look outside, what do you see?” Aurora inquired as she scanned the landscape in front of her and admired how the dim blue moonlight lit up the planet, bandaging it up in a cast of shadow and softness so easy on her far too acutely tuned eyes. The grass looked fuller to her and the leafless trees more alive, she had a slight twinge in her gut beckoning her to retreat outside into the cool Texas evening and maybe stroll her way down to the banks of the Sabinal just at the end of her property, but she quickly disregarded this strange notion for more of the nonsense she’d picked up from Rhydian.

          “Nothing, it’s too dark for me to even see the tree right outside the window. It should be all big and green since its summer time, but it died. The moon is on the opposite side of the house right outside my bedroom window, I get to tell her goodnight tonight. I love going to sleep with the moon there to watch over me.” Her tired eyes smiled

          Aurora raised her eye brow; “you can’t be serious!” Aurora’s tone grew slightly deeper, slightly more predatory, “you can’t honestly believe a hunk of rock watches you.” Her voice powered through the air in a sweep of emotionless emotion, a paradox just as she was.

          “No, but it is a nice idea isn’t it, that light can protect you?”

          “Nothing can protect you if the aslant is truly after you, well, except possibly me.” An air of dominant authority crept into her serpent’s voice, “you’ve heard enough for one day. Even your thoughts are turning towards your time of sleep .come, I will take you to your room and we will discuss more of this when the new sun rises.”

          Sussex stood from her char but walked a bit farther apart from her step mother than usual, this amused Aurora, they ascended the grand mahogany stairs ancient yet flawless and still glossy as though new. We twisted until finally at the top of the second floor. Holding the hand of the wooden statuette that acted as the banister’s accent piece to keep a bit of Aurora’s weight for itself, she smiled sending Sussex off to her room for a night of rest and contemplation. At the click of Sussex’ door closing Aurora dropped her charade of a smile and proceeded back down stairs.

          “She didn’t notice you standing there, of this I am certain.”

          “You on the other hand?” his voice was calm and soft just for her to hear

          “I noticed” there was no emotion on her voice at all

          “You lied to her” Rhydian on the other hand allowed his voice to be rout with concern, though Aurora could not discern to whom this worry was intended.

          “Oh how so?” still nothing hinting towards emotion touched her tone

          “You are just as emotionless now as you were back then” Rhydian was starting to sound slightly perturbed.

          “I wear the mask well, I have had to for so long.” Nothing

          “Yeah” he half laughed, half choked.

          “You are the liar, not I” as cold as a doctor stating a diagnosis to a college

          “What” it came out as almost a whisper

          “You of all people know how untrue that was.” There was almost a smile to her deadness

          “Really, did I!” his anger was back but not fully manifested, “I didn’t notice.” This sarcastic sentence was meant to be spat at Aurora’s heart, an attempt to get a response, any response out of her, but as always she was just too hard to reach like this.

          “I did” still no sign of emotion…on the outside.

          The proceeded to walk back up the stairs arm in arm, Aurora stoic and robotic as always, but Rhydian’s mind was racing. He knew full and well that he had lied outright. He knew that the woman next to him had emotions, however limited, and he knew that she wasn’t the all-powerful monster most perceived her as.

          When they reached the door of their room Aurora literally erased the negative thoughts she had been carrying, she knew they would do her no good and it wasn’t like she needed them, so she just got rid of them. Sadly Rhydian wasn’t capable of doing the same, he was not technology, he was flesh and blood and mental images and invisible tears shed over the harsh words he knew he should never have spoken. He whispered his apology to his beloved, but it was too late, her memory was no more, so he was left alone in the dark to revel in his sorrows alone, as he always truly was.

          Aurora went into her closet to change for her evening, leaving Rhydian to his thoughts. Her eyes turned bright red for a split second as they adjusted to the lack of light in the large space. Rhydian registered the flash of red before everything in that part of the room went black again and he was left in the dim red light of the bedroom with only his head for company.  He knew how lucky he was to have her, he knew what and who she really was even if no one else was supposed to. He knew her better than anyone alive. His head hung, lower then it usually rested, out of shame for the way he had treated her and out of sorrow for the lost opportunity for an apology. Knowing her as well as he did, he knew full and well that Aurora no longer remembered the harsh words spoken to her just minutes ago. A bout of irrational rage inflated his insides cursing his emotions and inability to eradicate them as easily as the thing in the closet could, but rationality came and popped his insanity. He shook his head and ran a hand over his face to settle and compose himself before lifting his head to perch upright atop his shoulders. As he did so his eyes caught onto her bright smiling face hovering far above his more sombre but quickly relaxing one. Oh yes, she had motions, she just wasn’t the best at displaying them. Aurora had on her floor length black, rose patterned night dress on, and it made her look like an ancient, black- ivy covered column somewhere on a manor on a moor. He shook slightly and stood up to go into the restroom. He had to escape her for guilt had overtaken him and he knew she would never again understand why.

          Aurora understood the look in Rhydian’s eyes though she had no idea why it was there. She decided that it was probably for the best if she left, so she slipped out of the door to their bedroom as silent as the shadows in a windy field. She soundlessly flitted up the second flight of the mahogany stairs onto the third floor of the mansion. Once she reached the top of the stairs she had a choice to make. She could proceed to the right were she would then have five doors to choose from. The first to her study, the second to her observatory, the third to her private dining room, the fourth to her master library, or the fifth which lead to Rhydian’s armoury. On the opposing hand she could go left where three doors dared her to step behind them. The first was her favourite room in the whole house; a small bedroom, no bath attached, which she had not dared to open since the day they had all died. The second was a room with a simple wooden door with no decoration, and although it was quite deep brown in its colour, it had never been stained. This door she had never peered beyond in all her oh so very long years of being there. Finally at the end of the hall to the left there was a room which had always remained entirely empty, save for a small rocking chair facing the unblemished window at the far end of the short room, and a small group of very old books scattered on the floor near the opening of the door. She is well aware that Sussex must like this room for some times she will open the door and all of the books will be perfectly stacked on top of the chair which causes it to perpetually rock by the offset of weight and the weird physics trick still referred to as gravity, but other times the room will look as it does right now, but never is it any different from those two exact pictures. So even in its changes this room is always a constant.

          Tonight Aurora chose to proceed to the right, straight into her library. As soon as she began to turn down the hall she wished to, all of her energy began to leave her. It was as though the air itself was draining her of all of the energy she possessed. Even the little light left in her eyes had been enveloped and drained by this strange force around her. Her brain wracked as she thought of the last time this had happened… of the one creature in existence that possessed this ability. But that wasn’t possible, she was dead. They were all dead. Such were the thoughts going through her head. She decided to ignore it the way she always used to, but this time more for the sake of what little sanity she had left, and reached out to grab hold of the solid gold handle of the library door. She grasped hold of it, but she couldn’t seem to bring herself to turn it. Her ears perked up as she heard a tiny whisper and a subtle erythematic pong of a piano key being stroked in time with the fading breath of the payer. A hum hashed from between the lips of this mysterious musician.


Aurora flung open the door and hurried for the piano in the far back right corner, opposite the left resending door, entirely out of sight to anyone entering the library. She practically ran passed the towering jasper shelves with their dirty teeth of books too often read. Although the pathways of blood drenched velvet carpets inlayed with the outline of golden rose. Under the only window in the entire room rested a cherry-wood grand piano, unoccupied and the dust that tool rest upon it, undisturbed. Mouraludia ahead not been playing the piano, Aurora’s memory had.

          This realization struck her hard, so much so that she had to sit down. Registering just where she was now seated, Aurora lined her fingers with the proper keys and began to play the song her eidetic memory forced her to recall, ‘Not While I’m Around,’ a song from Sunset Boulevard, Mouraludia’s favourite play. She had drug V to see it on the west end literally hundreds of times when it was still playing there. Aurora couldn’t help it, she was caught in the music, her voice was being torn from its save place deep within the lightless lifeless pits of her, such was the power music always seemed to have over her;

“Nothing’s gon’na harm you/not while I’m around/ Nothing’s gon’na harm you no son, not while I’m around./demons are prowling everywhere now-a-days/ I’ll send them howling, id don’t care/ I’ve got ways/ no one’s gon’na hurt you/ no one’s gon’na dare/ others can desert you, not to worry, whistle I’ll be there/ demons will charm you/ with a smile for a while/ but in time/ nothing can harm you/ not while I’m around/…”

Rhydian could hear his cherished Aurora’s voice trail through the halls like smoke from a ground floor fire. Its succulent beauty was dancing fingers entwined with an inner hurt so potent as to poison the souls of any who hear into a permanent state of misery. His Aurora, the one with the ability to produce spoken hemlock and lyrical ricin, the most beautifully dark creature in existence, she alone was capable of this. Arorah was invincible as far as anyone on this wrenched planet knew, and immortal by the same rights, all those who knew to the contrary were either dead or sworn to a self-induced secrecy. Aurora was truly magnificent!

          The piano rang out accompanying and assisting but never upstaging Aurora. Rhydian new exactly where she was, but he was surprised that she dared go into the master library at this time of night, for this was the time Mouray would usually be in there, well when she was still alive anyway. Rhydian decided that it would be best if he went up there and make sure she was all right. He knew how Aurora could get when she was upset. Once she went into a coma like state for a month were she would walk around the house as though she were a ghost but she wouldn’t respond to anyone or anything. When this happened she wouldn’t eat, drink, change her dressings, she was a true example of the saying “Walking dead.”

 Another time, a much worse time, she allowed that all too potent temper of hers a far too short leash and almost killed Rhydian and half the town. Thankfully that only lasted a few minutes before she regained control of herself.


          Rhydian approached the handle of their bedroom door, but stopped just before grasping it to see it glow slightly in the reddish light of their bedroom. Aurora’s eyes are hypersensitive to light, so throughout the mansion the lights were either a reddish or dark greenish tint, or all of the windows were deeply tented so as not to cause her body the extra trouble of constantly having to generate the black filament that fills them when in direct light. He smiled as the red light dancing upon the golden handle was waltzing to the sound of his Wonder’s voice. He in a slight moment of inanity wished he could join the light in the eternal dance, oh how he wished that this moment was locked in place, fixed firmly in an unmovable and inescapable box for him to revel within for eternity. But he knew that this could and should not be, for he knew that this moment’s beauty was a mask for the horrors that had occurred within these very walls the last time that creature, that man, that Blooded Fang of the Moonachrian assassin class Bio-Gens had entered and destroyed the peace that was once so all-encompassing here.

          Rhydian took hold of his would be dream land and turned it so slowly wishing in his mind’s eye that it wouldn’t leave him so easily, but alas it was too late. The door was open and the dancing lights upon a golden dance floor had vanished like the imagined sectors in the shadows when the sun shines upon them. He sighed away his wants and dreams as he proceeded outside of the bedroom. He was smacked hard by the frigid air that had broken in so suddenly and attacked the once warm wood beneath his feet and air around him. Violent shivers wracked his body forcing him to wrap his arms around himself in an attempt to keep the chills at bay. His petty attempt at warmth failed, however, as was evident by the loud and incessant chattering of his moon white teeth.

He proceeded step by step at a time up the large almost monolithically humongous steps, or so did they seem moon lit and frigid. They shined slightly grey in the hue of the moon casting its gaze through the glass slit in the sealing only opened by a servant or two once the sun had completely set below the horizon. One by one by oh so frigid one he fought his way over this ghastly terrain until finally, shivering and tired from the emotionally straining day he reached the third floor. Rhydian stood still for a second and allowed his eyes to flutter shut for just a minute to collect his thoughts and prepare himself for whatever disaster lay beyond the door or the master library. He was ready for war, finally, so he picked up his feet and trudged on through the trench of the hall until he reached the daunting barrier between him and the unknown state of the creature beyond. He settled his heart and his mind once more trying not to dwell on the past and what had happened when she was like this before. Instead he tried to focus on why he ascended the stairs and why he was standing at the door of the master library in the first place.

          I have always been the type to want to care for and slave for the ones I love. I feel a need to protect those I bring into my heart, and even though Aurora is the last creature to ever ask for help much less admit that she needs it I always want to be the first in line to take her hand and pull her through the fire. He thinks to himself, in the hopes that his shaky hands upon the handle will steady enough for them to turn the door open. Aurora has fought me tooth and nail against this tendency of mine. Aurora loves to be the master, or in her case the mistress but even so she won’t let anyone do anything for her, oh no.  She has to do everything on her own. This has always irritated me, but over the years she has got better about allowing me to help her, though I can tell she isn’t fond of the idea. I think it makes her feel weak, which is something she was literally designed to despise. I disagree; it doesn’t make her weak, everyone from the greatest kings to the household parent delegates at some point.

Finally the door opened and he was permitted by his steadying legs to enter the vast library. He stared into the grey, moonlit abyss that lay before him. The voice that had haunted his nightmares and caressed his brightest days lay bare and hallow around him, the words of such a well-known song piercing his every thought like tiny needles burrowing deeper and deeper into his eyes and into his eardrums and into his existence. The needles drew water like blood from the corners of his eyes, and they slid down his cheeks burning the chilled flesh as the met his chin to drip off one by boiling one. He made himself progress further and further into the hazy streams like light-fog shafts lined one right next to the other. As he walked through them it he parted the beams around him almost like they were swords at a Pedang Pora ceremony, as he passed beneath one set of holders would allow their swords of light to fall behind him reforming the panelling pattern it was originally in.

A slight breeze had picked up outside and the world inside had abruptly become so quiet and still that Rhydian was taken aback by the shock of hearing it. Like a distant whisper its hushing whistle stabbed at Rhydian’s ears, urging violently to hurry on to his now silent love. He hastened through the towers of shelves ominously looming over him, taunting him, telling him that this labyrinth was too long for the time he had left.

Finally, finally he was there, he was at the piano, and so was Aurora. She was staring straight forward out the only window in the entire room save for the glass cracks in the sealing, opened each night. Her eyes were striking polished obsidian, as they stared, almost daring the world to come into the window before her and force their way at her. She had that stance about her like she could and would destroy anyone and everything at a moment’s notice. This is what Rhydian had feared more than anything else, because when she was like this, not even he was safe, in reality, and not even she was safe, for that was the final protocol built into her at her creation. The nine would either have to team up if she malfunctioned and destroy her, or if the subroutine was activated, which could only be done directly, she would decommission herself. Rhydian at remembering this shook with the horror of this, before forcibly taking hold of his head and stepping closer to the creation before him. He rested a hand upon the strong shoulder, but got not even an ounce of recognition in reply. Rhydian, feeling slightly emboldened by this, decided to come around the bench and sit beside her. No one but Rhydian would have noticed the slight blue hint that flitted through her eyes before returning to their striking black, but he did, and he smiled because of it.

“You could go after him” he whispered this to himself but he knew the thing beside him would hear just fine, if not his words themselves then at least the thoughts that prefaced them. Aurora made no replies in gesture or word, but to Rhydian that was in and of itself a response, so he went on with all he wanted to say in that moment, “the story, and the rest of your tale. You have no desire to tell her, I know you well enough to know that. But you love the fear you cause because of it, that is why you agreed isn’t it? You want to be hated; you want to be looked at as disgusting. I used to ask myself why, I used to want to change that, but now I think I am beginning to understand you. You blame yourself don’t you? You created the thing that destroyed your council.” Rhydian knew he should stop; he had no idea where all of this was even coming from. He was afraid that if he went too far the thing beside him, in such a state that she was in, she could end up killing him or worse yet everything else, but he felt he had to get say something. He couldn’t let her keep blaming herself, he couldn’t, and “it want your fault. Just because you made him, just because you commissioned his construction it doesn’t mean that any of this is your fault…” Aurora took a slight breath in and looked him directly in the eyes

Her eyes weren’t from the obsidian black, to a small blue as she turned to peer directly into his eyes, “if I blames myself he would have already been destroyed” her voice sounded like it had come from the fog pouring in from around the manor and not a living creature, it resonated deep and wispy but full of body around Rhydian, inciting horror within his retreating heart. His mind raced and his eyes flickered across her placid features, “Rhydian, they are as Onyx is, locked between Moonachria and the oblivion beyond, and the possibility remains that they could make their way from that prison and back to their rightful places. If anyone could it would be them. I am not upset as you believe me to be, I am enraged. Enraged for the obvious reason being that they have not succeeded yet; they are eight of them imprisoned together.”

“Aurora, they’re dead, you said so yourself.” Rhydian’s statement was soaked to its core with the confusion he felt.

Aurora laughed her deep billowy laugh that gasped out like smoke from a child drawn chimney, “Oh foolish Rhydian, death for a Bio-Gen is deactivation. Sending them into the oblivion realm would not destroy any of us”

“But onyx wasn’t a Bio-Gen” again a statement, again riddled in confusion

“Ah but she was powerful, far more so than the empress she served, and that ghastly thing survived her stent in that confinement, it drove her mad, but she survived.” 

          Rhydian sat there in shock as the blue of the creature’s eyes next to him darkened slightly and the corner of her mouth rose ever so slightly. Her long olive fingers with perfect glass oval and long nails lifted flat and turned up. She slowly and slightly curled the tips of all of her fingers with inhuman precision and without shakiness until both were formed into claw like cups. It was then that fire busted from her palms and licked between her fingers. The light refracted in her eyes gazing them to appear almost purple as they flickered in time with the flame. Staring into her hands, into the fire Aurora thrust her hands fully open causing the flame to triple in size and intensity before balling them in fists extinguishing the heat with an intense swoosh. Rhydian has seen this so many times, but not often enough for it not to be shocking each time she does it, “this Rhydian, this is what you do not understand! Our life, our curse, our power, we are hard to kill and this is why we are pursued and this is why we are hunted. The sports is the illusion, the mask the real challenge, yes the real quest, is to find a way to extinguish us all. Even for own kind this was a challenge, no, no mere prison could contain us” her eyes unblinking stared at her empty hands and her voice deepened and quieted becoming a thick smoke as it forced its way like cotton through Rhydian’s soul, “not indefinitely.”

          Rhydian knew now, the truth and he was terrified at the possibilities this opened up. He sat; desperate, thinking for a minute, “so will you tell her the rest of the tale?” it was all he could ask now

          “Would you? Do you think I should? More to the point Rhydian” her voice was a challenge with his name the target, “Do you want me to?” she was brilliant, and she knew him, so of course she knew the answer.

Rhydian knew exactly what she was doing, but he also knew he was powerless not to fall straight into it, so that is exactly what he did, “Yes.” It was simple to admit defeat. She knew Rhydian hated secrets in a family, and she also knew he wanted the three of them to be a family since he first proposed the idea to adopt her several months ago. Aurora would have never agreed if she hadn’t noticed the look he gave her, that look of begging of hopelessness that she hated to see and could not deny once she had.

“Then first thing tomorrow, the meat of the tale, but be forewarned, you know me better than anyone so you know exactly what she is asking. If she leaves because of this I will kill her. I do not want who I am made known.”

Rhydian knew this was coming but hearing it spoken, and so callously, his heart jumped hard. He nodded, it was all he had the strength to do, exhausted from that he let his head hang against his chest and he slumped forward against the piano.

Aurora watched him for a few minutes before smiling contently to herself and walking back towards the door. Hesitating with her and on the golden handle she looked back towards the now out of sight window and whispered too low for humans to hear, “I knew you would make it out, I’m glad you’re back my sister, my Mouraludia, maybe now we can correct the disarray in which our home has fallen into. Until then, I have a tale to tell, and a child to scare, and a heart to destroy and another to mend, and then, well, then I have it all.” She smiled once again

A single rain drop fell onto the glass slit on the ceiling in reply, and silently in the distance a voice so sweet once head a bird would never sound as such again, “We will be waiting”

4: Chapter 3: A King of Masks
Chapter 3: A King of Masks

The house was silent and dead, no one stirred within it except one, that tall slender black haired creature drinking her morning tea. She was sitting in Mouraludia’s bedroom musing to her about fog. The fog no one seemed to notice dancing at the base of the manor as she sang the night just passed this is West Texas and for just isn’t something we tend to have here. She mused in the local lexicon. The minute she found herself at the piano, in the haze of herself doubt about her counterpart being nothing more than a figment of her imagination she saw the fog and knew she was right. Mouraludia had been there, and that song was her welcome back present for oh how Mouray loved to hear her counterpart sing. Mouraludia used to corner her and force her to sing for hours. Of course Aurora really didn’t mind, if she had Mouraludia would have never heard a note, that or she would have been deactivated for pestering Aurora, though as Aurora thought this she knew that she would never deactivate Mouray.

The minutes ticked on and on and all- of- the sudden Aurora heard stirring from the floor below her. On further inspection she noticed the clicking of a heavy door and heavy footsteps padding across the floor, making their way down the stairs presumably into the kitchen were Aurora was much earlier this morning.

Sure enough, Aurora heard the click of the stove burner and the clunk of the kettle being set upon it. Soon after she heard the familiar swoop of the refrigerator door opening up fully, and the battering and banging of it being caught and everything in it being jolted to a halt before the whole thing swung so far it broke. Aurora chortled hauntingly to herself.

Next she heard the stirring form the room of Sussex. First the opening of the wardrobe then the shoe shelf and finally the tromping to her restroom to finish whatever ‘look’ she wanted for the day. For such a small thing she was quite modern in her style choices.

Aurora waited for her to leave her room and join Rhydian in the kitchen before proceeding behind her to appear as a shade in the doorway of the eating room. Aurora watched the two silently manoeuvre into their perspective seats to enjoy one his tea and the other her cereal. Finally Rhydian noticed her and smiled sleepily into her darkening eyes, she nodded her confirmation and ghosted over to the kitchen to refill her tea cup, before re-joining the others in the dining room. Her eyes darkened further as she studied the movements of her fellow occupants until what she had been expecting occurred.

“Would you continue your story now?” she was insistent but quiet about it

“Very well, if you wish, now that Rhydian is here, he can help me explain it all to you.” Her voice was thick as honey but as bitter as vernonia leaves.

“So you know I am not human, you know that I am technology. You know I was created in a place known as Moonachria. You know that we are known as the nine. You know also that onyx, the advisor to the Moonachrian empress became the mother of my counterpart as well as a close companion of my own. What you do not know is what then took place, after the training, after the assessing, and long after approval given to us by the empress herself that we were ready to carry out her will. Be warned child, the commission we were designed for is not for the faint of heart.” Aurora’s demeanour became almost predatory and Sussex quaked because of it

“I can handle it” she spat out against the terror within her

Rhydian watched Aurora’s eyes intently, and noticed the slight glint of pleasure that shown through when the fear in the child’s mind was registered.

“Very well, the palace itself was megalithic, and all of it glistened grey within, grey but bright. The council lined both walls as the empress sat in her throne at the far end, huge and ominous over all who stood before it. The nine of us stood before her, and onyx stood beside her on a platform just as high as the base of the throne in which the empress sat. Onyx towered over the empress in her long black and green gown with her staff of pure gold with the green coloured stone held between the gold claws on the top that signified her position. The council too wore the long black and green gowns but not the empress, oh of course not. The empress wore a long silver top with white button looking pieces from the shoulder to the bottom of the top. Her pants were dark blue and loose fitting the entire way down. Running down the sides of her pants were black braded pieces that every few inches or so were wrapped by a silver band. These were fashioned the entire length to the pants themselves. We stood all eight of us, side by side in front of the empress and her councillor. The empress stood and the councillor moved like she was going to move with her, but the empress held her hand up so Onyx made no such action. I gave Onyx a knowing smile and a look of slight embarrassment came to touch her eyes, with smugness in my mind I returned my eye contact with the empress. I was the only one who would look her directly in the eyes, which never changed right to the day of her, deactivation.” Aurora hissed that last word with a tone confidence and slight knowingly wicked irony, “the empress walked write in the midst of us and spoke words that would lead to the fall of her empire and the ending of her ancient existence, ‘you my precious creations will spread across my empire and all creatures showing of weakness or of frailty against the empire you will eradicate and you will do so in my name and without mercy.’ The smug look on the empress’ face would have made even me sick to my stomach, but I was the only one designed without emotion. I was not designed without the capacity to learn emotion however, and that is what leads to the empress’ downfall, but that is to come much later. First I must clarify to you that we now knew that we were designed as warriors or assassins or if you would like, the empress’ own personal hit squad. Now I also must add that I was designed to despise even the idea of taking orders from one weaker then I, so this too did not bode well for the empress, but for now we will keep these tales to a minimum.”

“Wait you’re telling me that you were designed to murder?” there wasn’t too much shock, but Sussex was taken aback hearing what she had come to expect spoken allowed and so openly

          “Yes” it was simple and emotionless, but it was the most frightening syllable ever heard by Sussex

          “It isn’t black and white Sussex,” Rhydian interrupted before things got too out of hand, “it wasn’t like you or I being asked, they are all pieces of technology, this is, as Aurora has stated, what they were created for. This was their purpose for existing”

          Hearing this made it that much worse over all, but out of morbid curiosity she had to know more, not just more she had to know everything regardless of the consequences, “keep talking. What happened next?”

          Aurora was really getting irritated with this worm talking to her the way it did but for Rhydian’s sake she wouldn’t run it through until absolutely necessary, “very well” she hissed violently before composing herself and glancing an ok to Rhydian beside her, “we were given a list of planets and targets. In fact some targets were entire planets but don’t you fret, as I have told you before it never went that far and I will soon explain why. So the eight of us retreated into the tower I had claimed as my own for it was the largest secluded spot any of us could think of and that was exactly the sort of space we needed.

                    Hearing this made it that much worse over all, but out of morbid curiosity she had to know more, not just more she had to know everything regardless of the consequences, “keep talking. What happened next?”

          Aurora was really getting irritated with this worm talking to her the way it did but for Rhydian’s sake she wouldn’t run it through until absolutely necessary, “very well” she hissed violently before composing herself and glancing an ok to Rhydian beside her, “we were given a list of planets and targets. In fact some targets were entire planets but don’t you fret, as I have told you before it never went that far and I will soon explain why. So the eight of us retreated into the tower I had claimed as my own for it was the largest secluded spot any of us could think of and that was exactly the sort of space we needed.

          Aurora was really getting irritated with this worm talking to her the way it did but for Rhydian’s sake she wouldn’t run it through until absolutely necessary, “very well” she hissed violently before composing herself and glancing an ok to Rhydian beside her, “we were given a list of planets and targets. In fact some targets were entire planets but don’t you fret, as I have told you before it never went that far and I will soon explain why. So the eight of us retreated into the tower I had claimed as my own for it was the largest secluded spot any of us could think of and that was exactly the sort of space we needed to discuss our assignment privately. It was here that our roles with the collective group were set in iron chains. Each of the counterparts stood by one another while jasmine took to standing by Mouraludia and me.

          Each of the group attempted to assert their dominance as the conversation on exactly how to proceed continued, while I merely observed them all from a far corner by an open window without a pane. You see, this was the first time that we had all been really expected to interact with one another as a unit. Most of our studies had been one on one with a tutor elected by the empress, or on our own with our own curiosities to guide us. So because of this, none of the Bio-Gens really knew how to interact or cooperate, thus the very loud bickering. Oh how I do hate raising my voice, it is such a petty gesture and never leads to any solutions. It is quite funny how those who do yell to assert their imagined authority are quite often the ones with the least amount of control.  Anyway, I observed the ever escalating chaos until my head could take the volume no more. I pushed with one leg off of the wall I had been leaning against, and with crossed arms and indoor appropriate choice I simply told them that the systematic approach would be ideal. I then went about rounding the children into groups and assigning them their tasks there in, based on their intended design. No one hesitated to obey or rise on inkling of protest. It was in this quite unspoken manner that all relented to the idea that I had already been aware of as face; I was in charge and my word was final.” Arorah spoke these words as if giving a speech in office elect.

          “And they accepted that no problem?” Sussex could be such a simpleton at times

          “Of course they did. So after this I walked straight to the table on which the list was sat. Mouraludia, separating herself from the others, walked to my side. This event established another constant…” Aurora shot a knowing look, and a minute satisfactory smile at Rhydian before continuing her thought, “Mouraludia would always be at my side to hold me back or spur me on, and she would always be on my side when I set word as absolute, whether she agreed or not. I lifted the info-pad from the table and stared intently at the first entry: Mardthou; Leux Hund, or king of the Leux population, to translate. Mouraludia leaned in closer from behind me in an attempt to see the field better so I raised the info-pad higher and asked if it was better for her that way. At her huff of a yes, I then asked her thoughts on the matter gesturing to the imbeciles off to the side bickering amongst themselves.

          “Well if you truly want my opinion, we do have a couple assets amongst them. Cheyenne stays out of the argument entirely, while Jasmine seems almost to revel in the fact that she is making fools of any and all who try to draw her into the fight.” Mouray kindly smiled

          “So we have intelligence in one and in the other we have wisdom. Knowing when to pick your battles is just as important as winning the ones you have to fight. Very well, the rest we can eliminate here and now, and then we will be on our way.” I was a brash young thing back then. I recall I was just about to eliminate those I saw to be a problem when Mouraludia reached out for my shoulder and stopped me in my tracks.

          “That would not be for the best. Each of them was designed for a role specific and crucial to our mission’s fulfilment. Not to mention that the empress herself commissioned these things to be created, and something tells me that she would not be very happy with you if she found her favourite creature destroyed her companions.”

          The way Mouraludia referred to myself as ‘her favourite’ made her insides wrack with fury, but I kept her perfect composure and replied, “no you are right, very well, I will hold off destroying them until it becomes absolutely necessary.” Little did I know that these very critters so annoying to me then would become what most refer to as family, so much later on.

          Mouraludia nodded and walked away, back to the bickering group.

          I stood there in silence, pondering the possibilities of the day ahead.” Aurora looked over at Rhydian once more, over her tea to gauge his response before glancing to Sussex to see hers. Once satisfied that she had not yet scared anyone off with the trivial data, she could now revel in terrifying them with the thick meat, “I closed my eyes and drew closed my eyes and prepared for the insanity I was about to step into. When my eyes opened Mouraludia, Jasmine, Cheyenne had the rest of the group pinned in a corner and silenced. I smiled to my counterpart before adjusting my gaze to the imbeciles against the wall and quietly uttered my, “let’s go.”

          We together walked from my tower domain into the open expanse of the bustling Palace Grounds. Oh how I loathe these busy streets.

          The empress was staring down at us from the balcony atop her dwelling, and returned the knowing smile I wickedly made for her. She looked pleased then, calm; and had I understood the concept then, I would have said happy as well.

          As soon as our eyes dropped contact I reached out into the darkness and ripped a gash into it large enough for our company to walk within it comfortably.  We all together; with Mouraludia, Jasmine and I in front, stepped within the gaping wound of the portal. In this schism of void space, just slightly more tolerable than what makes up the pitch dark skies of our Palace Grounds I searched momentarily, and effortlessly, for our target planet. Once found, I again ripped a hole through reality for us to pass into easily. Leux Hund was huge and dark with its black- grey clouds I now know to be smoke. Huge piles that stretched yards into the sky and just as many meters in diameter heavily pimpled the largely flat and otherwise barren landscape, each of them ablaze with a gorgeous orange- red flame. Upon closer examination these piles seemed to be made up if assortment of metals, plastics, vegetation of various sorts, and long since dead creatures of all kinds. This seemed to be a waste management area, but as we walked further into these bizarre surroundings we discovered the local wild life going about their daily business of shopping, shovelling, easing, stoking, and all around being pointless in their day-to-day mundane lives.

          After much walking we did discover our target building, the king’s House of Governs, as it so translates.

             Though you would never guess it with how dark the thick smoke made everything appear, it was actually the middle of the day here, so for us, it was a safe bet that all members of the aristocracy were in, including the one we were here to find.

          The burn piles led straight to the gates of the governing house. For most these burn piles probably acted as a maze to keep people from finding the palace too easily, but for us merely acted as too bright illumination. Now, although solid, we Bio-Gens are made up, in part, of pure energy and it is this design specification that allows us to travel the way we do and exist in a place as harsh as the Palace Grounds. But because of this, being in a place with the pull of gravity posed quite a challenge to the movements of our group as a whole; though Mouraludia, Jasmine and I got the hang of it nearly immediately, the rest were not so fortunate. By the time we had all reached the gates; however, all of us were just as steady as those who had been subjected to the conditions of this planet their entire lives…” Aurora rolled her eyes at the inquisitive look and opening mouth of the small female on front of her, “what” Rhydian noticed her snapping tone, but Sussex did not

          “Why was this place a target? Surly you didn’t do anything without knowing why.”

          Sussex really didn’t understand what it meant to be a piece of technology apparently, “if you are asking, would I have killed just for the sake of it, back then; yes. It was programmed into me to detest what was inferior; back then I could have even destroyed Rhydian without so much as a second glance.” Aurora added the last bit for shock value, and by the look on the little human’s face it had worked marvellously

          A deep chuckle broke Aurora from herself contentment, “you almost did once.” Rhydian and Aurora shared a knowing smile.

          Aurora was, of course, the first to break eye contact and repositioned them to stare directly into Sussex’s, “but if in fact you are asking if we knew why the empress before wanted us to take out the powers here, then the simple answer is yes. Along with the names and locations of our targets we were given a detailed description of what each place was like. Leux Hund was governed by what you would see as an oppressive monarchy lead by a king known as Mardthou; this was the only name we were provided.” Another, more derogatory, smirk came from Rhydian this time

          “Allow morons to rule, and expect a positive outcome. People can be so foolish.” Aurora nodded her agreement while Sussex looked on wondering herself why her step father was so cold when Aurora was around

          “Those who stood against the crown were slaughtered in droves, and the monarch himself had ordered a kingdom wide blockade; no one was permitted in or out of his borders without the fear of being lynched where they stood…”

          “That is horrible!” Sussex screeched

          “So thought the empress, hence why we were despatched there. Now there were two other governments lording over the other two parts of this planet, but none of them had the interest or the firepower to do anything about their neighbours’ predicament, but they were gracious enough to give our empress at the time the contact information of someone within the monarchy who was not in favour of the way their king treated his people.” At Sussex’s puzzled face Aurora smiled and quipped, “Ah, you thought that we were just going to barge in there and destroy everyone in sight didn’t you?” at Sussex’s slow and apologetic nod Aurora and Rhydian simultaneously scoffed and Aurora stated with a very slight smile in her dark tone, “that is not the way of the Moonachrians, and by default not is it the way of their Bio-Gens.”

          “That would be a foolish thing to do, go in without anything to go on, and your step mother here is anything but a fool.” Rhydian smirked

          “So about this contact you were sent to find, who was it?” had Sussex been just a few moments more patient she would not have had to waste her breath asking such a stupid question.

          “I was just coming to that.” Aurora’s eye’s narrowed like a snake about to strike and her voice darkened in annoyance. Rhydian gave her a look, pleading with her not to act too rashly so Aurora forced herself to calm down, “very well, we were sent to find a female by the name of Exandra. We entered the House of Governs and proceeded to the left wing’s service center where we were scheduled to meet her. We stepped into the entirely steel room, only to find a little child plopped down on the pained steel floor. Slight agitation crept into my chest but I resolved myself not to take things for granted. Leaving my companions behind me, save for Mouraludia who trailed inches behind, I stalked over to the little girl. Hovering over her minute form I demanded her name. She didn’t budge at first but after a few moments she pulled a data pad from her pocket and handed it to my counterpart.

          Mouraludia was in the process of immediately handing it to me when the girl grabbed Mouray’s hand. Shaking her head, the girl released her grip from my counterpart and sauntered off merrily towards the exit.

          Mouraludia rolled her eyes and handed me the pad regardless of what the child had wanted.” Aurora smiled to herself contently about this before proceeding once more, “I took the info pad and read over the far too bright message screen. Finally I looked to Mouray and gave her the pad to read. Somehow the word had got out that she had mean living with the councillor of our empress of the time. The ruling families of all of the planets in close association with the empress seemed to know the entire inner goings on of the imperial house back then.” This truly irked Aurora

          “That would never happen now.” Rhydian smirked at Aurora, and she chuckled eerily to herself.   

          “No, no it certainly would not.” Her voice hissed as it smoked though the air. Aurora’s words ran up Sussex’s spine like a thousand spiders over fresh spun webs, laid upon rotting flesh.

          “So the rest of the note was specifically for Mouraludia; why they singled her out to be in charge was beyond me, but with much apologising she weeded out the personal greetings and messages of good will to droplets we were looking for.

          Said snippets consisted of an apology from Exandra, our contact, that she could not meet us in person; some excuse about her being detained with some political venture or other. The far more interesting bit was about the king himself; more specifically, his quite habitual daily routine and the perfect plan to remove him from office. Aurora had Mouraludia discussed the plan before pulling Jasmine and Cheyenne over to them with a look and a contortion of a finger from both counterparts in simultaneous coordination.

          “The plan is this, “Aurora tells them, “Jasmine, you and Cheyenne will find a way into the judiciary chambers. Once there; apparently five men, each with the white insignia patch of the staff, will meet you and lead you into the life support system. You are to create a diversion by improperly adjusting the controls. This should draw out the military personnel to handle the ensuing chaos. You will both be too far from anything else to do any good in the allotted time this diversion gives us, so just make your way back to this room as quickly as you can. Along your way, do what you can to disarm or destroy the military personnel despatched to your location. This room apparently acts as a sort of bunker in case of emergencies, so you will blend is as just two more officials seeking asylum until the danger passes. Apparently those here really aren’t that familiar with one another so it shouldn’t pose as too much of a challenge for you tow to blend in.” the two nodded and Cheyenne smiled slightly, excited to see if they could pull off being one of the locals.

          Aurora thought to herself for a minute about who would be best suited for this next part, “Loren, Chelsea, Tristah, the three of you come here.” Aurora demanded as they walked to her, “your task is to distract or destroy the guards around the king himself. He always travels with a team of fifty to one hundred of an elite specially trained branch of his military. Each are heavily armed and psychologically broken down and manipulated not to hesitate or show mercy. They are solely loyal to their kind. This is crucial; there can be no mistakes or arguments amongst you three. I will hold you personally responsible if we fail.” Aurora knew that this threat would sink in with them, but even on the off chance they did fail she wouldn’t put blame or toss accusations around before the empress; she would simply deactivate them all.

          Now for the real challenge, removing the king himself; Aurora didn’t understand why the data pad that was given to them by a child was to be listened to, especially about not simply killing the kin, after all our mission from our empress was to fully get rid of him, but Mouraludia was alright with the idea so Aurora decided to go along with it for now. She looked around at who was left to be given an assignment and sighed. The only reason that this last part could be trick was because as soon as anyone noticed that the life support systems had been tampered with the very next thing would be to find out where the king and his personal army were, and as soon as contact could not be established with his guard force, the full scale man hunt would ensue. Aurora was not quite sure of the other’s abilities; she could handle herself easily against them, but could Medallion, the only one left without something to do? Aurora sighed and spoke quickly for time was of the essence, “Medallion, you will capture the king. In the throne room where he and his officials sit, there is a trap door by the far right entryway. It is opened by placing pressure on the underside of the king’s left armband. Once opened, toss him into the pit revealed, no one will be expecting to find him there for no one but the king and his closest comrades even know it exists, and all of them will hopefully be in the safe bunker. The military will be out on force, but most of them should be preoccupied, at least for a time, with trying to find the source of the problem; so girls, look out for one another.”

Mouraludia noticed two names, not included in that plan; Aurora’s and her own, so once everyone was out of earshot and off to their perspective tasks, Mouray turned to Aurora with an inquisitive demeanour, “what about you and I?”

“This is the single most important event in this planet’s history. Before we left I read the entire data- pad the empress gave us and I discovered that this is the very first time that a revolt has been attempted with this monarchy.” Aurora hissed, half to herself

“What is your point?” Mouraludia didn’t see what Aurora was getting at

“Our contact, she sent a child.” Aurora stated like it should be obvious

“Well you are not capable of caring for it so I know that you are not saying this out of concern for the child’s wellbeing.” Mouraludia pondered reading her counterparts mind to find the answer faster, but thought better of it, “our contact told us she was held up with judicial maters. She is a part of the government, I’m sure there is no reason to doubt her.” Mouraludia half quoted the contact’s apology note

“No reason to question her?” Aurora exclaimed, “This, her contacting us, was the start of the most important event in this culture’s history and she has to work? Now I can understand if she did not want her absence to raise suspicion, or if she got a bit afraid, but she was willing to send a child so obviously wasn’t worried about it being dangerous, but I am very suspicious. Something isn’t quite right and I want to know exactly what it is.” Aurora’s voice became like thunder through a valley, soft and tonal, for she was now talking to herself and had all but forgotten about her counterpart standing right beside her.

Mouraludia thought her counterpart’s words over and momentarily kicked herself for not seeing the same thing sooner. She closed her eyes and sighed before opening them to stare into Aurora’s, “where to then?”

Aurora, still too isolated within her own thoughts to even recognise Mouraludia’s form, looked out the entryway directly in front of her and straight past Mouray. Aurora’s mind raced and before Mouraludia could even register movement from the other, Aurora was halfway to the entryway, proceeding down the vast wood- panelled hall ways that lead to the building’s exit. Mouray turned and hurriedly raced after Aurora, unsure of what she was thinking.

Mouraludia decided, against her better judgement, to find out exactly what was going through the twisted thoughts of the very first Bio- Gen in existence. She pressed herself deep into the black, viscous fog of Aurora’s thoughts. Before she could come close to anything that could be considered useful; however, Mouraludia felt overwhelmed and helplessly suffocated by the worst sense of sheer emptiness she thought could possibly exist. Being in that creature’s head was like being in free fall in the void space that surrounds the Palace Grounds. It was worse than just open space, it was the absence of everything, and it was a place where nothing and not even nothing could exist and realms were black was a blessing, it was the true oblivion. Hence the word Moonachria, it means Gateway to The Oblivion Realm.  

Aurora stormed out of the House of Governs with Mouraludia hot on her tail. Once outside she scanned the area for the little girl sent to her by the absent contact. With absolutely no idea which was the little girl went, Aurora decided to take a tip from her counterpart and try to search for her thought pattern instead of the little girl herself. She thought for a second, trying to recall the mental signature of the girl, and once she remembered it, she traced it out beyond the immediate burn piles and onto an overlooking hill. Once the distance was travelled from the front of the House of Governs all the way to this little pimple of legitimate planet in comparison to the mountains of refuse on fire, Aurora turned to Mouraludia and ordered her to find the girl. At Mouraludia’s puzzled looks, Aurora continued by telling her if she kept looking this way Aurora could wind up the death of the child. No one should have to fully telepathically integrated with one as dark as Aurora, of course back then she would have never thought that, the only thing she was concerned about at that moment was keeping the girl alive long enough for her to divulge any information she might have on the whereabouts of the contact. Although Aurora assumed that the contact would in fact be in the asylum room, awaiting the all clear from the life support incident, Aurora has a creeping suspicion that the kid knew more than it was obviously willing to say.

Mouraludia, doing exactly as her counterpart had done just minutes earlier, found the kids mental signature, but she was surprised to find how strong it was. Aurora wouldn’t notice for she was never around anyone other than the empress and Onyx and the Bio-Gens; but Mouray was around children in the few hundred years or so she had in the imperial grounds so she knew just how impressive this child’s signature intensity was. Mouraludia put aside her excitement and her surprise and did as she was told. Once she found exactly were the child was she lead Aurora straight to her; she was in a little metal, spherical building that appeared to be what these creatures dwelled in. it was shabby and blackened form the poisonous smoke constantly thickening the air around them.

Aurora wormed her way to the entrance which was blocked by a metal sheet leaning against it. The sheet was on a metal wheel system for it would have been extremely heavy even for a team of people from this planet to move. Aurora took the side of the sheet with one hand and crumpled it back, peeling it from the entry way like tinfoil. A scream could be heard from inside the sardine can as Aurora’s red eyes shoe through the overly bright enterer. Quickly her eyes adjusted from red, to immediately near black, to a dull blue grey colour. Mouraludia walked over to the little girl huddled in the corner as her recognition of the intruders spread into her features.

“Our eyes, but more prominently hers change colours depending on the light. The colour you see is really a filter glaze that is excreted over our optical receptors to prevent damage to the delicate and quite intricate hardware inside.” Mouraludia’s soft voice acted as a calming mechanism for the thing in the corner.

It slowly made its way from its crouched position, and contrary to earlier spoke with quite a small and reserved voice, “so they aren’t real?”

“Not in the since you’re thinking of no. my counterpart and I are Bio-Genetic creations of our empress; we were created by her decree.” Mouraludia helped the little thing to its feet before turning and taking her place by Aurora’s side once more.

  It was Aurora’s turn to speak; it was her time to get to the bottom of this whole situation. Something was just not adding up. Even the way this child reacted was so completely different from the way she was earlier, all self-assured and unafraid, made not the least bit of since, “so you were sent to give us that data-pad.” Aurora knew this much for certain, “but where was she? Was she staring over your shoulder making sure you did what you were supposed to?” aurora’s vocal venom had already become somewhat legendary within the imperial grounds, for nothing in existence made a sound quite like her deep but sinister voice, but when she was angry or when she was upset for any reason and her voice took on a hallow almost empty of life sort of tone, and the fact that she was technology became even audible no one was comfortable. Even Rhydian would shudder at the sound Aurora’s voice when she was in this state.

Mouraludia cringed, knowing full and well that if the child did not answer her, that something quite terrible could happen to everyone here, but thankfully the girl squirmed to talk, “it isn’t what you think it is; this runs much deeper than that. Your contact, the one who was supposed to give you the information, she is a friend of my father’s. My father is the reason we live in these rotten bunkers, and this woman is a sympathiser of his. You see, my father was the king of this region before the regime was overturned by the radicalisms that ran us out of our home and ran the place into the dirt claiming it was for the purpose of cleaning up.” She spoke like a true daughter of the royal house, all the pompous tones and straight back, dignified mannerisms of education that the commoners were not privy to.

“Wait, you said that the old regime was overturned?” Aurora’s voice went even deeper and gained a tone of a viper ready to strike out.

“Yes, my father was taken out of office and forced into exile in these devastation hills. These camps were set up as store houses for food stockpiles, but now it acts as a sort of refugee camp for the royal house of then and all of the supporters of my father’s rule. Slowly we have been able to sneak people in to the House of Governs in an attempt to regain the crown but it is not as easy as rushing in and demanding it back. We are the reason that the king now has a whole army of elites dedicated to just him. His whole office fears an attack is imminent from us here in the hills, and thanks to your empress their fears are correct.”

Aurora was visibly furious; her eyes were growing darker by the second, “according to the information our empress gave us, this kingdom has been under the same rule it has always been under. There was specific data even to say that this planet had never seen revolt or upheaval of any large scale.” Her eyes grew even darker, but sadly Mouraludia was too new to being around her counterpart to realise this as a built in warning signal for anyone around this prototype Bio-Gen. what she should have known was that once Aurora’s eyes turn completely black all the way through and around the conscience, living person gets completely pushed out to allow the programming to take over, and this is something not even the empress herself wanted to see happen for not even she knew what would happen as a result.   

“You were not given all of the details?” the little girl sounded genuinely shocked, “we were told that your empress was a sympathiser of the original regime and understood that only through us could this planet return to its original prosperity. I mean the only way to rule these unruly, uneducated mongrels are to enslave them and put them to good use in the labour fields.”

Mouraludia physically felt herself become weak with disgust at how cruel the words of this child were. Mouraludia understood that it was only because this was what the thing was indoctrinated to believe but she temporarily found herself very enraged with her, but she took hold of her emotions and forced a smile and a knowing look to her counterpart, whose eyes were continually getting darker and darker.

Aurora didn’t care at that time how bad one rule was over the other or what was best for the people of this planet as a whole as her counterpart did, for she just wasn’t programmed to do so, and the subconscious feed from Mouray hadn’t quite began to work yet; what Aurora did care about was that her empress had took her for a fool and lied to her, manipulated her like a puppet to do her own bidding. She was determined that that would be the last time for such a venture on the part of the empress.

          Aurora stormed out of the den; she knew something was happening to her for she was starting to lose control over herself which had never happened before. She shook and vibrated and finally lost the fight and became overwhelmed in what she at the last second recognised as fury. In that moment Aurora was forced to watch from behind her own eyes as something else entirely took over and shoved the arms of her unit outwards towards the burn piles in between the hill and the House of Governs, sending all of them toppling, levelling everything and everyone in seconds. The flames themselves intensified to an astonishingly clear-to-see and vibrant white and even the metal within the scattered refuse reduced to melted nothing. Bone, and organic materials, and irons, and synthetic materials, and greenery together were reduced to a sludge pile not but a millimetre high and quickly being absorbed into the now wet and muddy dust below it.

No one was stupid enough to stand in her way or try to persuade her to calm down. This was the Bio-Gen’s, as well as the universes’, first real taste of just how her lack of emotional programming could really manifest itself. If only it was truly that simple.

Cheyenne quivered as Aurora’s emotion; fury, hot and incomprehensibly powerful, chorused over her like the flames engulfing the entire viewable landscape before them. Her body wracked violently with the sheer ferocity of Arorabourialace’s rage. Even the weakest of the nine could feel the anger chorusing like static electricity through the very air around her throat, mentally suffocating Medallion and putting her into a state of pure horror. Mouraludia was effected worse of all. They all may be telepathically linked, but Arorabourialace and Mouraludia were counterparts; it was as though their minds were one in most situations, even if they could block their actual thoughts from one another. In this moment Mouraludia, the only Bio-Gen with the capacity for love and yet the fourth most powerful creature in the Moonachrian order, couldn’t even bear the overwhelming darkens that was swallowing her counterpart whole. Mouray noticed a singular fact that no one was close enough to Aurora to be able to detect; Aurora was not herself. The programming had engulfed and pushed aside the sentient consciousness within the unit for entirely its own purpose. This singular fact terrified her so much so that Mouray resolved to force Aurora back in control of her parts.

          Mouraludia took a deep, steadying breath and pushed herself towards Cheyenne. Once Mouray conveyed her plan to Cheyenne, the latter nodded and together, hand in hand against the mental onslaught, they forced themselves as close to the out of control droid as they could possibly manage.   Mouraludia had already tried to explain to Cheyenne that attempting to strengthen their telepathic link with a creature void of all emotion except anger and a programmed detest for inferiority was the single most horrifying experience she thought possible, though she tried to explain, nothing could prepare them for the furnace that was burning their very course alive. Even together, the two Bio-Gens most apt for this endeavour could not get far enough within the creature’s subconscious to pull their leader from its depths. They both went to Jasmine and the three of them together tried again. Even with the three it was far too much to handle. Now almost five minutes had past and everything was ablaze, and then the ground beneath them began to quake with the violence of Aurora’s caustic rage.

“If we do not do something quickly, we may not have a planet to save after all.” Noted Jasmine

Once Aurora had started her rampage, all of the telepathically linked Bio- Gens had ceased their prospective tasks and found their leader. Now that all of than had finally arrived, Mouraludia informed them all of what was really going on. If they were going to be a unit, intended to act together as one, then Mouray thought they all deserved the truth.

Cracks were now beginning to form all across the ground, and more fire was pouring forth from the now open crevices.

It had only taken a minute or two for Mouray to explain to her fellow creations what was really happening but in that time a portal had opened in the space behind them to allow a woman with long, dark, golden hair to step forth.

Jasmine was the first to notice the empress’ councillor stepped up from behind Mouraludia, “I was worried that this might happen.” Mouray jumped slightly at the unexpected presence behind her, “I saw this design flaw and, even at my urgings, the empress refused to shut this project down. I thought that my emotional sub routine I added into Mouraludia would not only correct this problem, but possibly sabotage this whole horrendous operation our empress has put into play.”

Mouraludia was curious and inquired as to what that plan exactly was, but Zaphiradeonix reminded her that they did not have the time for such talk, and first they needed to stand together to subconsciously reset the monster in the process of ripping the planet they were now on into pieces; or at the very least that would have been the result had they not band together and reset the out of control droid.

As soon as the reset had been completed the flames reduced to smoke and that quaking stilled entirely; the silence around them was enough to drive even the councillor insane.

Aurora herself immediately collapsed into a lifeless fold on the ground. Mouraludia noticed a smile forming on her step mother’s face and she grew eerily suspicious.

“Don’t worry child” Onyx reassured, “she is fine and will turn back on momentarily. This smile is me showing how proud I am that we could shut her down, for a time there I wasn’t sure if it were even possible.” Her tone became solemn and slightly worried, “once she realizes the full extent of our empress’ treachery I fear what this part of Aurora will do. Watching her from afar and studying her when she was still traveling the Palace Grounds freely I did notice not only her extreme intelligence but also her complete lack of control over all. The empress had her created this way intentionally, but she was far too foolish to see the problem that could ensue as a result of this. Our all too power-hungry empress believes that Aurora is solely loyal to her and that she can control entirely this far too uncontrollable creature for her own ambitions.”

A quite unexpected voice at that moment interrupted the councillor, “this king, his rule was an improvement over the last one wasn’t it?”

The little girl tried attempted to interrupt the red eyed Aurora, “it is not an improvement…”

“Shut up insolent thing” Aurora hissed with the venom of a cobra but as soft as a white cloud in the skies of earth

“Yes” the simple word spoken from the lips of the councillor was enough to terrify the other Bio-Gens. All eyes were on Arorabourialace waiting and tensing for another loss of control, but it never came. Instead a look of pure calm passed over her features and her eyes returned, not to black, but to a colour none had seen upon the face of another. It was the same colour as the expanse far beyond the Palace Grounds. It was a colour absent of absolutely everything and nothing, far darker than black.

Because of their leader’s calm and even serene demeanour the Bio-Gens relaxed and all felt a rush of intense relief.

Onyx on the other hand tensed tremendously, recognising the signs of the design schematics she had been shown before the empress lost all faith in her councillor.

“So why were we sent here to begin with?” Aurora’s words for the first time ever became soft and if all hadn’t known any better they may have even said kind.

Onyx backed up a step, worried about what really could happen when it really was this monster in charge of her own anger. She was grateful; however, that Aurora’s anger was not pointed at her directly.

Before Onyx had a chance to compose herself enough to talk, the little girl spoke up for her, “you were sent to help my father reclaim the throne and restore our workers to us.” She was happy almost to the point of being giddy as she spoke

Aurora turned her eyes to fall upon the little girl’s. The look the princess noticed was enough to shush her for the rest of her pointless little existence.

“she is right you know” Onyx’s fear was literally audible, but she did her very best to stand her ground, “our headstrong empress has sent all of you out here to make sure all of the powerful and influential persons throughout the empire are happy, but weak enough to be controlled with minimal effort. She has been expecting a unified revolt for quite some time now; much the way the king of this land has. This was the real reason for your creation, and the reason you were designed as a creature void of all but the worst possible emotions.” Onyx was quite apologetic in voice

Aurora didn’t care that she had been made for such a perceivably horrendous purpose, she wasn’t designed to, she wasn’t capable quite yet of caring. What upset Aurora was the fact that such an inferior creature such as the empress had lied and manipulated her; her, successfully, “councillor, you know my design specifications about as well as the empress herself. Am I correct to assume this?” Aurora once again returned her optical orbs to rest above the councillor’s

Onyx felt herself tremble, “yes” she was not fond of where this conversation could potentially lead them and she had already concocted a couple ideas as to where that was.

“I was designed, created, to hate all that is inferior to me.”

That statement sent Onyx’s mind into overdrive, “yes” she paused, unable to speak further

“Our dear empress is quite inferior to me is she not?” the sound of sarcastic sympathy released the worms within the deepest parts of Onyx

“Yes” it was all she could whisper out in a squeak

Aurora huffed a small but resonating laugh and her entire demeanour released its calm and predatory stance and returned to her normal, relaxed and blue eyed state before she continued, “alright then.” It was peppy almost in her own wispy way


This change in the Bio-Gen should have calmed Onyx but it did anything but, in fact it unsettled her far more. Had Aurora learned how to completely control her anger just like that? And if so, what could she be planning on doing now that she could?

Onyx walked over to Mouraludia to ask her the question that was now plaguing her mind like a continual prodding from a heated iron, “there at the end, what were you feeling?” Onyx urged

At first Mouraludia was confused, but as she thought about it she understood and her face lit up, “control, she has completely gained control” Mouray was very happy knowing that the creature would have a very hard time pushing the now in control Aurora out of the way to repeat what had just happened.

Onyx on the other hand just lost the last bit of hope, knowing full and well that somewhere on the palace of Moonachria, the empress was staring down some data pad; retrieving constant updates of her prised Bio-Gen. The empress would be smiling wildly, knowing that her plan had worked marvellously. She would be assuming that with Aurora in this state she would be unstoppable, and oh how correct she would be. The only dilemma was that the empress assumed that she herself could still somehow control the prototype Bio-Gen, but oh how inaccurate of an assumption that really was, and Onyx knew it for she saw the schematics, and more than that, she had come to know Arorabourialace as a person.  


          Aurora, being the defiant and very controlling creature that she could often times be, decided to sabotage the Empress’ plans to the best of her ability, at least on this planet, to the best of her ability. The first step of this process was to find the old regime leader, and get rid of him. This task was simple enough, he had the daughter here and she now knew that aurora was not capable of feeling so as far as the child new Aurora was still planning on carrying out her orders. This course of action would not be contrary with any but Onyx and possible Mouraludia, and no one would protest it for this is what they all were designed for, so suspicions should not be raised. And of course if Mouraludia did notice, the truth would most likely be quite pleasing to her, so she would play along with it to the best of her ability.

          Aurora turned to the terrified princess after her thoughts had strung together and her plan had been worked out. The lead Bio-Gen stared momentarily, intentionally making her features harden, and set her eyes slightly darker in a performance that she hoped would trick the princess into thinking that these creature’s leader was on her side, “where is your father?” Aurora’s voice was void of feeling

          Mouraludia gasped lightly before realizing what Aurora was doing. She set her features and nodded towards her leader in an effort to keep the act alive.

          Jasmine was slightly confused but because Aurora was in charge she too said nothing, as did the rest of the Bio- Gens.

          This only left Onyx, and because she was Mouray’s step mother and would realize how out of control this is for her, Aurora was slightly worried. If she completely falls for it she could lose faith in her step child and hen everything could fall apart. If she said anything hinting that switching back to the original plan regardless of its implications was completely out of character for Mouraludia, then this entire façade would be proven as such.

          Thankfully, Onyx seemed to realize exactly what was going on and followed along quite nicely, even playing up the show, “I shall report back to our empress at once; she will be most pleased.” Onyx did leave, but she did not return to the Palace Grounds of Moonachria as she had then said she would. Instead, the councillor stayed on Leux Hund and watched her empress’ creations from afar.

          Aurora was most pleased with the outcome for the princess, still unable to speak from the fright she received earlier, opened an info pad and showed the nine the exact location of her father. The child seemed delighted that these creatures were still willing to help her father despite everything.

          Aurora didn’t know what was better, the fact that the child fell so easily for her plan or that the child didn’t say a single word the entire time directions were being given; ether way she was quite delighted in deed.

          As soon as the creatures had the location, all of them immediately proceeded over the landscape to find the used to be king of Leux Hund.

          They fallowed the directions on the pad’s map precisely; deeper and deeper into the refugee area until they found a steel structure that literally seemed to be at the center of everything here.

          “Oh, he is a haughty one isn’t he?” Medallion remarked

          “Seemingly so, yes” Mouraludia quipped

          Aurora was the first to assault the path leading up to its entry was with her purposeful footfalls. Once the entrance of the can was reached Mouraludia, for the first time, took the initiative and pulled the entire siding completely off of it.

          Her actions revealed a tall, thin, bald headed man sitting at the end of a table pouring over data pads. Mouraludia composed herself and took a step back behind her counterpart. The used to be king registered the commotion of his now literally torn into dwellings, and glanced up at the intruders. Once his eyes fell upon the much anticipated bio-Gens his entire face lit up from fulfilled expectations.

          “oh good, you’ve arrived” was all he was able to say before; again quite unexpectedly, Mouraludia shoved him against the far wall and held his throat, “you were the one causing you’re people to suffer and it was you who enslaved then and kept them uneducated and superstitious to serve your own will! So why, how did you convince our empress to help you?” she was hysterical; evident in the fact that she could already answer the questions she was demanding of this washed up invalid.

          Aurora was slightly surprised but mostly amused by her counterpart’s quite uncharacteristic outburst. Aurora smiled to herself and walked over to Mouray, she put a hand on Mouray’s shoulder to calm her.

          At Aurora’s touch, Mouraludia jumped and staggered back a bit, wiping vigorously at her face with her right hand, while releasing her captive with the other. She shook herself slightly before glancing up to make eye contact with the man she had almost suffocated.  

          “Your empress will be hearing of this you insolent fool!” he spat at Mouraludia

          Aurora’s temper bubbled but instead of letting the steam out she forced herself to contain it and use it later, “oh, believe me, you won’t survive long enough to try.” Her words were soft, sinister, and slithery as they snaked through the used to be king’s innards.

          Mouraludia, acting less and less herself, allowed a kind smile to grace her features, and that sent a shiver reverberating through the man like percussion from a bass drum.

          Aurora glanced back towards her little band of imbeciles and, with her eyes, picked Chelsea and Loren, summoning them to her side without a word. They eagerly obeyed, rushing to her side like children about to be given candy. These two were, even at this point in their working relationship, already defining themselves as the trouble makers who took nothing but their own fancies seriously, this irritated the others very much, but since it seemed like Aurora was tolerating them, the rest did also. Aurora pulled them both aside, out of earshot of everyone in that semicircle of tin, but Mouraludia.

          “We have questions for this idiot before we pay back to him all that he has done to his people.” Mouray stated as she walked up behind Arorabourialace.

          “Chelsea, we need you to tell us when he is being honest with us as well as when he is lying.” Aurora walked up, straight into the face of Loren before continuing in a very deep and threatening way, “you will keep this place as dark as you are physically capable and if you act a child it will be the end of you.” Loren went wide eyed and nodded solemnly

          Mouraludia momentarily closed her eyes and when she opened them they were an astonishingly translucent shade of pale blue. They lasted this colour for a few minutes before returning to their typical mid-green hue.

          Had anyone really been paying attention, they would have noticed Cheyenne’s eyes turn the same colour blue for the same length of time as Mouray’s, but no one observed this.

          As soon as Cheyenne’s eyes turned to their typical deep blue- grey she turned to her counterpart Tristah and relayed to her the part of Mouraludia’s plan that pertained to her. Then together they walked to Mouray’s side, completely understanding the telepathic orders they were just given.

          Cheyenne’s task was simple, she was to punish the former king with terror if he lied to them, and Tristah was to reward him with calm if he was honest. Aurora was hoping for quite a bit more dishonesty then truth, but she knew that that would slow down the process considerably, so she dismissed her wants as being impossible to fulfil.

          The entire opened canister darkened and the five Bio-Gens, with Aurora and Mouray in the lead, stormed to the former king’s side. With an allowing nod from her counterpart, Mouraludia sauntered her way behind the trembling target and drug him to the chair he was occupying when they first arrived; she took up sitting in the chair directly to his right and leaned in close enough to startle the man.

          “First and foremost,” Mouray started, with a sweet and inviting voice, “we would love to know your name.”

          The man grew small and quiet as fear of the unknown took hold and began to suffocate him, “Zelthec” he harshly whispered

          “Zelthec” Mouraludia repeated in a rich and clear way, forming her mouth to each syllable expertly.

          With his nod, she smiled and continued, “We are aware that our empress sent is here to overthrow the now in place government established here, and we have it on quite expert authority that she is well aware that a dictatorship would once again rule here of her wishes were carried through to fruition. You see, when we were first assigned to come here we received a data pad; much like these that you have here on this table, the information there clearly told is that this kingdom had never seem a change in rule since its beginning. Looking around, this is just not the case, so we would like to know if our expert source is in fact correct. Did the empress know what happened here, and lied to us in an effort to undo the now established improved conditions?” the anger was obvious bit her voice was still kind and soft

          “Of course your empress knew what was really going on” he squeaked indignant

          It was in this man’s best interest to attempt to divert the blame of this situation away from him, but at Chelsea’s nod, Mouraludia knew he was in fact telling the truth.

          A wave of unexpected inner calm flooded over the used to be king thanks to Tristah and that loosened his tongue further, “we made a plea to our empress nearly five years ago,” this would mean that the most recent cries for help were listed first on the data pad the Bio- Gens received, “we begged for the support of her legions to help my house regains control of this unruly world.” He was beginning to feel relaxed now, contrary to his adverse situation, “we promised that, in return for her generosity, we would allow her to double our already outrageous taxes indefinitely.”

          “Profit?” Tristah squeaked, “our empress would sabotage this word’s only fighting chance for a slightly heavier pocket? This is the empress of Moonachria! She has the power and the finances to buy out every single world in this solar system and you want us to believe that all of this is over wages?” all of the peace that had once flowed through the used to be king evaporated and all of his misery returned

          Chelsea put a melancholy hand upon Tristah’s shoulder, “he’s telling the truth”

          Tristah felt all of the energy drain from her as she fell to her knees, all of her once held faith in her empress that had been hounded into her form her first day of completion was shattered.

          Aurora stared on at the commotion in utter disbelief, not at the newly discovered information, but at the fact that these fellow Bio-Gens all cared so much. These emotions being displayed by her comrades absolutely baffled her, and the hostage picked up on this fact.

           The man looked at Aurora, who was physically removed for the group, and smiled kindly, “so you obviously lead this sorry bunch; what is your opinion on the matter?” he inquired venomously

          “In all honesty I don’t have an opinion on the subject. Whether you rule or the king now does is frankly unimportant in my mind. As for the matter of our empress, her motives are no concern of mine ether.” It was as though a corpse was speaking; void of everything but sound itself if you could call the soft hiss of her voice a sound at all

          The man smiled at this immediately assuming that he could sway this Bio-Gen to his side. How has seen the rest follow her regardless of their personal opinions so he knew if she could be swayed then so could the rest, “I can offer you anything and everything this kingdom has at its disposal if you help me to regain my throne.” At Aurora’s smile his heart grew light with enthusiasm and anticipation; but all of that came crashing down at the hand of the words she spoke in reply

          “Power is something I already poses and do not desire. Wealth is something I have no use for. I can step through all of space like you step through doors into new rooms of a building; so land is something I have too much of. So what could a puny dog of our empress ever offer her prize creation?” Aurora did not budge from her place against the far wall, nor did her arms ever uncross. The notes from her lips never fluctuated from their ever constant wispy monotone.

          Everyone there had chills coursing through them which were often the result of Aurora’s voice, but all of the Bio-Gens were also smiling brightly because of what that voice had spoken. The man; however, was very distraught for he now knew for sure that his desires and plaguing dreams of once again becoming king would never be realised.

          Satisfied with what had been learned, the Bio-Gens left the torn apart can and regrouped outside. As the girls stood there it became quickly evident that their leader was no were to be seen, all of a sudden the side of the residence that Mouraludia had torn away, came back together and the wound was cauterized shut. Mouray shuttered but refused to allow herself or anyone else to go anywhere nears the sealed prison. 


          Aurora looked up quickly form her thoughts and peered into Rhydian’s face to see if she could tell what was going through his face. She knew full and well that he knew the tale better than almost anyone, and she was relying on him to tell her when she should skip ahead or when she should elaborate.

          Then her glance travelled to Sussex who had been uncharacteristically quiet and studied her reaction so far. Sussex had an intense almost lost look, and Aurora was happy to see this for she knew that look to be a deep intrust. Now Aurora didn’t care in the least if Sussex was in fact interested in her tale, what she was happy about was the fact that if Sussex was interested or even entertained then she was less likely to interrupt the tale with her stupid questions.

          “So I suppose I should continue now shouldn’t I?” Aurora made herself another cup of tea and did just that, bracing herself in a way at what was about to come.


          After ceiling herself and her captive into the tin confinement, she pushed herself with one leg off of the wall and predatorily darted towards the man. She leaned over the table and smashed her hands down so that she was face to face with him, “it is true that I don’t care who is king or what my empress’ motives are, but you made your worst mistake when you insulted my team. You see, there are only two things I do in fact care about, those are trust and honesty. Understand this; the empress lied to me and took me for a fool and because of this I intend to sabotage everything she wants me to fix and then I will take this directly to her. Now as for those morons outside, you spotted it didn’t you? You noticed the reason I stick with them, they listen to me regardless of their personal feelings or desires they listen and more than that they are not afraid to hold me back when I go too far. I may threaten them or become annoyed with then at times but the trust and loyalty they have displayed in the short time we have been together has compelled me to realize that this multiverse would fall before I turned my back on them. You insulted them; however, and because of this I’ve decided to have a bit of fun.” Aurora levelled her gaze and smiled sinisterly making him shake

          “Why are you telling me this? You don’t seem the type to open up to anyone alive.” The former king ignorantly protested

          “Ah, how right you are”


          “Coming” Aurora asked as she appeared around the back half of the center dwelling

          The rest of the Bio-Gens happily followed her back down to the House of Governs and through its entryway. The crises had been adverted and once the order to evacuate had been lifted, a friend of the kind’s had found him.

          Aurora approached the king but his guards immediately took to block her path. Aurora closed her eyes for just a second and when she opened them they were a brilliant scarlet. Out of fear the guards took up their arms but from inside the living enclosure the king spoke, telling them to stand aside. Aurora’s eyes returned to their crystal blue as they met the king’s dark brown ones. Arorabourialace gave the king both data pads that she had received throughout this little excursion her and her team were on and she explained in detail the goings on of that day. The king was grateful that she discovered when she had the truth of the situation, then she did something quite unexpected, Aurora dipped her head ever so slightly and told the king, “If you ever find yourself in trouble find us, and we will do what we can.”

          The king thanked her, unaware just how unusual that gesture was. Aurora didn’t even show respect to the empress’ position, who would she do so a lowly king on a barley known world? The king left with his guards as soon as Aurora steeled herself.  

          No one said a word about Aurora’s display, but everyone had an idea as to why she did.

          Once back outside of the House of Governs Aurora stopped dead in her tracks and peered out to the dust stained flatlands she had created just hours before. A small smirk tugged at her cheek before returning to its oh so typical emotionless position. Aurora turned slowly to the group, glancing to each one of them before allowing her gaze to sit heavily atop her counterpart’s. she motioned Mouray aside, reeling in her own mind over the words she had spoken just a little time before, back at the tin can of a dwelling.

          “When I was out I missed a bit didn’t I?” Aurora asked rhetorically, for she already knew the answer, “I believe I have pieced together most everything. The empress sent us to improve an already improved government for the same if returning it to its dictatorship all for the sake of profit.”

          Mouraludia nodded her reply

          “When I finally came to the councillor was saying something about sabotaging the empress’ plans. Un until now I assumed that the sabotaged of which she spoke came in the form of making sure we found out the truth of the empress’ intentions, but now I’m not so sure. I am baffled as to why you…why we care so much.” Her solemn words and introspective eyes spoke volumes.    

          “My step mother used an emotion so sabotage this effort. Love; it’s an emotion that the empress expressly stated to avoid when creating us; she didn’t want any of us having any familiarity with it, especially you. As a way to make sure our mission failed I was specifically designed with this emotion. My step- mother herself out this sub routine into me and then took me in as her own to make sure it grew.”

          “So she used you?” Aurora’s placid features and even tone didn’t stop Mouraludia noticing the anger creeping into her counterpart’s mind

          “I don’t see it like that; to me she gave me a family and a place to belong. She really does care about others and she knew that this would be the best way of helping those, our empress plans for us to destroy. You see, because all of us are subconsciously linked, our emotions one some level are in fact shared. Your intense hatred would have, over time, darkened even the most jovial amongst us. This was the plan form the beginning, so as a way to offset this, I was designed to love in the hopes that it may even soften you to some degree. Of chose that sentiment is a folly one for you are pure in your darkness. My step-mother thinks that the empress suspected her even before your creation of being opposed to her ideals. The councillor believes this is why you were made with only the worst and most intense of the raw emotions. In fact Aurora, this is why we fallow you. All of us already realize that you only act when you know we can succeed and your plans are always, just as your mind is: direct and extremely effective. Even with your temper, your logic prevails. I am fully convinced that your rage program will never take you over again, and when we need tom we can hold you back from going too far again.” Mouraludia smiled widely at her counterpart, “Besides, none of your emotions run that deeply anyway, we should be able to work this out.” Again a huge smile breaks her face in two

          “I may not be able to love, but my anger ran deeper through me than even my thoughts. And” Aurora hesitated, not sure she understood it herself for none of this should even be possible for her, “this implanted sub routine that has invaded our subconscious minds no thanks to the councillor has already made sure that I could never again bring myself to destroy these things.” She spat, gesturing to the rest of the Bio- Gens standing just a few yards away

          Mouraludia let out an amused huff, “Good”

          The counterparts returned to the rest if their group. Aurora took one last approving look before turning her back to them to puncture another whole into reality to allow them all passage back to the Palace Grounds of Moonachria.

5: Chapter 4: The war Begins With the Empress
Chapter 4: The war Begins With the Empress


          “Our arrival was met with great hostility. The empress had ordered every guard and warrior she could spare to wait for our arrival and subdue us. She had even publically declared all of the Bio-Genetic Creations of her Moonachrian empire to be complete failures, and decreed that all of us were to be permanently deactivated. That was; however, easier said than done…”

          Sussex just had to interrupt her step mothers tale again, “did you hurt everyone?” she seemed truly worried which made Rhydian cringe in expectation of her reaction about what he knew was to come

          “We all went with those sent to capture us willingly” Aurora answered calmly, but her eyes showed her irritation violently, “we knew that we would be taken directly to the empress herself; and sure enough, we were. This was exactly what we had wanted, the others needed to confront her about her reasons, and I needed to confront her about her lies.” Aurora grit her teeth against the anger she felt raise within her

          The empress stood there with a set jaw and a stern look, oozing the disappointment and annoyance she now felt towards us, “each of you went directly against…” was all she could get out before she watched all of the guards and soldiers, still in place to protect, her literally evaporate.

          Aurora’s eyes were ablaze as she once again reduced to what annoyed her to dust. None of the Bio-Gens made any move to stop her; in fact all of them except Mouraludia were smiling.

           Mouraludia’s eyes were a glass- clear, ice blue as she searched her counterpart’s mind for any hint of the rage that was in her earlier, but all she could detect was the overwhelming black hole that devoured Mouraludia’s core. The second she was out of Aurora’s mind her eyes closed so that she could resettle herself as she staggered back a step or two.

          “You have nothing more to say to us, other than then answers to the questions we have for you. You will answer any and all questions posed to you.” Tristah hollered angrily

          The empress quickly blew her sneer in heavy hum, “and what exactly can you do to me?” she very quickly regretted her words as all of her mind was quickly forced into such a thick and cold darkness that made the expanse around the palace seem bright and cheery.

          “Regretting your words yet?” Jasmine asked as she noticed exactly what Aurora was doing

          “Alright, alright, what do you want from me, I will answer everything!” Her mind was immediately freed and Aurora’s grey eyes returned to normal

          Aurora smiled at her success, and then turned to Mouraludia to signal fir her to ask what she wished to,

          “You were well aware that a revolution had occurred. You sent us to Leux Hund to undo the improvements the enslaved peoples of that kingdom had fought for didn’t you?” Mouraludia was enraged but she fought her voice to keep even and as un-squeaky as possible

          “Of course I did, and none of you should have cared.”

          “But we do care!” Mouray interjected

          “And did everything for a profit?” Tristah demanded

          “No” everyone was shocked to hear Aurora’s soft bit authoritative voice peak out through he disorganized symphony of loud and unpleasant others. All eyes were in her now, and the empress had a slight hint of a smile despite the situation, “control. The same reason she designed us, the same reason she lords over others using love and kindness instead of force and power, the same reason she never shows her face in public, she wants complete control over them and for Leux Hund the best way to get her wish was to dominate then fanatically while leaving the royal family entirely in her debt. Had the rebels come to her first, we would have been sent them for the same reason, but they did not.” Aurora stared directly into the empress’ eyes as she spoke those words.

          At their empress’ nod, Aurora smiled in return, happy to know that she understood the inner workings of her creator’s mind and this her weakness.

          The empress misinterpreted Aurora’s smile as another act of material understanding and a sign of her loyalty to her empress, “so why did you go against my direct wishes?” she spoke directly to the alpha of her creations, slowly regaining her affection for her favourite Bio-Gen just as Aurora has suspected

          “Regardless of your reasons I would have followed through with the assignment had you been honest. Lying to me mean that I did not have a clear picture of the situation and thus jeopardised the entire project. You intentionally gave us outdated information. Did you not expect that we would find out? Now I will be honest with you, I am not easy to harm so putting us in danger was not really what made me want to destroy you. You took us, took me for a fool and used me for your own political advantage. The fact I actually fell for it makes me sick of myself, but I figured it out and now the consequences lay flat on your own vitality.” Aurora’s voice dropped dangerously just above a whisper and the sinister tone made even the headstrong empress take a step back in fear, “Now it’s my turn.” Aurora looked to her fellow Bio-Gens and each left the palace, understanding their leader’s desires, “Now,” Aurora spoke directly to the council of the empress who were still in their prospective spots lining the walls of the palace, “It is time for you too, to leave this place. The empress and I have quite a lot to discuss.” They could have been killed for leaving, for it was an offence punishable by death for them to leave before the empress excused them, but none of them seemed to take that under advisement as they fled the palace.

          The empress glared at the deserters, but she was powerless to take action at that moment.

          “So empress, you are going to give me your excuses and then I am going to decide if they are good enough.” There was once again a smile upon the Bio-Gen’s face, bit there was no way even the overconfident empress could misconstrue it as anything other than very dangerous enjoyment of the turning of events.

          “I knew you wouldn’t have been a problem; emotionally you are dead, but I also knew that you would come to trust the other units, and because I hand-picked the majority of your personality traits I knew that you would be the first to tell the other Bio-Genetics’ the reality of the situation. I found out that Mouraludia had been ruined and I could not risk your counterpart finding out the truth. She could have ruined everything.” The empress pleaded

          “But because you held the truth from me your plans are now indefinitely ruined.” She pointed out as her combative stance solidified

          “I didn’t think you would find out before it was too late to reverse the situation.” She stated, half under her breath as she broke eye contact with the creature before her

          “Had I have taken part in the plan to overthrow the king you wanted; I would have gone back into that pit he was locked into, and I would have personally destroyed him. If the contact you sent us after and met us herself, instead of sending the princess of the old regime I would have never suspected a thing.” Aurora’s honest telling brought a smile to the empress’ face, “I must congratulate you my empress; up until today I have never had anyone prove intelligence comparable to my own. I believe I speak with some authority on the matter for you did have me extensively tested in such regards. Up until now, nothing had ever proven even the least bit challenging. Too bad your accomplices did not prove to be as smart as you.” Mock sympathy and smouldering derision bubbled, festered, popped then oozed from Aurora’s mouth      

          It was now the empress’ turn to reply, “Yes, too bad indeed.”


          Because Aurora revealed to the empress exactly what she did, the empress was willing to use the Bio-Gens in another affair as long as Aurora remained the unquestioned leader of the crew; which of course she did.

          This time too; however, the empress lied to and manipulated the group into thinking that the planet they were sent to was making an elemental weapon able to attach itself to carbon atoms and pull them away from almost any other element, to destroy what it was once attached to. Aurora went into the situation thinking that the issues between her and her empress had been resolved, and the lying was over. They were not; and at the cost of almost an entire planet’s population, the now created super weapon was operational and at the deposal of a psychotic and power desperate empress.

          Onyx did not find out about any of this until almost a month after the Bio-Gens had returned, in good standing now, to the Palace Grounds.

          Now that the councillor knew, she was desperate to tell her step daughter; so that very evening she found Mouray in the far removed tower of the Palace Grounds the prototype still made her loggings in.

          Both Mouraludia and Arorabourialace were pouring over data pads, preparing for their next assignment; something to do with a civil war and a possible escalation from one side to commit genocide upon the other.

          Onyx stepped into the room and both simultaneously looked up at her.

          “Do you need something councillor?” Aurora asked

          “Yes; your attention drawn to a matter I have recently become aware of.” She stated hesitantly, “you recall your last mission?”

          “Of course we do. Please stop stalling; if you have a point we would love for you to get to it.” The prototype was not known for her patience

          “Yes, very well, once again our empress has lied to you.”

          Immediately the anger built in Aurora, but also the confusion. She did not believe her empress capable of lying to her again, for Aurora had grown to somewhat respect her, but at the same time she knew the councillor was not a liar. Aurora settled on confusion for being Onyx’s motivator for bringing this to them.

          Mouraludia looked at her mother with a sympathetic smile, about to voice the opinion that her counterpart had just reached, but before she could Zaphiradeonix stopped her.

          “No child’ listen, I have the proof here to support my claim. You see that population you allowed to die by way of the reactor explosion were not the ones that created the element bomb. They were trying to construct a mechanism of some sort that would take the bomb out before it could detonate. It was the other side in that war who had designed the weapon. Look!” Onyx pulled out two very distinctively different data pads, one created in the White Palace  Grounds while the other was made on Shedenth, the planet they had recently returned from. On this planet, two areas were fighting for control over a third, more hospitable, land location. These two warrior factions were called the Loquel and the Hasstn. The Bio-Gens had been sent to destroy the bomb that the Hasstn were said to have made, and when they arrived they found the factories they were told manufactured these weapons, and destroyed all of them. In the process a few of the factories went nuclear and took out almost half of the planet’s population.

          The first data pad contained a conversation between the empress and the Loquel leader, detailing shipment of the element bomb now that the unruly Hasstn were no more, thanks to her Bio-Gens.

          The second pad was a detailed description of the weapon and the plans for creating a device that would render it inoperable. This second pad, in very clear lettering, had “Property of the Hasstn” scrolling across the top, each pass hounding the reality of the situation further and further into the counterparts.

          The reality of what Onyx had brought to Aurora’s attention infuriated her. She closed her eyes, fighting the programming that was threatening to come up and consume her. Aurora had to conserve her rage; she had to wait and unleash it all at just the right moment. The empress had lied to her and manipulated her for the second time; Aurora would make sure there would not be a third. Worse than that the empress had done the same to Aurora’s team; this could not go unpunished. She bit down hard on her lip in concentration, and wished that she could feel like others could. Maybe then it would help her gain control of her sub- routines. 

          Mouraludia turned towards her counterpart with a hurt look in her eyes. That was it; Aurora couldn’t stand there knowing that Mouray was past anger and now to the point of exhausted sadness. Aurora jumped up without a word, broke eye contact with Onyx then pushed her way past her, then stormed through the Palace Grounds like a thunder cloud erupting with fire.

          Onyx looked to her step child with a worried gaze, and immediately Mouraludia felt fear engulf her parts. She too jumped to her feet and looked dead into the councillor’s eyes.

          “What do you think she will do?” Mouraludia’s soft voice was peppered here and there with her tremors of worry.

          “I am too afraid to even ponder the possibilities.” Onyx whispered

          Before Aurora was made, Onyx’s powers could not be matched except possibly by the empress herself. But then the empress commissioned nine weapons of mass destruction to be created in the form of sentient drones with both biological and electronic components called Bio-Genetic Creations. After the prototype’s completion, Onyx or the empress were no longer close to being qualified for competing in the game of who’s capability was supreme. Mouraludia, the second drone and counterpart of the prototype, was nothing compared to the flue that was Aurora. She was the alpha drone, and now she had been pushed to her limits, and neither Onyx nor Mouraludia had an idea of what that could mean.

          “The war begins” Onyx whispers


          Arorabourialace barged through the palace in the middle of a deliberation, and stormed right up to the front of the hall.  The guards that tried to stop here were reduced to vapour, and the speakers who were before the empress were pushed aside without a word.

          The ignorant and headstrong empress smiled at her, “I’m sorry my dear, I really don’t have time for you, but I promise as soon as I am finished here I will help you with whatever you need.” Her sweetly spoken words were condescending at best

          “These things are what are holding you back from heeding the words of your prized position?” she was calm, but bitterly spoke as she gestured to the other council members and planetary representatives.

          At the empress’ nod everyone but her and Aurora were reduced to atoms

          “Now you really didn’t have to do that, it will take me quite a bit of effort now to rebuild another council. Not to mention, I am now going to have to explain to each of our allies why they will not be getting their planetary representatives back.” The empress nonchalantly sighed, “oh well, what is it dearie, not having enough fun.”

          It infuriated Aurora each time the empress spoke to her as though she were an insolent child, but she pushed her feeling as deep down inside of herself as she possibly could. Once she was gathered she slowly slinked up the stairs like a serpent ready to strike. She stared directly into the empress’ eyes, “the bomb was made by the Loquel, it was the Hasstn that had been in the process of finding a way to stop it.” Her voice was eerily calm and her face was dangerously composed

          “Oh” the empress dismissed this with a hand, “oh well, must have gotten the names mixed up when I gave you the mission, not a big deal.”

          She was taking Aurora for a fool and there were few games more likely to end deadly then that, “you lied to me again and regardless if what your reasons the fact still remains. I have been allowing you to go about your business since the last time you did this. My head then was telling me that you had lost your use, now I am convinced of this fact.” Monotone and dead but with softness comparable of that of a moor’s mist were the words of this astonishing creation.

          The empress was starting to get a bit annoyed now, what do you mean allowing me? I own you and it is I who control you!” she was so stupid, “don’t think for a second you have any power over me at all little girl.” The empress was becoming a bit shrill

          The entire palace became as dark as the expanse around them and the Bio-Gen’s eyes were growing just as bleak.

          “I demand you, stop this” the empress hollered in vain as the atmosphere grew even darker, “Stop!” the plane grew darker still with each high pitch command until finally the empress could be heard no more and the only sound was that of the creaking of the now opening palace doors.

          When the lighting had returned to normal, Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix were standing over the splayed body of Arorabourialace, and the empress was no were to be found. Mouraludia was horrified to see her immensely powerful counterpart crumpled on the ground like a tossed out rapper. Onyx on the other hand was slightly amused as she laid her hand against her step daughter’s shoulder, “She was designed with a special ability.” She spoke soothingly but the minute laugh she quelled was still audible in her words, “it was a fluke really, and accident, but the empress absolutely loved the ability when she discovered it. Aurora can absorb energy from almost any form of matter by stripping electrons form their atoms in a confined space she creates. To everyone else this space just appears as an immense darkness, or at times it goes unnoticed at all. This is why things seem to disintegrate around her sometimes. Now our previous empress was immensely powerful…”

          Mouraludia’s puzzled look cut her step mother off mid thought, “so she is not deactivated?”

          “Of course not, she just pulled in more energy than she was really designed to handle, you can look at it this way,” Onyx smirked audibly, “she is in a drunken stupor” she could bear it no longer and allowed her clawing laugh to violently escape out of her, “most powerful creature in these Palace Grounds and she’s drunk on it!”

          After Onyx got a hold of herself, which was quite some time, indignant Mouray and her laugh spent step mother got their overloaded friend to her secluded home before going back out to survey the damage Aurora’s fit had caused. Almost the entire Palace Grounds had been levelled or evaporated, and the rest looked dilapidated and ancient instead of fresh and pristine as it had appeared just minutes earlier. Word had come back from the White Palace  when the councillor had requested it, and apparently they were fine, but could see the devastation form clear across Moonachria and wanted very much to know what happened. Onyx quickly quipped that a few changes had been made. There in the black grounds everything and nearly everyone was gone or locked in the void expanse awaiting rescue.

          We know not to make her mad again Onyx mused to herself. Her eyes narrowed and a smile popped on her lips as her head dropped down into her left hand, “now who gets to tell her that she is now the empress?” she sighed, amused by the whole situation


          Sussex looked shocked and a bit mortified. Rhydian puffed out a laugh knowing exactly what his daughter was thinking.

          “Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me that you have been the empress of Moonachria this entire time, and you’re just now getting around to telling me!” definitely shocked

          Aurora was confused as what a big deal Sussex was making out if it. In her mind her being Empress was very ancient news. She flashed a confused glance to Rhydian who just laughed harder.

          Rhydian got a hold of himself and attempted to explain to his empress why Sussex was so taken aback, “we have a habit on this planet of holding those in authority on a pedestal and those associated with said figures of authority feed off of that higher standing and thus feel more important themselves.”

          It didn’t make much sense to Aurora, but she nodded as though it had and returned her glance to Sussex.

          “So I don’t understand; though, why were you automatically put in charge?” Sussex even had her head cocked to the side

          “In our society we do not elect our rulers, nor is the throne passed from generation to generation. The empress must prove to be the most powerful in intelligence, wisdom, physical prowess, and emotional stability, sadly the empress before I was such, but when she let that power go to her head, the time was right for a successor. The only way to do this would be to eliminate her entirely. The moment I accomplished that was the moment, legally, I became the Empress.” The absolute lack of variation in her inwardly turned voice made her sound like a speaking encyclopaedia, at least to Sussex.

          Aurora assumed she could leave; she assumed her tale had been told, but as she got up from the table to go about her life, Rhydian smiled and said, “But that was really just the beginning, a prelude if you will, to the real story. The story of my empress: Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah.”


6: Chapter 5: Rebuild
Chapter 5: Rebuild

Aurora sat at her dining room table, tea in hand, looking stunned at her husband Rhydian, “what more is there to tell?” she vaguely inquired

          He turned to her featureless face, the one she had taken so long to solidify in stone, and smiled sweetly, “oh dear Aurora, so many questions must be going through our little Sussex’s mind. What happened to the now destroyed Black Palace? How do the other Bio-Gens as well as the old councillor fit into the picture now? Were those you locked in the oblivion realm ever saved? And I believe the biggest question of all; why are you on this planet?” Sussex nodded as her step father spoke

          “Very well, but be warned; the tale you ask for is a long one and brings up some rather touchy subjects.” She vacantly droned like she couldn’t care less about it all.

          “I want to know, so tell me” Sussex paused for a second before adding, “Ma’am”

          Rhydian turned to Aurora with a terrified look on his face just in time to see a flicker of rage flit across hers. He figured it was time for him to step in and calm the situation before Aurora took it too far, “there is no need for such terms with Aurora; in fact she quite despises it.”

          “But she is am empress; shouldn’t people respect that?” Sussex asked, directly to her step mother’s face

          Aurora grew abnormally calm which caused Rhydian to tense, and when she spoke Aurora’s voice was soft, and wispy, and lyrical. “If one wants respect they should earn it on the basis of their own merit. It should not be demanded by the masses in way of such petty terminologies and useless titles. My reputation always preceded me; evident in the cowering peoples and locking of door each time I passed through their streets. I do not need their pathetic attempts at flattery to make them realize just exactly who I am.” There was bitterness in her speech that shot tiny holes in her otherwise quite authoritatively even tone.  


          Aurora came to in her living space with the councillor standing over her, smiling amusedly down.

          “Feeling better empress?” Onyx quipped

          “So I did kill her; I thought I had. Oh Onyx, “Aurora’s voice lowered predatorily, “Never call me that again. My name is Aurora, I hate titles.”

          Onyx’s smile softened into kindness, “I thought as much. Very well Aurora, Moonachria is now yours.”

          Aurora looked at the councillor and thought for a second before narrowing her eyes to speak, “you ran this empire when the last empress was in power, why not make it official now?” she offered

          Onyx was stunned into silence, had Aurora just offered her Moonachria?

          Almost as though she had read the councillor’s mind Aurora replied, “the empire is yours for the taking if you want it. You have proven yourself a friend to its peoples and I will gladly stand behind you in all you establish or demand for as long as you would have me do so.”

          The councillor was in shock but slowly shook her head to bring herself back to some state of reality “no child, no; I could have ruled then as well and just as I had back then I am choosing to stand aside now. I will gladly serve you in whatever capacity you see fit, nit I will not take on the role of empress for anyone’s sake.”

          Aurora nodded, for she understood why, some were meat to publically, others were more effective as the power behind the throne as it were, “very well then, you will resume the role as my personal councillor. We all know that is the real power chair anyway.” The empress chortled

          “Oh yes; and there I can keep an eye on you girls and make sure you’re not spending the imperial resources on sweets and lavish holidays.” She joked in return

          They shared a laugh together until finally Onyx broke it with her thanks to Aurora for allowing her to resume the role as councillor to the empress. In return, Aurora sincerely thanked Onyx for having faith in ability to lead Moonachria.

          Onyx smiled to her empress and took her leave.

          Aurora smiled in return as her councillor walked out of her tower home and down to the ruined streets below.

          Aurora is relieved that Onyx decided to stand by her for the empress knew that she was inexperienced and Onyx could bring the wisdom of years and experience to the fore that Aurora with all of her intelligence and power just didn’t have.

          The empress walked to her balcony, overlooking the Black Palace Grounds and realized that she had a lot of work to do. While she was unconscious, Onyx had released those whom she had imprisoned during her rage, but there were so few of them that it appeared as though there were none at all. This thought didn’t exactly upset the empress, but she knew that she now had the responsibility to do something about it. But first she looked at the physical damage that she had caused; she had to do fix the awful decor. As she pondered this another reality sprung into her head; none of the masses yet knew that she was now the empress. Well that will be an announcement for the books. She mused to herself

          “Well, better get started, we have a lot of work to do.” She told no one in particular as she turned back into her living space. 

          No one was with her but Aurora set up the table with chairs as though she had ample amounts of company. Aurora then took the pile of data pads that her and Mouraludia had been looking over just days before and put them on the shelf, opposite of her and the entry way she had her back to. With her back now to the shelves she surveyed her table as though she were waiting for some imaginary occupants to take their seats.

          “This all seems a bit strange, doesn’t it?” a voice from deep inside her spoke; but it wasn’t hers.

          As aurora glanced up from the table to the entryway, she met the eyes of a fellow Bio-gen, but not the one she was expecting to see.

          “You were expecting Cheyenne weren’t you?” Medallion whispered apologetically, “Of course you were who of us communicates telepathically like that.” She dropped her head slightly

          She was right of course; only Cheyenne refused to open her mouth, some even theorised that she was just as incapable of speaking as she was hearing, bit her fellow Bio-Gens knew better.

          The silence between Medallion and the empress was becoming insufferable so Medallion squirmed to find words to release them, “So you are now our empress.” At Aurora’s puzzled look she elaborated, “Your counterpart told us”

          “Ah” Aurora breathed, now aware that all of her team were filled in on the new development of events.

          “That doesn’t make you any different you know. You are still the prototype; you are still just a drone of this empire. More importantly you are still just one of us.” She spoke knowing exactly what her leader, her empress, needed to hear

          She was free to pursue this now, she wasn’t given this, and she was going to get the chance to prove that she is far the superior choice over the last empress, “thank you” Aurora smiled at the ground before raising her head and straightened; which turned her into a thing that demanded respect.

          This is what she was made for! Medallion thought in awe.

          “I will prove my authority; I do not need it given.” Aurora closed her eyes and searched her mind for a calculated approach to demand her desires. Her eyes sprung open; she had found it, “bring then here, regroup the nine.” She demanded, “the councillor as well.”

          She thought for a second about a small bow, but knew Aurora would hate it so instead, Medallion smiled in pride, and turned to do exactly what Aurora had asked her to.


          The nine were sitting around the tale in Aurora’s tower, forever on to be known as the Black Palace Council. Aurora was at the head with Zaphiradeonix at her right and Mouraludia at her left. Jasmine then Cheyenne was next to Onyx and beside Mouray in order were Tristah, Loren, Chelsea, and finally Medallion directly across from the empress.

          You are aware I know, that the empress is no more, by my hand, and thus I claimed her title. Well I also eliminated her council so henceforth you will take up this role, I need each of you to stand by me but far more importantly; hold me back when I go too far. We have a lot of rebuilding to do and a lot of changes to make, but I am confident that we can make our empire exactly what is should have been since our creation.” Aurora was definitely meant to be in charge. Her voice was authoritative and heavy in its misty, serpent like nature. It was always fear- inspiring and direct. Even her words could slice like a dull rusted nail through an eye, like teeth into fruit.

          “The change in the power must be declared publicly.” Mouraludia pointed out the dilemma that Aurora herself had been trying to work out the details of.

          “Don’t you girls worry; I will set everything up for our empress.” At that Onyx smiled knowingly and took her leave from Aurora’s home for the second time that day, presumably off to the same place.   


          Onyx was setting up the audio/video transition system that ran throughout the empire, but it was taking her a while to do so for the system hadn’t been used since the empress before, first took over.


          Aurora looked directly at Mouraludia as she spoke, “as you know I called you al here to tell you what has happened and to establish you all as my council.” She dropped her gaze momentarily before regaining her authoritative posture and glanced around to the rest of her Bio-Gens, “you will all, always, have a place in this empire.” She could have said as long as she ruled or something with similar implications but she knew better, Moonachria would fall before she would allow herself to.

          Mouraludia beamed at her counterpart, understanding completely. Then a signal was received through an intercom system build in the tower that had obviously not been used in centuries, Onyx was ready for them, she wanted the Bio-Gens to meet her in the palace of the black grounds, and all would be explained once they arrived.

             The nine were once again reunited, this time in the Black Palace. Onyx motioned for Aurora to take her seat in the empirical throne, Aurora stared contemplatively at it before taking her rightful place. The empress glanced up at her fellow Bio-Gens before turning to look at her councillor.

          “What would you have me do?” Aurora asked Onyx

          “Well the camera is set and,” Onyx glanced up at the Moonachrian she had asked to assist her with the device, “it is correctly positioned.” She continued, when the nod from the help was received, “When you are ready we will turn this on and your words will be sent to every single Moonachrian in the empire.”

          Aurora smiled at the triumphant air in her personal councillor’s voice, “wasn’t as easy as you had expected it to be, was it?” she chuckled

          “No, no it sure wasn’t.” Onyx huffed in jest

          “You could have asked me to help you, you know.” The empress offered

          “Well, I will keep that in mind for next time.” A kind smile graced Onyx’s features behind her comical smirk

          Aurora went completely calm and inwardly quiet as she worked out the nest first impression to give. Finally it dawned on her that the first series Bio-Gens were designed with an anatomical feature that the Moonachrians did not possess. She stood up with the grace of a feline and made her way like a thunderstorm to her counterpart, “Would you mind?” Aurora asked as she turned her back to Mouray.

          Mouraludia’s only reply manifest itself in her opening the zippered section of Aurora’s outfit, right over the shoulder blades, simultaneously. The fabric revealed fleshy flaps along the back of Aurora that partly covered what appeared to be a backwards and interlocking ribcage; each individual backwards rib pulled its tip from its flap to lay flat against her back in bundles; five on one side and five on the other, like mutated spider’s legs. Each bony segment then began to elongate like a cheetah dropping out its retracted claws. Finally when the bony tendrils were slightly longer then she was tall, a black sludge oozed out from inside each flesh flap to cover the bones entirely. Once the bony segments were completely covered, the sludge solidified to reveal a set of marvellously majestic wings that appeared to be carved from pure obsidian. 

          Aurora walked back to her throne, looking like an ornate stature in a grave yard.

          When she sat down, her wings splayed out around her sides, and her long black hair cascaded around her in straight falls. Her eyes were crisp and blue like glass over open water. This was the empress; the one everyone feared, the one everyone hated and most importantly, the one everyone knew.

          The machine was turned on and the queue was given to the empress to speak, “Your empress is dead as is her black council. It was by my hand they fell, thus it is me who now rules you. I am not the weakling that sat here before and promised you your dreams; I will not cater to your whims. You know me as a pawn; I will make you see me as supreme. You have heard my name when the empress before I announced me as her favourite pet and prized creation. I tell you now; my name is Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah, empress of Moonachria.”

          The device was turned off and Aurora’s voice resonated in the walls of the palace and in the minds of those in it. Chills were in the innards of everyone in Moonachria, and those who stood before her were both terrified and proudly enthused.

          “What now, empress?” Tristah asked, before catching herself at her glare, “Aurora.”     

          “Simple, we dissolve the white council. It has been too much of a separate entity for far too long. For all I know they may have their own empress, for ours was sure not in any real control over them. Now I do realize its usefulness and its purpose, for the white grounds are so far away; but I need to have the White Council made up of ones I can trust.” She paused and thought for a second, “Mouraludia, you will take Tristah, Loren, Chelsea, and Medallion to the white grounds and set yourself up there as its council. If anyone takes issue with this feel free to deal with it however you see fit. Onyx, Jasmine, Cheyenne and I will remain here as the Black Council. As empress of both, I will make it over to the white grounds on occasion but I do prefer it here, Mouray, so feel free to establish yourself as the authority. Onyx, as second to me, I do hope you won’t mind taking over when I am away?”

          “Of course not” the councillor smiled

          “Very well, Jasmine, if Onyx, Mouray and I are all unavailable, authority passes to you, then Cheyenne, then Medallion. Passed that I believe we are doomed.” A laugh rang out from everyone except Loren and Chelsea, but the list really did end at that. Maybe someday they will mature enough to be considered, but until then, they would hold no real authority in the empire.

          Mouraludia and her new fellow White Palace  council members made their way out of Aurora’s living space and across the monolithic distance to the white grounds in no real time at all. Once there, they apparently did run into some trouble with the previous council being upset over a new empress coming in and changing the way they had done things for centuries. Apparently the biggest point of irritation came in the fact that the now established empress was not even a Moonachrian, but rather a piece of their technology. Aurora found out a little while later why she herself had never heard their complaints. As it so happened, according to witnesses there at the scene, Mouraludia froze the head of the previously established council and then shattered him to pieces. Afterwards, she allegedly apologised to all who had witnessed her outburst, and admitting to losing her temper, but she would work hard to keep it completely under control from that point on.

          Aurora was of course quite amused when word had come back to her about the allegations; but Mouraludia would not admit to it and nor would the Bio- Gens who were there with her that day. Mouraludia had obviously sworn them to secrecy and somehow convinced them not to even tell Aurora. The empress wasn’t really sure how, but she had a few theories on the matter.

          Once both councils were firmly established and Aurora’s rule widely accepted, it was time for the empress to rebuild the Black Palace Grounds that she had personally destroyed. She started this by ordering all the capable tradesmen from the White Palace  to help Zaphiradeonix draw out the plans for the new set up.

          Aurora wanted the palace to be centrally located and easily accessed by all the ground’s residents; not that there were very many at the moment. The businesses and other places of gathering would spiral out in a semicircle frim there, with the residential block located along the outward perimeter.

          With this plan it would put the empress’ tower residence as far away from the rest of the grounds as physically possible, but from her room in the high tower she could still view the palace entrance, and thus all of its hustle and bustle. From her room, with some effort she could even make out a business or two; but the residential area was so far off that it appeared as a long flat speck to her, she was quite pleased. The workers completed their building work within a century. The whole time the builders were working, each designer had to put up with either Aurora or Onyx giving their opinion on where things should go and what style should be chosen for what. This was almost tolerable until the two had conflicting opinions. Now because Aurora was the empress one would assume that the workers would take her ideas over her councillor’s, right? Oh no, they didn’t dare; that would cause a battle between the designers and both the empress and Onyx. An example of the dilemma the poor designers faced was when the decorative panelling for a walkway was being decided upon. Aurora wanted one style, while Onyx wanted another. When Onyx found out Aurora had a conflicting opinion, she ordered that the workers go with what their empress wanted. But when Aurora found out that her councillor wanted a style different then what she had chosen, she ordered the crew to go with Onyx’s design idea. Finally the workers complained enough that the designers had to get the empress and the councillor together to work it out. Together, they chose a design option completely different from either of the two that had started the conflict in the first place. Eventfully the back and forth got so bad that the design crew sat Aurora and Onyx down and had them decide absolutely every detail of every single plan together, right then and there.  

          Once the plans were decided upon, it only took the last few decades for the actual construction to reach its completion.

          Now Aurora looked from her tower home out across the great chasm and beyond a mass expanse, to the entryway of her palace; the only feature in the black grounds, other than her home, to go untouched during her outburst. She could see her personal councillor at the palace gates arranging some matter of little importance to her as noted but the slightly irritated look on Onyx’s otherwise placid features. Aurora could also watch a transaction or two taking place at the shops just on the other side of the palace, with her highly advanced and efficient eyes. Past that, everything faded to a light grey, then to a light black, progressively becoming darker until it melted into the pitch dark oblivion beyond it. To the empress, no sight was more peaceful than the one before her now.

          Now onto a matter, far more pressing, she thought, happy to put all of the redecorating nonsense behind her. 






7: Chapter 6: Dare Not Detonate
Chapter 6: Dare Not Detonate

Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline, personal councillor to the empress of Moonachria, was looking over her daily reports when a call came through rom on of the field officers of the empire. Apparently the Loquel group from the planet Shedenth had issued a threat to their neighbouring planet Quezy, that if they didn’t hand over full control of their government, the Loquel group will detonate one of the element bombs in the heart of Quezy’s capitol city of Abrases. The councillor was shocked to hear of this and asked the officer to confirm his finding. As soon as he did so, Onyx became quite sombre and thanked the man for his Intel, before heading out of the palace to find her empress.

          Climbing the stairs to the tower beyond the black grounds was hard on a normal day, but with such a heavy heart inside the councillor, the climb felt even more challenging.

          Onyx was almost afraid to tell her empress for she recalled what happened the last time the Loquel did something. Aurora got her revenge on the empress but she had yet to exact it against them.

          Maybe I should tell Mouraludia first? Onyx pondered but by the time she was already at the empress’ door.

          She took a minute to steady herself before she pushed her way through the entryway over reports much the way Onyx had been just minutes before.

          “Aurora, something urgent has come up demanding our immediate attention.” Onyx informed in a hushed and shaky voice

          “Very well, what is it?” the empress seemed slightly perturbed already

          “Well, you recall the Loquel group no doubt?” very shaky indeed now

          Now Aurora was really irritated; these were the people the empress before her was working with, and lied about. This Loquel group was also the source of Aurora’s rage that resulted in her ascension to the throne. Because of these imbeciles, she was betrayed, and to hear their name again flooded all of those negative feelings back into the now established empress, “Get to the point.” Her voice was low, and sharp like fangs, and it hissed like a puma ready to pounce

          The Loquel have issued a threat to their neighbouring planet Quezy, that if they do not hand their political power over to the Loquel, then Quezy’s capital city of Abrases will be hit with an elemental bomb.” Her words came out surprisingly calm, but the fear in her eyes was quite obvious.

          “Ah…Very well” Aurora was abnormally calm, and all of a sudden, quiet. The empress turned her back to her council to go back to the business she was dealing with when onyx walked in, “Thanked you for bringing this to my attention.”

          At that, a shudder violently forced its way through the councillor and she thought it best to leave her empress be.

          As soon as Onyx had left, the data pad in Aurora’s hand was crushed into powdery fragments, and then its remains were engulfed in flames before the empress composed herself. She made her way from the ruined ash of a data pad, to the window overlooking her empire. With one knee pressed against the wall, and arms folded on the ledge of the window to support her weight, she stared out to her palace. Aurora’s emotionless face stood in stark contrast to her raging mind as she considered the best course of action.

          “Raging about it won’t solve the problem.”

          “Mouray?” Aurora exclaimed in confusion

          Onyx asked me over here, she told me about the Loquel group and their threats against Abrases. We need to go there we can’t let the Loquel leave an entire city like that.” Mouray’s eyes screamed of sorrow and tinge of depression.

          “Why not?” Aurora was curious about her counterpart’s reaction, “The element bomb is a newly developed piece of technology, it would be interesting to see what it really is capable of.” She droned

          Mouray sighed and shook her head, not at all shocked by her empress’ statement, “Come on Aurora, we have work to do. I will find Onyx again and we can get on our way.” Her smile showed that Aurora’s shock tactic did not work at all

          Aurora puffed out a slight laugh, then sighed in defeat, “Very well, I will wait here for you both.

          Aurora took her contemplative stance against the window again, and waited for her counterpart to return with her councillor.


          Strange how I’ve adjusted to that idea so quickly; one day I’m nothing more than a pawn to the empress and the next I claim her title, and yes I didn’t feel any different. More startling yet, the change didn’t really affect me in the least, it was as though I was always designed to rule and I was just finally getting around to doing so. Aurora though as her hands grasped around her tea mug to lift it to her lips

          “Are you alright?” Rhydian asked kindly

          Aurora noticed both Rhydian and Sussex staring at her, and then she realized that she had stopped talking rather abruptly. Aurora gave one of her diplomatic smiles as she apologised, and carried on with her story.


          Finally Zaphiradeonix and Mouraludia appeared in the entryway of Aurora’s living space.

          “Let us go” Aurora demanded and pushed herself off of the window before abruptly pushing her way past the tow woman blocking her entry way.

          Onyx and Mouray followed her a bit triumphantly. Once outside, each spread their wings; Onyx’s of pure gold, Mouray’s as white as polished crystal, and Aurora’s as dark as a black hole.

          “Um…” Sussex couldn’t hold back this time, the question was plaguing her little mind far too severely, “Moonachria had no air, how can you fly there?”

          Again the annoyance in the empress’ was apparent but she had been catering to this thing Rhydian had brought home like a stray dog so far, so a bit more wouldn’t kill her, though it may just end up being the death of Sussex, “it has nothing to do with wind resistance child, it had to do with radiation.” Sussex still looked confused, “let me explain; have you ever heard of the equation E=pc?” at the shake of the little girl’s head, Aurora shook her head slightly and continued farther, “You see, photons do in fact have momentum, obviously. So for instance, light, when reflected off something will create, however small, radiation pressure; hence solar sails. Well our wings were specifically designed to capture radiation of any sort; so because each particle has momentum, when they come in contact with our wings, that momentum is transferred to them. In places like Moonachria where there are very few energy sources at all, our wings take what little there is and concentrate it; allowing us to fly even in the Palace Grounds.” Aurora did her best to explain it in simple terms.

          “Oh, alright” Sussex gave up

          “Think of the particles like a penny, Sussex. Now you line the penny up with the quarter so that when the penny is flicked, the quarter will be hit. Once the penny hits what happens to the quarter?” Rhydian smiled at Sussex

          “The quarter will move!” she seemed so happy to get such a simple thing right

          Rhydian’s face lit up, “exactly, so think of your mothers wings like a quarter and the particles of radiation energy like pennies continually striking those quarters to give her lift.”

          “Thank you daddy, I get it now.” She beamed at him

          Rhydian smiled knowingly at Aurora, while the empress just sat there bewildered at the girl for not understanding it sooner.   

          “Anyway, onward Aurora, let’s finish this part of the story; what do you think? It was getting interesting, wouldn’t you agree?” Rhydian bowed like a stage write introducing his play.


          Once the three girls had a decent altitude Aurora gouged a hole into reality to allow the three of them to travel to Shedenth with minimal effort. Once they were above the planet, their next task was simple; find the Loquel command center.

          Everything was different since the last time Aurora and Mouray were on Shedenth; most of it was in ruins for one thing, even on the Loquel’s side. But there was another difference, a far more subtle one that only a creature designed to notice would pick up. There was an electrical hum that seemed to pulsate through the entire planet.

          “Feel that?” the empress asked

          Both Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix nodded simultaneously

          “I wonder if that is the hum of the launch base.” Mouray pondered allowed   

          “Quite possible” Onyx noted

          “Well, there is really only one way to find out for sure you know. How about we go and try to find out exactly where it is coming from. The more information we have on the changes we are dealing with, the easier it will be to put a stop to this madness.” Aurora stated, already on her way towards the noise 

          The ground was reddish orange with the rubble and dirt blending together into a wasteland of obvious recent destruction. This hit Mouraludia in a way she was not prepared for, but she closed her eyes against the feelings. A strong hand came to rest on her back reassuringly, when she opened her eyes, she met her step mothers smiling eyes and worried expression.

          “I’m fine” she said silently enough so as not to alert her counterpart, but to no avail

          “Mouray, are you alright?” Aurora had come to a complete stop to stare dead at Mouraludia with a dead expression

          Unaffected by her counterpart’s lack of emotion, she smiled, “honestly you two, I don’t know what I am to do with you both. If you don’t stop worrying about me you won’t have room in your heads to worry about the task at hand.” She huffed entirely in jest.  

          Aurora let out a tiny laugh, now completely convinced that Mouray was fine.

          Onyx wasn’t as trusting as Aurora could be and inwardly decided to stay close to her step daughter.

          Mouraludia did her best to push her feelings of fear and sadness for the destruction they had caused as far down inside her as she possibly could. If only I could destroy emotions the way Aurora does. She thought to herself

          Through rubble and grime and a few bony remains the trio pressed on deeper and deeper into the heart of Loquel territory. All of them were shocked that Aurora’s outburst here has caused that much destruction for the Loquel’s, for they weren’t even the one’s the Bio-Gens were sent to wipe out, but when the rectors in the factories blew, the blast wave was immense.

          Well I bet the Loquel won’t be too happy to see us again. Aurora mused to herself

          The miles stretched on and finally the red and the rubble subsided and made way for a bustling city filled with greenery and moving people carrying in their everyday lives.

          All of a sudden, a band of men in similar clothing went tarring through the streets brandishing weapons, the people about in the streets went straight into the nearest shop, and all of the doors and windows were drawn shut. The counterparts and the councilor were the only ones left standing before the mob.

          “You there, what is your business here?” a man at the head of the group demanded

          “We are simply here to speak to the leader of your Loquel group.” Mouraludia smiled kindly

          “What business do you have with our general?” Another man, this time towards the middle, demanded

          Aurora was growing a bit irritated with the bob for she could see an obvious lack of organization so far. This could escalate quickly. She thought

          “We have heard reports that your commanding officers have issued a threat against Quezy’s capital city.” Onyx spoke up

          A laugh broke out from a few of the mob members. A young woman stepped out from amongst them, and looked at the three each in the eyes one by one. When her eyes passed to Aurora’s a visible chill went down her spine, but her years of military training almost immediately kicked in and she was placid once more. The woman’s outfit was slightly different from the rest of the boys around her; Aurora took note of this expecting her to be their commanding officer.

          “Of course we issued a threat to them, is that where you’re from? Are you some Quezyan moron trying to appeal to our general?” she demanded in a very condescending manner

          Aurora had to remove herself mentally from the situation so as to not lash out and cause even more destruction.

          Onyx noticed Aurora’s agitation and shot a worried look over to her step daughter. Mouraludia decided then and there to speak again before the insolent leader of the armed confronters ended up the center of this planet’s second disaster.

          “We were here before and we were the reason most of this planet lies in dust, if you don’t want a repeat of that incident I recommend that all of you hold your tongs and take us to see whom we came to talk to.” Mouraludia was angry, but without knowing her well, one would never guess it.

          “You are from Moonachria! You are the Bio-Gens? Well, we are happy to have you back; I will take you before our general at once!” The woman gleefully stated

          Aurora was shocked; she thought for sure that even the Loquel would hate the Bio-Gens for how much havoc they wreaked. She couldn’t bear her mental battle and had to ask at last, but she never got the chance, for her councilor spoke up first.

          “I was under the impression that even you would us with as far as the destruction reached.” Onyx questioned

          “We were warned by your empress that you enjoy blowing things up. We pulled out people as far back behind our lines as we possibly could in the small amount of time we were given.” The blond woman stated

          She clicked her fingers which forced all of her armed men to turn around and face the way they had come from, “come one men, our routine drills can recommence another day, right now we have allies to escort!” she demanded of her men before walking to the head of the crew to make their way to where their general was at the moment.

          Now that there was calm, at least for now, Aurora could take the time to study the women leading these men. She wasn’t very tall, maybe five foot, but her knee long hair made her appear slightly taller. She had a smallish angular face, with small lips and big green eyes. Her outfit was grey just like her men, but hers was far more complex.

          Ah how cute, they all have matching outfits. Aurora thought, condescendingly

The men had strait grey trousers with a gray cat zipped up so that one half spanned over more than half of his chest whiles the other half was quite a small slice of fabric. The zipper that was all the way up made the men look like they were wearing turtle necks. The bright gold zipper hung on the neck, a little bit above the left hand side shoulder blade.

          The woman’s outfit on the other hand, though identical in style, had a blue strand up the outside of her grey pants. Along the turtle neck portion of her grey jacket-top were large blue and gold buttons that folded the turtle neck at half of the height of the men’s.

          “So…” Mouraludia was obviously curious about the blond woman as well, “What is your name?”

          The blond woman seemed a bit startled but soon relaxed and even smiled a little bit, “Alusha, Commander Alusha Nquast; thank you for asking.” She paused, a bit uncomfortable, “Um, do you three have names?”

          Mouraludia smiled and stated, “My name is Mouraludia Deharah Vicctorriannah, drone two.” Pointing to Aurora she informed, “This is my counterpart, Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah, the prototype drone.” And finally, gesturing to Onyx, she smiled, “and this is my step mother, Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline.”

          Commander Nquast was shocked to have such a high ranking member of Moonachria, completely ignorant f just who was really there before her.

          Mouraludia snickered at the irony.

          After a couple of miles worth of trekking deeper and deeper into a city of people hiding and locking their doors, the girls were lead to a tall and long, loaf shaped building. Guarding the building were dozens of grey suited men and women armed with blades and electric spiked hallow triangles attached to the thrower’s wrists by a retractable cord so that the handler can fit his or her fingers in the hollow section with little danger of touching the electrified spiked.

          Every guard there looked towards the new arrivals, and the few who recognized the counterparts looked enthused.

          Aurora took note; grey steel doors of the military headquarters opened slowly to reveal a long wide corridor with groups of soldiers of the Loquel marching in formation along the walls, each one being directed by a person in the same uniform as Commander Nquast. 

          The counterparts and Onyx were lead through the uniformed crews, down the hallway, then through doors and rooms until finally they were brought before steel double doors. They were guarded by two sword wielding men in black suits in the same style as everyone else in the Loquel Army. Commander Nquast signaled for the two guards to open the door and they did, both took a handle and together creaked the doors open to allow the band access.

          There beyond the door stood a man in the middle of a chamber, staring at a huge screen being suspended on a wall high above his head. The chamber was huge and spacious with tons of different pieces of machinery lining each of the two available walls on either side of the screen. The man in the center was standing behind a huge grey, semicircle- desk with two officers seated in front of monitors on his left, and another man with a monitor on his right. He was directing the two officers on his left to pan the camera displays that were on the screen in front of them. The officer to the right of the standing man was doing his best to keep the cameras under his control steady and the images themselves as clear as he could. The one large screen was broken in a grid pattern of three down and four across to make twelve different camera’s fields of vision appear together for an easier search. Obviously this entire part of the planet was under martial law and therefor strictly monitored, for every camera showed a different part of the Loquel territory, all to be viewed by the military here. None of the people flittering across the screen seemed to be aware of the cameras, or if they were, they were so used to them that they don’t even bother to look at them as they pass.

          All of a sudden a bright red huge filled one of the squares on the screen. That section was highlighted by one of the officers to the general’s left, for the general was obviously the man in the center, then expanded it to fit the entire screen. On the screen were two little boys, each looked no more than seven or eight, and each carried a small bag of what appeared to be edibles. The cameras watched them run their bags as fast as they could to a very dingy part of town. Once there, three more cameras spotted them and those images were added to the main screen. As the boys pressed deeper and deeper into the shabby, beaten down part of the city, more and more cameras picked the boys up. Obviously the poorer region of the Loquel territory was much more heavily monitored than any of the wealthier areas. 

          “Send out a crew to bring the thieves in, and make sure the merchandise gets returned to their rightful shop owners.” The general barked

          “Yes sir!” the three people around him chanted in unison

          Mouraludia was a tad worried what could happen to the boys, but she knew she could not speak up, the Loquel thought they were allies and as long as they keep to that notion, the mission would go a lot smoother.

          Commander Nquast cleared her throat and the general finally registered the multiple presences behind him. He turned around authoritatively and stared the commander dead in the eyes before looking to the three women who had been brought before him. It took a few seconds for him to register exactly who the three women were, but when he did, his face lit up.

          “Councilor, how lovely it is to see you in person.” I was unaware that the empress was still monitoring us so closely, though I’m quite thrilled she is. Please come in and have a seat.” He said, gesturing to the chairs around the outside of his semicircle desk. He then looked to the three men on either side of him, “please continue the security sweep at the secondary station.”

          The three monitors stood up together then marched out like automatons.

          “Please, make yourselves comfortable.” He smiled to the three newcomers now taking their seats. The general turned to Commander Nquast, “Good work, now continue with your drills.”

          Nquast nodded then turned on her heels to lead her men out from before the general.

          “It is very good to see you again, Aurora, you were quite helpful on your last visit.” He smiled a bit too kindly

          Aurora remained stoic, “What is the end game general, threatening a planetary government that you by no means have the people or the resources to hold once you attain it? From what we can tell, you can barely keep your own people in line.” She referenced the thieving boys from before

          “We are not acting alone, and it has nothing to do with power. The bomb will be sent regardless of their decision whether or not to hand over their control.” The general was far too forthcoming with his so called allies, “Your empress gave us our entire mission objective as well as the means to achieve it even before she sent you to us the first time. I am surprised that she did not fill you in before you arrived.” He looked directly at Aurora, searching her face for a hint of her thoughts, but he found nothing of course.

          “She rarely does.” Aurora simply stated

          “Ah I see” he smiled, “Very well, let me fill you in.” he was joyous, whatever the result of everything was to be he seemed quite excited by it, “Alright, before you were sent to us your empress sent, by way of one of her field officers, the schematics for the element bomb. When we fallowed the instructions given to us, we found that the device worked flawlessly so we began to make as many as we could. That is how the Hasstn found out. One of their spies infiltrated one of our underground manufacturing plants and stole the information stored in one of our labor bots on how to make them. This is how they had the intelligence to begin creation of the anti-bomb.” The general looked at tad furious at this, and Aurora thought she would be too if something as simply preventable as an easily hacked labor bot was at the heart of one of the empire’s major information leeks.

          “If the Hasstn were causing you such issues, why did you ask for our empress’ assistance, why not just send one of your bombs to handle them?” at the worried look on the general’s face, realization struck Aurora, “Ah, the blast is an exponential, I see.”

          “Exactly, and we are worried it would take the planet. On the data pad sent, three planets were listed in our general area. At the time we really didn’t pay much attention to the list, but once the resources to create the weapons were depleted we took another look at the pad. The planets listed were the three nearest that contained the components necessary to create these bombs.” Explained the general

          “But if you have made so many as to deplete yourself of the components needed, then why don’t you keep what you have and create more as required?” Mouraludia asked, subtly trying to delay them

          “Two reasons; first, your empress, in return for the information on how to make the bombs, requested a few for herself; and two, their shelf life is in face quite limited.” It was as though he expected them to already know this, as evident by his annoyance.

          Limited here yes, but under the conditions of the Palace Grounds I am almost positive they would not be. Arorah thought, annoyed

          Aurora noticed something quite strange all of a sudden, “If the reply from Quezy does not in fact matter, then why have you not deployed the bomb?” she was stoic in her questioning

          The general smiled to himself, thinking he had just received the proof that Aurora was in fact on his side, and would not try to stop him. His slight smile dropped as he searched for the words to tell the present company exactly why the element bomb was still almost four stories underground, “we are waiting on the reply from Quezy for appearance’s sake.” All three of the aliens around him noticed that the general wasn’t being completely honest.

          “And the rest of it” Onyx pressed authoritatively

          “Well” he stammered

          “Precisely, you coward” Aurora’s accusation infuriated the general but she refused to let him speak, “you are all too afraid to detonate your creation in case something goes wrong. Very well, now I understand why we came here in the first place. Assemble a guide team to lead us to the bomb’s hanger and we will detonate it for you. If anything goes wrong I can contain the blast, and if I am not able to, there are two more of us where that came from.” Aurora spoke with such emptiness that the general felt his insides begin to bleed out of him leaving him as empty as her tone.

          The general shook himself and nodded his acceptance of Aurora’s orders.

          Once the general finally left the room, Mouraludia turned to Aurora with a worried and expectant look, “Are we really going to detonate that bomb for them?”

          Aurora looked form her counterpart to her councilor, “I am not sure; if we can find no other way of getting rid of these devices than it might be our only option.” Aurora sounded almost sullen, but that wasn’t possible.

          “But couldn’t this potentially destroy the entire planet?” Onyx was shocked

          “If we can’t contain the blast than it very well might.” Mouraludia confirmed

          “Then we contain the blast” Onyx simply stated

          “Our options are simple; we find another way, or we sabotage the element bomb to blow up its own launch facility. Either way the erasing of the bomb about to strike is our primary goal. If we complete that and the planet is still here, then we find out where the rest of the bombs and their creations centers are located, and then systematically eradicate them.” Aurora ordered, hoping that everything worked out for the better

          Zaphiradeonix and Mouraludia both nodded their hesitant agreement as the general walked back in with two men in plain grey uniforms.

          “They will guide you to the launch site.” The general said, gesturing to the boys behind him.  

          “Thank you” Aurora’s authority was as audible as ever

          The general gestured for his men to leave, so they turned on their heels and walked towards the door with the three women behind them. As Mouray passed the general she saw his victory smile, and that gave her the assurance that her counterpart had made the right decision.


          The launch station was located in an old and seemingly abandoned Hasstn storehouse a few dozen miles away from the Loquel general’s station. A door in the floor of the storehouse opened automatically to reveal a long, downward sloping corridor. The end of the overly dark corridor revealed an overly lit and extremely high tech, compared to the place they had just come from, operation station. Rows and rows of electronic observer bots were monitoring readings on the dozens and dozens of screens that littered the place, mapping out their findings as they received them. All of this was dedicated the launch of one bomb, it was either extraordinary or too much.

          A child sized electric observer bot slid its way up to Mouraludia and begun to take readings from her almost as though it were curious about her. Mouray asked it to go away as kindly as she could but it remained, increasing its incessant chirpings of its intrusive components. Mouray continued in her verbal attempts to get rid of the bot, but to no avail, the droid would just get louder and its chimes would grow higher in pitch.

          Finally Mouraludia had suffered enough of the insolent bucket of bolts and slowed down the droids molecules as much as physics would possibly allow. Once the can was frozen, Mouray took those same molecules and blasted them apart, shattering the mechanical monster into ice dust.

          Aurora gave her counterpart a questioning gaze, but inside a twinge of pride zapped her vortex of nothingness.   

          Onyx just gaped at her step daughter’s outburst.

          “What?” Mouray deadpanned, “It was annoying me.”

          More and more like Aurora each day, maybe this telepathic link wasn’t the best idea we ever came up with. Onyx shook her head

          The two men escorting the Bio-Gens and the Moonachrian  both rolled their eyes and one made a comment about how they would have to replace another observer so soon after their general’s outburst.

          Had Aurora been able to genuinely laugh back then, she would have been using a wall to steady herself.

          The taller brown haired boy with a stocky look to him turned to Aurora, for some reason, assuming she was the one in charge, “From this lab the bomb can be detonated but you will have to find the info bot in amongst the rest of the observers to find out exactly how.”

          “No one knows how to work this thing?” Aurora asked, amused

          “Of course not, don’t you recognize your own tech, all of this is far beyond us. Your empress had to send drones to create and monitor everything about these bombs of yours.” The brown haired boy sounded exasperated

          The shorter blond boy, no more than fifteen, covered his mouth to prevent himself from bursting open with laughter.

          On closer inspection, Mouray did begin to recognize a couple of the models running about the place, but most of them were so outdated that the empress before must have brought them out of storage to deploy here.

          “Museum pieces, all of them; the Bio-Gens didn’t recognize these bots because we haven’t used anything so primitive since long before their creation.” Onyx explained a bit harshly

          “Oh” replied the blond child, almost over his laughing bout…on no, never mind

          The brown headed boy’s green eyes flashed in amazement, “Museum pieces?” he exclaimed under his breath, “But they are all so advanced”

          It was Onyx’s tern to laugh now.

          Now the women were in the control room, there was really no need for the escorts to stay with them so both of them decided to retreat into the adjacent break room.

          Aurora smiled aggressively, “now that was too easy wouldn’t you agree, councilor?”

          Onyx nodded suspiciously, “no guards of any real sort, no patrol for this place; it’s almost like they want us to feel safe.”

          Aurora’s smile darkened, “So either they really do trust us so completely as to evacuate this place of all unnecessary personnel…”

          “Or this is some pathetic attempt at a trap.” Onyx replied, sounding like Aurora a bit

          “So what do we do?” Mouray asked eagerly

          “Absolutely nothing” Aurora replied

          Both Mouraludia and Onyx looked a tad worried.

          “You’re just going to entrap us here with whatever insidious plan they have? What if their decide to unleash their bombs on us?” Mouraludia enquired, obviously not thinking clearly

          “What good would that do? Those bombs, by way of every description we received form the empress when we first came here, will have no severe effect on you and me. I doubt that the bombs would have too great an effect on the councilor either.” Aurora was far too calm even for her

          “Besides, Aurora and you can always shield the blast of worse comes to worst.” Onyx smiled kindly towards her step daughter.

           Aurora nodded her agreement

          “Very well” Mouray replied in defeat

          Aurora took her seat at one of the observation desks, and her two companions followed suit. The empress rolled her eyes a tad before deciding that it was better for her to spend her time finding out just what exactly what this place was. She called the info bot to her and figured that the easiest way to get her reply was to simply ask.

          The droid responded by explaining that they were in a waste management facility. Apparently the creation of the element bomb produced quite a lot of excess that was toxic to the local people and environment.

          Aurora smiled, quite satisfied with the answer given.

          “Is everything alright, empress?” The councilor enquired

          “Oh most definitely; if anyone does anything too irritating, this place is full of poisons for the locals. Cause an extreme enough of a breach and no more wild-life.” The cat’s grin frightened even Mouraludia

          “I was under the impression that we were trying to prevent a repeat of last time.” Onyx pointed out

          “Oh, that is correct; I banned fun, did I not.”

An uneasy laugh stumbled clumsily from Mouray’s mouth, which slightly confused the empress.

“Yes, well, anyway we may as well use this place to the best of our advantage now that we’re here.” Mouray stated as she stood to walk over to the info bot next to her counterpart

Mouraludia looked right at the machine, “What can you tell us about the bomb about to be launched at the planet Quezy?”

“It is set to detonate the second a reply is received.” The bot droned, just as empty as Aurora, but not at all eerie like her.

“Where is the location of the bomb?” Mouray demanded kindly

“Offsite” the bot stated abruptly

“Obviously; but where exactly is it?” Mouray pressed with a smile

“Offsite” it repeated

Mouraludia was becoming slightly perturbed, “Yes, you said that already, but where is it exactly?” she stressed

“Offsite” The bot’s never changing monotone drew out Mouray’s temper like poison.

Right as Mouraludia was about to destroy the info bot the way she had obliterated the scanner bot that had annoyed her earlier, Aurora spoke up.

“Where, exactly, is Offsite?” This stopped Mouray in her tracks

“Exact location: unknown” It droned

“Approximately, then” Aurora was a dead wind when she spoke

“Approximate location: Loquel territory, north; assumed to be by shipment plant Zd51mL2.” The info bot was like a chip and pin machine, blissfully unaware of how irritating its voice really was.

“How did you know to ask that?” Mouray asked, astonished

“The poor machine is so stupid it didn’t understand what you were getting at. Unlike you, Aurora didn’t give it the credit of intelligence, and thus she spoke to it like it was a little child.” Onyx explained

Aurora forced an expected smile and nodded.

“So how do we go about finding this place?” Mouray wondered allowed

“First things first, I want to know exactly why we were brought here.” Onyx stated

Mouray and Onyx both turned to Aurora for instructions, only to find an empty chair.

“Where did she go?” Onyx asked rhetorically

“Break room” the info bot answered

Remembering her blight form before, Mouray chose her words carefully, “Precisely which room is the break room?”

Before the drone had a chance to reply, Aurora waltzed back into the main observation lab, literally dragging the two boys who escorted then here, behind her, “Do not answer that, there is no more need.” Aurora demanded

The bot remained silent

Aurora abruptly shoved both boys into two chairs that lay beside one another before turning back to her companions, “How about asking these two why we are really here.” Aurora hissed

“I- I th-thought you were s-supposed to detonate a bomb for us.” The blond boy was frightened

“Really, then why are we in a waste management facility?” Mouray prodded

“What?” Exclaimed the brown headed guide

“Obviously these two are too low in rank to be told anything of real importance.” Aurora stared, half to herself, as she walked to the far wall to lean against it.

A conversation ensued between the two men about what was really going on. Another conversation broke out between Mouray and her step mother about the best way to proceed.

Aurora mused to herself, that if you give most people a dilemma or an unexpected twist it was fun to watch them squirm. That is exactly what she did; she listened as the noise escalated and watched as the expressions changed, all of it amused her.

Finally the chaos began to settle down, so she pushed herself off of the wall and unfolded her arms as she snaked up to the info bot, “Where exactly is plant Zd51mL2?” Her words hushed everyone completely, “Would you be able to download the coordinates onto a data pad for us?”

“Of chores” the bot hummed

“Then please do so” the empress demanded

At Aurora’s orders, the info bot went about downloading the directions to the approximate whereabouts of the bomb.

“Councilor” Aurora gestured, “Come with me for a minute.” Aurora pulled her to the far wall with the motion of her fingers before continuing, “Do you think it is possible that this was supposed to be some sort of imprisonment for us?” Aurora asked tonelessly

“It sure feels that way” Onyx agreed

Aurora seemed overly satisfied, “Then let us go find that bomb”

Onyx bowed her agreement but her curiosity was now peaked. What about that could have the empress in such high spirits?

Aurora had already rejoined her counterpart, so Onyx walked to join in as well.

The info bot returned with the data pad, and handed it to Aurora; Mouray thanked the piece of tech, and Aurora turned the pad on.

“You two” Aurora demanded of the guides, “You will take us here” her calm demeanor was very disturbing

The blond boy was about to protest, but he quickly thought better of it.

The brown headed boy tool the data pad and escorted the group out; info droid included by way of Aurora’s silent demand, back up the corridor.

Once outside the two guides broke slightly away from the group they were leading to figure out how to proceed. They decided to go along the outside of the Loquel territory before doubling back along an unused supply rout so as to avoid detection as much as possible.

Mouraludia overheard the conversation and grew curious so she walked right up to the boys, “Why are you trying so hard to help us? Shouldn’t you both be on the side of the Loquel’s general?”

The blond boy looked right at Mouray, “After the general gave us the order to lead you both here, my mother, Commander Alusha Nquast, pulled me and my best friend here…” He said, gesturing to the green eyed, brown haired boy beside him, “and told us to take care of you three.” He explained

His friend nodded his confirmation

“Why would Commander Nquast be so concerned?” Onyx inquired

“You were kind to her” The brown haired boy answered simply

“You were Hasstn before, were not?” Aurora asked abruptly

The boys froze where they stood.

“How could you possibly know that?” The Commander’s son asked

“It is the only explanation for this blatant lack of respect for the authority of the Loquel. This is a military fun planet; the people within its military look to their general as supreme and few would dare question him, let alone go behind his back in such a blatant manner. Therefore, it only makes sense that you are in face Hasstn and not Loquel. Though I assume if the general ever found out about this fact, your family would not be too thrilled with the results.” Aurora pointed out

“You’re right, we aren’t the only Hasstn here, but most were Loquel loyalists before the war and the rest escaped when we knew the Hasstn were doomed to fail. We thought we could bring the Loquel down from the inside; so far every attempt has ended in udder failure, however.” The blond boy explained

Mouraludia smiled to her counterpart before turning to look directly into the green eyes of the brown headed boy. Her voice was soft, “Then we thank you for all the help you can give us. We too want to change the situation here, our mission was to simply get rid of the element bomb that the Loquel people have created and impede the imminent destruction of Quezy. Things are no longer that simple…” Mouray turned and looked cautiously at her empress.

Aurora nodded, giving Mouraludia the ok to continue.

Mouray was slight relived and continued with what she was saying, “We don’t want to see your people suffer.”

Aurora crossed her arms and characteristically removed herself form the group to passively observe.

“We were deceived by the one who originally sent is to this planet. We were told that the Hasstn were the ones who created and produced the bombs. The Loquel came to our empress of then and requested her help against such a threat, and thus we were deployed to assist.” She paused and hung her head, “Or so we were lead to believe.”

The blond haired boy smiled and laid his hand on Mouray’s arm, “You are a kind person.” He reassured her

Mouraludia smiled her thanks.

Aurora watched the entire back and forth and was completely confused by the whole thing.

Onyx noticed the way Aurora was staring at her counterpart and the blond boy, and decided it was time for her to explain just what compassion and empathy were. Needless to say, Aurora could not fully understand the concept, but she listened and tried to file it away as one of those emotion things.

Mouraludia reclaimed the blond boy’s eyes with her own, “So what is your name?” Her smile was kind and small

“Kerrdin, and this is my best friend, Jayleb Hazdar, we have known each other since we were small.” Just like his mother, Kerrdin paused, unsure if he should ask the Bio-Gen her name, “Do you have a name?”

“Mouraludia Deharah Vicctorriannah” she replied, widening her smile. She then proceeded to introduce the rest of her company; first her step mother, and then her counterpart and leader of the nine.

Jayleb and Kerrdin were both excited not only to have three knew friendly acquaintances, which in and of itself was a rarity amongst the Loquel, but also a potential solution to the atrocities that the Loquel have caused.

The boys looked at one another and smiled with excitement and hope.

Aurora noticed the pattern, this was the beginning of the very end of this conversation, and a perfect time for her to rejoin the group, “It is going to be difficult to assist you if we do not find that bomb and put a stop to its detonation. It has reached out time to proceed.” The words ignited vigor into the hearts of the boys just as she planned. Children are so easily enthralled. She smiled chillingly to herself.

Aurora’s plan worked, and the boys began to happily lead their comrades down the path that the map showed. Now she could focus on the true matter of importance. Was it really the Bio-Gens that were found out, or were the guides the ones whom the Loquel have lost trust in?      

Onyx noticed Aurora’s distraction and decided to fall back from the main group to join her, “Enjoying your observations?” the councilor asked knowingly

“The general was a bit too forthcoming, o thought that even as we were speaking, but his enthusiasm about our help seemed completely genuine. What was your take on that?” The empress would not make eye contact or raise her voice above a monotone whisper.

“I agree, his excitement seemed actual and his demeanor and actions all backed his voce perfectly.” Onyx agreed

“So the question here is simple, is the general really good at deceiving even us, or does he not trust the company he keeps?” Aurora then decided to point her coal hot eyes directly at her councilor’s water green ones.

“To be honest, I’m not quite sure. I’m quite worried about the outcome if things do get out of hand at any rate.” The councilor’s eyes confirmed her words

The star closest to the planet was beginning to disappear beneath the horizon and the sky itself was progressively becoming purple. The two boys leading the group were growing more and more tired with each forward step, and their cognitive capabilities were rapidly and steadily declining.

“Maybe it’s time we all rested” Jayleb suggested

“I like the sound of that.” Exclaimed Kerrdin

The Bio-Gens glanced at one another and then the councilor joined in as well.

“Very well” Aurora allowed as she made her way to the back of the group to once again observe.

The boys rolled out a couple mats and a machine that would rehydrate the dehydrated food they put into it.

Kerrdin noticed that none of the female by standards carried a thing to eat with them. Being nice, he offered part of his rehydrated dish to Mouraludia who promptly explained our lack of need for nourishment. Kerrdin seemed appeased but also a tad confused, but Aurora didn’t care enough to explain it.

“We don’t need sleep either.” Mouraludia smiled towards the blond boys

The boys, like the children they were, seemed absolutely enthralled by that and wanted to know more, so Mouray and Onyx took the next few hours explaining all about the Bio-Gens and the Moonachrians and the differences between them.


          Sussex took this moment to ask just what had popped into her head, “So what exactly are the differences?”

          Rhydian smiled a small smile mentally recalling when he had asked this very same question.

          “There are too many differences to get into too much detail about it with you.” Rhydian frowned slightly and Aurora noticed, so she tried to appease him by adding, “Though I am sure we could cover the highlights if you would truly prefer.”

          Sussex lit up in anticipation and Rhydian smiled his thanks to the empress.

          “The difference between the Moonachrians and us Bio-Gens is really just the beginning of the discussion. Reason being, there are just as many differences between myself and the rest of the Bio-Genetic creations as between all of us and the Moonachrians. On the same train of thought there are quite a few differences between the majority of the Moonachrians and the few who are powerful enough, naturally, to be a part of the ruling class in the empire. To start, though; let us focus on the general differences between the Bio-Gens and the Moonachrians as a whole. We Bio-Gens were designed with wings as I have previously described to you; Moonachrians do not have such an adaptation. Moonachrians’ eyes do not change color at all; were as ours do depending on the circumstances. Our eyes fade pale blue when we are communicating telepathically, or searching the mind of an individual. Mine were designed to fade completely black when my programmed nature takes me over completely. This was supposed to act as a warning for others and is a trait completely unique to me. Moonachrians have razor sharp mails which protrude from their fingers an inch or two. We Bio-Gens on the other hand have claws that can reach about a half of a foot out from our fingers, but we can retract them as far back as we desire. If I want mine to protrude three inches, I can easily retract them until they are only three inches from my fingertips.”

          “But your nails don’t look sharp to me” Sussex interrupted

          Aurora paused and jabbed her dagger glare into Sussex’s corneas before dancing her gaze over her own hands. The empress took a nail from her middle left hand between her middle finger and her thumb on the right, and slowly ripped the nail sideways and up, breaking it completely away from its quick. This revealed the translucent, soured milk of a claw beneath it. The empress slowly allowed the claw to drip out of its fleshy prison, and all Sussex could do was watch as the flesh that contained the claw was pulled forward then squished and slipped back with each centimeter of its escape.

          Rhydian immediately realized that his empress was trying to give the little girl the scare of her life; he also knew that the only reason Aurora was doing that was to prove just how inhuman she really was.

          Aurora’s display gained the desired effect for Sussex convulsed and doubled over the table slightly, fighting back the burning sludge thickly gurgling up her throat. The chunky mess almost made its way out for the juices form it was squeezed into Sussex mouth by the pressure of it crawling up her. The puke spit soured her taste buds and her knee jerk reaction forced her to swallow sending the lumpy regurgitation back down where it belonged.

          “Anyway” Aurora smiled, satisfied with herself as she continued, “Moonachrians come by their abilities naturally, hence why most are so unforgivable, but we Bio-Gens were designed with our abilities and a capacity for power unmatched by any living or expired Moonachrian. This is why Moonachrians as a whole are so easily destroyed, at least for us Bio-Gens. If a human went against even a child of our creator’s species they would be eliminated in a moment, and with little to no effort on the part of the child. Unlike us Bio-Gens, no Moonachrian is subconsciously linked to any other, were as all of us are; though, all Moonachrians and Bio-Gens are telepathic and empathic. Finally, Moonachrians are naturally capable of a wide range of emotions, whereas we are only capable of the emotions we were programmed with. This is why anger is the only emotion I fully understand; although, because we are all linked subconsciously I have become aware of a few others even though I do not feel them of my own accord, nor do I fully understand them. Now Moonachrians and Bio-Gens have only pointed teeth but much like with my claws, I always wear caps over them to hide the abnormality of this from the human’s prying eyes. Also, neither Bio-Gens nor Moonachrians require any food or sleep to survive, although we Bio-Gens can adjust our internal anatomy for digesting if need be. If we need to appear as though we breathe we can internally adjust for this as well, but we do not normally require it for survival.” Aurora paused her comparisons speech to visually scan her step daughter for signs of recovery. Sussex was now almost fully over her initial shock, so the empress was free to proceed.

          “So what about the differences between the rest of the Bio-Gens and yourself, you said there were differences here too?” Sussex asked, doing her best to avoid looking at the empress at all.

          Aurora preferred the fear and disgust people had for her, she knew exactly how to handle that and use it to her advantage. As long as people were terrified and sickened by her she knew exactly where she stood, “Very well, that list too is a rather extensive en but please allow me to share with you the highlights. So as I’ve mentioned, we are all still subconsciously linked, created with immense power and a trait that causes our eyes to change to a pale blue when speaking telepathically or searching the minds of others. The differences lie in the fact that I was simply the prototype so I was not designed with a range of emotions like my fellow creations. They cannot lose their self-will as I can; although, I was programmed with a warning system as I have mentioned, when this happens my eyes fade black. I am immensely more powerful than any of them due to a fluke when I was first created, though even I do not know what that fluke really was. Technically I was not designed to be self-aware, but being linked to the others has given me this ability, though the more infuriated I become the harder it is for me to control my programming. That is as simple as one can make it I believe.” Aurora stopped to look at Sussex, and then turned her empty eyes towards Rhydian.

          “No I don’t believe I have anything to add to that.” He was still worried for Sussex, but for once he did not explain his wife for he knew his empress would become angry if he tried.

          “So, you were on your way to where you thought the bomb was; what happened next?”

          Aurora nodded then continued on with the initial telling of past events.


          The night had ended and the burnt orange sun had risen once again over the desolate landscape. The three women and the info bot were all more than ready for their forward movement to resume. Standing in one spot for over six hours was a horrible experience that none of them were keen to repeat. After the boys were fed, watered, and ready, the group finally was on their way once more.

          The path around the outside was clear, so was the old supply trail; in fact the only issue the team ran into at all was at a huge fence put up at the very end of the supply trail.

          “This is new, we just scouted this area last week and this sure wasn’t here.” Kerrdin seemed slightly shocked

          The info bot was asked to scan the fence for any sort of camera equipment, laser scanners, or electric wiring; there wasn’t any. This was just an old, ordinary, fifteen foot tall, rot iron fence.

          Aurora smiled and stepped to the front of the crowd. The blood of both the boys began to curdle at the sight of Aurora’s quick upward tug of her lips. She appeared hungry and predatory to all who saw her. By the time the boys had regained their nerve, the entire gate had disappeared, reduced to nothing at all. Kerrdin and Jayleb looked at one another in surprise, but fallowed the non-terrestrials through the now open space.

          Finally they reached their general location as specified by the info bot’s directions, but had to proceed cautiously for they were all now in a heavily patrolled part of Loquel territory.

          Aurora could easily go through and destroy everyone with relative ease, but that would bring the entire Loquel military down upon her, and that was just too much effort to exert on such a pathetic race. Instead she took a chance that her guides were really the one’s that the Loquel were detouring, so she looked to her companions and ordered them to stay put while she left to find the highest authority in this particular area.

          There was a well-guarded building off to one side, and it made sense to her that the figure she sought laid just beyond its doors. She authoritatively made her way to the two main guards in grey uniform that stood in front of the main doors. Without making eye contact with them as she walked, Aurora ordered them to open the doors. Whether it was because if her demeanor or because they recognized her, the two guards in grey complied with her demand. Aurora marched through the doors and into the hall that lay beyond. A room opened up wide at the end of the hall and swallowed the empress into its overly bright stomach. A woman with long white hair and a face in her twenties stood in the center of the great room; her small stature stood in stark contrast with the enormity of the place. She was directing a man in a grey suit beside her. The woman’s black stripes down her grey pants served to show that she was the one in charge here. Aurora didn’t care that she was busy; she made her way directly up to the white haired woman which made the woman turn to acknowledge the empress.

          “May I help you?” Her voice was sweet and young, another stark contrast to her cloud- white hair.

          “Your general sent is to the bomb site with two guides whom we found to in fact be Hasstn empathizers. We were in fact sent to a waste management facility in the middle of Hasstn territory. Now I don’t mind you trying to weed out your dead weight internally, but as soon as you send us to take care of it for you, I begging to question just how much your people enjoy their continued existence, worthless as it is. Lie to me, manipulate me, throw my trust in you away, and you will most certainly be throwing your species as a whole into early graves. Now your look of confusion amuses me, so I will humor you and explain. You are Lieutenant General Veleyn, second in command of the Loquel. I was told all about you the last time I was here so I know that the general does not so much as blink without you knowing about it. You see, I am Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah, Bio-Genetic Creation of our Moonachrian Empire, and leader of the Nine. Your governor called upon our empress for help once before and because of this we never stopped monitoring you.” A look of shock and slight horror flooded over the Lt. General’s face, “Now, answer me, why were we lied to? You have three seconds to start explaining before I reduce the Loquel the same way I did your Hasstn friends on my last little visit.” Aurora’s eyes resembled amber laid in snow but her voice was as calm as still water.

          Lieutenant General Veleyn stammered for composure before shakily saying, “We had no choice, we only discovered the traitors after they left with you, so we had to redirect their guide tablets before we divulged the true location of our bombs to the enemy.”

          Aurora immediately changed composure, her eyes lightened and her tight lips grew eerily soft, with a hint of a smile, as though the Lt. General’s words pulled some sort of switch. This immediate change in demeanor terrified Veleyn far more then Aurora’s initial rage ever could, for now she was completely unsure what was real and what was completely falsified.

          “I see” Aurora became quiet as she enveloped herself within her own mind, “Very well” Without another word, the empress turned around and left the building entirely, parting the crowd of guards patrolling it like an ambulance parts street traffic.

          Once back outside, Aurora found Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix and ordered them to come with her back inside. As for the boys, she told them to take the info bot and find a place to retreat to, “The Loquel are well aware  of who you are and diverted you from the actual location of the bomb, so as not to put that information into what they believe to be enemy hands.”  

          The boy’s protested, and Kerrdin argued that he needed to find his mother, but Aurora would have none of it. She told them that she would do what she could to find the commander, but wouldn’t promise anything. It was then when Mouraludia stepped in and promised Kerrdin that her mother would be fine and she would personally make sure that the two of them were reunited once this was all over. This comforted the boys, and finally they were willing to comply with Aurora’s previous orders, so they took the info bot and started on their journey as far deep into the Hasstn territory as they could.

          The three leaders of the empire stood tall as they walked, and all who saw them immediately noticed their vast authority. The women made their way to the well-guarded building together; they were let past with absolutely no problems.

          “Lieutenant General Veleyn” Aurora demanded as she re- entered the vast room at the end of the hall.

          Her head shot up from the pad she was studying at the familiar voice, and a look of dread fell over her standing form. She looked around for something to hold onto but there was nothing, so she forced her knees not to give out under the weight of her trembling body.

          “Where is the bomb? I am growing impatient. I was promised something fun to do, but instead I have been run around on a wild goose chase through your old enemy’s territory.” The cool, nonchalant way Aurora spoke those words terrified the Lt. General, and blew chills into the empress’ companions.

          “Yes well, right this way ma’am.”

          Aurora’s eyes flashed red at that title, but before she could act on her anger, Onyx got in front of Aurora and gave her thanks to the Lt. General. Aurora got a hold of herself, but she couldn’t fully push down the rage that had shot its way up into her chest and jaw. A tingling sensation set into her form because of it and finally she could take it no longer; it was either act on her fury or explode. She could not understand herself why such a thing enraged her so much, it should flatter her, or at the very least be expected, but it enraged her. And because of her programming, as soon as fury set in it was next to impossible to control. Aurora worked on it in her spare time, oh god she worked and worked on it, but she had no real control over this, her initial programming was far too strong. She retracted herself from the group and set the now empty room ablaze in the hottest fire imaginable. Aurora forced the fore hotter and hotter as she sped the molecules faster and faster. Finally the flames grew so hot that they turned all passerby guards into nothing but ash. The flames were now black; an impossibility except for the empress, and only then did Mouray notice that the woman following from a distance was wreaking havoc on those meant to think of her as an ail.

          Mouraludia put out the fire, and restored the few who were only hurt and not disintegrated as best as she could.

          Although Aurora noticed what her counterpart had done, she did not become irritated by it for she had released enough of her anger to be nearing normal at that moment.

          Onyx noticed the commotion as well, but when she saw Mouraludia handling the situation as well as the Lt. General completely oblivious to the ruckus she decided not to add to the upheaval and instead play the part of the distractor. Onyx struck up a conversation with Veleyn to keep her form noticing the fuss.

          Aurora and Mouray finally caught up to the conversing pair and Mouray smiled her thanks to her step mother. Onyx returned her smile then returned to her mundane conversation; something about the weather and what it was like in the area.

          They were lead down corridor after corridor going deeper and deeper below the planet’s surface but at a very slow rate. Apparently it had to do with acclamation, but because Moonachrians as well as their Bio-Gens had no need for such a system. All three of them were growing impatient.

          Lieutenant General Veleyn had calmed down about the black haired monster following her, and now wore quite a large smirk on her face. It was obvious that she was very excited about the element bomb’s imminent detonation.

          At last the corridors ended and the hustle and bustle of a control lab opened its arms wide to great the new arrivals. Their lights were soft and the low hums of all of the different pieces of machinery were a sweet welcome call.

          “Here we are folks, the detonation center!” Lt. General Veleyn sounded overly excited

          “Thank you” Onyx smiled

          Armed guards were everywhere and technicians in blue uniforms cut exactly like the grey ones the military wore were running about like bees in a newly bloomed flower patch.

          A man in a blue uniform with a white strip down the outside of both his pant legs sauntered up to the group, “Good everything Lt. general Veleyn, what brings you down to our humble work space?” he inquired with a kind smile

          “Doctor Zeval, these are the drones the empress sent to is when we were having problems with the Hasstn.” She gestured politely to the Bio-Gens

          Mouraludia kindly stepped forward and offered her hand to the doctor, “Hello, my name is Mouraludia and this is my counterpart, Arorabourialace; pleasure to meet you Doctor Zeval.”

          Aurora nodded but refused to dignify this presence with any effort of a smile.

          Lt. General Veleyn continued with her customary introductions, “And this is the empress personal councilor and second to the Empress, Zaphiradeonix Tourmaline Skyline.”

          The doctor bowed his respect towards Onyx, not realizing the significance of the black haired woman standing close to the Councilor’s side, “It is a pleasure, councilor.” He smiled

          “Please, the pleasure is mine. I am simply here to make your lives easier.” Ever the diplomat

          Doctor Zeval led the group further into his working space, all the way to the front of the lab where a large readout screen and targeting map were set up on the wall in front of them. The screen was showing all sorts of readouts, and the map was continuously pinging over Quezy’s capital city.

          “This is the targeting station, form here you can detonate the bomb and watch it fly all the way to its landing zone. Ground zero will be a fun watch tonight ay boys.” He yelled, and gained a cheering audience in reply

          The whole place was abuzz with the excitement, it seemed like every single one of these people were overjoyed to be able to watch one of the most powerful weapons ever created explode in a highly populated area of innocent by standards.

          Aurora understood the appeal greatly, but knew that she none the less would have to stop the detonation before the fun but occurred, it was the only way to appease her counterpart and her councilor, but she was going to miss not getting to see the explosion.  

          This was it, the moment where theyre true intentions were to be revealed. Aurora had to think fast or this situation could get out of hand and turn into an all-out blood bath. Not that Aurora minded all that much, but she knew her counselor as well as her counterpart would not be so forgiving. She also had to take into consideration Commander Alusha Nquast for Mouraludia had promised both Kerrdin and Jayleb that she would reunite them all safely. Aurora did not know why she had to promise such a thing but since Morey did, it was up to her to make sure her counterpart promised did not go unfulfilled. It had heard that if everyone with the authority to kill her was down there to witness the destination of the Loquel’s most prized possession, then if she in fact was in prison the commander would be safe if only for a little while if things were to go wrong here.

          “Veleyn, would not the general himself want to witness such a triumph?” Aurora suggested with a fake serpent’s smile.

          “Oh, don't you worry, word has already gone out. Most all of the Loquel people will be witness to these outstanding moments. We have this place set up to broadcast an audio and visual output so that anyone who wishes to, can easily use this either on their pads or on their Intel screens.” The lieutenant general smiled triumphantly

          This was good at least for the moment, at least most if not all the Loquel will be glued to some sort of screen instead of possibly regarding a particular commander.

          She did her best to think through every possible outcome, and once she was comfortable with proceeding she opened her still water blue eyes, “so, tell me what do you think, and we will have this whole thing set off in no time at all.” Aurora tried to keep her words as light as she could force them to be, taking a grammatical queue from the doctor she was talking to.

          The doctor smiled almost gleefully out her and walked up to the command box just left of the screens, “In theory it's a simple enough process, you'll have to watch the screen and once the plant’s Revolution puts the target city in line with the launch pad, the computer will tell you. Of course it won't be exactly lined up for if it were, by the time the bomb got there, the planet's continuous turning would put the target city out of harm’s way, and who knows just what we would hit, but you get the idea. Anyway, the computer should tell you, so then you have to look at the bomb's energy output. If it's too high it could become unstable prematurely and we could all pay the price, and if it's too low then it could just not detonate at all. This is the reason we have all been very hesitant to actually launch the bomb. Because it's continually fluctuating a because it is in fact the ratio of high and low radiation that we are looking for, the computers are useless so we have to monitor it ourselves then make an educated guess whether or not it is safe to launch.” He asked Lane at 90 miles an hour

          “Ratio from low to high” Lieut. Gen. Veleyn inquired, confused.

          Aurora smiled condescendingly, “He means that the bomb is putting off multiple energy signatures; one low and one high. The numbers themselves do not matter, in other words the radiation levels, no matter how low or high they are, really affect the stability of the element bomb, but the gap between the low and high numbers asked to be between 16.7 and 13.2 or else the whole thing will not act the way it should.”

          Dr. Zeval seemed absolutely ecstatic that someone understood him, and nodded emphatically and clapped through Aurora's entire explanation, “Exactly!” He exclaimed

          Aurora was very irritated with his whole display but decided against breaking his hands. Instead, she walked right up to the launch system and began watching the planet's rotation on the screen to right.

          Mouray began to grow very anxious for she had no idea how Aurora would put a stop to this madness, or even if she would, but she forced herself to put confidence in her counterpart. Aurora was cruel, and had a temper that nothing could quell, but she was honest, and Aurora said that she would not let Quezy be destroyed. Stopping this bomb was the reason Aurora had come back to that planet in the first place.

          Onyx was even more nervous than her step daughter but refused to say a word for as much as she feared her empress; she also respected and trusted for.

          The planet was finally nearing its optimal position, so now the prototype turned her attention to the radiation ratio of the bomb: 20.9, 18.3, 16.9. Aurora knew if she detonated now, suspicions would be raised for thankfully the planet was not white turned correctly. This gave her time to let the ratio drop further.

          Finally the planet was perfect, and thankfully the ratio had reached 12.8. Aurora plugged in the launch order and the whole room shook. Tensions were at the exploding point, especially with the Bio-Gens and the now sitting Moonachrian.

          The bomb was being tracked by the screen and the speed was immense.

          Aurora's eyes faded slowly from still water, two crystal filament and ice blue as the bomb finally reached Quezy’s capital city. A cloudlike expanse began to circle the entire planet faster and faster until it engulfed all of Quezy. All of the sudden the smoke turned black and, starting from the top and working its way down the entire planet, each part of it exploded in a huge line of yellow and oriented and black. Once each part of the planet had finished detonating, a bright orange rings circle the center of the burning ball, and all of the exploding slats were separated by black smoke so the planet looked like a layer cake.

          Smiles, clapping, and screams and cheers of the utter joy pierced the silence of the room like knives into the flesh of the now darkening room as the screen went black planet wide.

          Aurora's head lowered as her eyes readjusted to a still screen.

          The empress' eyes fluttered closed as Mouray put her hand on her counterpart's shoulder; “You did well” Mouray smiled

          “Yeah” Aurora quickly breathed

          The cheering was replaced by a room full of moaning and our rate of seven headaches that everyone chalked up to the excessive noise just seconds earlier.

          Onyx gave her sad smiles and apologized to Aurora sympathetically, which Aurora noted but failed to understand why it mattered.

          In Aurora's mind she calculated the situation's possibilities and found what she had done to be the most effective solution. There was no need for sympathy, nor was there time for it for the next stage in her plan had to be initiated quickly.

          Aurora pulled the doctor and the Lieut. Gen. away from their fan base and changed her demeanor to one of stiff concern, “We should probably keep everybody indoors planet wide until the planet's degree clears up. Something tells me that with Quezy’s close proximity, the atmosphere on this planet could very well be affected and I would much rather err on the side of caution.”

          “Very good” Veleyn stated

          “I agree there, it's an unlikely possibility, but the risk is still there.” The doctor nodded in agreement

          “It is unlikely, but so was that bomb taking out the entire planet.” Veleyn noted, “I will give the order immediately.” At that, she walked to a com station to give the planet wide order.

          Aurora saw that everything had worked according to plan, and now she had at least the rest of the day to secure and destroy all of the other bombs. She was very worried about how her next question would be perceived, but she decided to ask it in the least invasive way possible. Setting her demeanor she stared right into the yellow brown eyes of Dr. Zeval, “news of this will spread fast, are you sure your weapons stash is in a secure location?” She asked with a genuine look of dark concern, “Even the plants might be in danger, no knows who may try to break in to find the blueprints.”

          “Only the drones sent by your empress know how the bombs are made, and we were assured that hacking them was next to impossible. As for the bombs themselves, I too am very concerned about the safety of their location.” The doctor sighed

          “I was sent here the first time because the Hasstn did get the readouts on those bombs and you are still convinced they are safe?” A roar of sounded like a creaking boiler, low Intel and ancient.

          “They stole the physical plans laid out on a data pad that the empress had given to us so that the drones could be programmed. The data pad was never actually copied so it was destroyed along with the Hasstn race.” Doctor Zeval explained

          “Ah I see, but that does not you alleviate the problem of a physical bomb getting into the wrong hands.” Aurora's eyes grew just a shade darker as she contemplated how she was going to steer this conversation.

          “No it does not.” The doctor thought for a second then gave the empress the invitation she had been waiting for, “If you could go to the facility and lock it down, we would all be most grateful.”

          Aurora smiled but refused to be too quick about answering, “If the Lieut. Gen. believes it to be a good idea, then we are more than happy to help you; after all, that is why we were sent here to begin with.”

          Minutes later Lieut. Gen. Veleyn walked back up to the front and we claimed her spot beside Dr. Zeval. The doctor explained his idea to Veleyn and she seemed most happy to allow the visitors access to secure their most prized possessions.

          After being given the location of the weapon’s storehouse; which wasn't but a hand full of warehouses away, the three women quickly made their way back up the painstakingly long corridor.

          The outside resembled a ghost town for there were no people anywhere in sight. Not even a stray guard was left to tend to the surface. The whole situation seemed far too convenient and easy, but she suspected that every twitch of her hair that moved in the slight breeze was being monitored. Aurora thought about it, then made a calculated decision to proceed as if she did not know she was under surveillance, then in the closed lid second of a blink, so no one would see her eyes change color, she telepathically ordered the others to do the same.

          High in the sky, like a too close moon, hung Quezy, bright and untouched. The planet looked as it always had, and if the girls did not hurry all of the Loquel people were going to realize this.

          The warehouse was small and quite unimpressive, but Aurora figured that the appearance was intentionally such to keep interest away. The door was passed chip protected. Although Aurora did not have an implant, the door opened anyway, giving further proof that they were being monitored.

Aurora pressed into the building and found the place to be quite quaint and boring. Nothing about this place screamed secure, and that made Aurora more impressed.

Out of nowhere a droid, obviously Moonachrian in origin floated out from any quarter and greeted the crew. It led them into the corner it first came out and that revealed another passageway that led downward. Thankfully this was more of a two that led straight down. The drone dropped in and after a minute or so the light from its navigation lasers disappeared signifying that it had reached the end of its journey and was now in whatever room or hall that lied at the bottom of the tube.

Aurora was the next to jump down. It was dark, but when she finally neared the bottom she could see the grounds outline enough to prepare herself. She landed on her feet but he immediately dropped to a knee and a fist before gracefully lifting herself to her full height once more. Aurora telepathically gave Mouraludia and then Onyx the okay to follow. Once all three were reunited they proceeded down the hall to a huge open metal expands filled with shelves that each were in turn were filled to capacity with element bombs. This place was probably the most heavily surveyed location in the entire territory, so Aurora knew she couldn't reduce it all to nothing without running the risk of causing the death of the commander.

Aurora turned to the jury that had brought them down to this section, “can you drones communicate with others off-site?” She asked so quietly that it would take either Moonachrian technology, or a Moonachrian themselves to hear.

“Of course we can. We can even communicate with drones off world.” It stated in response

Continuing the quiet conversation our Aurora asked, “With whom do your allegiances lie?”

“With our empress” it replied, just as mechanical as before

“If we go against the Loquel’s desires, will you still side with us?” Mouraludia had to be sure

“You bring the empress with you, we will stand beside her the way you do.”

Mouray was shocked by the drone's eight minutes; though she knew if words could have been figurative. But drones aren't capable of speaking figuratively, are they? She asked herself

“You know I am the empress” Aurora stated this, but the drone confirmed it anyway.

“How did you know?” Onyx asked

“One night to the throne, all of our drones were reset, were they not? This one just admitted that all of them can communicate with one another no matter the distance, so it stands to reason that all of our drones throughout the empire now who I truly am.” The empress explains

“Correct” the bot deadpanned

Now the girls knew that; the whole operation became much easier.

If I have the throne cut the surveillance off the military will swarm down on this place like flies on a dead body. On the other hand, I wonder if these drones can move freely around this planet, and if so, are they on specific regimented schedules or are they free to move about as they require. Aurora pondered to herself.

“All right, I have been asked to secure this building, point me in the direct shipping of security operations desk and I will begin reformatting it. I will make sure this place is impossible to access without permission.” Aurora chirped in one of her rare up the moments

The drone lead the girls where they needed to be.

Aurora sat down at the desk and turned the primitive of system on. Her eyes faded a fogged up glass blue, at the very least we can make sure no one can access this place until we are sure the commander is safe.

Exactly Mouraludia smiled

Mouray, I need you to find out he is thrown schedules; more specifically, I need to know if any of them leave the compound. If they do, find out when they do and where they go. Second, find out if any of them know if Commander Alusha Nquast is in custody. Because all of these drones can communicate, I am sure that any of them can find this out.

I'm on it Mouraludia mentally jumped

“Alright” Aurora turned from the desk to the drone beside her, give me a list of all of the surveillance line spots. First we packed up the existing system, and once we accomplish that, then we can begin fortifying it.” Aurora order, loud enough that the unwanted listener is good here if they really wanted to

“There are only two; there is a visual blind spot in the far harder opposite the door on the left. And there is an audio and video blind spot second row, eight shelf over on the right of the center aisle as you come through the entrance.” the drone stated

‘Did you hear that, Mouray?’ Aurora jumped, “Mouraludia, adding to the second, it is the most severe.”

‘Yes I did’ Mouray responded, as she made her way to the audio/visual blind spot.

“Drone, signed one of your kind to Mouraludia so that I can relay what I need her to do.” Aurora part

The drone comes by and with the orders it was given.

Aurora began to search through the system to see if she could widen the audio and visual radius, and in the meantime Mouraludia was given a detailed description of the drones’ routine and found it quite useless. She did; however, find out that their fears were realized. Commander Alusha Nquast had in fact been taken prisoner, and had been scheduled for execution.

In a panic, Mouray I quickly ordered her counterpart to save the commander, which first angered and irritated the empress.

Aurora's eyes blazed in cool, but she calmed herself as best as she could and telepathically relented to her counterpart’s request, ‘I do not see why we have to go to all of this trouble for such a little thing, but if it means that much to you I will. After all, you did give your word, and I gave mine to help you keep it.’ Aurora was still quite agitated about the whole situation.

Aurora pondered the information she had and figured that she could not leave, nor could the others with her, and the drones were worthless to assist. ‘Onyx’ Aurora called

‘Yes’ Onyx replied quite enough not to be detected

‘Keep Jasmine as the acting authority in the palace, but bring Cheyenne entrance to hear. Those two can rescue the commander while we fortify the security here well enough to make it impenetrable. One Cheyenne orchards to tell us the commander is safe, we blow this place. I am sure with as closely packed as these bombs are, that if one accidentally gets sucked off, the rest will be close behind.” Aurora sounded as though spoke itself were speaking.

Onyx's jaw clenched up and her eyes went wide and petrified, “are you really suggesting that we allow every single one of these experimental weapons to decimate in one confined area?” She sounded dumbfounded

“That is exactly what I am suggesting.” Aurora stated harshly

Onyx was growing more and more petrified by the moment.

“Counselor” Aurora hissed, “Bring them here”

The counselor nodded and did as she was told, but there was a part of her that really did not want to comply with her empress's orders.


          “So, what did Tristah and Cheyenne do?” Sussex just had to interrupt

          “I would have told you, child.” Aurora even sounded agitated

          “Now you wouldn't have. You may have given an overview, but you will never really go into detail about things you weren't directly involved with.” Sussex literally wanted

          “That is because; all I know of those events came to the secondhand.” Aurora tried to keep her patients

          “But I still want to know” the kid complained

          Rhydian saw the soot cover Aurora’s burning eyes and decided it was time for him to step in before the child said something that would sentence her to death, “how about I refill your tea, Aurora?” He raised himself from his seat and made his way into the kitchen. He made a cup of tea then poured it over ice before setting it before his wife.

          “Thank you” she hissed, “very well, child, I will tell you everything I know.”


          Tristah and her counterpart reached Shedenth, and made their way to the ordinance on their data pads.

          Before they left, Cheyenne got a drone from the Palace Grounds, and through it, Tristah retrieved the coordinates of commander Nquast’s location.

          It was easy for them to make their way through the Loquel territory, for all of the guards, as well as everyone else, were still in lockdown. Cheyenne and telepathically informed her empress that she and her counterpart had reached the planet's surface and were on their way to the prison center at that very moment.


          Aurora thanked Cheyenne for the update, and then went back to the desk. She lowered her voice below the surveillance's range, “can we somehow lock everyone on the planet into their perspective buildings?” Aurora asked the drone beside her

          “Only a few for most of the building’s locks are controlled remotely.” It responded blankly

          “Then we only have a couple more hours to pull this off if we want minimal casualties.” Aurora stated, and then relayed that information to routine.

          Our eyes like embers dancing across the readouts ever-changing on the surface of the security desk were growing darker with each flicker back and forth, and her serpentine direct in the security features in an orchestra of mass improvements. By the time our Aurora was done tweaking the security systems, with the help of Mouraludia and Onyx running around physically taxing the system and telling their empress what adjustments needed to be made, the place was so secure that not even a speck of dust could drop down the entry tube without being viewed in one form or another will stop the empress also set it up so that only the Moonachrian drones could control the access center. Out loud, Aurora said that this way no one could end up manipulating the system to their advantage if somehow a Hasstn sympathizer God in; which, in light of recent events was quite possible. In reality, Aurora set it up that way so that she could ultimately have the final say in what and who got in or out of the weapons storehouse.


          Finally, Cheyenne and Tristan reached the prison facility and were granted access by the drone immediately. Because the prison was entirely underground, the way most facilities of importance were on the line, there were Loquel guards around the place. Two of them tried to stop the girls, but they explained that they were on a special assignment from their leader and it had been approved by the empress herself.

          “Commander Nquast was the reason Aurora, Onyx, and Mouraludia were lied to, and led on a wild goose chase into Hasstn territory. Aurora dealt with the commander’s son and his friends, but she is attending to other duties during now, so she, through the Counsellor, has asked us to handle the commander for her.” Tristah stated

          “Very well, she has been sentenced to death for her treachery anyway, so it really doesn't matter if she dies here or elsewhere.” One of the grey suited guards replied, and then rolled his eyes in a sigh.

          The girls walked back, escorted by one grey suite guard and a handful of the drones that were also helping to secure the prison.

Once they reached the cell of the commander, the boy who was escorting those shot Cheyenne a look, “here we are.” He stated

“How about we take her outside and test the radiation levels on her pinked skin?” Tristah laughed

Commander Nquast shuddered with the thought of what was about to happen to her, but she wouldn’t give up her pride so she forced herself to calm down.

The guard nodded and opened the commander’s cell door. Once that was done he cuffed her and pulled her harshly before the Bio-Gens.

“Guard, why don’t you accompany us to the outside doors, we don’t want you to get hurt, and so once we are there, my counterpart and I can take it from there. If you want, we can record the rest for you.” Tristah smiled, doing her best impression of her empress’ wicked smile.

The guard stuttered a bit then shook his head, “no, you’re alright love.” He jerked

“Oh alright” Tristah smiled, trying to convey disappointment, “Guess it will just be the two of us having all of the fun then.” She laughed

‘When did you learn to mimic Aurora so well?’ Cheyenne teased

‘Since the moment it became the only viable way to follow her orders.’ Tristah replied

They were led to the door of the prison and just before they were let out Tristan turned to the guard with a knowing smile, “Just a couple more hours and you will all be able to witness first hand your bomb's masterpiece.” Then she, the prisoner, and her counterpart walked out into the brightness of the planet's surface.

Cheyenne put her hand over the prisoner’s eyes and keep her from finding out the truth about Quezy until they were far enough away from Loquel territory for it not to matter.

The girls made their way to the waste disposal site in Hasstn territory in silence. To preserve her dignity, commander Nquast never said a word in protest, and the counterparts were too busy navigating to say a word.

Neither Tristah nor Cheyenne were very good with directions, so they got lost a few times along the way, but finally they made it to the waste management system. Cheyenne then removed her hand from the commander's eyes. Nquast first tensed with fear and anticipation, but her demeanour quickly turned to shock when she noticed what was still hanging in the sky. She became more wide-eyed still when she noticed where she was.

“We are all on your site commander; this old thing has been a ruse to for you. If the empress assumed correctly, your boy and his friends should be inside. All Moonachrian drones planet wide will follow Aurora first and foremost, so you have nothing to fear from them.” Tristah explained

“But I thought they obeyed the Empress first and foremost?” Nquast argued

“Exactly” Tristah revealed

Commander Nquast’s jaw literally fell open, and it was all she could do to make her lips form an ‘O.’

The counterparts chuckled and did the commander there well before making their way back to join their Empress.

The storage facility was as locked down as he could possibly be and Aurora was now ultimately in complete control of who came in or out of the facility. When Cheyenne and her counterpart reached the shack covered the two to the bomb's warehouse; they were greeted by a battalion of heavily armed drones. The Bio-Gens were allowed access and when they got inside Cheyenne telepathically informed Onyx and Mouraludia that the commander and the guards were safe.

Mouraludia was ecstatic to hear that her new found friends were safe and sound. She thanked the girls and walked to her counterpart, “well done Aurora”

“Thank you” Aurora finally looked up from the desk and drew the rest of her group to her. Speaking so quietly that not even the newly modified receivers could pick her up she sighed and looked to her counsellor, “Initially I had intended to blow this time it to shreds, but since this concept seems to greatly upset all of you I would like a better suggestion.”

Onyx was stunned into temporary silence, but when she came to she met Aurora's the blue eyes with her burnt gold ones, “Take these weapons and banish then beyond the Palace Grounds. Send these atrocities into oblivion where they belong.” Onyx was leaving for she wasn't entirely sure Aurora would let this place survive.

“Then the four of you will do just that.” Aurora ordered

“What will you do?” Onyx inquired knowingly

“The Gen. and I have some unfinished business.” Aurora's voice clouded with her agitation, as did her eyes.

Onyx related the orders to the rest of the Bio-Gens as Aurora made her way up the shoe to go and confront the General of the Loquel.

The operation for the Bio-Gens was simple enough; all they had to do was find all of the bonds, gathered them up, and transport them off of the planet without anyone from the Loquel military finding out. Since all of the planets population were in a state of lockdown this should have been the simplest task in theory. In reality; however, every single bomb was personally monitored and that information could be accessed by anyone with clearance. Because those who were monitoring every move of the Bio-Gens when they first walked out of the launch facility and into the weapons storage facility were most likely still watching eagerly, the girls had to be exceptionally carful just how they pulled this off.

Onyx decided to have a talk with one of the drones working in the weapons facility before she decided on how to proceed, “is there any way to hide the visual feed from prying eyes?” She asked quietly enough for her words not to be heard by those listening in.

“It is not an easy thing to do, especially now, but it is still possible, yes.” The drone replied

“Good; now is there a way to loop the feed so that the onlookers still have a visual and don’t get suspicious?”

“Yes, but again it is not an easy thing to accomplish.” The drone replied

“Would you be able to do this without raising suspicion?” Onyx smiled

“Most definitely” it replied

“Then please get on it” Onyx ordered kindly

The drone immediately went about carrying out the task it had just been assigned, even going so far as employing other drones to assist with the job.

Once the drone was done masking what was really going on inside the weapons facility, it approached Onyx and reported its status.

“Good, good thank you very much for this; the Empress will be most pleased.” She even sounded excited, “Now, if we were to move these bombs would there be any answers to tell whomever is watching or monitoring these bombs that they had been moved?”

“Indeed there are, quite a few in fact. For each bomb there are at least four sensors reporting every move it makes. There is a temperature monitor, there is a pressure monitor, there is a locating device, and there is a monitor that purports every time the bond issue did you even a small degree. Each of these sensors is separately monitored and must be activated one at a time and in any specific order or they prematurely detonate.” The drone relayed

“Well isn't that lovely” Onyx sarcastically replied, “How long would it take to shut down every single bomb in this entire facility so that we can move it off world?”

“If we employed every drone in this facility it would take at least five hours.” The drones stated clearly

“We just do not have that sort of time, is there a faster way may be to truck the sensors?” Onyx sounded as though she had lost a slightly

“There is but we would have to the system but if we did our system would be flagged and until we could separately shut that down the system would put out a distress call. There is no way to avoid the red light, and although it would only flair for a couple seconds before we could shut it down, if we are being monitored as heavily as you fear then it would be more than enough to be detected.” The drone explained

“Could we set up a distraction so that when the system does light up no one will be paying attention to it?” Onyx asked hopeful

“Probably not but if we temporarily shut down their system from here and made it appear as though it were a power glitch, we could possibly convince them that as we were testing our new security system we drew in a bit too much power at once and overloaded the grid for a couple seconds.” The drone suggested

“Do it” Onyx ordered

The drones went to work hacking the bomb’s systems so that they all thought simultaneously that their monitors were deactivated, as well as setting up the glitch to shut down power to the launch facility.

Almost an hour had passed and everything was finally complete. The bombs registered no activity, but the launch facility was none the wiser. They did however register the power shut down for that couple of seconds and sure enough the storage facility got a call from the doctor.

“Hello weapons storage, if everything alright down there?” the doctor asked

“Oh yes, everything is fine. We decided to fully test the new security system, according to the readings it pulled in a bit too much power for a couple seconds and caused a few blackouts. Sorry about that, we are trying to rework the power grid as we speak so that this doesn’t happen again. I guess it’s better to find the glitches now instead of when a real emergency present itself.” Onyx was a natural at combing the situation; those in the launch facility were none the wiser.

“Couldn't agree more, counsellor” The doctor smiled and then he disconnected the com, obviously satisfied with the answer he received.

Onyx was allowed that, the trick worked, and then she went back to the task at hand.

Finally, all of the bombs thought they were deactivated and it was time for the girls to round all of them up and remove them from the planet.

The drone approached Onyx, “this little trick will not last forever, you have to hurry and remove these bombs before they explode. The second of bombs registered that they are not in fact be activated they will detonate and that could be devastating to this planet.” The drawing warned.

Onyx thanked the drone for its concern and ripped a hole in reality right then and there. Because they have sent a relay to the visual receivers of the cameras in the launch facility it would take them long to figure out that something wasn't quite right, and because of this the girls had to move fast.

With the help of the drones, and Onyx opening of the other end of the portal right inside the oblivion realm where they all wanted to expel the bombs, then he got all of the weapons off of Shedenth in under a half an hour.

Onyx closed the portal entirely then closed off the repeating visual fee. Thankfully they all worked quickly enough so that the launch room were none the wiser. Now all Onyx had to set up, via a drone, was an image of the bombs permanently in their place.

After she was done with that, it was time for her and her Bio-Gens companions to take their leave. They gave their thanks to the drones and their official farewells to all those in the launch room that had been monitoring them, and then they took their leave.

          Aurora found the hideout of the general once more, and was welcomed back in with open arms.

          “Hello my friend and thank you so much for all of your help. I wave been receiving updates all day from Doctor Zeval and Lieutenant General Veleyn; we are all truly impressed with your efficiency. Our Empress is truly grand to have created such a beast.”

          “Beast indeed” Aurora hissed

          “I apologize; I meant no disrespect at all. You're a superior technology is astonishing to me.”

          “I took no disrespect, I am just agitated.” Aurora portrayed no emotion

          “Agitated” the General asked

          “You have done nothing but lie to me since I first stepped foot on your planet. The bombs were not the Hasstn’s bite you did nothing to correct that assumption. You sent to us on a hunt through Hasstn territory to find the launch facility only for us to discover a waste management operation. Then, when we've reached the real launch facility, by our own accord, you cowardly so-called warriors did not even have the gall to eliminate one measly planet.” Aurora was stoic

          “We have explained ourselves to you already.” The General's calm nature gave away his cocky personality.

          “Yes, so let me do the same. Commander Nquast is fine, as is her son and his friends; the two guides you wasted our time with. Quezy is perfectly fine, still hanging in its slot high above your head where it belongs. Your weapons storehouse is locked down so tight that only your drones and the ones they allowed to pass can access it. And here is the best part; your bombs are no longer on this planet. Now, I know precisely what you were thinking. Yes, this is a major setback to you, but you still have the factories to create another stockpile…” Aurora turned to the drone that stood beside the Gen., and ordered, “No drone is to assist in the creation of any sort of weaponry for the Loquel, and all orders given to you outside of your normal day to day tasks must be approved by your Empress before you carry them out.”

          The drone nodded, and began to relay the order to every drone on Shedenth.

          The Gen. became infuriated, “you have no right to make such a demand!”

          “If I did not have the authority to do so, the drones would not be complying with my demands.” Aurora blankly stated

          “Who are you to do such a thing?” The Gen. demanded loudly

          “Who indeed,” Aurora was light in tone, “Why not ask your information drone, is not its task to know such things?”

          The Gen. turned to the info drone and barked, “Who is she” harsh enough that a thin spray of saliva projected from between his gritted teeth.

          “Prototype drone alpha of the Bio-Genetic warrior series of Moonachria. Designation: Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah. Title: Empress of the Moonachrian Empire.” The drone deadpans

          The general's job dropped, “There is no way, what happened to the woman who sent you here?” He could barely croak out a whisper

          “She is dead” Aurora stated without emotion

          “My, what has this place come to?” A woman's voice sweetly asked from behind Aurora.

          The sugar in the words made the general sick to his stomach, “Lieutenant General Veleyn?” He asked

          “Oh do shush” the Lieutenant General smiled kindly, “so a mere piece of tech has murdered to the Empress to take her place? Well if I knew it was not easy I would have eliminated her ages ago.” She quipped

          “Then it would have been you whom I destroyed instead of her.” Aurora's smoky voice toward out dangerously

          “Is that a threat?” Veleyn hissed

          “I have no need for threats when carrying through with what I say is so simple for me.” Aurora stared the woman down

          Veleyn was in the entryway and Aurora was across the room, her back to the General's chair.

          The Gen. saw his opportunity to save himself and took his gun; one of the most powerful sold in the Empire, and pressed it to the back of Aurora's head.

          A wicked grin broke out over Aurora's face as she turned around so that the gun rested right between her eyes, “go ahead” she baited.

          The Gen.'s hands shook a bit but he held the gun in place.

          “Coward” she goaded him on further

          This just made the Gen. even more fearful, so Aurora snaked her hands around his and pulled the trigger for him. Nothing happened which made the Gen. staggered back. As he did so he fired a total of three more shots out of fear.

          “N-n-not p-p-possib-ble” the Gen. stammered as is shots and fear pushed him back into his chair.

          Aurora crept closer which made the Gen. tried to squirm backwards in his seat to escape the monster inching toward him.

          “Surprised” Aurora asked wickedly

          The war hardened general squeak in terror.

          Aurora was tired of playing, and out of boredom she reviews the grovelling idiot to nothing.

          Not forgetting the one behind her, Aurora slowly turned to face the Lieutenant General, Veleyn.

          She smiled in Aurora's direction, “he really was a simpleton wasn't he?”

          “Indeed” Aurora was not ignorant of the lieutenant commander's predatory stance.

          “Now me on the other hand, I am not to be outdone so easily. By no means will I ever be bested a mere machine.” Her vanity slightly amused the Empress

          “Well, you could take solace in being brought down by your Empress.”  Aurora shrugged

          “My empress is dead; she was brought down by a bag of bolts. She wasn’t deserving of her crown of one such as you could end her so easily.” Veleyn spat

          “Now there is where I will agree with you. But I will let you in on a little secret; since it will be the last one you will ever be privy to. Your Empress white to me as you have, and when I confronted her as I am confronting you now she too lectured me and told me that because she created me I could not destroy her. She would have me believe that she was my God. She was not my God, she was my mother. All children set out to best their parents but rarely do they, for they have the hard not to. My mother made the fatal error of designing me without a heart to manipulate my subconscious mind. When I became a powerhouse I know myself to be I immediately saw her weakness. But it was then that I too saw her use. Her people's loved her and were quick to rally to her and behind her. I am the sort that people fear and cower before; she was the sort that people genuinely loved. Because of this I allowed her to live to keep our Empire stable. The moment she lied to me I could have ended her but I did not. When she pushed me too far and my use for her had run out, that was the moment I decided her fate. Before I did I make sure to make her fully aware of the fact that I was allowing her to exist, not the other way around. The very same principle goes for you. If you okay me and run this planet as I see fit, I will allow your continued existence. If you refuse this kindness I will not hesitate to end you as well.” Aurora was a winter’s gale blown over fire.

          The burning coal words pierced Veleyn’s mind, searing and chilling her ears, nonetheless she was stubborn and refused the offer harshly.

          Aurora smiled; expecting the response she was given. She walked right up to the Lieutenant General and touched her shoulder. She looked directly into the trembling but stern eyes of the woman and simply stated, “Very well.” At that, Veleyn was reduced to microscopic particles that floated through the air and to the ground.

          Aurora walked back to the drone and ordered it to signal the drones in the Hasstn waste management facility to bring the commander and the two boys to Aurora.

          Once they arrived, Aurora was sitting in the General's chair.

          “Where is the General” Kerrdin asked

          “Dead, as is the Lieutenant General” Aurora stated blankly, beating the boy's eyes with her own.

          Kerrdin shook from the cold and Aurora's gate and immediately broke eye contact to feel somewhat safer again. Her eyes on him still made him feel like prey; however, and he couldn't wait to escape her presence.

          Once Aurora was bored of torturing Kerrdin, she returned to her ominous eyes to the commander, “That leaves you in charge of the planet, congratulations.” She hissed

          “thank you” Nquast was too shocked from fear to even really take in what Aurora had said, much less know what she had whispered, “Wait, what” the smack from reality finally came

          “Do not make me repeat myself, I have killed enough today.” Aurora's eyes burned ever so slightly amidst the blue.

          “By whose authority do offer such a thing? Surely there are many more on Shedenth who outrank me among the Hasstn as well as the Loquel.”

          It was the drone's turn to chime in, “do not even know of whom you stand before? This is our Empress.” It almost sounded flabbergasted, but Labour drones were not quite capable of emotion

          Before the three onlookers had a moment to react the Empress demanded perfectly calm, “Grovel before me and your entire planet will pay the price.”

          “Then how are we supposed to refer to you?” Jayleb Hazdar asked

          “Use my name, Aurora”

          “Really” the commander was shocked

          “I earned my respect, I do not demanded by way of titles and demeaning customs.” Aurora was slightly reclaimed in her chair and her voice was calm and even.

          “Very well, thank you Aurora” Commander Nquast smiled

          At that, a rip in reality formed before Aurora, and when it dissapeared a split second later, the empress was gone.


8: Chapter 7: Hidden Creation
Chapter 7: Hidden Creation

Weeks, months went by after the incident on Shedenth and all Aurora could find to do was a few loose ends here, and a bunch of complaints that amounted to nothing there. Time and time again people would bring in their problems before her and time and time again she would solve them in minutes. Wars were prevented, assassinations were figured out, and nothing, absolutely nothing required her to leave her seat in the Black Palace Grounds. She was infuriated and bored and above all, she was irritated with the stupidity of those around her. Even her own councilor was useless most days, refusing to try to find any solutions to anything without directly consulting Aurora first. That absolutely maddened the empress, for in her mind the councilor was entitled to take the initiative when it was in her power to do so effectively; which it most always was. But never did that actually happen; instead Aurora was forced to listen to nothing but complaining and whining day in and day out.

          Finally one day, the empress had had enough, so she decided to leave the Black Palace Grounds for a little while to find a nice place to rest her irritated mind. She found herself back in her tower home with not but her data pads for company. Sadly; however, her hiding spot was a poor one for it took Onyx no time at all to pop her unwanted head in and start off on a list of all of the reasons the empress should be back on her chair in the Black Palace.

          Instead of going the rout of ‘I am empress and can do what I please when I please’ Aurora simply lifted a finger from her data pad and stopped the words dead in the councilor’s throat.

          The councilor appeared as though she was gagging, doing everything in her power to force the words out of her, but for as long as she stayed in the empress’ presence, she was mute.

          The councilor finally got the point, or at the very least found the futility in staying there trying to accomplish the impossible, and she took her leave to go deal with whatever issue had come up by herself.

          Aurora felt slightly accomplished and went back to reading what she had been when she was so rudely interrupted.

          A few dozen data pads later, and Aurora found one that she deemed most interesting. She had found the data pad that contained the schematics to her own creation. She went about studying this data pad, pouring over all of the nuances and details that went into her own success. She also found references to an unknown glitch that took place half way through my incubation that lead to my extreme ability. She spent hours trying to find every last detail about said glitch but there wasn’t much more to find other than the fact of the glitch itself. She gave up hope on that avenue and decided to look into all of the glitches that could in fact take place during the incubation period in a Bio-Gens’ creation. There were numerous issues that could transpire, everything form Moonachrian made accidents, to power surges, to even self-manipulated glitches, which it was speculated in one of these texts that Aurora’s was of this sort.

          Who knew we had so much say on our own creation? Aurora thought fondly to herself.

          The more Aurora researched herself the more confident she felt that she could duplicate the results.

          She stood slowly, eyes still glued to the words she was reading, and made her way to the shelves behind her. She found a blank pad then returned to her now messy table. Aurora opened a new insert on the blank pad and began a list of what went right and what went wrong. She added to the list, all of the variations produced certain results within each individual Bio-Gen.

          Looking through the information, Aurora came across the notes of the team of lead scientist who had the Bio-Gen research mission team. In the notes were a few personal entries, and in amongst the personal notes the empress found something very interesting. The head director of the project made mention that creating male Bio-Gens was next to impossible, for they rarely stabilized. If a Bio-Gen did not stabilize they could end up destroying everything they came in contact with because of how powerful they were created to be.

          Aurora took this as a sort of a challenge, and went about trying to list all of the schematic differences between the two; in the hopes of creating a functional male Bio-Gen.

          As she compared her list out the rest of what she had learned, Aurora pushed her personal challenge even further and went about designing a male Bio-Gen comparable to her own power and ability. To accomplish this, Aurora was well aware that she would have to do what she could to replicate the unknown glitch that she experienced during her own incubation period that made her the power house that she was.

          Aurora knew that her new pet project would not go over well with the other people within her empire, especially not her counterpart or her councilor. Because of this, at least for the time being, she decided to keep it to herself until she knew for sure that it could be done. She looked back at her notes and stared at them until she drew every conclusion possible from them, and found one obvious conclusion; she wasn’t going to learn anything more from what she had at her disposal.

          It took some self-convincing and a lot of pondering over what could be done to further her research, but it finally dawned on the empress that the only way to truly understand the inner workings of the creation process was to go to the very place it happened.

          The location of the experimental laboratories where the Bio-Gens first came into being was locked up so tight that only the Empress before her and to those of the original scientist that brought them into existence knew where it was, or so everyone thought. You see, Aurora has a memory unlike anyone else's. She can recall perfectly anything she has ever read, heard, seen, or done. Because of this, all the Empress had to do was walk herself backward from the Black Palace to the laboratory. In her mind she re-created the route she took right after being created; the day she was brought before the Empress to be approved.

          Once Aurora how to accomplish this, she added the map to her data pad and took it with her as she walked out of her tower room to the spiral staircase. She turned back once more to peer into her room at the data pads on her table. She wondered if she had really taken down all of the information that she was going to need. Deciding that she was over thinking things the Empress made her way down the spiral stairs and out into the Black Palace Grounds.

          The labs were far out into the abandoned outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds, so far out that few high-ranking Moonachrian even knew the place existed. It took Aurora the equivalent of three days to reach the labs and during that time she had penetrated further and further into darkness far worse than that of the Palace Grounds themselves.

          ‘Moonachrian and Bio-Gen life must illuminate a bit, or at the very least our buildings must’ Aurora thought to herself

          The darkness was so enveloping that it felt like hand had latched to her throat. If it weren't for the black hole that served as her heart, consuming emotion and spitting out hatred and nothingness, Aurora might have succumbed to despair.

          The lab itself was monstrous; its spires alone reached into the oblivion above for miles. It black obsidian doors with the dark, spiral metallic handles stretched out in all directions like a person tied and quartered. The ominous windows were too small and too high up to do any good.

          Aurora stood there for at least a minute taking in the monolithic structure. She smiled to herself triumphantly before pressing her way into the building itself.

          Well, let us see what home holds for the wicked she jested to herself.

          The inside of the lab was almost darker than the outside, but the prototype was designed to adjust quickly. It took her no time at all to begin to see the inactive data desks and abandoned workspaces. The whole place felt cramped and over packed with mechanical supply as well as medical devices.

          Aurora Pushed further, beyond the first room and into the adjacent one.

          This room was obviously some sort of testing facility. Strength test bars hung against the far wall, and cognitive agility tables sat up close. The power to some of the tables was still active so Aurora activated one.

          She rested her hand on the table, telling it that someone was present, and the machine started up.

          ‘Welcome Prototype’ it read, ‘Continue?’

          The Empress wasn't sure at first how to respond to the recognition, but eventually decided to answer, ‘Yes’ to the table’s inquiry.

          The screen lit up with a list of questions, which she easily answered. The screen then lit up red, indicating failure.

          A voice then came out over the machine, “Unexpected response, information noted, conclusion adjusted”

          It dawns on the empress that the test had less to do with answers and more to do with responses.

          “What do you mean” Sussex asked

          “The questions were numerous, and all of them far too easy for me. The table was testing my response. Because I answered the questions instead of destroying the table it viewed my response as incorrect, at least as far as what it already knew of me.” Aurora explained

          “But if you have destroyed the computer, how would have it known if you had answered correctly?” she wondered

          “Because the entire facility was one system; if you destroy a finger the brain still knows it existed, correct?” Aurora reasoned

          “Yeah” she understood enthusiastically

          So Aurora moved into the next room and through it into the hall. Nothing was there at all until she got into the large but overly cramped section at the end of the hall. This room was cramped with 4 foot tall, 8 foot wide solid blocks. On top of each of these blocks were what appeared to be body parts stacked in large unorganized heaps. Upon closer examination of the ripped apart bodies Aurora found them to be extremely familiar. She stepped right up to one of the arms and grabbed the hand. The Empress was fascinated; that hand felt just as her own did. Curious, Aurora began to pull the parts off of the block piece by piece, one at a time. The Empress had almost dug her way to the bottom of the familiar pile until all of the sudden she uncovered a group of head, each of which were identical to the other. She laughed slowly, deeply for a few seconds, and then turned her gaze to meet the eyes of one of the severed heads.

          “Ah, I see” she smiled audibly

          The mocha colored skin and pale green eyes of the decapitated face were a perfect a flexion of the Empress peering down upon it.

          Aurora decided to examine the other blocks as well, and sure enough each of them contained spare body parts, identical to the ones Aurora possessed.

          They must have used the same blueprint for these as they did with me. I guess these are all of the failed parts; that, or if they made extras in case my counterpart or I were ever damaged too severely. The Empress considered

          Within the tightly packed maize of broken components and discarded partially- assembled beings she found another info table, but this one wasn't designed to test, this one was strictly for the scientists themselves.

          Mouraludia noticed her counterpart's strange activity. As much of a solitary soul as the Empress was, it wasn't like her to lock herself in her tower home for days. Aurora was a wanderer and loved exploring the Palace Grounds. If she really wanted to be alone and in her own mind she would re-enter the Palace for she never felt as alone as when she was surrounded by people.

          The path of the Empress’ strange behavior, Mouraludia decided to keep an eye on her counterpart for the time being. So what Aurora snuck out of her tower home all of a sudden, Mouray decided to follow her.

          The father Aurora pressed into the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds the more suspicious her counterpart became.

          White only they reached a huge monolith of a building. It to a second before the cogs to catch, but finally Mouraludia recognized the building.

          What is Aurora doing back at the lab? She thought to herself

          No one ever went out this far anymore. The labs have been shut down and condemned by the last Empress. The labs would have been torn down decades ago if Aurora hadn’t killed the prior Empress, ceasing all of her standing orders. Mouraludia concocted a few stories asked why her counterpart would venture this far out into an occupied and unvisited Moonachria, but none of her theories fit the empress’ personality.

          Maybe she wanted answers about her creation? Maybe she wanted to understand her origins? Maybe she wanted to discover her purpose now that her empress was dead? Most of her ideas took emotion to be true; and she knew that just wasn’t possible for Aurora. None of these could possibly be motivators for an emotionless beast such as the empress of now. Mouray decided to stop speculating and just follow Aurora to find the answers she sought.

          Mouraludia pushed past the front doors with both curiosity and hesitation. Like a child on the first day of school, Mouray was intimidated by the unknown, but her inquisitiveness and winder spurred her on.

          Much like her counterpart, she found the training desk interesting. Mouray rested her hand upon the desk and it chirped to life.

          “Welcome back, Mouraludia” it greeted coldly, “Continue with testing?”

          Mouraludia agreed to proceed out of interest.  

          Much like with Aurora, the training table asked Mouray a series of questions which she cheerfully answered.

          “This is consistent with prior data. Pass- Proceed” the table chirped with obviously programmed satisfaction.

          Mouraludia apologetically declined the offer to proceed. The table accepted her response as acceptable and then powered back down.

          Sussex barged into the story with another question, “The table didn’t talk to your counterpart the same way it did with you, why is that?”

          “All if the data pads, info bots, and tables of any sort are designed to interact with each person differently depending on their preferences. Those test tables had prior experience with both my counterpart and I so it knew which form of conversation would be best suited for each of us individually. This way it can be as effective as possible.” The empress stood up to look at the clock on the wall, “I prefer immediate responses with as few formalities as possible, much the way this clock provides.” Aurora then returned to her seat and turned to Rhydian, “We have sat here so long that dinner time has passed us by, and supper is quickly approaching.” She stated coldly

          “I will fix something for Sussex and I; you may continue on with what you were saying if you’d like.”

          “Very well”

          Mouraludia made it into the entrance of the room where the solid blocks laid, scattered about it. She too found them intriguing so, following a similar path as her counterpart, she walked right up to one of the boxes. As her eyes adjusted to the exceptionally dark space she began to make out figures of arms and hands stacked upon the blocks. Her eyes adapted further, allowing her to vaguely perceive spherical objects. Finally, her eyes were fully used to the almost complete absence of light. Mouraludia wished she wasn’t designed so well for now she could perfectly see what the orbed go we go collect your way silhouettes were. Mouray staggered back abruptly, her eyes were too wide and her jaw had completely become unhinged as she did her best to escape her reflection.

          When she finally got a hold of her wits her mind refused to shake the overwhelming tightness surrounding her. Seeing herself over and over, on top of box after box, mangled and ripped apart was just too much for the second Bio-Gen. 

          She knew it was selfish but it wasn’t until she forced herself to realize that it wasn’t just her likeness dashed apart a hundred times or more, but her counterpart’s as well. The thought that she, or at least things that looked precisely as she did, were disassembled and discarded like waste, disturbed her deeply. She couldn’t help but to think about how she would have ended up if she wasn’t deemed a success by the empress before. Her whole body shook with mortification at the concept.

          Mouraludia rushed out of the abandoned labs and didn’t stop running until she was safely back in the Black Palace Grounds and half way to the transport to the white.

          Once she was home within her tower in the White Palace  she accessed her memory to suppress all of what she had just experienced.

          After hours working on her memory she was exhausted so she decided to shut down.

          Once she came back on line she had no immediate recollection of her awful afternoon and proceeded about her business per usual.

          Searching through what those signs the left behind, Aurora finds the actual detailed blueprint for both Mouraludia and herself were designed from.

          “Weird that such a thing would be here.” She scrunched her eyebrows as she pulled the data pad out from under a pile of discarded limbs.

          The whole place had been torn apart by Aurora; she had urged every inch of the room, but the blueprint on the data pad was all she had to show for her after, not that it was a total loss. Aurora suspected that with this blueprint and the information she had discovered already, she could adapt the schematics into a fully successful male Bio-Gen.  Once she was done with that, she could go about creating the new population of the Black Palace Grounds.

          Aurora took what she found and made her way back to her tower home on the far side on the Black Palace Grounds.

          Once home, Aurora took out the data pad with the blueprint in it. She turned in on and began to study it. Realizing that with just a minor tweak to the genetic code, the plans could easily be adapted into a male version, she plugged in the alleles and erased a few others. As soon as she was done pressing in the new genetic sequence into the plans, the scream went dark. When the screen jumped back to life, the image was not what Aurora had expected it to be. Now on screen was an entry by one of the lesser scientists about how this allele change had already been thought of and applied. The message was a warning that anyone who wished to repeat this mistake would suffer as the ones who originally thought of the idea did.

          Apparently when those scientists adapted the blueprint with the genetic change that Aurora had thought of, the result was a crazed Bio-Gen powerful enough to eliminate all Moonachrian life. According to the warning, one third of the science staff was brutally murdered before the monster could be shut down. Thankfully because the councilor was more powerful than the crazed creature obeyed her without question.

           In Aurora’s mind this was fabulous news. All she has to do now was ajust their theories, add a few of her own and adjust the blueprint accordingly. form there she was confident that she could work out the kinks.

          The Empress smiled to herself, knowing back in no time at all she would have her success.

          Days and days passed by and Aurora refused to leave the upper room of her tower home. She spent every waking hour pouring over genetic codes and sequencing algorithms forcing her brain to find something, anything that would lead to the fulfilment of her master plan. She was disregarding her duties and putting off all of her work for the sake of her pet project. Onyx was becoming disturbed by the obsession her Empress was showing so she decided to make her way up to the tower to see just what Aurora was occupying her time with.

          She took a deep breath and looked at the messenger who was standing before her, extending a data pad for approval. Onyx knew that the decision this data pad would authorize was minimal at best, but she saw an opportunity in it so she took it.

          “I apologize; this must be approved by the Empress before the final decision is made. Tell Mouraludia that I will get this back to her, personally, as soon as possible.” Onyx employed her diplomatic smile to convey her false apologies

          “I will tell the governess immediately” the messenger bowed

          Governess Onyx asked bemused, that's new.

          She decided to get to the bottom of Mouraludia's new title another time. For now, Onyx had her in into the tower home of her Empress and she was not going to let that opportunity go by.

          The counselor took the data pad, excused herself from the Palace and hurried her way to the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds, to the elevated room Aurora had claimed for herself when she was first approved.

          Zaphiradeonix took the spiral staircase quickly, but as soon as she the doorway into her Empress’ abode she paused.

          Steadying herself inwardly, Onyx told herself that it was now or never so she pressed her hand to the door. Applying slight pressure, the door creaked open to reveal a dimly lit catastrophe. Data pads and info crystals were scattered about the central table. The shelf on the far wall was completely disheveled. The floor was littered with readings, graphs, allele charts, and upside down blueprints of something Onyx could only guess at.

          The Empress herself was standing at her window, staring down at her Empire. She was seemingly unaware of the new presence in the space.

          After the few minutes it took for Onyx to process the fiasco, she stepped up behind her Empress.

          “It looks much worse than I believe it to be” Aurora whispered, seemingly only partly conscious of the situation at hand.

          “Ah I see” Onyx nodded in slight disbelief, “Anything I can help you with?”

          “The data pad” the Empress stated simply

          “Which one” Onyx was slightly confused

          “The one you came all this way for me to sign” the Empress held her hand out slightly without moving even her gaze out of the window

          Onyx put the data pad that she had carried with her into her Empress’ hand gently, “How did you know…”

          Aurora cut in, “I solved the commotion; besides, I knew it was just a matter of time before you created some sort od excuse to try to pull me from this tower. With that being said; do not you think for even a moment that there is anything you can say or do I will take me from my goings on in here.” Aurora sounded as though she were talking through a tunnel. Only a minute part of her mind was focused on the conversation at hand, the rest was fixated on God knows what.

          Onyx sighed, took back the now sined data pad and made her way down to the door. Right before she got to it she looked back at her Empress.

          “No, not even for you would I leave here, not right now. I am too close to what I need to accomplish to bother with anything else.” Aurora plainly stated

          “You are secretive, and just by the layout of the room, unorganized as it may be, I can tell that you will not they explain to me just what you are working on.” Onyx stated

          “Correct” Aurora injected coldly from her perch

          “But could you at least tell me why?” She asked solemnly

          Finally something struck the Empress hard enough to cause her to turn and face her counselor, “I am bored of the week and the pathetic; I am tired of all of the mundane drabble of this ever linear existence I have been forced into. My work gives me a challenge, and when it is successful I will never have stagnation again. Potentially, this ever stagnant life of mine may even reach its end.” The Empress changed from a knowable monster to a formidable and the gloomy concept

          “What do you mean by that?” Onyx press forward as she hesitantly asked

          “My match may be possible, oh I desire it deeply. I wish, and now I must create my wish for it has become far too obvious that our Empire is not capable of providing my dream on its own.” The Empress sounded crazed to Onyx so she took her leave from before Aurora, and made her way back to the Palace below.

          What could Aurora be up to the counselor thought demandingly; maybe I should send Mouraludia to her to see what she can do.

Onyx was pleased that she told the earlier messenger that she would deliver the data pad to Mouraludia on her own.

To question answered at once, how often do does that happen? She joked with herself.

She made the journey from one side of the Empire clear to the other and pushed back into the oblivion expanse to go White Palace .

Mouraludia was happily seated within her Palace halls acting out and extension to the Empress with a smile on her face.

As soon as she saw her stepmother approaching she stood up and formally addressed her, “counselor, what brings you that far?”

“I have the data pad you have sent to us; the Empress has granted you her approval as proven by her signature.” Onyx handed her stepdaughter the data pad which Mouraludia expected eagerly.

“Oh, thank you, I will have the renovation crew began immediately.” She walked back to talk to a messenger. They whispered together for a bit; Mouraludia was obviously telling the messenger to go inform the renovation crew that they may began immediately.

When Mouraludia finished conveying her orders, she happily made her way back up for a counselor to give her, her thanks.

“That is not all I would like to discuss with you, may we talk in private.” Onyx gestured out the door

“Certainly counselor” she excused herself from before the White Council.

Together, Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix made their way out of the White Palace  and down the secluded path to a secret part of the White Palace  Grounds that Mouray used as a place to clear her head when needed.

“Governess” Onyx quipped, “Where did that come from?”

Mouray snorted a laugh, “Oh hush, it wasn't my idea. Tristah thought I needed a title so whenever she came before me in the White Palace , as long as there was an audience, she would refer to me as governess.”

“Ah I see” Onyx was quite amused

“Well with everyone there, what was I to do?” Mouray wined

“I believe you her counterpart would have a solution or two.” Onyx hinted in jest

“I could never do that” Mouraludia sounded hurt

Onyx changed her demeanor to an empathetic and understanding one, “I know dear”

“Anyway, there is no way that he would travel all of the way to the White Palace  Grounds just to ask about a new pet name of mine.” Mouray pointed out

“Quite right, I came here to ask your help.”

“What with” now Mouraludia just sounded worried

“She hasn't locked herself in her tower on and won't come out for anything. I even tried going up to check on her to see if I could pull her out, but to no avail.” Onyx explained

A grand wave of relief fell over Mouraludia, “oh I see”

“Would you be so kind asked to accompany me back to the Black Palace and try to talk her out of there?” Onyx practically begged

“Of course I will, but if you don't mind me asking, do you have any idea why she would lock herself up to her?”

“When I went in to get your data pad approved, a saw other pads, blueprints, and all sorts of genetic code sequences scattered about everywhere. She is working on something, but I'm not entirely sure of what that something is.” Onyx grew inward and solemn

“Not entirely sure” Mouray repeated questioningly, “so you have an idea?”

“Yes but I don't wish to jump to conclusions”

“But what if you turn out to be correct?”

“Then I pray we can stop this before it's too late.” Onyx looked honestly afraid

Back in the Black Palace Grounds, Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix finally arrived and made their way somewhat slowly towards their Empress’ tower home.

From the initial transportation system with a looming spires and monolithic size, they took a path that lead straight through the main city.

Each individual residence was unique in size, shape, and design depending on their placement. The residences at the farthest point were much larger and more cylindrical in nature. Each of these homes had huge obsidian gates with what looked to be rot iron all about them to give the gates an eerily pleasant design. The gate were entered and exited by a gigantic archway that lined up perfectly with the arched entry of the residence itself. The archway was also closed off by the same rot-iron looking metal that could only be opened by the owner of the building by way of a voice command or retinal scan. Once opened, the gateway would lead the owner directly pointed in the direction of the town.

Once past the row of large gated homes way a small patch of rock made of flat Emerald and a black Opal. This patch stretched the entire loosely arched way in front of the homes, and was about two yards wide. It served as both a separation form the smaller residences as well as a recreation area for those who occupied the larger homes.

As Mouraludia and Onyx passed over that stony area they both noticed the temperature drastically drop. It was almost as if the stones beneath them were actually absorbing the warmth from them, much the way Aurora absorbed energy out of those she touches.

The large houses with the rock way in front of them were specifically designed for the government officials of Moonachria. In fact, Onyx herself dwells in one, but is rarely ever there for she spends most of her time in the Palace taking care of her Empress’ responsibilities. At that time Onyx was the only one living in that arc of buildings for she was the only government official living who wasn’t living in the outer walls which is where the Bio-Gens still in the Black Palace were residing.

Each of the official’s units had three floors with vaulted ceilings made of long slates of cat’s eye stone which would look like wood to any human. Running right down the center of the vaulted ceiling were a string of crystalized polished topaz to act as elimination.

Directly in the center of the entry way hung a light jade chandelier looking thing. The piece was cylindrical in form and the points of the crystal formation were oriented downward. The chandelier was held up by a solid gold chain protruding from the center of the flat side facing the ceiling.

Behind the jade chandelier stood a huge black- opal spiral staircase. The stairway ran up the entire length of the building even giving access to the flat roof for those who would turn it into an area for relaxing.

The second floor included a dining hall, master kitchen, library and sitting room.

The first floor contained a small kitchen and dining area off to the side, a music room and a large hall used for gatherings of all sorts. The third floor had a small sitting room, a reading room, and 12 bed rooms including the monstrous master bed.

Continuing on to the homes of the shop keepers, these were skirt shaped buildings; smaller at the top and smoothly billowing out at the bottom. Carrying on with this fabric theme; the front doors were made of large cylindrical slats of jade that overlaid to look like layers of sheets instead of a solid door. This door could be opened by the press of a button that would pull all of the slats upwards like the raising of a theater curtain. The slats would slide behind each other as they were pulled up and once they were done it would leave you with two overlapped circles at the very top of the doorway as the cylindrical slats hung one directly behind the other just waiting for them to be dropped to once again give you the snake scale appearance.

Unlike the official’s manors, the shop keeper’s homes didn’t have access to the roof top from the inside, instead; there was a staircase on the far left of the home running from the ground to the flat but walled in roof top. The stairway itself was made of boulder opal trimmed in silver. The staircase looked like cascading glaciers harshly separated by a solid line of densely packed stars. The trim around the roof was a solid carved block of black opal hollowed out in the center and polished flat and fine. The walls the carved out opal provided stood only about a foot and a half tall, but no one really cared for the drop wouldn’t even faze a Moonachrian, much less a far more durable Bio-Gen.

The inside was just as impressive as the out but, as to be expected, not as large as the official’s homes. The floors were long and for the most part rectangular. All of themselves above the first had to be accessed from the outside stair well.

On the first level, to the far left lie the master bed rooms, a secondary master suite, and one final secluded guest suite.

The second level, once again beginning on the far left, there stood a tow level library that took up only a single story of the building itself; a small jade stairway tales you from the bottom to the top. Within the library’s first level, in the wide open entry hall lays single sitter chair-like couches of green stone for readers to relax with their recreational data pads.

The dining hall stood immediately next to the library. The table and seventy chairs set that sat around it in hesitation were carved each from a solid block of jade inlayed with black opal. Finally there was a small guest meeting area for those who were in need of a more tight knit meeting space.

Finally on the third floor, left to right stood the grand ballroom with floors of opal. Next opens the main assembly area, then comes the grand music room and at the very end one small lounge room.

The roof too, for many of the homes, was used as a lounge area of sorts.

None of the buildings were isolated from one another, so walking from one to another was no task at all. Their equivalent of a yard was the single, slightly arched slab of onyx each space sat upon. This was intentional for Aurora guessed quite correctly that the shop keepers would have very little free time, and if they did she knew they wouldn’t spend it all at their homes.

To progress from the row of shop owners’ residences to the next row of buildings, Mouraludia and her step mother had to pass over a thin threshold of obsidian. This skinny walkway that ran the length of the homes, curving  as they did, served little purpose than to act as a dividing line between the shop keepers homes, and the two-story, rectangular buildings that sat beyond.

Past the obsidian threshold stood the curved row of upright rectangular residences reserved for both visitors and the general public. These were simple two story, jade buildings with no real distinctive features on the outside with the exception of the carved diamond door; the doors were made of a solid slab of white diamond that pulled into the ceiling to allow access onto the building. Because of the lack of any real light in Moonachria, the diamond doors really weren’t anything impressive. All of these buildings faced off to the right, off to the Black Palace Grounds that faced the edge of the actual universe below.

Inside, these upward standing, rectangular residences are broken into two sections; the upper and the lower. Both of these sections are identical to one another. That way, two people, visiting or otherwise, can co-exist effectively, stacking those co-inhabiting groups effectively and efficiently saved space for the Black Palace. For those residing in the upper portion of the building there was a gold, spiral stair case that ran from the bottom entryway to the top entryway. Each section was laid out to be seen regardless of whether you reside on top or on the bottom. From there the resident was free to precede either left or right. To the left were three bedrooms and at the top far end, a meeting area, in an open concept. To the right is a private meeting hall, a small library, and a very small dressing room that could also be used as a storage closet. Most of the more permanent residences in the Black Palace Grounds used this area as a coat closet for guests.

Ever since the empress eradicated most of the Black Palace population, all but a few of these buildings stood empty. The few that were occupied were done so by government officials form throughout Moonachria, visiting the Black Palace and ultimately the empress herself. In fact, every building stood predominantly empty for this reason. Other than the councilor, the only actual Moonachrians in the Black Palace Grounds were either from the White Palace  Grounds or visitors from throughout the empire there on official business.

Beyond these buildings lay another thin obsidian pathway that followed the same curve as the buildings themselves. They took this path, walking along the obsidian all the way to its end, now facing the palace; they were as far left as they could possibly get without stepping off of the obsidian path and back into the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds. Directly in front of them stood a fence that toward miles into the air. The wall was made up of gargantuan shards of topaz and obsidian so tightly pressed together that not even light could creep through its cracks. The shards were set in a pattern of obsidian, topaz, obsidian, topaz so in and so forth. The topaz stood about a yard or so shorter than the obsidian and was at least a few inches thinner than the over a foot wide obsidian bits. Both the obsidian and the topaz were cut into a very sharp point at the top.

The fence, going from left to right, stopped half way from the other end of the obsidian path between it and the upward reaching rectangular buildings beyond it, before it made a hard left, down towards the palace. This wall was magnificent its entire way along.

The two women walked back down the obsidian path with the wall following them off to their left, once the wall ended and turned left; very long and laying down rectangular buildings appeared to their left.

They followed the topaz obsidian wall as it mad its turn towards the palace and as they did so the rectangular structures to their left dashed by like rows of crops along a highway.

Between the gaps of those passing buildings, only oblivion could be seen.

These long, sleeping, rectangular structures were the labor dwellings. Because of aurora’s outburst, all of these buildings now stood abandoned and lonely. They were separated into about nineteen sections, each with its own door; those buildings looked like solid blocks of opal dotted with gold marbles that were in fact the doors to the singular rooms beyond. Those rooms served as nothing more than a space to relax for the laborers.

Now that the buildings no longer had occupants, the noise that area used to generate was silent and slightly daunting for the White Palace  dweller now walking past them.

Finally they reached the end of the gate and thus the end of the labor dwellings. In front of them, from the edge of the gate’s absolute end to the far left side of the Black Palace Grounds laid a solid slab walkway of cobalt. Beyond that mile wide block sat the shopping district made up of an assortment of buildings in all sorts of colors and styles. That area was entirely deserted and, much like most of the rest of the Black Palace Grounds had been for quite some time. The shopping district ran form the far left to the far right of the Black Palace Grounds with an obsidian path running from the palace’s covered entryway beyond, to the opal falls that hid behind the topaz-obsidian gate behind them.

The shopping district itself was laid out in three rows of seventeen buildings. Each row was separated by a jade path, as was each identical building in each row. To the left, at the, very beginning of each row, stood a thick and very tall, solid opal, rectangular prism, that served the purpose of designating the area as recreational.

If one followed the path back towards the direction of the monolithic gate, one would find an oasis known by only the empress and a select few others.

Upon entry from the obsidian path sat a solid white diamond bench carved with an intricate, almost gothic design. Beyond that stood a giant wall of opal that stood just inches below the topaz shards that made up half of the wall that surrounded the secret oasis. The opal wall was nearly three yards thick and at least ten wide. A substance poured over the wall that appeared to be water but was in fact condensed energy being pulled into the massive black hole below, like a pond beneath a fall.

The other end of the shopping district backed up to the covered obsidian, grand stairway that lead to the palace itself on either side of the stairway stood black opal walls that toward miles into the air.

Inside the opal walls, standing each a yard or so from each other stood grand black diamond columns lining either side of the stairway. The black-diamond columns were connected from above by large, rectangular planks of topaz with embedded chucks of obsidian.

Crossing over the stairs, Mouraludia and Zaphiradeonix reached the place itself.

Entering the monstrous doors, passing through the palace’s, and exciting out a small side door to the left of the throne the councilor and Mouraludia were bow outside once more.

They followed the side of the palace until they reached the covered entry to the tower home of Aurora. The path consisted of fifteen huge, circular slabs of obsidian encrusted with large chucks of ruby. On either side of each slab, stood a column that towered about seventeen yards into the air. These columns made of sapphire with a spiral of black diamond running the entire way down it. Connecting the columns at the very top were slates of black diamond with bits of ruby embedded into it like machine gun shells into a block of metal.

Once Onyx and Mouray had completed their track over that last path they were finally standing in front of Aurora’s tower.

The tower home stood at the end of a very long wall stretching miles and miles left, far into the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds.

Far out, almost to the other end of the wall was another, smaller tower that was thin until it reached the large oval sphere at the top. This entirely jade construct was the tower where the remaining Bio-Gens in the Black Palace Grounds dwelled.

The wall itself was solid obsidian with black opal and Ruby encrusted throughout it in no discernible pattern.

Finally they reached the bottom of the spiral stairs leading up to the empress's living space.

Mouraludia was now contemplating all of what she would say to her counterpart. Her ideas traveled first to the appeal of Aurora's position and the potential neglect her people, and then came the potential for a revolt in the Empress was not seen as strong. All of this, she laughed off as utter nonsense. No one would dare oppose or even speak poorly of the Empress after what she did. Everyone was terrified of her though no one wanted to admit it openly. Aurora could have removed just the Empress, or even her along with her counsel, but that was not what happened. Mouray’s very counterpart eradicated the entire Moonachrian population of the Black Palace Grounds. Millions were slaughtered for little reason other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then instead of showing any false display of her remorse, she didn't even pretend to care; instead she immediately commissioned the building of a much smaller Black Palace Grounds, and display a White Palace  residence, including the new council. This didn't last long at all for now the only residence of the Black Palace Grounds word the Council themselves, the Empress, her counselor, and those whose business demanded they stay there. Bots now kept necessary shops open when visitors were present, but nothing stays open when they are not present. What used to be so alive could now not be more dead. No, those sorts of appeals would be meaningless and Mouraludia knew it.

She was now at her counterpart’s door and knew exactly how she would approach the monster beyond it; not as the Moonachrian Empress, not as a power or killer, but just the way Moray had always approached Aurora, as her friend.

The door opened on the mess of strewn about data pads, an overturned table with some sort of blueprint projected onto it, and a crumpled up Aurora curled around a data pad she was making notes on aggressively.

Moray patiently waited for her counterpart to be done before she completely made her presence known.

“Hello Aurora” Mouray smiled softly

“Hello” Aurora didn’t even look up, and her voice sounded far more distant than usual.

Onyx stood back in the doorway not wishing to disturb her step daughter and her empress.

“How are you?”

“Your stepmother went all the way to the other side of our Empire just to convince you to pull me out of here? I doubt it to too much convincing in the least did it?” Mouray glanced at the ground, “No, of course it didn't, you both agree that something must be wrong with me, but do believe me there is not. I simply have a project I must see complete. As soon as I achieved what I intend, I will resume my routine as close to normal as the created situation allows.” Aurora was now looking directly into Mouraludia’s light blue eyes; a hint of a smile adding the convincing evidence to her words.

“And there is no convincing you otherwise?”

“Most definitely not”

“Very well” at-bat Mouraludia turned and walked out of her Empress’ tower home with the counselor close in tow.

“I expected that to go very differently.” Onyx admitted

“There was nothing more I could have done.” Mouraludia solemnly spoke to the expense before her.

“I know” Onyx nodded

The two parted and went their separate ways; Mouraludia back to the White Palace  Grounds, and Onyx back to the Palace in Black.

          “That's it” Aurora exclaimed to herself

          She had finally completed the blueprint of her creation.

          “The first fully successful, male, Bio-Gen; they said it couldn't be done, but I will prove them all wrong for the sake of all that has passed.”

          The Empress was pleased with herself and decided immediately to return to the laboratory beyond the Black Palace Grounds. She was ready to begin construction on her creation finally. She packed up all of her data pads, especially the one containing the blueprint and left her tower home for the first time in a frighteningly long time.

It almost sickening Aurora how stagnant the Black Palace Grounds were. Nothing, not down to a single fleck of dust from the many stone structures had changed in all the time she was away.

Aurora shook the irritation from her parts and proceeded down the opal- obsidian path towards the shard gate.

She followed the gate as far right as the path would take her.

Stepping off of the path and into the outskirts of the back Palace Grounds brought a sense of relief and inner calm to the empress. She was an outcast much like the space around her and thus she felt the peace amidst much oblivion. Her darker nature reveled in the solitude that only such an abyss could provide. This was a concept the Empress knew she would never be able to discuss with anyone not even her counterpart, but she was fine with that. She was used to being in her own mind; it was a very comfortable place for her to be.

Once she finished her leisurely journey and arrived at the laboratory the Empress’ vigor returned. She hurried in, to access the system inside. Most of the lab consisted of training facilities for me already created Bio-Gens. The real target was spider within the compound hidden miles beneath the seeable labs themselves. Dark catacombs and the bizarre twisted trail led Aurora farther and farther down until finally she encountered a solid wall of the oh-so common obsidian.

The Empress debated between destroying the obstacle and finding a more official way past it.

She decided on the latter for the former would most likely result in some added annoyances she didn't have the time or patience for at a moment.

Her quickly adapted eyes searched methodically for some sort of access terminal until finally she glanced upon a jetted out portion of the floor directly before her foot. The Empress stepped on it as she assumed was intended and the entire room came to life. Walls moved and shifted and contorted until they were all lined in such a way that brought the ever so miniscule amount of light from the above labs down into the tomb below.

A portion of this light was focused through a small, intricately carved hole in the wall behind her. The whole was less than a centimeter in diameter but when the light was perfectly squeezed through it, a pattern emerged on the wall opposite.

The Empress smiled at the pattern and knew exactly what she was looking at. Wall in front of her was pressure sensitive, but the sensitivity would only activate once the walls had been turned for the light to be a loud down.

A simple order was required; press be exposed light pattern in the correct manner and access would be granted.

Throughout Moonachria the Empress was accommodated for, but this far out into the outskirts the likelihood that the system had been changed in her favor was minimal. In fact it would be in the counselor's interest to assure that Aurora would never be granted behind those doors. Knowing this, Aurora couldn't use her typical code and expect she would be allowed entrance.

She thought back through all of hundreds of data pad she had gone over since she began the project; desperately searching her memory for a code.

Of course not, no one would be foolish enough to put something so important in a data pad that could easily end in the hands of one who shouldn't have such knowledge. The Empress chastised herself

She thought once more about removing the obstacle by force, but knew that such a method would just make the rest of her plans a war from there forward.

If I drew the information from Onyx's mind she would no doubt get suspicious, and thus realize what I was up to far before I would like her to.

The Empress was no word the eerily calm and unnaturally collected for her emotional parameters allowed for little else; this situation proved no exception. She knew it would be a waste of effort to lash out, so she pushed down her overwhelming rage and stood calmly to her full height. Closing her eyes for a reflective moment she pulled the image her eyelids now hid from site inward. The picture now securely fastened to the fore of her closed eyes could be examined without the distraction of the reality around her. The pattern dance like a fire's reflection around her mind until finally she discovered a pattern she had been missing all along. The whole image was merely an inverted reflection of a Xerox Aurora had seen 1000 times before. The worst of the Palace when closed form to an image that can only be described as the result of a sound unheard in amidst shadow lights unseen at the end of a song so bleak only the soon dead could know.

This code is that image inverted and worked in a way to be sacrilegious at best.

With a dark smile, Aurora opened her burning eyes and went about forming the image correctly in the light before her.

For such an image to be touched by light, it is almost revolting. Aurora sneered

Once the Empress had completed the memory she stood to her full extent once more and coyly watched as the wall before her sunk beneath itself.

The revealed expanse beyond seemed to scream with it exposure as though it's flesh had been pulled back to expose its squishing festering insides.

Aurora invaded the wound further by stepping fully within its gaping parts to examine the stagnant innards.

Perfect she thought.

Aurora approached the Main terminal, called the master desk, and found the data pad that stored the blueprint she had spent so much time perfecting. She inserted the data pad into the master desk and began the correct calculation needed for the groundwork of her creation to be laid perfectly.


“Once that was complete I proceeded to the…”

“It’s a very complicated process, explaining how your kind is made.” Rhydian interrupted his Empress gently, “And not a tale to be told to one so impressionable.” He continued

“It is far too complicated for any mere human to untangle.” Aurora stated curiously

“All the more reason not to continue” Rhydian stated with wide-eyed pressure

“Wait, you do not still believe…” she whispered

Rhydian's interrupting nod, Aurora straightened up and smiled methodically, “You have a point; there is no need for me to carry on with such technical detail when the more interesting bits are yet to come.”

“So was it a success?” Sussex asked hesitantly, not understanding what was going on with her step-father and the empress.

“Oh indeed he was, or so I thought at the time.” Aurora confirmed

“What do you mean?” Sussex looked slightly surprised

“Bio-Gens are deemed a complete success once they prove to be mentally stable for an extended period of time, as I have already explained. At that time I had too quickly assumed that my creation was a fully functional Bio-Gen, and the first of his kind.” Aurora spoke in tones of memory, “a male hybrid”

Her final revelation shocked the redhead, “Hybrid, what do you mean?”

“I had assumed that a lot of the failure in the past had to do with the synthesized portion of some rather technically complicated portions of the Bio-Gens. Because the few of us who were successful only seemed to be despite how our brain functioned I assumed that a more organic approach might work better. So far, all of us have the majority of our minds un-accessible to us were simply nonfunctional at all, depending on the system. This was to hopefully ensure our stability, and for the most part it has seemed to work quite well. I was hoping to create a Bio-Gen not locked to programming but one fully and completely dependent on his own mind. To make him entirely in organic would have been admitting defeat for our programming is our mind. Because of this, I created him with an almost entirely organic, Moonachrian brain. Growing and developing this mind, with the help of the system, was a challenge in itself, but the biggest challenge through to be doing this from within his head. There were so many parts to work around. Forcing the compatibility was an even larger complication; thankfully I had researched everything thoroughly beforehand.” Aurora's words were a byproduct of her being lost in thought.

“Now as you know, the entire process takes about a century to complete; or it would have if this particular Bio-Gen was entirely inorganic. But because of his organic brain and the inorganic parts I added to it, to compensate for a few of his more unusual abilities, his completion took about three times that long.” Aurora stated

“Three hundred years?” Sussex sounded blown away, “And everyone says you're not patient.”

Rhydian giggled lightly, “She isn't, but Moonachrian’s and Bio-Gens perceive time quite differently from the way you or I do. Because they live much longer than we do, a century isn't really that substantial to her.”

“This is true” Aurora confirmed, giving Sussex back added help in believing what she heard

“So how long do we you live?”

“Moonachrian’s live just a few trillion years; we Bio-Gens; however, live until someone or something shuts us down. However, because of Blooded Fang’s organic brain, he will stop eventually, but not even I am sure when.” The Empress was as the motionless as ever, “While the lab was in the process of incubating my design I took out my duties once more without question. But the Palace the process required continual monitoring from an outside source, I made the trek to the lab, what you would consider, daily. This process had a few minor issues, which is to be expected given the monumental have, but overall it ran brilliantly smooth. Finally, when he had been completed I relinquished work once more so that I could personally train him. Because we Bio-Gens are designed with such unique abilities, ones that Moonachrians do not have, as well as a few physical modifications.”

“Wings” Sussex interrupted gleefully

Aurora’s eyes reddened slightly, “Yes…” she hissed deeply, “Because of this, Bio-Gens need training so as to learn how to deal with what they can do, no actual Moonachrian is truly adequate to teach a Bio-Gen, and thus the facilities at the labs were created. I took full advantage of this situation and gave him my old training station. He vaulted through every level with ease. Because of his organic mind, he is capable of a full range of emotion: anger, inner turmoil, fear mercy so on and so forth. The terminal reluctantly had to compensate for that, but that was really his only failing.”

“And one of the few things you would love to change about him.” Rhydian smiled

“Yes” Aurora stated, not noticing Rhydian’s hidden chuckles

 “Not to mention you didn’t actually inform anyone of your abstinence as I recall.”

“Of course not, I am the Empress of eternity, it is my prerogative to come and go at my leisure.”

“Yes, and it is your counselor's prerogative to conduct an empire wide manhunt for you when you do so.” Rhydian was beyond his ability to suppress his laughter

“What” Sussex burst into laughter

“Onyx told me all about that time Aurora took off without letting anyone know. It wasn't strange for Aurora to be gone even weeks at a time, but she was always reachable. And because Aurora had always return daily from the labs no one even knew that she was going there at all. So when Aurora all of a sudden disappeared her dear counselor started to get worried. Of course she checked Aurora's Tower home, then home of the rest of the Bio-Gens living in the Black Palace Grounds. When that proved unfruitful Onyx made a trip to the White Palace, Black Palace Bio-Gens in tow, to see if she had gone to visit Mouraludia without warning. With still no sign of the Empress, the remaining Bio-Gens in the White Palace  Grounds were all asked if Aurora was with them. Nope, no Empress in either the white or Black Palace Grounds of Moonachria. This put both Onyx and Mouraludia into a panic, so they decided to leave Cheyenne in charge as the substitute empress and go off to orchestrate an empire wide man hunt with Jasmine’s help.  The entire empire almost shut down during this time, for without Aurora or Onyx to dictate yes or no on propositions and with Cheyenne being untrained and inexperienced as the imperial leader, decisions were not being made at all.”

Aurora was starring to get a bit agitated at the level of amusement Sussex and Rhydian were deriving from this tale.

“Finally the labs she had discovered popped into Mouray’s mind and she told her step mother about them. The thought that the counterparts had seen the labs in the state they were in, mortified the councilor. With strict orders not to follow, Onyx made her way to the labs, in the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds. With all of the Bio-Gens including Mouraludia and Cheyenne secretly following, they reached the labs where the Bio-Gens had all been created.”

Sussex was laughing so hard, tears were drooling from the corners of her eyes.

“Once inside, Onyx began her search were Aurora only to be interrupted by shocked commotion from behind her.” Rhydian continued

“How did that go” Sussex wanted all of the gossipy details

“According to Mouraludia, her stepmother how to set aside any hope of finding Aurora to explain to the Bio-Gens what had happened. After the nine were deemed successful and were moved from the labs to the Black Palace Grounds, a secret operation was developed using the blueprint Aurora and Moray were made from to create an invincible army. Nine of the newly created warrior-class Bio-Gens stabilized and thus all were dismantled.”

“Apparently the changes in the design to eradicate their sentience and caused irreparable damage to the original platform and thus broke the already fragile psyches of the drones.” Aurora explained

“Indeed” Rhydian nodded before continuing with his secondhand account, “After the Bio-Bens were satisfied with the explanation given, and they all restarted the search for the Empress. Towards the tunnels that led to the underground portion of the labs an incessant humming was noticed by Cheyenne. She could feel it emanating through the walls and pulsating in the floor. When Onyx reached her, her head was filled with the same and she immediately knew where it came from. She turned and rushed to the hidden laboratory below the construct and there are found the missing Aurora.” Rhydian went on in his story

“Hello counselor” the Empress greeted as though nothing at all was abnormal

“Empress” she returned

Onyx returned to her stepdaughter and instructed Mouraludia to escort her fellow Bio-Gens out of the labs and back to the Black Palace Grounds, “The Empire cannot remain unsupervised for any length of time. Who knows what sort of chaos would ensue as a result?”

Aurora, although nowhere near her counterpart or her counselor, smiled at me as byte Onyx's quip.

“What is going on?” Mouraludia asked her step mother worriedly

“Oh, if only you knew” Aurora smiled again

“What” the new Bio-Gens asked the Empress

“Nothing, continue” Aurora responded authoritatively

“I will explain it to you at some point, but right now I wish to discuss this with our Empress privately.” Onyx touched Moray's shoulder reassuringly

Mouraludia glanced down the corridor her stepmother had just emerged from and around, “Very well”

At that, Mouraludia weekly to the other Bio-Gens and escorted them out of the labs and back to the Black Palace.

“Thank you” Onyx whispered to her already departed step daughter, before turning back to rejoin her Empress down below.

Onyx crossed her arms and smiled, unable to pretend to be the least bit irritated that all of her efforts to keep her Empress from that place had failed. She fully stepped into the training facility specifically designed for Aurora, “I had a feeling that this would happen someday.”

“Are you disappointed it to be so long, counselor?” Aurora challenged without turning around

“Absolutely not” Zaphiradeonix smiled

Aurora smiled, “Very well”

In this rare moment, Onyx was able to stand and admire her creation without obligation or conversation vying for space in her mind.

Aurora was broad shoulder, and well-built. Her stance was dominant and authoritative. The entire air about her was unrelenting and dark, just as dark as her nightmare black hair. The Empress always stood straight with her feet slightly apart with her hands behind her for she had no fear of exposure. She was far too strong and far too confident for that. The way the Empress towered over everyone; there was no need for her to fear anything.

Thinking back to her creation, Onyx was proud of her Empire science room, regardless of the result. Aurora may have been made for destruction, but she was capable of so much more.


9: Chapter 8: A Problem to Streamline
Chapter 8: A Problem to Streamline

With help from Zaphiradeonix; Arorabourialace had her newly created hybrid fully functioning and ready for reveal in under what you would call a month. In that time the hybrid had shown no signs of destabilization and Aurora was ready to deem him a total success. Though the counselor wanted to keep the hybrid under observation at the labs for at least a year, both were sure that no major problems would develop. To be on the safe side; however, Onyx decided that after his public reveal, the creation would be closely monitored until she was confident that nothing could go wrong.

Via the same system that alerted the Empire to Aurora's new position as Empress, Aurora presented her newly created Bio-Gen to the Moonachrian public.

Seated upon her throne in the Black Palace she waited expressionless as the system focused on her and the projection Empire wide was checked and rechecked.

Some receiving systems had holographic projection capabilities while others were simply screen relays, but in a matter of hours everyone throughout the Empire with the capability would be privy to the reveal of the first successful hybrid of the Empire. Aurora was most proud of her creation; however, she would never allow said enthusiasm to be noticed.

Standing to the right of the throne, the hybrid waited patiently to be called forward. Though nothing had been rehearsed, the Empress had given him clear instructions on when to step in view of the system.

Finally the counselor arrived with the Bio-Gens from the White Palace  Grounds. Each took their respective place in the seats on either side of the Palace walls, framing the Empress, the hybrid to Aurora's right, and the counselor to Aurora's. This was the glory and the power of the Empire, and the picture-perfect image of their authority. The camera system was set up perfectly, entirely able to capture the scene in all of its magnificence. Each Imperial present was dressed in their lavish and official uniforms and none more stunning that the Empress, her counterpart and her counselor.

The system was brought online and the connecting subsystems were activated. Oh if only the system went both ways, for the gasp that must have rung out through the Empire at the glorious sight they were bombarded by all at once must have been deafening.

The breathtaking sight; White-hall Palace members on the right wall, Black-hall Palace members on the left wall, the Empress straight ahead with her counselor to her left and a strange, incredibly garbed, man to her right was captured in its entirety for minutes by the camera.

Finally, before it became too much, the camera panned in to capture Aurora's perfect, strong features. Her face was set; hard and authoritative, with her blazing blue eyes. Her full lips that held back the cruelty of her voice broke apart slowly. Her blue eyes slowly deepened and darkened until the gray of her actions matched the gray of her eyes, “Today is special; today is unique, for a feat that was deemed impossible and ordered illegal by your prior empress has been accomplished by your most recent one. A Bio-Genetic Creation was created a hybrid and has been deemed a success by both myself and the head of the science division that was responsible for my own creation. More than that, the impossible proved not so far out of reach, for as well as being a hybrid, this Bio-Gen is also male!” the empress allowed her words to be completely digested and at the very least slightly understood before she continued.

The Bio-Gens present had to show no reaction, but inside al were in shock and awe and boiling turmoil for none had known the full extent of the goings on of recent times. They all knew Aurora had locked herself away in the same labs they were created in, and most suspected she was making another of their kind, but none had expected she would go so far, much less succeed in it.

“I have ordered this broadcast now to present my creation to you, my empire.” The empress was dark and still eerily emotionless but something behind her words like a subdued cruelty or suppressed pressure was threatening exposure.

“Xyspiraden, my Aímatriantáros” Aurora Introduced

Xyspiraden stood as almost a parallel to the empress and her counterpart, or maybe as more of a warped mix of the two. His eyes were dark like his jet-black hair. His stance was tall and formidable, with a feline grace known only to Huntresses of the pack. He was cold and aloof much like his Empress, but there was a warm and inviting presence surrounding him contrary to the cold that always seemed to cling to Aurora. His long arms hung direct at his sides and his long elegant fingers clung to his hips like a soldier at attention. There was a softness about him, two clicks shy of kindness, but it radiated throughout his features like warmth. His features were soft and rounded yet still sharp enough to be considered distinct. Though not in the least approachable, the hybrid did not seem so distance to be considered harmful. Yet there was a weapon behind his gaze that warned off approach.

The cameras held his image long enough for all to marvel bit not quite long enough to stare.

Aurora gave her almost un-noticeable signal and the system was cut.

Those left in the Black Palace stood and began making their way to their day-to-day routines but not before approaching their empress and giving her their customary congratulations.

The empress it on a receptive face, but the annoyance she felt blazed behind her eyes.

Finally the palace was clear of the living with the exception of Mouraludia, Zaphiradeonix, Xyspiraden, and of course Aurora.

Onyx turned to the hybrid and smiled, reveling in the success her team had set in motion, “Congratulations empress”

“Enough with the pleasantries and the formalities; he was a success, the empire knows, it shouldn’t be made larger than that.” Aurora hissed behind darkening eyes

Turning to the hybrid, Mouray smiled warmly, “None the less, welcome amongst us.”

Mouraludia bowed slightly and he returned the gesture.

“Thank you” his voice was soft and smooth like warm whiskey with a similar bite.


“By your perspective; years had passed and Xyspiraden was a complete success, not a single sign of destabilization.” Aurora sounded proud but also slightly melancholy contrary to her absent and distant nature.

Sussex hid a questioning frown behind a glass of iced tea she was drinking.

The empress regained herself and continued, “He was so much the success that one day out of the blue as it were my councilor pulled me to the side with an interesting idea…”


“Empress, I have been watching Xyspiraden and I have also noticed often the unsettling absence of life here within the Black Palace Grounds. He has been preforming magnificently and has assimilated into his given position quite well.” Onyx pointed out

The lack of directness was irritating the empress, “Is there a point to this blubbering?”

“Why not create more?” the councilor smiled like she had really accomplished something special.

“I do not need another bodyguard; one is bad enough, especially since I have to protect him every time things get out of hand.” Aurora smoke filled the voice was pointed to drift in the direction of her hybrid.

“True, his position isn't well-suited…”

“It is not well-suited” the empress demanded, “I was created to destroy worlds at a time; I even single-handedly eradicated the former Empress who, before the Bio-Gens, had no rival throughout eternity! I have no need for protection, especially from one so much weaker than I am.” Aurora's eyes were once again on fire with annoyance

“Very well; however, if we repopulate the Black Palace Grounds with Bio-Gens designed within whatever parameters you see fit, then the grounds will no longer be so empty.” Onyx countered

“I quite enjoy the quiet, till many of the living around and I began to get annoyed.” The Empress stated sinisterly cool.

The counselor's eyes rolled upward and the corners of her mouth hold in the same direction.

Sitting alone in the palace, Aurora thought about what her counselor had suggested she do.

And entire population made entirely out of our kind? Would it even be worth the hassle? Aurora dwelled on her love of solitude and her annoyance with those who constantly felt the need to talk to her. Just the memory of such events made her want to slaughter the Moonachrian she had already eradicated.

On the other hand, if built within the correct abilities, we could potentially replace every info bot throughout the entire Empire with far superior Bio-Gens. Even the most advanced safety drones would not stand a chance against the most basic Bio-Genetic design. The Palace Grounds themselves would be run much smoother with Bio-Gens as well.

The more Aurora weighed the pros and cons of her counselor's suggestion, the more she liked the idea.

Aurora's eyes faded entirely until they were completely replaced by two solid, light blue orbs.


Intense dark field Onyx's mind and through the dark came images of an Empire entirely ran by Bio-Gens.

Aurora had accepted her offer after all.

The counselor smiled, as her eyes also faded blue, I it will begin preparations immediately, Empress

Unlike most Bio-Gens and palace dwellers, when Aurora sent anything telepathically, instead of images coming through bullet holes of intense light, if she desired the Empress could manipulate the light into pitch black.


“I'm going to miss the ghost town appeal of the place.” The hybrid smiled as he walked up behind Aurora's throne

“As will I” Aurora whispered inwardly

Xyspiraden smiled darkly but kindly, “it may prove to be interesting; however, having so many of our kind. Maybe in the end the Black Palace will outperform the White Palace.”

“We have already accomplished that.” Aurora quipped in return


Under the supervision of the Empress and her counselor the lab on the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds was reopened. The two began construction on a new design of pure Bio-Gens solely purposed should become the ideal populace of the Black Palace Grounds.

On top of each of their day to day duties; Aurora and her counselor spent hours coming up with a basic blueprint that could be applied to any number of physical attributes and without the need for hybridization. These are to be purely Bio-Genetic in design.

Finally, after months of planning and reworking, a basic inner design is completed and a series of outside looks were formulated with the help of a couple repurposed data bots.

From this point the labs were officially reopened and announced throughout Eternity as such.

The Empress and her counselor began construction on a new line of Bio-Gens by taking their new design and applying it to three specific, female test subjects.

In the process of their creation the kinks were worked out and by the time they were physically completed both Aurora and Onyx were quite satisfied with the results.

“Incredible” Onyx smiled

Aurora, not being one for words when they are not absolutely necessary, merely nodded in a hope that this would prevent her counselor from continuing. Sadly her attempt was unsuccessful and the counselor began to recount all of what could have gone wrong, and surprised her that went right.

Finally when she accomplished giving her entire list out loud Aurora was washed with relief assuming that her counselor wouldn't possibly be able to find anything else to annoy her with. Once again the Empress was incorrect.

The counselor invaded the much desired seconds of silence with more ear-grating chatter about what they could do now.

Aurora's eyes began to grey, but the counselor failed to register the danger.

The Empress did everything in her power to keep her aggression from growing and preventing her programming from taking over once more.

Fire dance around Aurora's hands and licked between her fingers, begging like a dog to be released and allowed to chase off the cause of its irritation.

The Bio-Gen knew that if she didn't remove herself from the situation soon, she would have to explain to her counterpart just why she no longer had a stepmother.

At that Aurora drew the flame back within herself and walked herself down the hall, up the corridor and out of the lab, leaving a confused and disheveled Onyx to wonder what had gone wrong.


Making her way back to the Palace, Aurora decided to make a quick detour to the Opal falls behind the obsidian topaz gate. She found her obsidian and black diamond bench and sat down in the direction of the false to calm herself.

Staring at the center of the black hole, sucking, draining the little energy left this far out into oblivion she felt her inside clench and the pressure on the side of her eyes intensify; a sure sign that the color was darkening.

The fight with her programming what beginning and for some unknown see, Aurora wasn't in the mood to win.

In her anger all of the Empress' powers amplified and intensified.

Unknown to the Empress, Xyspiraden walked around shard gate to find his creator, already knowing full well that she came here to relax. He watched as the black hole beyond her convulsed and spasmed as it unwillingly gave up the energy it had so greedily sucked in.

He knew his Empress was powerful beyond measure, but to watch her do something like this, pride welled within him as he contemplated what he was a part of.

Xyspiraden smiled darkly as he watched his Empress drain what should have been a formidable foe, reducing it to a laughingstock among children.

Finally the unrelenting display of agitation ceased leaving the black hole, exhausted and desperate, to recover.

Aurora registered the presence approaching slowly from behind her.

“Aímáros” she questioned threateningly

“Empress” he returned unshaken as he walked around the bench to face her dark grey eyes, “I am afraid that we have a potential civil war to quell.”

Xyspiraden was never one to beat around the bush; instead he aimed straight and fired. The empress always appreciated that about her creation.


“Aímáros” Sussex was confused by the new title.

“By this point Xyspiraden and I had spent enough time around one another that, had he wished, it would have been fine for him to refer to me as Aurora. When I created him I gave him his name, but I also gave him a title of sorts: Aímatriantáros.”

“That is what you said when you announced him to your empire!” Sussex sounded quite pleased with herself

“Exactly; so because of this I always referred to Xyspiraden as Aímáros, which is just a shortening of his title.” The empress explained

“Like a nick-name” Sussex clarified

“Precisely” the empress nodded to the flatly stated question

“So at first it sounded like you and your creation weren't on the best of terms, but now it sounds like you are closer to him that you ever were too Onyx, what happened?” The human was observant at least

“That is quite a long tail in and of itself.” Aurora admitted, “I created him as an equal which is something that he could and would never be, but at the very least he was close. In the end he was more of a middle ground, somewhere between my counterpart and myself; capable of embodying the bulk of both of our abilities. At first we had no real use for someone with his over emotional, yet limited in thus, state so Onyx decided to establish him as my unofficial bodyguard. As I am sure you know, I have absolutely no use for such a nuisance and in the end I ended up having to protect him on a number of occasions. I could not take him being in my way any longer so I establish him as another member of the Black Palace Council, and my counselor's right-hand man. This position worked for the better, and in the end he ended up doing her job more often than not for Onyx and I were quite busy with the new creation of biogens. As I have already told you, Onyx often took over all of, or most all of my duties as well as her own. So when both Onyx and I were not available, Aímáros had to do all three of our duties alone. He never complained and really seemed to enjoy it. Because of this, I grew to trust and rely on him and through that trust we became…” Aurora turned to Rhydian with a slightly puzzled look, “Friends” she asked

Rhydian's eyes glanced up at his face crinkled in concentration, “not… exactly” he hummed inwardly, racking his brain before continuing, “It goes beyond friendship. What do you call it when you know you can always talk to them about anything, but you never do because you never have to? Or when you can always rely on them being there, but never fear the possibility that someday they might not be. Xyspiraden is more of an alter ego to Aurora and vice versa. They are each other's consorts and confidants and best friends. They are allies and accomplices, and forever each other sidekick… or at least they were… so, so long ago.” It was like he was quoting a memory; a happy memory that left a foul taste behind because it would never be happy again.

With one raised eyebrow, Aurora questioned Rhydian with her gaze, before shaking her head slowly, “Very well” she droned

Sussex stifled a snicker

“So to return to what I was explaining to you prior, Aímáros approached me with a concern regarding a civil war…”


“Tell me what you know.” Aurora sighed, annoyed

“Gryshek’s northernmost capital has declared war with its own people. Although three other governments preside over the remainder of Gryshek, all have refused to get involved. The factions within the northernmost capital are unnamed, but each has a figurehead of sorts. On one hand you have the monarch and his loyal supporters. On the other, one of his five princes has become agitated with his father's rule. Sympathizers of the prince, as well as like-minded among the population have joined together to become a formidable opposing force. The Prince has already declared war upon his father and his way of ruler ship, but the monarch has specifically requested us to act as a mediator in an attempt to quell tensions between sides.” Xyspiraden explained

“How petty” The Empress smoked out cool and slow

“Agreed, nonetheless, this is what I know…”

“Very well” Aurora interrupted

Xyspiraden smiled; “Very well…” he said with a hint of menace, “I will inform the monarch immediately of our support

The empress nodded and stood to follow her creation back to the Black Palace, but stopped right as she reached the entrance of the shard gate.

“Empress” Xyspiraden questioned without turning around.

One enough time had passed with no reaction, the hybrid finally decided to look at his Empress to coax a response. When he did, his eyes met a black expanse where his Empress stood just moments before.

Xyspiraden smiled; “Very well” he quipped, and returned to his course back to the Palace.

Once he arrived, he found his empress seated upon her throne with her counterpart and fellow Bio-Gens beside her. It seemed the counselor was the only one missing and she wasn't expected, so all were present to needed to be.

The Empress caught her creation's eye, with her own blank ones, “What kept you?”

“The scenery; I'm afraid it was more to my liking than this event.” He smiled

Aurora returned the gesture before returning her attention to her counterpart.

Mouraludia was explaining to those present what Xyspiraden had already explained to the Empress.

Xyspiraden noticed the far-off look in his Empress’ eye, and she knew that she was not paying a bit of attention to her counterpart. She wasn't fond of repeated information. He smiled in her direction, but the Empress didn't notice; which was expected.

She probably has the situation thought out a ready. Xyspiraden figured, admiringly.

Finally Mouraludia's overly long-winded explanation ceased and Aurora was brought back to her surroundings by the tap on her shoulder from the shocking sudden silence.

Aurora's mind raced through three points in a matter of moments. One, the monarch had put in his her quest by way of a halo-conference with Xyspiraden. Two, it stood to reason that both sides had such technology or at the very least one group could get a message to the other with little difficulty. And three, Aurora was really getting annoyed with how petty her peoples seemed to be.

“Signal a conference with the monarch.” Aurora's power and authority bled through the mist that flooded from her harshly set mouth.

A shiver hammered down the Bio-Gen’s spine’s as their Empress’ words entered them like ice shards.

Without word, and Tristah and her counterpart, Cheyenne moved to set up the smaller piece of equipment needed for the task.

When the pieces were working and checked, Jasmine opened up the channel to Gryshek’s northernmost capital which they learned was actually referred to as Nythein. The response was immediate, and the image of the monarch appeared in full view of the Bio-Gens.

“Thank you, empress, for responding so quickly.” The man said in a heavily accented and broken manner

Chelsea walked up behind the Empress and expressed that Gryshek from Nythein speak Blesh predominantly.

Aurora adjusted her internal parameters accordingly, “tell us everything” she demanded in flawless accent free Blesh.

The monarch was slightly caught off guard by that, but recovered quickly, “yes Empress, my youngest son, Hortelq has decided that he is unhappy with the ruling house saying that we do nothing to assist do nothing to assist the week or the poor and we cater to only those who are strong and rich. In a way he is correct, for why would we help those unwilling to help themselves? He wishes to create a system that allows the lazy and the useless to bleed from it instead of allowing them to rot and fade away as is proper for her kind.”

Aurora and Xyspiraden both nodded their agreement.

“If he takes up for the rodents, should it not be easy to trap and exterminate him with the vermin?” The Empress asked, not understanding why they had to get her involved in such a simple problem.

“It's not that simple; he has some quite powerful allies who see profit in its misguided ideals. I also don't want to see my son dead.” The monarch explained

Aurora and Xyspiraden shared a puzzled glance as they both attempted to contemplate just what the problem was with killing those who would pose a drain on their society, but neither could understand in the least.

Aurora put on the best diplomatically neutral face that she could and forced her irritation down in preparation for what she was about to say.

Knowing full and well that her counterpart was about to speak her mind, Mouraludia stepped forward, “We understand your wishes and will do what we can to respect them.” She chanced a look back at her Empress who had a confused, slightly bemused glare in her eyes.

Mouraludia's eyes faded to blue and Aurora's mind was handed dancing images behind gently set shards of light, “It is an emotional thing.” Mouraludia explained

Mouraludia stifled shock as her mind was smacked with shrapnel of sharp and heavy black. The absence of light pulled her down like a black hole into gouging pictures, “I see, I will give you the freedom to run this then. You seem to understand why we cannot eliminate the aggravating party the easy way.”

“Exactly” Mouraludia nodded mentally, “Thank you.”

Both counterparts returned their full attention to the monarch's image as her eyes simultaneously return to their typical colors.

“Mouraludia, Xyspiraden, Jasmine and I will be with you shortly and we will conclude with our plans then.” The Empress stated as she gestured for the link to be severed

“Well, this will be irritating.” Xyspiraden noted

The Empress turned to her counterpart, “Alright Mouraludia, we will not destroy the aggressors, so how are we to handle this annoyance?”

“By addressing the core issues and attempt to find a middle ground between the two parties” Mouraludia smiled triumphantly

Noting the White Palace  Head’s tone, Xyspiraden frowned, “Unless that middle ground is ablaze, I'm not sure how this will accomplish anything. From what I've learned of the ruling family they are all quite stubborn; but this is what the Empress wants, so very well.”

Aurora was already to the exit doors of the Palace, and on her way back to the labs when the rest of the biogens took note of absence.

Onyx was right where Aurora had left her, presiding over the new project.

“A situation has arisen; Cheyenne with the help of her counterpart are in charge until we are back. Keep this progressing until I return.” The Empress coolly stated as she marched authoritatively to her counselor.

“With pleasure” Onyx responded, “Do you need my assistance with whatever has pulled you away from this?”

“Moray is in charge and I trust she has everything under control.” Aurora responded blankly

“All right”

Aurora disappeared, from the corner of the counselor's elsewhere occupied eyes.


Nythein was a mountainous region of Gryshek, surrounded on all sides by a viscous copper liquid that gleamed and boiled in the light of the three stars it wormed around.

The entire planet was designed and built from an old rock mass suspended in space by the influence of the three star’s multiple gravitational pulls. It was built by a species then known as the Thyx. It was meant to be a salvation for their kind, but there planet was absorbed into a black hole long before the government in cooperation with their science unit could find a way to move the bulk of their species off world.

A handful of military personnel as well as science officers were all that remained of a once glorious and formidable race; for they were the only ones who were on Gryshek when their home-world was destroyed.

Over the centuries the few remaining Thyx grew to populate the planet and eventually split into factions. As time progressed the factions grew into nations and now the three peoples have their own names, governments, and languages to separate them. None of the peoples have anything to do with one another anymore; there isn't even a common place for them to meet. Even their lands are separated by one insurmountable geological feature or another.

On this island amidst the copper water and the milky stones of the aging buildings, the Empress of eternity stepped out from amidst the shadows to greet her newly arriving comrades.

Xyspiraden was the first to be shocked by Aurora's sudden appearance, followed quickly by her counterpart in Jasmine.

“Empress” the hybrid greeted proudly as he stepped aside to allow Aurora access between all of them.

“I have given you the authority, Moray, there is no need for you to wait for me. I merely came along in case something… unexpected… happens.” She curled up in her snakelike mist

As Aurora walked among the Bio-Gens, the light from her surroundings seemed to be drawn into her like poison into a latched on the leach, leaving the depleted expanse entirely void.

Mouraludia looked directly into her Empress' eyes in disbelief before turning around to lead the team into the city.

The group were greeted by slamming doors and locking windows when they finally entered civilization; largely due to the inescapable dread all held for their Empress.

Mouraludia simply had to smile and all of eternity would dance to her joyously. The Empress so much as glanced at someone and their entire lives would play on repeat before their eyes. What puzzled Moray the most about that, was how much her counterpart adored that reality.

As the group progressed through the town on their way to the house of the monarch, the peoples in the streets scurried and rushed for buildings as they did their best to put a barrier between them and the monster amidst them.

Such ignorance was almost humorous to the Empress for such simple barriers were no match. But she wasn't a decent enough mood to allow her subjects their false hopes.

When they finally reached the home of the monarch at the end of the town; the entire expanse behind them looked entirely deserted. Even the guard who were supposed to be standing outside the entryway had abandoned their posts for seemingly safer ground.

Mouraludia opened the entryway and allowed those who followed her to enter first. Retaking her aloud place at the lead, Mouraludia progress down the halls to the far inner doors that separated them from the throne room. Once again there were no guards to nuisance them so Moray pressed her way past the doors of into the throne room.

“Hay, what are you…” When the monarch caught sight of Aurora taking up the rear of the intruders his entire demeanor instantly improved, “Empress please pardon me, I could not see you at first.”

“However you did see my counterpart.” Aurora pointed coldly, “In the future I expect you to pay the same respect to her as you would me. I expect that you will do the same of any within the Moonachrian Council.” The Empress was amused by the pudgy man's manner, but no one present would ever get such a thing.

“Of course empress, please forgive me.” His attention turned to the rest of Aurora’s company, “All of you”

Mouraludia stepped forward, “Laying pleasantries aside, I believe we have actual business to attend to.”

Aurora smiled; she proud of the authoritative tone in her counterpart's voice.

“Y-yes, please come and join me.” The monarch stuttered, gesturing to a table at the far end of his petite throne room.

The monarch sat at the head of the table and waited to allow the rest of the Bio-Gens to fill in around him.

Mouraludia sat directly across from the monarch, leaving Xyspiraden to sit at her left and Jasmine to sit at her right.

The Empress found a corner directly behind the monarch to lean herself against. That way she could watch the scene play out from a neutral and reserved vantage point.

Mouraludia eyed her counterpart questioningly, but gave no further protest to her Empress' position.

Xyspiraden had no need to guess what his Empress' motives were, and smiled knowingly at Jasmine who too understood Aurora's thinking.

The monarch became acutely aware of the dark, unfeeling eyes worming their way into the back of his skull, but he refused to turn around out of pure horror of what he might find.

“Yes, well, I told you what my son has been attempting and what I would rather the outcome of the situation be…” he was at a loss for words, and really expected those present to have all of the answers, “I really don't understand why you are here with me and not out solving the situation.” His insubordinates raised Aurora's eyebrow.

Xyspiraden noticed and shared his creator's agitation.

Mouraludia, staying true to her personality, smiled as though she had not notice any of it, “Don’t worry, my plan is simple and more than workable for you.” She patronized behind the mask of helpful kindness

“Very well, please let me hear it.” The monarch's tone was slowly but surely softening.

“But of course; it is simply this, put you both in a room and mediate between the two of you arguing buffoons.” Oh the sweet, gentle helpfulness that blossomed and perfumed the soft and warm words drifting from Mouraludia.

The monarch was at a loss, unable to tell if he had just been insulted or assisted.

Jasmine could hardly suppress her smile so instead she falsified its appearance as one of kind support.

Xyspiraden and Aurora both gained a wickedly proud gleam in their typically cold and dark rights, but their faces remained as blank as ever.

“Y-yes, well, th-thank you” the confusion visibly flustered the monarch with agitation

Mouraludia just sprinkled sugar in her eyes as her lips stretched slightly wider.

The monarch was obviously not satisfied with the Bio-Gen’s plan, for he had wanted a simple fix to the complicated issue or at the very least easy for him. He; however, wouldn't dare protest with the Empress hovering like a carrion animal over his living corpse.

Mouraludia knew that convincing the young prince to go along with her idea would be easier said than done, but she had an idea. Her idea would require humility on the part of the haughty monarch, but if he could push past his own stupidity he might budge enough to move out of his own way. That at least would put him a step closer to reconciliation, and more importantly a step farther from civil war.

Mouraludia dared the monarch with steadfast eye contact, “You will issue a message to the prince telling him that you are willing to listen to his points of view. You will make it clear to him that you would be willing to adjust traditions and policies if he would also hear your ideas on the matter.” Her face had narrowed slightly.

It was in these rare moments that the identical physical attributes of her and her counterpart became evident.

All of the monarch's parts tensed and his hands clenched. His eyes glared and his lip one became a tense hair line as his breath deepened. The boy was about to protest when he heard the Empress push off of the wall she was leaning on. As her foot pushed off the wall, abruptly jumping her forward he immediately cowered back into his submissive stance. With head lowered and hands wringing he whispered his coerced approval through clenched teeth.

“Good” Moray softly smiled, “Please write it yourself, and do not hand this task to a servant as you were thinking of doing.” At his indignant look of anger at her invasion of his privacy, she continued, “The message must be authentic and sincere. Surely your own son would be able to tell if you had written it or not. If he thinks that reconciliation means so little to you that you would delegate it then this entire operation would end long before it got started.”

The monarch jumped up and stormed off into a room at the left side of the entry way. The entire throne room shook from the force he used to slam the door.

Jasmine and Xyspiraden glanced at one another and began laughing hysterically.

Mouraludia chuckled and peered over at her counterpart to see a slight bemused glint in Aurora’s typically unfeeling eyes, accompanied by one upturned end of an otherwise perfectly set lip-line. This amused Mouray even more but she didn’t outwardly show it.

“I do have to point out; we are not even on a first name basis with this man.” Jasmine hiccupped through her bellowing

“We aren't on a name basis at all” Mouraludia pointed out

“Adlen” Aurora stated through frost, “Jazle Adlen”

“A high-powered telepath comes in handy” Jasmine quipped

“Something that simple could have been accomplished even by you.” Aurora returned, not missing a beat

The Empress had not moved from her position, foot propped up behind her, back against the wall, with her arms folded in front of her. She never gave away what she was thinking; never gave away what she was feeling, if she really felt at all. She was a statue, stoic and concrete in her icy nature. One would be led to believe that because of that she would be hard and unreasonable, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Aurora; among those who knew her well, with quick humored, though dark, and quite kind though she would prove otherwise if ever confronted. Her fellow Bio-Gens as well as her counselor knew that they had nothing to fear from her, even if her personality or occasional actions made them forget that from time to time.

“His disrespect was astonishing; you would think he was talking to a subordinate the way he spoke to you.” Jasmine had sobered up and was now honestly concerned with Mouraludia's feelings.

“Their sort never learned respect for they have never before needed it. Dictators and kings and lords alike have always been so high among their fellows that they spend their entire lives being tiptoed around instead of learning to dance themselves.” The Empress stated

“You don’t act like that” Jasmine argued

“Titles and position are meaningless to me. Only through mutual respect in one gain complete control.” Aurora was stoic and easy as she revealed, nonchalantly, the most fear inspiring aspect of her personality.

The monarch Adlen returned from the room he had stormed into with a data pad in his hand. He stomped up to Aurora and thrust it at her like a child, but she just looked at it, unmoving from her wall. He finally got the hint and proceeded to toss the data out at Mouraludia who quickly caught it with ease.

“He is acting white immature” Xyspiraden thought at Jasmine

“Indeed he is” She returned

Mouraludia carried on, completely unaffected by the idiot's behavior.

“I wonder how much more of this Aurora will take before she simply kill them all?” Xyspiraden added

“I am shocked she has allowed it to carry on this long.” Jasmine stated, “All those who think she has no patients have never met her.”

Xyspiraden nodded and huffed, in response.

The monarch looked over to him with a puzzled gaze, but Xyspiraden's lack of reaction made him shake his head and return his attention to Mouraludia.

Moray was on the last line of the data pad and once she was finished she met the monarch's eye line, “Not bad; I will have Jasmine…” she handed the data pad to Jasmine without breaking eye contact, “… Make the necessary adjustments and then we will have you deliver your message via the visual call system, to your son.”

The monarch's jaw clenched as he huffed his okay.

Jasmine scanned the writing and typed in adjustments as she saw fit before handing the pad over to her Empress. At the reminding looked from Aurora, Jasmine returned to the data pad to Mouraludia who accepted it with and understanding smile.

When the data pad reentered the monarch's hand his face soured at the changes Jasmine had made, “You are making me grovel to my own son!” His voice hit an octave high enough to be a little girl's.

“If asking your son to consider compromise translates as groveling in your eyes then indeed we are.” Mouraludia was quickly losing her patience with this man, “you are begging to make me question my method of going about this.”

“Good, I have been waiting for you to come to your senses about this stupid plan!” The monarch indignantly flailed “Your other option entails me stepping down and the Empress herself taking over the situation.” Mouraludia threatened calmly

“That is what I have wanted from the beginning!” He was too dense to realize just what the outcome would be if Aurora was in charge.

“It seems you have forgotten just who stands behind you.” Aurora's thick wispy words were dipped in fogging cyanide.

The monarch's body began to tremble uncontrollably as all he had just said replayed through his mind.

“My Empress initially intended to kill your son and all those who opposed the rule.” Xyspiraden began

“But now, she very well could kill you right along with them.” Jasmine finished

“Gladly” the Empress and nonchalantly agreed

“Do as I say; things will turn out much better for you that way.” Moray smiled mock sympathetically

The man was too rattled to speak so instead he quivered out a nod.

“Good” Mouraludia's smile stretched to its full width, “Then please prepares the equipment and deliver the message to your son. We will patiently wait for you on the other side of the throne room doors for we have matters to discuss.”

The monarch nodded again before fleeing to find a few servants to order around.

A servant of the house slinked up to the Bio-Gens like a wounded got to set up the broadcast equipment.

“He couldn't word over us so his power felt threatened. That is why he took out his aggression on you. Don’t take it personally.” Mouray kindly explained to the servant

“It is fine, I’m used to it.” The boy replied

“Hayden, feel free to stand your ground. The way he treats you will only improve if you show him that you won’t tolerate such behavior. Mouray stated

“But he is our ruler, he can treat us any way he pleases.” The boy sounded confused

“No he cannot. He speaks you act; without you, nothing he says means anything. Without you he is meaningless.” The Empress hissed from her same neutral position


“Y-yes Empress”

“Aurora” the Empress corrected

The boy gained a peculiar and confused contortion upon his features.

“My name is Aurora; there is no need to refer to me by any meaningless title.” She didn't even look at the boy, just kept her arms crossed and her eyes forward as she leaned one foot and her back against the corner.

Hayden thanked Aurora and continued with his assigned task.

Aurora pushed off the wall with her foot and walked towards the doors of the throne room. The rest of the biogens followed her out of the doors and into the empty hall.

Once there Aurora turned to her counterpart and patiently waited for her to speak.

“I was hoping for more” Mouraludia sighed

“Pigheaded, pathetic, inflated ego; what did you expect? He obviously came from a long line of the ruling class and has never had to prove his worth. People follow his childish spouting blindly because he carries the title ‘monarch.’ I said that the decisions will be left up to you Moray, but I highly recommend burying the man.” Aurora was too calm

“For once I agree with you” Mouraludia concurred flatly

Her counterpart's response gained an approving nod from Aurora.

“So now what” Jasmine inquired

“We play both sides; we continue with this meeting as planned, but we keep an eye on the son. If he proves to be more capable then we set him up in charge.” Mouraludia had gained her counterpart's authoritative inflection

“And if he isn't” Jasmine just had to be difficult

“Then we scour the world until we find someone who is, and if we need to go so far as to create a monarch for these sheep then so be it!” Aggression and slight agitation punctuated Aurora's typical death like tone.

The monarch had finished delivering his presentation under Mouraludia's watchful eye, making sure he came across sincere in his delivery.

Now all there was left to do was wait for any sort of reply.

Mouraludia and Jasmine decided to visit the town while they awaited a response from the monarch's son.

Contrary to the hiding people and locking doors that greeted them on their arrival on account of their Empress; this time the streets were filled with joyous people going about their daily lives. Folks were jolly as they went in and out of shops and to and from dwellings. Spectators had gathered around street performers young and old and of various talents. The scents of edibles and the colors of buyable goods lit up the square.

A young girl approached Moray with a light blue sphere in her cupped up hands. When the globe touched Mouraludia’s fingertips the entire surface rushed with a rose quartz. Like Aurora would, Mouray understood the scientific reason for such a dramatic change, but unlike her callous friend could also understand the beauty and appeal of such a magnificent piece of technology.

“Thank you, dear” Mouray smiled

The little girl ran off, satisfied and happy.


“How does it work?” Sussex’s eyes were wide with wonder and curiosity.

Aurora was about to protest, informing her that it doesn’t matter when Rhydian decided to break his silent streak.

“Let me go upstairs for a minute. When I return, I will show you.” His think rolling welsh vowels accented his softly spoken words.

“You kept it” Aurora was astounded and a bit sarcastic, but only Rhydian could tell that.

“Did you expect anything less?” He chuckled

Aurora sighed as Rhydian got up to fetch the gem from wherever he had hid it.

“What do you mean he kept it?” Sussex was insistent on asking Aurora everything

“Mouraludia gave the gem that girl had given to her all those centuries ago to Rhydian.” Aurora explained

“Why” she just had to know apparently

“You would have to ask my counterpart though I assume it had something to do with sentimentality.”

“It was her way of welcoming me into the family.” Rhydian corrected from behind Aurora

“Family” it was Aurora’s turn to be confused

“It’s a sentimental thing.” He sighed

“So I was correct to begin with.” Aurora flatly stated confused by Rhydian’s need to farther explain but also slightly vindicated for being correct.

“Never mind” Rhydian sighed again then chuckled softly, “Well, here it is” He pulled out a small wooden box and opened it to reveal a transparent white sphere no more than an inch or so in diameter.

“Pretty” Sussex exclaimed at an octave at least five above her norm.

Rhydian took the sphere from its cotton padded home and as his fingers touched its surface a flood of orange rushed out from right beneath it.

Sussex’s face lit up at the color change and eagerly held both hands out cupped to hold it for herself.

Rhydian dropped the orange globe into the awaiting hands of his step daughter. As soon as the orb made contact with her pinked flesh it lit up red liked a fresh picked strawberry.

“Ooh” Sussex sang with delight

“It is simply reacting with your body heat.” Aurora flatly stated

Now curious with her new piece of information, Sussex proceeded to drop the sphere on to every surface she could find.

The stovetop turned it lavender while the wood floor turned it a creamy brown. The tablecloth she had been resting on made the color a crisp ruby. Sussex then took an ice cube out of her tea and placed it on top of the sphere sat on the tablecloth in a place no living warmth had contaminated. The globe turned a deep blue, but even with continual application the drop refused turned darker.

“What color is mommy?” Sussex was wide-eyed and cheerful as she asked her stepfather

The Empress was all too obviously annoyed by the new title.

“To be honest, I don't actually know. I have never seen her hold it.” Rhydian replied while staring apologetically at Aurora

Sussex picked up the now cold yet yellowing gem and extended towards the statuesque force of the stern faced Empress.

With a pressing glance from and eager Rhydian, Aurora reached out for the object.

Before her fingers could even grasp hold of it, the dark blue of the ice cube had re-seized the orb’s color.  When the sphere finally lay upon the Empress' hand the object was sucked of all its color.

“Black” Sussex asked even though the color before them was far more than any mere black.

Black was the faded pink on the cheek of the newly blossomed cherry flower compared to the color that lay within Aurora's hand. The sphere was like death and like agony, so dark that not even the light of a quasar could fight its way beyond the vacuum. The color was all that words could not be when describing the Empress of eternity. Nothing would suit her more or express her heart better than the color that, like a black hole, absorbed everything relentlessly.

Now that she had shocked her audience into submissive silence, Aurora carried on.

“After the girl gave Mouraludia the present she ran off to join her friends. The girls shopped around the markets and socialized with countless local. Everyone loved Moray and by default Jasmine as well. This is a fact I love and have exploited many times.” Aurora paused to notice the harshening gaze of a little girl now slightly farther away, “I am sure you have come to realize how much I despise socializing, my counterpart on the other hand enjoys it quite a lot. Therefore, when I am required to make an entrance or attend to some sort of pointless gathering I never leave without her by my side. That way I can make the necessary appearance than escape immediately, leaving Moray to fend off the talkative swarms by her most willing and happy to do so self.” The Empress explained contently

That seemed to satisfy Sussex's curiosity for now.

“While the girls were off shopping and playing nice, Xyspiraden and I had stayed behind in the throne room to keep an eye on the imbecile so in need of our assistance. It did not take long at all before the aforementioned moron stormed off in a huff accusing us of hovering and meddling in his affairs. If we were being honest the accusations carried some merit, but regardless the fact remained that a monarch was not fit to comb his own hair so our presence remained. Alone, Xyspiraden felt free to speak his mind to me and inquired if I really did intend to allow my counterpart will say in this operation. To which I replied, ‘once it becomes too much for her or she starts making decisions that for mental to the well-being or future progress of the people, I will step in. Until that point Mouraludia it's free to proceed as she sees fit.’ Aímáros seemed pleased with that reply and carried on standing in silence.” The Empress paused for another refill of her tea, “It was at this point, standing in the center of the throne room with no one but servants around that we both noticed the polite blond boy entering before us. He could not have been more than five feet in stature at most, fifteen in age. His hair was entirely disheveled and his orangey eyes were a bit too wide. Immediately recognizing me he went about paying his respects but I quickly halted him in the middle of his floundering. I ordered the boy to dispense with the pleasantries to which he gladly obliged…”


          “My father has sent me a message saying that he is willing to compromise. I am willing to talk to him if this is true. But Empress, if I may, I find him unfit for his position even now; my father is foolish and childish. He is quick with rage and his common sense is next to extinct. My father has no diplomatic experience and to make matters worse he would have happily gone to war with me had it not been such a costly thing for him financially. That man cares more for his own luxury than he does for his own family. I used the excuse for the poor to get his attention, which my followers have been made well aware of. I have no honest intentions of allowing the useless to act as a drain on our society. I tell you all this for you are the only one with the authority to do anything about it." The now revealed rents prince implored

          “I understand; my counterpart is in charge of what goes on here so explain your dilemma to her instead.” The empress was known for being cold, now the prince was beginning to see why.

Xyspiraden and Aurora both turned and left the prince to find their misplaced companions.

Right before Xyspiraden was about to follow his empress out of the entry way he turned back to face the prince, “We will go find her, so please stay put.” At that he left, letting the doors swing shut behind him.

Loud music and screeching singers were gyrating in small circles on one side of the street, nit as soon as the empress was noticed the racket ceased to be replaced by the abrupt shrieks and gasps of the fleeing people. It was another perk of Aurora’s quite handy reputation.

Aurora and her creation pressed farther into the town and once again every living being they got near, vacated for safer grounds.

Finally in the center of the town a large group of people appeared to be gathered around someone, as Aurora approached, the crowed cowered behind the one they were gathered around, seemingly begging for their protection.

Aurora crept farther still, ever enjoying the terror she forced into those quivering behind her counterpart and Jasmine. They all seemed so sure that Mouraludia could protect them if the empress really did intent to cause them harm.

Forcing her amusement aside, Aurora aggressively darted right up to her counterpart and watched as the crowed simultaneously darted back, “The prince has arrived at the monarch’s home; he is expecting you.”

At that Mouraludia and Jasmine followed Aurora and Xyspiraden back to the throne room.

The prince was standing in the center of the throne room arguing with his hopelessly ineffective father went Mouraludia led the group into a prince turned to face the White Palace  head, effectively cutting his father off mid ‘mine-mine-mine’ speech.

“Empress” the prince directed toward Aurora

Aurora nodded a disinterested hello as she leveled her murderous gaze upon the king. As soon as her counterpart gave the word, she would have fun eliminating his vapid lordship.

The prince returned his gaze to Mouraludia, “I am afraid I do not know what title to refer to you by.” He honestly apologized

“Though I am judicially allowed in charge of half of this Empire by the Empress, I am still her servant…”

“Equal” Aurora harshly interjected

A timid laugh out from Moray's chest, “None the less I own no titles, just to name; Mouraludia Dehara Vicctorriannah.” She stated almost rampantly, “I do prefer Mouraludia.”

“Miss Vicctorriannah you are too kind, but I would like to keep a bit of formality when addressing one such as you.” The prince bowed

“Scepter then” Aurora broke in again, “For she is the scepter of my Empire.”

“Aurora, I have intentionally kept titles away from myself, and it took me decades to escape that one.” Moray protested

“The Empress, the Scepter, the Guardian, and the Hybrid; all here before me, this truly is an honor like no other.” The prince bowed to those in his midst once again.

“Enough with this pretense” Aurora hated the attention

Before her counterpart decided to act out her first reaction, Mouraludia decided to act even though she knew her next words would cause a rift. Turning to the monarch she narrowed her gaze, “You have been denounced from office” without giving anyone time to react she turned to the prince and stated, “You are hereby established as a replacement of your father's throne.”

“You can’t do that, you have no authority!” The pitiful old man's screeched between grit and spitting teeth.

It was time, once again, for the Empress to make her presence and authority fully known, “I gave her full control of this operation. By way of Imperial law, my law, she has full authority to deal with you as she pleases. Remember; had it been me, I would have simply killed you and quite some time ago at that.”

“I wish you would!” whined the miniscule pest of a so called man

The single most wicked and feline grin smeared itself across Aurora's otherwise stoic features, “then I am glad I kept you alive.”

Chills ran down the spines of every person present as each were made fully aware of their own mortality.

Jazle Adlen was aesthetically repulsive and his IQ was floor high at best so instead of backing down and walking away like a grown man should have he became enraged. He ordered his cowardice guards to kill all those in his throne room. With threats of execution if they would not comply, the guards came out of hiding. This gave the ex-king the time he needed to call upon his military forces.

The Empress noticed this and chuckled wickedly, “oh please do the more the merrier.”

Mouraludia grew very tense as she sensed the flow of power through her counterpart followed by Aurora's ever insurmountable temper. Turning quietly to the newly appointed king beside her she ordered, “This could get out of hand very quickly, do what you need to do to prepare the city for evacuation.”

“What” the young king interrupted, shocked

“Believe me please, I know our Empress; I have seen every rumor and horror story about her in their quite lifelike reality. Let me tell you, the stories that put this Empire in dread of her do not do her true terror justice. So please, I ask you once more, do what you have to do to prepare this city for evacuation. I will do everything in my power to keep it from getting out of hand but if she loses control the consequences could be detrimental for all here. To be honest I fear for this planet's safety but there is only so much one can reasonably prepare for.”

“Very well, I will do what I can.” The king turned and hurriedly left the throne room. He was determined that even if he had to pull every person in his city from their home single-handedly, he would if it meant keeping them safe.

Mouraludia smiled, just fully realizing how good of a king this child would be. That is, if she could keep her counterpart from destroying the population before he had a chance to prove himself.

Just seconds after the newly appointed king raced off, a battalion of militarized personnel and war droids marched in. Once again the Empress was outwardly amused by the situation. Internally, Aurora was laughing hysterically at the pathetic display.

“Do you honestly believe this to be enough to stand against me?” The chuckle was evident by her tone

“These are my elite, they are more than capable.” The dethroned tantrum thrower ordered his soldiers to attack the Empress.

Aurora merely stood there, entirely unaffected by anything the blundering ants did against her. Even Mouraludia was amused, for this sad display wasn't even enough to deserve effort. She was safe for the moment, as was the planet.

Finally, after the pests were exhausted and shocked by the lack of reaction, they ceased their attack even though the very whiny protest from the man they still believe to be their monarch persisted.

“You see Jazle Adlen; your most powerful force is all but a slight nuisance to me.” Aurora's eyes grew red and the entire militia was reduced to nothing.

Jazle Adlen cowered back, and back, and back quickly, unable to remove his eyes from the empty expanse were once his best men stood. Finally against the wall and unable to go any farther the Empress approached him slowly, cornering him. His whole body vibrated in terror, knowing all too well his own feeble mortality.

“Wait” Mouraludia sang ever so softly.

Aurora turned to her counterpart, puzzled, but when she saw the color of Mouray’s eyes she smiled, “Very well” Aurora stepped aside to allow her counterpart to stand beside her.

Mouraludia’s eyes were the pure white of a still falling snow flake in a blacked wood expanse. As Mouray extended her hand out to touch the petty man he froze solid, never to move again. Just atoms away from making physical contact, Mouray retracted her fingers into a fist and pulled her arm back in, satisfied with the result.

“Well, I am glad that’s over.” The counterparts were made aware quite abruptly of Jasmine’s presence, and then they simultaneously recalled Xyspiraden as well. They spun around in unison to face their companions,

“Aímáros, find the kind, bring him here, and make him aware that the danger has passed.” The empress commanded

Xyspiraden bowed slightly then turned to comply.

“You knew I warned him, of course you did.” Mouray stated, feeling slightly foolish that she ever thought she could hide it.

“I know you; I know you care, so yes I knew from the beginning that you would have set something in motion to protect these things.”

“People” Mouraludia hastily corrected with a smile, “They are people, not things.”

“Yes of course” Aurora smiled in return

Turning back to Jasmine, Mouraludia smiled again, “Ready to return?”


At that, Mouraludia and Jasmine spread their wings and left for Moonachria.

The empress, now alone, walked back into the corner room to the side of the throne where this whole ordeal began. Once again she found the little boy servant there, working on the video system.

“Oh, empress, pardon me, I didn’t see you. I will leave immediately.” He stammered

“There is no need for that.” She smiled

The kindness betrayed her reputation and really confused Hayden, “M-may I h-help you?”

“Relax, you are in no danger.” The empress was amused by Hayden’s reaction, “You are good with these gadgets are you not?” she asked, gesturing to the video communication system.

All Hayden could do was nod in response.

Aurora smiled once more, before her typical emotionless state flooded back over her.

Xyspiraden and the king came back into the throne room and Aurora walked out to meet them with the little boy behind her.

Xyspiraden’s attention moved immediately to his empress’ follower, and his eyes gained a questioning haze. Though directed toward the boy, the question was intended to be answered by Aurora. Even knowing this, Aurora still gave no response at all.

King Alden caught site of his father and was about to acknowledge him when he realized with fright that the former monarch was motionless, “What happened to him?” he blurted, unable to look away from the new display.

Aurora chuckled softly, “We thought it would be a nice addition to an otherwise boring throne room.”

Xyspiraden chortled also, at his empress’ description.

“Is he…” the prince was unable to complete his sentence.

“Dead” Aurora bluntly stated, “Of course not.”

“What” he squeaked

“Would you rather he be?” Aurora’s lack of feeling only emphasized the new kings over acting ones.

“Yes” he squealed, “No…” He pondered, “I don’t know” he thought allowed, becoming quieter with each word.

Aurora huffed out three deep, dark, breathy laughs, “His worst fear was to see his kingdom fall into the hands of one he could not directly control and manipulate. He wished to insure that tradition and most important his will be upheld even after his passing. He is like a child grasping onto his favorite toy unable and unwilling to give it up for anyone or anything, constantly using the paly thing for his own pleasures and greedy impulses without any regard to the toy itself. He is the most despicable and petty creature I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. This way I am happy knowing that he is forced to watch his play thing being used by someone he deems unworthy and who will direct it in a way in which he has no control over. That lack of control will drive him mad for as long as he lives and that my dear child is why I allowed my counterpart to do this, I find it amusing.”

Xyspiraden looked on without any sign of interest. This made the inexperienced king even more unsettled.

“Then we can leave him as a monument to all that this wrenched place used to be.” The empress stood straight and dared the king with her cold eyes.

The king was too shocked to move even a facial muscle,

The empress and her creation walked into absence and back to the Black Palace; leaving the new king just as frozen as his father, forcing him to deal with what he was left with alone.

“Well…almost” Aurora completed

“What do you mean by almost?” Sussex wondered

Remembering the boy with the video communications equipment Aurora vaguely replied, “I am sure the new king will have at least one other person beside him to help him. You would be shocked by how much about government one can learn when one works in a place that allows one to observe the most crucial parts of its operation first hand.”

Sussex didn’t understand, but the faraway look in her step mother’s eyes was too shocking for her brain to move past to formulate another question.

“Anyway” Aurora shook herself from her contemplation. “To continue…”

Aurora walked back into her throne room with Xyspiraden close in tow. When she reached the throne itself she plopped herself down in it and flung her left leg over the arm rest. Resting her left elbow upon her now elevated knee she reclined back and put her head on her extended fist from her right hand against the back of the chair in a contemplative manner. She sat like that for quite some while, completely unaware of her creation’s presence.

Finally Xyspiraden broke the silence, “Is everything alright”

The empress straightened herself out in her far more typical dignified way and looked far off into Aímáros’ eyes. Aurora abruptly jumped up to her full height and stormed like an ocean past the boy. When she reached just slightly beyond Xyspiraden’s right shoulder she stopped suddenly. Looking forward without any movement other than from her perfectly shaped lips she declared, “The monarch and his son are just the beginning. Our empire is vast and it is my duty to take care of each and every pressing issue that arises. Therefor we will train a select handful of the Bio-Gens that have already been deemed a success to create and then instruct their fellow creations. Aímáros, I trust you to personally oversee this operation without mistakes.”

“Indeed empress, I will begin immediately.” At that the two of them proceeded, side by side, towards the labs.

“Soon the entire Bio-Gen creation process became streamlined, and before anyone knew it Xyspiraden had gone come before me to ask approval to expand the labs. I gladly gave him my ok and as a result thousands of Bio-Gens, male and female, were flooding the Black Palace Grounds. Centuries passed with not a single sign of problems until one day all of a sudden seventy-five separate but simultaneous reports were filed by individual data-bots. Said reports each detailed the tell tail signs of their accompanying Bio-Gens beginning to destabilize. You see, our intentions were to fade out the data-bots all together and replace them with Bio-Gens throughout the empire. We started this process in the Black Palace Grounds so that we could watch it and see just how effective this would be. We sent Bio-Gens to accompany each data-bot to learn the tasks each not preformed. Once I deemed the Bio-Gens proficient, we would remove the data-bot and replace it with the accompanying Bio-Gen, or at least such was the hope.” Aurora stopped, noticing that Sussex was about to say something

“I thought there was an observation period so that you would catch sign of destabilization before there were problems?”

“There is, but then new design with which these Bio-Gens were formed posed a problem we did not predict. The destabilization of these Bio-Gens took much longer than those created from the original blueprint. As with the previous design; however, male Bio-Gens were far more likely to go insane then the female Bio-Gens. In fact out of the 75 reports, only two broken creations were female.” The empress replied

“So then what happened?” Sussex pushed

“We have created thousands of Bio-Gens and we had no way of knowing if there were hundreds of insane ones, or if the 75 reported were the only ones who had destabilized. As the empress I sent an order to have the 75 defective Bio-Gens disassembled, but I doubted that would be enough. Knowing the stakes I called an assembly of the council in the Black Palace Grounds…”

Zaphiradeonix, Mouraludia, Xyspiraden, Jasmine, Tristah, Loren, Chelsea, and Shada Velysha our Medallion were all gathered around the empress into the Black Palace. She had called together her council to formulate some sort of systematic solution to the problem at hand.

“We need to call all of our new Bio-Gens back to the labs and have them all screened once again.” Onyx stated

“It is already a reality that those who go insane are destroyed, what is keeping the defected from hiding, or worse turning on the system. If that happened we would have a potential war on our hands. We don’t even know the extent of this dilemma.” Xyspiraden countered

“We should at least alert all remaining data-bots to the signs of destabilization and make them aware of the situation.” Jasmine suggested

“What will become of those Bio-Gens who we know have destabilized?” Cheyenne telepathically inquired

“That is simple, we dismantle them.” Aurora stated

Loren looked to Chelsea and both looked to the empress. Together the girls spoke, “We have to0 reprogram the observation period to calculate this new interval between their creation and their destabilization; where it was one hundred years for us, and it appears to be ten times that for this new model.” It was annoying having those two permanently telepathically linked for recently they had developed the annoying habit if talking in unison.

Medallion and Tristah nodded together.

“Aímáros?” the empress questioned her far off friend

He turned to hos empress with darkening eyes and a somber expression, “When the new blueprint was created, much changed about the design and even function of the Bio-Gens. Now, individual Biogenetic Creations are even individually specified and modified. Isn’t it possible that the rate at which each Bio-Gen destabilizes be specific to the individual as well?”

This brought a horrific idea none were ready to face,

“We will handle that if it is confirmed to be the case, but for now we will proceed as though it is not.” The empress ordered

“Very well” Xyspiraden nodded

“Right now it is policy that we join Bio-Gens with data-bots and have the Bio-Gens specialized in the field that way. In light of new events, wouldn’t it be better if we specialized them in the labs, perhaps bringing the data-bots to the Bio-Gens instead?” Medallion pointed out

“Very good” Onyx agreed

“More to the point, we have 75 Bio-Gens to dismantle.” Medallion noted

Tristah looked at her with puzzled eyes.

“Think about it, we dismantle Bio-Gens by hand, one at a time and yet we now have 75, and who knows how many more, all who need to be pulled apart. We have no place to hold them and no way of streamlining.” Shada explained

“She makes a good point” Cheyenne stated through the light in the backs of the minds of all present.

“And these Bio-Gens are insane, if we think they are going to come to us to stand there and get pulled apart willingly, we have another thing coming.” Chelsea stated, being a tad more serious now that her and Loren realized the severity of the situation.

“Would there be a way of going about it just a few at a time, leaving the others unaware so by the time they figure what is happening it would be too late?” Loren pondered

“Maybe for a handful, but if all of a sudden a bunch of Bio-Gens go missing suspicions will be raised. And one has to guess that at least on some level these defects realize what is going on within themselves, who knows if they are already beginning to fear the worst. We really don’t know too much about them for we have always been extremely careful to destroy them as soon as the insanity presents itself.” Onyx broke her silent streak

“You have been fairly quiet Empress?” Jasmine pointed out, curious

“Do not you realize who we are? We simply destroy them as a whole the way we do anything else, the way I do anything else. We have no use for their parts any more anyway.” The empress spoke like a whisper from far off wind in darkness.

“I agree” the councilor nodded

At that Mouraludia was dispatched along with Cheyenne to get rid of the defected Biogenetics, while Aurora and her councilor stayed behind to dictate policy.

“Aímáros, a new dismantling facility will be created but its purpose will be kept secret. We now have a new length of time for which to watch these creations and we will do so from within the labs. The data-bots will be brought to the labs to finalize the training and all those who defect will be taken to the dismantling facility.” The empress ordered

“Understood empress” at that Xyspiraden turned to put his empress’ words into effect.

Aurora turned to her councilor, “In the mean time we need to find a solution to this destabilization. The faster we can put an end to it the faster we can replace every inferior data-bot throughout our empire.”

“I will begin looking into it immediately” Onyx left to do just as she had said

The council was then completely disbanded by the empress and each person went back to their daily routine.

Aurora went back to her tower to have a look at the new blueprints. She knew her councilor had it covered but none the less she wanted to check over it herself.


“But why destroy them?” Sussex barged in

“What” Aurora droned, annoyed

“The defective Bio-Gens; why destroy them? Couldn’t you help them somehow? I mean, you had an expanded lab dedicated to their creation, wasn’t it possible to help the broken ones get better. We have insane asylums here on earth to help the broken humans?”

“Absolutely not, they were far too dangerous to be kept alive. If one escaped who knows what would happen.” Aurora’s voice seemed to push through the air like a far off thunder.

“I don’t understand” Sussex whined

Rhydian decided that this explanation needed that human touch that Aurora frankly lacked, “Bio-Gens aren’t like most creatures as you already know. Think of Aurora here, think what she can do. She can break apart objects and even people at a molecular level effectively destroying whatever she wants. Mouraludia can freeze people, forcing them to live out there days in one stationary position. Aurora has briefly gone over some of the abilities of the other Bio-Gens. Her along with the nine were just the prototypes albeit the most powerful, but even the weakest Bio-Gen has the ability to devastate worlds, manipulate kingdoms or annihilate populations without problems. Bio-Gens who have destabilized, who have gone insane wouldn’t know when to use their abilities or when not to. Most destabilized Bio-Gens have no control over their abilities. True there may be some exception to that rule somewhere, but would you want to take the risk of allowing a powerful, crazy, out of control monster into the world on the hopes that maybe it’s not as bad as it could potentially be?” Rhydian asked.

“Well, no” Sussex pouted

“He is not exaggerating, believe me…I know.” The empress stated ominously

“How” Sussex tilted her head off kilter

“…experience” Aurora spoke through a hollow cavern buried deep within herself

“You mean yourself?” Sussex nodded like she had just put all of the pieces to a jigsaw together

“No” Rhydian harshly corrected, “She’s talking about Xyspiraden.”

“What” Sussex screeched, “I thought he was a success?”

“Be patient child, all will be told to you in time.” Aurora demanded through a fog that dissipated her already wispy voice.

10: Chapter 9: Bio-Gens Don’t Bleed
Chapter 9: Bio-Gens Don’t Bleed

“Less than a decade later, by your perception, the dismantling facility was completely up and running as well as a holding facility for those who were awaiting destruction. After the creation of a Bio-Gen the new being had slightly over a 1,000 years to prove their stability. The second a Bio-Gen defects it is sent to the holding facility to be scrapped. Those still not past that 1,000 year testing period were monitored around the clock via chips imbedded in them as well as the labs internal surveillance system. These were the policy changes and for a while things were running rather smoothly.” Aurora stated

“Indeed” Rhydian agreed, “Until the Bio-Gens somehow became aware of what was happening to those of their kind that went insane. By that time hundreds of batches had been scrapped and dozens more were locked within the holding facility awaiting dismantling.”

“That was the instant anarchy overtook the Black Palace Grounds.” The empress agreed, “It wasn’t long after that, that we began receiving demands and threats from an unknown organization. I personally sent Xyspiraden to look into it. What he discovered worried us all…”

Xyspiraden came before the empress in his typical almost brazen manor, “Empress” he called, unaware or uncaring of the fact that she was in the middle of a rather straightened diplomatic meeting.

If it had been anyone else interrupting her in such a way she would have without hesitation killed them. But Xyspiraden was a special case and far more like Aurora then even he would care to admit.

“Yes Aímáros?” the empress questioned, cutting off the fieriest of the arguing diplomats.

“I know who has been making demands but I rather suppose you won’t want an audience present when I divulge it to you.” He smiled then bowed to his empress as he turned to leave her presence

“Very well” the empress’ voice caught Xyspiraden off guard and he turned back to face her, “I am almost done here anyway. I will meet you by the eternity falls the moment I am free.” She informed, barley paying attention to her friend

“As you wish” he bowed out once more as he turned and let the palace doors swing shut behind him.

The empress finished with the negotiations and sent the no less angry diplomats on their not so merry way.

“Well, we will no doubt have another war on our hands.” The empress rolled her eyes before leaving the throne room herself.

“How did the negotiations go?” Xyspiraden asked Aurora

“Wretchedly as I had expected; contrary to what my dear counterpart believes there are times when words are useless.” Aurora whispered irritated

“Idiots never listen to reason; it is why fighting got started in the first place. Patience is only a virtue of the intelligent.” Aímáros smiled

“Sadly you are correct; none the less I am tired of the brainless, petty squabbling.” Her head shook slowly as she spoke

“Well, I am afraid then news I have to report will do nothing to cheer you up.” He sighed, “A small group of so called stable Bio-Gens have taken it upon themselves to act in behalf of the defective ones. Worse yet we have recently been made aware that these rouge Bio-Gens have actually released an uncounted number of insane within the Black Palace Grounds.”

“Wait” Aurora fiercely interrupted, but not above a hushed note, “Are you telling me that we once again have destabilized Bio-Gens freely walking the grounds?”

“I am afraid so” this was not from Xyspiraden, but from a much older female from behind them both.

Xyspiraden and Aurora turned to meet the stern-set gaze of the councilor.

“Onyx, what do you know?” Aurora’s harsh fury was slowly moving up her eyes like viscous lava over a barley slanted landscape.

“My dear, not much more than you I’m afraid.” She was outwardly calm but obviously fighting to remain that way.

The black hole behind them began to convulse once again as Aurora was doing her best to control herself, “Very well… of we have to destroy every last new Bio-Gen in this place I am prepared to do so. I do not care what means you use, find me every last rouge and defective and destroy them!” fire blazed in Aurora’s eyes and between her fingers as the black hole behind them was being ripped to pieces from within as Aurora drained it. The ground beneath them shook intensely and the entire miniscule amount of light present was being pulled into Aurora like heat into cold.

A terrified Onyx left, pledging to carry out her empress’ words.

Xyspiraden merely stood there in awe of his empress, not fully comprehending the danger he could potentially be in.

Aurora sighed and let the exhausted black hole go. Calm overtook and the void around her stood too still. The empress’ eyes greyed slightly before instantly returning to their typical opaque blue. She turned slowly to her friend, “Forgive me.” She smiled far too kindly

Chills overtook Xyspiraden as he witnessed his empress’ voice stray from a whisper to death’s own murmur

“We seem to have work to do.” At that her grace took her back down the path to the palace and beyond to her tower home.

It took Xyspiraden minutes before he could regain himself enough to follow. By the time he did his empress was almost half way to her home beyond the palace, so he quickened his pace dramatically to catch up. Once he was walking beside his empress he dared himself to turn and look at her. Her flesh had darkened somewhat and a darkness, a shade had cocooned her like smoke around a burning tree. Somehow he knew that this went far beyond a few mere renegades loose in her empire. It had to be, for if it were that simple his empress would be more concerned with tracking them down and destroying them. That would have elicited that dark and pleased look into her eye for she was designed to destroy, she enjoyed it. This was more, she was angry, and Xyspiraden was almost afraid to know why but he knew he wanted to know. One way or another he would find out and he would help, he was sure of that.

“You want to know” Aurora hushed

“What” Xyspiraden said aloud ‘Oh of course, keeping something form a high level telepath was pointless, especially when said high level telepath was standing right beside you.’ He chided himself

“Yes is it” the empress agreed with a smile, “but you are correct. I am not mad that there are rouges I am not mad that the insane exist and I’m not even in the least upset that those two things merge in some annoying way. What upsets me, what really infuriates me to the point where I am completely at odds with this programming I have been cursed with is that all of this has happened without my knowing it, right within the walls of my own palace. If something this close escaped my sight for so long that it has gotten this far, then what else have I missed and worse yet, how am I supposed to look after the largest empire in existence when I can’t even keep my own Palace Grounds under control?”

Xyspiraden did his best not to burst out laughing, “Empress” a giggle escaped through his words even with so much effort to suppress it so he had to take a second to get himself completely under control, “You are a better empress then this empire deserves. If anyone realized how much you care you would have gifts and peoples flooding this place relentlessly. They see what you want them to because you are a creator of masks and an expert wielder of puppets but behind the shared and the smoke and the mirrors you do care. Add to that your immense power, your top notch team, and your expert way of handling things when they need to be this empire couldn’t be in better hands.” Aímáros had the largest and goofiest smile on his face as he tried to convince his empress. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. On the other hand he completely understood his empress and thus knew why she was having the misgivings she was so instead of trying to argue with her farther which he knew to be futile, he decided instead to reassure her, “We will remove this problem and any other like it with swiftness. You have a legion at your command in the form of your council and we are ready and willing to carry out any and all orders you give. These rouge Bio-Gens will not remain a threat for long you have my assurance.”

At that Aurora turned to her friend with slightly softened eyes, “Thank you, I believe that at least.” She then opened her door, “Well if we are to go about tracking these imbeciles down, first we have to find out exactly who escaped. The easiest way to do that is to find every last member of this group and see who their recent contacts are. So you will come up to my room and tell me exactly how you found out about this group.”

“As you will” he smiled then hopped up the stairs with a slightly more cheerful Aurora behind him.

Xyspiraden sat at the table in the center of the tower with his empress across from him. Between them was a map being projected onto the entire surface of the table by way of a data-pad off to the side.

“When you gave me the order to find out where the demands were coming from two things stood out to me. One; they were not making too much of an effort to conceal their identity or else we would not have received contact at all. Two; the demands themselves all had to do with the immediate release of these Bio-Gens we are holding in captivity and the immediate cease of operations of the dismantling plant. From there it was a rather easy conclusion that the demands were most likely coming from Bio-Gens themselves. To prove this theory I retraced the origin s of the messages and of course they proved to have come from the Black Palace Grounds. That left me with limited options so I thought, all within the course of a second, who are in the grounds at any given time? Simple; the Black Palace council, data-bots, the new Bio-Gens and the occasional diplomat are the only ones ever here. After that was realized I already could eliminate two of the four. The council is as loyal to you as I, and the data-bots are programmed to be loyal to imperial rule; besides, they are by no means self-aware. There left the new Bio-Gens or maybe a potential diplomat or two. Realizing that I looked at the time stamps from each of the notes sent and only one correlated with a time a diplomat; to be precise, two arguing diplomats, was present. Just to be safe I tracked their movements back via our surveillance system and eliminated them entirely. Because of this the only remaining option would be the Bio-Gens themselves, so I took an impromptu journey to the labs. Sure enough, everyone present was well aware of the termination facility and there were even rumors of an opposition being mounted because of it.” Xyspiraden explained extensively

“But how is this even possible? Are not they all aware of what one with their abilities could be compatible of it let loose? Do not they see the logic behind eliminating a threat before if become a problem?” Aurora was dumfounded by the apparent legion of morons she had commissioned into existence, “Maybe we should scrap all of them and start over?” The empress huffed

“That does sound reasonable” Xyspiraden agreed

“That would take far longer than finding and eliminating the culprits would, and even with the disabling factory’s holding cells, capacity would be filled long before you even captured a portion. Now Aurora, I know you could just destroy them but what makes you think they wouldn’t fight back?” Onyx had been standing in the doorway and just decided to make her presence known, “And if that happens would you be able to control yourself, or would we have another disaster on our hands, even a worse one?”

She was right, Aurora knew she was even of she didn’t want to admit it, “Very well…why did you come here?”

“I am afraid the situation has escalated, Aurora.” She backed up a step

Aurora grew as calm as a leaf being watched as if fell, and as inward drawn as the end to a distant tunnel. At this point even Aímáros had enough understanding of his empress to become a bit uneasy.

“I am afraid, empress” Onyx continued, “That five of the ninety holding cells in the dismantling facility have been opened and all fifteen Insanes are now free. Surveillance caught nothing up until their release but directly after a band of about thirty can be seen fleeing farther into the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds.”

“Alright, thank you for bringing this to my attention.” The empress coolly nodded

At that Onyx once again fled from before her empress.

“Out beyond the labs? What is out there?” Xyspiraden questioned

“Nothing, less than nothing… absolute oblivion” Aurora stated from an insurmountable mental distance.

“Sounds like fun” Xyspiraden smiled

At that Aurora abruptly turned to him with a Cheshire’s grin that would have killed a normal man from fright, “Indeed it does! So they have banned together it seems, very well, if they are creating an army then we will prepare for the war.” The empress chided, “I’m leaving it up to you Aímáros. I want this stopped, I trust you.”

“I will travel to them immediately.” He bowed with a wicked grin and left right as Mouraludia walked in.

“Well I am a popular creature today am I not?” the empress smiled

“Where is he leaving in such a hurry?” Mouray looked confused as Xyspiraden pushed his was past her and rushed down the stairs. Looking back, Mouray’s brain caught her counterpart’s words and she shook her head, “And what do you mean by that?”

“Your step mother was just here.” She choosily informed

Understanding that her counterpart would say no more Mouray continued with her reason for visiting, “I have the data-pads detailing our security here.”

“Oh yes thank you, do come in” Aurora smiled

“So by this time, really in the course of a few, what you would call centuries, this rouge organization gained a foothold within out society and began freeing the captive Insanes as we began calling them.” Aurora recapped

“Yes, but you sent Xyspiraden to handle it, so wasn’t the situation taken care of?” Sussex inquired

“At first we thought it was. Aímáros did not come back for a few decades but the minute he returned he reclaimed his position at the labs and within my empire. As far as I knew everything was back the way it was meant to be.” The empress confirmed

“As far as you knew?” Sussex noticed the peculiar diction.

“Well Xyspiraden returned with over three hundred prisoners, all of whom he scrapped with my approval. At the same time we elevated security levels and put into place special arrangements that essentially closed our borders. From then on if diplomats wished to meet with me they could do so only if admitted. At first we detoured all of them to the White Palace, but I kept refusing to show up when I felt the matter to be pretty and my counterpart grew tired of having to deal with all of the trash on her own so we set up special arrangements to grant those who wish access behind our walls. We made sure that they would remain guarded and watched for more strictly then we had in the past. The last thing we wanted was one or two missed Insanes loose within the rest of our empire.” Aurora told, “I wanted to be completely certain that the rouges were completely exterminated before losing the noose around our grounds.”

“That seems smart.” Sussex nodded

“Something wasn’t right though, I distinctly remember you telling me.” Rhydian alluded, “When Xyspiraden returned, something wasn’t quite right.”

“No, no it was not. For one thing he became really distant with me, he still preformed his assignments the same way he always had. He still informed me about every arbitrary decision he made and he still asked me permission each time he wanted to do or adjust anything even slightly outside his typical duties. But he was…distant… I am not sure if I can explain it properly but he was not himself. He had changed, become closed off and more ethereal around me. He always worse his masks around others; in other words he put on an aloof and cold, distant persona around others. Do not get me wrong, that was exactly how he was, but around those he was comfortable with he was slightly warmer, slightly more… open.” Aurora tried finding her words in a thick goopy mess of potentials.

“Granted the difference between his cold to his warm is the equivalent of an ice cube to a year old corpse” Rhydian huffed, rolling his eyes.

“He was holding something back” Sussex stated

“What?” Rhydian looked shocked

“I had a friend who broke my favorite pencil I loaned her. That is exactly how she acted until she finally fessed up to breaking it. She told me that not telling me felt like lying, but at the same time she didn’t want to tell me because she didn’t want to hurt me and more than that she was worried I would be mad at her. The same thing applies here…right?” Sussex had her moments

“Yes” Aurora’s nod was simple but made Sussex very happy; not that the empress understood why.

“So what had he done?” Sussex was hesitant to ask for once, almost like she was afraid to know the answer.

‘She likes Xyspiraden… that is interesting.’ Rhydian noted to himself

“As I have said it had taken quite some time for him to return. He never would tell me why. The Bio-Gen production had continued and once again things were moving forward just as I had always wanted it to. Generations of Bio-Gens had been created and implemented. Adjustments had been made once more to the blueprint and the Insanes had been reduced substantially. Now, maybe five in a batch of a few hundred would have to be scrapped, but as a whole production was running brilliantly.” Aurora spoke rather fondly of the time.

“Then you decided to make an impromptu visit to the labs.” Rhydian put in

“Yes…” Aurora grew inward and quiet, “You see, by this point Xyspiraden spent most all of his time in the labs making adjustments and personally training the Bio-Gen he created. I decided to visit him to ask him why…”

Aurora pushed open the monstrous double doors with ease and gracefully walked through with a snake’s dance. Her burning crimson eyes glided over every new and old surface like spiders crawling over infested walls. The webs of her bone cold touch spun their way through the nonexistent atmosphere around her, pulling them along as she walked.

No Biogenetic creation on the labs had ever seen their empress so the stillness was like a long ago abandoned catacomb. All sculls adorning the tomb had turned their hallow eyes upon her. As the Bio-Gens stared in awe and grew still that silence followed the empress like a wave of air so by the time she reached the room her creation was occupying he had already been alerted to the change.

Knowing exactly the sort of reaction his empress caused he had no need to turn around from what he was doing, “Empress”

“Why have you locked yourself away?” Aurora demanded. Her voice was like static as it traveled; clinging to everything and it raised nerves frightfully high.

Xyspiraden didn’t know how to reply to his empress so he simply chose not to.

Aurora was not alright with his answer, “You will answer me Aímáros.” Her words hissed heavy and deep as her eyes raged ruby.

“I can’t” he sighed simply

“You must” it was an exhausted puff; it was all she could manage at this point.

“Please empress, I cannot.” He was even unable to turn around

Aurora shook her head in surrender, “Fine, but know this…” her eyes faded pale blue, ‘Come to me when you can, I have been…concerned.’

Xyspiraden chuckled at the absurdity of his friend’s words, “Very well, you will know soon enough.” Something snapped inside Xyspiraden and finally he turned to face his empress, “You will, I know you will…come with me.” At that he led his empress back below the labs to a place she hadn’t been since Xyspiraden’s creation.

On the same table Aurora was working at when Onyx had found her there so long ago, the creation picked up a data pad. He stared at if intensely for a few seconds before shakily handing it to his empress.

As she read it her eyes widened and she backed up slowly a few steps.

Bio-Gens; insane Bio-Gens, dozens of then were freely roaming the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds. The data pad had detailed notes about when and how they had escaped. Most of them were rather recent, and all of them had unknown help.

“That wasn’t the worst part.” Rhydian informed

“No…” Aurora shook her head

“You mean this organization still exists?” Aurora was in shock

“Indeed” Xyspiraden couldn’t even look at her

“And they are operational?” her voice darkened as it rose slightly

“Yes” was all he could manage in response

“Why” Aurora demanded, angry and confused in a tone that bled her darkness

Xyspiraden cowered back before his empress.

“Do not tell me you side with them!” her eyes grew grey

“Read” he shakily pointed to the data pad in his empress’ hand.

Aurora reached the end of the document. The final entry was a full schematic on her very own creation.

“I ran that right after I destroyed the last batch of Insanes that had been let out.” He was now in the corner on the ground, knees to his chest, burning inside and freezing on the out.

Aurora read it all, “No…No, no, no, no!” the data pad ignited in her hand as the darkening grey of Aurora’s eyes gained a fire orange over coat, “Not you, never you. Insane is not possible for you, you are a Hybrid.” She was trying to fight the facts

All of the labs began trembling uncontrollably and bits began to tumble and crumble around all those within.

Well it’s not her fault really, she just gets angry easily. Xyspiraden smiled as he picked himself up and approached his empress. Putting his hand on her forearm he smiled, “Aurora”

Hearing her name from her creation’s lips shocked her so profoundly that Aurora was able to push aside her very violent programming, “Yes?” she smiled, forcing her last bits of fury aside

“Hello” he greeted simply

They both chortled a tad before regaining their blank composure.

“No one will ever know of this, I will make sure of that.” Aurora swore

“Empress” Xyspiraden begged

“No Aímáros, no. if I have to personally collapse everything in this empire to keep this a secret I will do so gladly. You may not be sane but I have worked side by side with you long enough to know you are stable.”

“You knew?” Xyspiraden appeared almost mortified

“I suspected, though I did never want to admit it.”

“But what about the others?” he asked timidly

“What others?”

“Your counterpart, the councilor and your council?” he replied like she should have guessed it

“No one will lay a finger on you and come out alive.” She threatened

“And about the other Insanes…” he continued quietly

“What do you mean?”

“Well just because I am insane doesn’t mean I am unstable, you said so yourself.” He jumped

“Correct, but do you have any idea how hard it is to keep yourself from destabilizing, constantly fighting yourself?” Aurora coolly drawled, “Do you honestly think that any made from the blueprint in use now would be able to handle that?”

“No” he frowned, “Of course not.”

“I am sorry Aímáros, I wish I knew what caused it, but we do not therefor this is our only solution.” Aurora may not have been able to feel emotion, but she did in this instance know what needed to be said to help her friend

“Indeed, I know”

“From there I went back to my tower home and researched everything I could. I was determined to find a solution; some way to suppress or revert those beginning stages of destabilization I saw in Xyspiraden’s results. I was sure there had to be one.” Aurora was as calm as the still, cool air around her.

“Was there?” Sussex sounded sad

“To be honest I never expected to find one, and of course I never did. There just was not one to find.” Her eyes were even icy and unfeeling in their crisp and inhuman green.

“But there was more to it than that.” Rhydian urged the history lesson along

“What more?” Sussex was eager to learn

“We will have to tell you, but first I think we should put some supper into your stomach first.” Rhydian smiled towards his step daughter as he stood to lead toward the fridge, “How does chili sound?”

“Wonderful” Sussex lit up, “I’ll go and get the taco shells!” at that she jumped up and dashed toward the cupboard like nothing at all could be more normal

Aurora picked back up the small orb that she had left on the table. As it turned black her eyes rushed blue, ‘Where do you keep my counterpart’s welcome gift?’

“Oh just leave it on the table and I will deal with it after we eat.” He brushed off as he lit the stove and fished out his favorite cast iron skillet.

Sussex turned to her father with a questioning look but when she glanced back and saw the color in her step mother’s eye she understood what had happened.

“So steak, unions, garlic, seasonings… Am I missing anything?” Rhydian asked himself allowed

“Nope, that’s all” Sussex then walked to the refrigerator and pulled out the lettuce so she could begin cutting it.

The empress watched the little domestic scene for some time before turning and mounting the stairs. Once she reached the floor of her library she stopped and stared toward the door before proceeding to it. Turning the handle she thought of the piano at the far end of the room she was about to proceed into. With memories of Mouraludia both recent and far off and now of Aímáros all filling her mind, she stepped into the library and went to the first shelf she saw in order to find a distraction.

“Step mother doesn’t seem to eager to go on.” Sussex noticed as she filled her taco shell to the brim with chili before turning to pile it farther with lettuce and hot sauce.

“That is understandable” Rhydian nodded, “The rest is rather complicated and a bit hard to tell.”

“She isn’t as emotionless as she seems is she?” Sussex wasn’t as stupid as she often seemed

“No, but do not kid yourself, she is not a sunny person either.” He smiled

“What makes it so hard for her to tell?”

“Xyspiraden does the unthinkable.” Rhydian’s false composure dropped into a slight frown, “And it goes beyond that…” he didn’t know what string to pull to untangle the mess that was now presenting itself.

Both Sussex and Rhydian took their places at the dining table and began eating.

“You seem to know this history just as well as step mother.” Sussex observed

“I do, for I have heard the re-telling of it from her and others many times.” Rhydian agreed through bites of taco

“What others?” Sussex asked

“Mouraludia, Zaphiradeonix, Jasmine, Cheyenne, Tristah… All those who know of the empress’ past have their own version of what happened, or to be more precise their own perspective.” He clarified

“I see”

“Once you’re done with supper I believe it is time for bed. We will continue the history lesson first thing in the morning if you are interested in hearing it.” Rhydian gave Sussex a way out for he knew the tragedy that lay ahead

“Yes, I want to know!” Sussex stubbornly demanded

“Very well…” Rhydian sighed then hesitantly finished his taco and his thoughts.

The library door opened and when Aurora looked to see who it was her eyes met Rhydian’s.

“She wishes to know the rest” Rhydian informed, “She is in bed now”

“Then I will tell her in the morning.” Aurora nonchalantly stated as she returned her attention to her book.

Rhydian stood there staring off into space in the general direction of the piano.

Without looking up from the page she was reading the empress softly wispered, “She will play again.” As emotionless as she ever was

Rhydian nodded then closed the door to make his way down the stairs to his room.

As soon as the library door clicked shut Aurora closed her book and looked up, “She will play again.” She stated tiredly toward the dark space of the closed door.

The dawn arrived and Sussex was the first one down the stairs. She turned the kettle on and prepared three places in the living room for her and her step parents to lay their cups. She was determined not to spend another day in the painfully uncomfortable chairs of the dining room.

When Rhydian and Aurora finally joined her she had three glasses if iced tea resting in costars next to each of their favorite chairs. She also had a large pitcher of tea on the center table along with a plate of various cookies and crackers for when they needed food and refills.

“Now have a seat and tell me the rest” Sussex demanded eagerly

“Alright, alight” Rhydian laughed as he took a seat in his favorite recliner.

Sussex happily perched herself atop her rocking chair, while Aurora glided like a shadow and fell like a tear upon a hard backed seat.

“So what happened after you visited Xyspiraden at the labs?” Sussex pressed to get things started

“As you know I went back to look for a solution to fix him.” Aurora informed, “After I discovered that to be futile I instead turned my attention on making sure that no one would ever find out about him. At the same time I decided it would be wise if I kept a closer eye on him so I made preparations to do so. I am afraid that backfired quite explosively, however.”

“How do you mean” Sussex sounded sad again

“Well, I made arrangements in the form of data bots told to keep tabs on Xyspiraden and report back to me at arranged intervals. Xyspiraden soon found out about that and soon turned against me rather publically because of it.” Aurora stared off into space as she relived everything in her mind

“How” Sussex urged Aurora out of her own mind

“It took the equivalent of a couple centuries for Xyspiraden to notice that I had been keeping tabs on him. In that time I discovered for myself that Insanes were still managing to be released even under his watchful eye, but I trusted he would handle it eventually. It wasn’t until I informed him by way of a data bot about the releases; however, that he began getting suspicious of me.”

“Why didn’t you tell him yourself?” The girl was a curious one

“I simply wanted to observe his reaction. Had I said it to his face I assumed he would have wanted to involve me.” Aurora was very passive sounding, but behind her words was a tenseness that chilled Sussex deeply, “He began investigating the internal surveillance of the labs and then turned his attention to the bots on the premises. At first I assumed he had been attempting to find the way the Insanes were being allowed to escape, but once his attentions turned aggressively towards the data bots in his general presence I knew otherwise. This made me even more curious and the needles of suspicion were beginning their dig into my flesh…” once again the empress lost herself in her thoughts

“He figured it out… he found out without a shadow of doubt that Aurora had been monitoring him by way of specially assigned data-bots.” Rhydian finished

“He found the behavior of a couple data-bots to be seemingly erratic and quite unlike the others so he began keeping tabs on them, he intercepted a few reports they had sent to me and realized that those data-bots were making very detailed reports on him and delivering them directly to me.” Aurora was completely steady and far too composed, “That day he came rushing back to the palace grounds and in the middle of a meeting with my entire council and many white palace Moonachrians barged into the throne room. He raged his way past the crowds and right up before me. By the time he opened his mouth to speak the entire palace had fallen as silent as the dead…”

          “Why have you been spying on me?” Xyspiraden demanded, “What has lead you to believe that I would ever betray you?”

Aurora stood to calm her friend before he said anything that could endanger his continued existence.

          “Just because I am now proven to be insane, you said yourself, doesn’t mean I’m destabilizing.” That was it, the admittance he could never return from

          “Oh Aímáros” Aurora sighed, shaking her head

          “No, you no longer get that privilege. You ordered me to destroy those who had gone insane and yet you did your best to hide the fact that your own creation was one of them, you hypocrite! So what real reason do you have for destroying the Insanes? Answer me empress; is there a reason or is this just another atrocity you have committed? No, don’t answer me; I don’t want to hear your excuses. I am done with this manipulation. You are evil to your very core!”

          No arguments there Aurora smiled internally

          Turning his attention to the council he slurred, “And you willingly follow this monster. You are just as bad as she is, if not worse.”

          ‘Well if they had a choice in the matter maybe’ the empress half nodded, amused       

Now it was his turn to address those present, “And you cowards don’t even have the personal strength to stand against her.”

‘I would enjoy it if they tried, things might be more productive around here with fewer of these morons to get in the way. The empress was really not in the mood for a serious conversation

“Well I tell you, no more!” Xyspiraden declared

“Aímáros” Aurora glanced soft enough to be a gust of wind

“No” he backed away harshly

Before he could complete his abrasive protest Aurora closed her eyes for a brief second then peered right into his as she continued, “Xyspiraden…”

Xyspiraden ran his claws along his empress’ cheek in one quick and furious slap to push her back from him.

Everyone was stunned but none more than Aímáros himself as he watched a single drop of blood form like a tear in the corner of his empress’ eye where his ring-finger’s claw had cut the deepest. As the blood dripped into a perfect drop form, it solidified. The drop trailed down her frigid cheek and finally hung to her perfect chin like frozen ice. When it alas fell, it shattered into three perfectly equal pieces and the wound sealed itself as through the injury had never occurred.

It took Xyspiraden a few minutes to regain his composure but when he finally did he looked directly into Aurora’s completely unaffected, Chrystal blue eyes, “Blutcanen, my name is Blutcanen. You killed Xyspiraden and burned the Aímatriantáros to such a point where only the Blooded Fang is left. You have no faith, no trust in the one you have for so long called a friend. How do I prove myself to one like that?” Xyspiraden begged, “You have known me for a millennia and yet it seems you are convinced that I have betrayed you. You, my empress; the one I have served wholeheartedly only to be betrayed with such distrust.” If it weren’t for the fact that Bio-Gens don’t have tear ducts anyone would swear he was at war with his tears, yet his words were so soft and somber that the finality of his statement resounded throughout the entire palace, and would remain there indefinitely.

“At that Xyspiraden left, to be known as Blutcanen, The Blooded Fang forevermore.” Aurora completed

Sussex looked puzzled and unhappy, “Was that it?”

“Indeed not” Rhydian jumped

“It did not take long for nearly our entire empire to learn of that incident, nit thankfully my public image held no weight on the effectiveness of my rule. Besides, public opinion of me was never very good.”

Rhydian chucked quietly at the intentional understatement, “You know Aurora, I’ve never told you this, but your counterpart told me a very interesting story about that day; after you returned to your tower home.”

“Oh” Aurora wondered

“Oh yes, see apparently your mate Blutcanen paid you a little visit that same evening.” Rhydian said jokingly but the words made Aurora noticeably tense.

“What did she tell you?” Aurora forced her appearances to calm

Mouraludia rounded the oath to bypass the palace and go straight to her counterpart’s Tower Home, but before she got too close she saw a shadow pass into the entryway of the stairwell. At first Mouray didn’t pay that person much mind, but something about it didn’t sit well with her so she decided to find out just what was going on. She silently followed the mass up the stairway. When the thing finally reached the empress’ doorway Mouraludia could get close enough to see just who the shadow was.

Xyspiraden, what is he doing here? She thought to herself as she made the decision to stay in case something unexpected happened. She couldn’t quite hear what was going on behind the door but she could tell that the conversation was far calmer than what had just transpired between them in the palace. The interaction beyond the door didn’t take very long at all, maybe 20 minutes by human perception.

When Xyspiraden re-grabbed the handle to exit, Mouray prepared herself to leave quickly, but her counterpart’s voice calling to Xyspiraden stopped her cold.

“Aímáros” Aurora sounded sad, actually sad. This froze Mouraludia solid for she had never heard such an emotion before in her normally dead friend, “I am sorry” the empress finished

“I know all too well” At that Xyspiraden opened the door and Mouraludia fled the scene. Once she was a safe distance away she turned back to catch a glimpse of a very odd scene.

Between Xyspiraden’s fingers was a chain of a dark silver. Dangling from the chain was a tiny shard that glistened as thought light was protruding from beneath its noire surface.

Mouraludia thought she had never seen such an object in her entire existence but she knew it held some familiarity to her. Then it hit the counterpart like the pickup of an icy wind on an already frigid evening.

‘Her blood’ she questioned her own eyes, ‘Why does he have a fragment if her blood? I don’t remember him picking one up.’ A morbid chill ran up Mouraludia’s core.

At that, Xyspiraden put the chain around his neck like a noose and disappeared into the outskirts of the Black Palace Grounds.

Rhydian ran his finger around the side of his caller and worked his finger under the chain, perpetually around his neck. He pulled the full chain out from behind his top and revealed a tiny stygian shard, seemingly glowing from within.

“You have one too?” Sussex streaked in horror

Aurora took the claw from her middle finger and slit her own throat before the eyes of a mortified Sussex. Not a drop of blood formed as the empress dug her finger behind her flesh and pulled loose a chain identical to the one Rhydian was wearing. Removing the necklace fully, the wound healed completely and Sussex was left staring at the third and final shard of Aurora’s solidified blood.

“That is disgusting” Sussex screamed

“I assumed you would think so” Aurora smiled, amused as she re-slit her throat to return the necklace

“Why do you hide it behind your skin?” Sussex was morbidly fascinated

“So I don’t lose it” Aurora always answered the most bizarre questions with the most simple and passive responses.

‘That and you love the shock value in taking it out and showing it off’ Rhydian mused to himself

All of a sudden aurora’s entire demeanor changed and she stood with one swift and direct motion, “Snacks are all well and fine, but I assume you need more. How does oatmeal sound?”

Sussex was confused, “Fine” she stuttered out

Aurora left for the kitchen and Sussex was left alone with her step father, “She just slit open her throat”

“Yes” Rhydian smiled, “More for shock value than anything.”

“But she slit open her own throat. She slit open her own throat and nothing happened.”

“What do you mean?” Rhydian questioned

“The drop of blood was spilt when Xyspiraden scratched her but just now she did a lot more than that and nothing happened.” The girl was becoming upset again

“Ah” Rhydian sighed, “I am afraid you will have to ask your step mother if you want all of the details.”

“There is something neither of you are telling me” Sussex accused

“That is quite possible” Rhydian vaguely agreed

“What is it and why don’t you want to tell me?” she demanded

“The reality is simple, it’s because I can’t tell you, even now. There were things set in motion then that effect is and her right down to our day.” He tried to explain

“Like what” she was being unreasonable

“Like a single drop of my blood that spilt in front of the eyes of my entire empire over the betrayal of my crazed creation.” The empress authoritatively stated from behind. She set the oatmeal before Sussex before returning to her seat, “If I were to reveal everything to you now, the rest of what I have to tell you will be perceived in a very different light; therefor I will tell you all as it occurred and when I finish all or at least most all will be understood.”

“Even the blood?” She was beginning to get on Aurora’s nerves

“Trust me child that is a very long story in and of itself. Let her finish this one before beginning another.” Rhydian stepped in to settle the situation

“Fine” Sussex crossed her arms and sat back in her seat waiting for the retelling of events to begin again.

After Xyspiraden left or more to the point stormed out of the palace that day he disappeared, only to re-emerge at my door one evening. After Mouray saw him leave he disappeared once more. That is when the real trouble began. Reports of sabotage to our monitoring systems followed by unauthorized changes to the Bio-Gens’ blueprints came in. after that I even received a few reports of Bio-Gens leaving the Black Palace all together even though we were still completely locked down. Finally our worst fears were realized. Through Onyx I was made aware of a handful of homicides. The dead were of the highest government officials on the planets these reports were from. Worst of all, when I received the description of their deaths it was clearly evident that the very Bio-Gens we had been making to upgrade security and proficiently throughout Moonachria were in fact responsible for this outrage. Insanes had escaped beyond the Black Palace Grounds and were wreaking havoc!” the memory still left the empress feeling bitter

“Even worse than that, your own people were blaming you for the assassinations.” Rhydian spat

“The whole thing was tossed together to make me look like the criminal, that at least was obvious. Granted my reputation was and will never be a very positive one, and in all honesty I was never very surprised that people would assume I was capable of such a thing. The thing that gets me is the why. I mean when they think I was the one responsible what was my why, my reason behind it in their minds. Behind everything I do, behind everything I did there has always been a reason, regardless of what it is or was. I would gain nothing from having the kings and dictators eliminated other than the headache of having to find their replacements. Of course being blamed for such a thing was really the least of my concerns. I was more concerned with how these Insanes were permitted beyond my blockade. That and how we would get them back within our control to deal with them.” Aurora carried on introspectively

“At least the answer to your fist question was soon to be handed to you.” Rhydian sounded rather agitated as he spoke low, behind clenched teeth.

“Yes…” Aurora searched her mind for details important to the situation about to be revealed, “Before any real plans could be made to deal with the presented situation, a video-call request was sent to us from somewhere in the outskirts of the palace grounds.” Aurora chose carefully

“From whom” Sussex sat a little closer to the edge of her seat.

“From the hybrid himself” Rhydian venomously answered

“There was more to it than that. The transmission was set up in such a way that the second it was accepted and granted by our end, the entire session to fallow would be transmitted onto every capable receiver throughout Moonachria, not just the palace grounds.” Aurora laid out her hand of cards coolly

“So what did he have to say for himself?” Sussex raised an eyebrow

‘Was she really on Aurora’s side here?’ Rhydian thought, surprised, ‘obviously she doesn’t understand what all of this was about; or does she? Could she really understand what Aurora did or comprehend her reasons why?’

“I knew exactly what would happen once I answered that call, but that did not stop me from doing so.” Aurora went on

The empress settled into her throne and as she did so a wave of finality flooded through her. She looked to the Bio-Gen in charge of the camera relay and nodded from him to accept the incoming transition.

The image now standing before Aurora was so lifelike that had she not known better she would have sworn things were back to normal and Xyspiraden was really standing before her.

For just a moment Xyspiraden’s eyes softened and he looked like his old, submissive self, but it only lasted a moment. Once that blink of time had opened its eyes upon a new second Xyspiraden was gone and only the Blooded Fang was left standing. His demeanor was hard and his body language was abrupt and steady. He was in his official uniform, the one he wore the first da he was introduced to the Moonachrian public, on the day his empress couldn’t be more proud of.

All of a sudden two more well-dressed but non-uniformed men stood up behind Blutcanen. This was obviously a display of aggression.

“Empress” the Blooded Fang called out, a challenge, “Last time I stood here I drew your peoples’ attention to your hypocrisy, now I stand here to tell you it will not be tolerated.” He lost his continence or a nanosecond

‘Was this hard for him?’ Aurora thought

“You have had your chance to rule Moonachria with an iron fist, but no longer will we let you. I have personally made it my mission to free all of our kind who you have deemed unworthy of life.”

‘Ok, that sounded rehearsed.’ Aurora smiled inwardly

“You may not care about those of your own species whom you have slaughtered in droves but no longer should you expect me to do the same. I cannot and will not sit by any longer. Those of us who have fled into the outskirts, those whom you have sent me to round up, are still free and many more have fled here to join us. We are no longer some flimsy fringe operation; now we are a full fledge army whose sole mission it is to bring you to your knees!”

‘Oh please Xyspiraden, now you are just being comical’ Aurora mused

“My name is Blutcanen and these are my true people. An organization by the name of Casyclis; remember that name when your throne has been overturned and your authority left in ashes!” at that the transmission ended and all of the camera-tech went offline. At that same instance the empress’ eyes returned from the Pale blue they had been through the transmission to their steady red hued grey.

“He seemed a bit shaky there at the end, didn’t he?” Onyx noticed from the side of Aurora’s throne as she stepped out.

Aurora steepled her fingers, “Yes, indeed he did” she quietly said with an outward smile

“What are you up to empress?” Now Onyx was suspicious; something about this whole situation seemed too perfect, too premeditated

“I am afraid that is a surprise best suited for another day my friend.” At that the empress stood, and with a satisfied, smug look glided her way back to her tower home.

Onyx was left standing all alone in the palace wondering just what Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah was up to this time. With a worried shake of her head, Onyx left the palace as well.

11: Chapter 10: You’re Right, I Wasn’t
Chapter 10: You’re Right, I Wasn’t

Xyspiraden, now the Blooded Fang, had been missing from the Palace Grounds for centuries. What we initially believed to be a fringe group was now Moonachria’s biggest concern and worse yet there were those in the empire itself who had openly established their planets as safe havens in support of the escaped Insanes. It was obvious that no Bio-Gen would go to a planet that openly would harbor them, for random checks were made throughout the empire in search for the escaped Insanes, and supporting planets were targeted more often. Educating the populous on just how dangerous the Insanes were was almost futile for they all knew what their empress had done to protect one. Most people believed the hunt for Insanes was out of jealously or worse bigotry. None really understood that the empress kept Xyspiraden alive because she knew he was powerful enough to handle himself. When this point was explained to people, however, most scoffed and accused the empress of being a liar, granted none were brave enough to say it to her face.

Even larger problems were present in the form of potentials and what ifs that were constantly being brought to the attention of the already quite busy empress. These what ifs consisted of wars, mutiny, and the udder anarchy possible if her peoples just decided to declare this genocide. Thankfully most in the empire followed the will of the empress out of fear, and very few were brave enough to even think about what would happen if that were to change.

The only other what if that truly did concern the empress was the what-if that pertained to the successful Bio-Gens themselves. If they decided to side as a while with Blutcanen and his uprising, the whole of Moonachria could end up in a war that could destroy everything.

“It’s best not to even think of such a thing.” Aurora sounded to her counterpart

“Indeed” she smiled sadly, “But may I ask, you have seemed so calm throughout this whole ordeal, am I missing something?” Mouray was hesitant to ask

“My programming does not force me to feel a wide range of pestering emotions, Mouraludia.” The empress answered coolly

Mouraludia knew Aurora well, and knew that something was going on that she was not opening up about. Typically in situations that weren’t completely under the empress’ control would run the risk of arousing the beast that lay beneath Aurora’s processing, but in this instance she was perfectly and un-naturally calm, “Very well”

Aurora leaves her palace and makes her way back to her tower home.

When she presses open the door to her room she finds a data-pad that was not there when she had left, sitting atop a rather unruly pile that had been tidy before. Aurora slowly approached the pile and picked up the new addition slowly, turning it over in her hands to gain some information as to who had left it.

Unable to find any indication of its previous owner, Aurora activated the Data- pad.

Before her eyes was a detailed description of the inner workings of the renegade group. Blutcanen had four direct advisors who in turn had about seven assistants each. Through this chain of command twelve battalions of around 200 stables and 200 Insanes had been assembled. Each battalion had a captain and a co-commander who both reported directly to one of Blutcanen’s four advisors. The assistants made sure everything in between operated smoothly and in line with Blutcanen’s direction. The entire organization was run like a militia, or a miniature government with the sole purpose of eliminating the empress and her rule.

“Interesting” Aurora smiled.

Apparently most were kept in the dark about just how their entire operation worked, and yet were expected to do their assigned tasks without question. This told Aurora that the one who brought her the data-pad had to be one of prominent position within the organization.

‘Good work’ Aurora thought to herself

Aurora immediately returned to her palace with the data-pad in hand. She found her councilor and sat her down with a look in her eye that screamed, enough, “We have the information needed and thus we have been given the time to react to it.” She was deathly steady as she gave the data-pad to Onyx, “They are mounting an army against up, so I say let us not disappoint. We would have eradicated the defectives and those foolish enough to stand by them anyhow. This way we will do so in such a way as to prove a lesson for those in our empire. Standing against us is futile and will only be tolerated for so long.” Cold as the middle of winter at midnight was the way the empress spoke

“You sound more and more like the empress who commissioned you into existence, back when I had respect for her, back before she became drunk on her own power. Our rule has never been questioned, but I see your point behind your attempt to shock me. If we allow this to continue, anarchy could ensue and who knows what could result from that. The potential for war and the extreme number of casualties as a result could be catastrophic.” The councilor knew Aurora was right; if they wanted to keep the danger minimal then they would have to act first

“You know, if anyone knew what you do my image would be ruined.” Aurora hissed

“Your caring will be kept a secret, I promise.” Onyx smiled

“Gather the council” The empress ordered

At that Zaphiradeonix left to call upon Mouraludia to ensure the White Palace’s presence.

Aurora sat upon her throne and waited as she was joined by the rest of the original Nine.

Once everyone was present and Onyx walked in following the last of the White Palace attendees, Aurora telepathically shut and snap-locked the palace doors form her seat; something she had never done before. The empress adjusted her passive position to one more befitting her role and personality. Closing her eyes then slowly opening them to reveal the cool green chill she breathed, Blutcanen and those he has foolishly chosen to side with have threatened our rule rather publically. Now we all know these warmongers are nothing more than a nuisance to us, but the potential exits for those in our empire to begin questioning our control if we let this continue. Our empire stands on a wire stretched to its breaking point already. If it snaps and faith is lost in our ability to effectively keep the Palace Grounds in order then those who rely on our stability could really out of fear of lost control. Our entire empire could fall into a chain reaction of anarchy; we almost had this happen when I collapsed the Black Palace so this is not as far-fetched as one might think. Take away the control and chaos remains to do as it pleases. This is why my councilor and I are in agreement; if we strike first re-affirming our power then stability will remain.” The empress was calm and just loud enough with her breathy scream of a voice to be heard sufficiently.

“To insure this, hostile intent must be made public.” Jasmine’s dark green eyes dared direct contact with their empress’

“Agreed” Loren stated and Chelsea nodded

“More than that…” Tristah started

‘Your empire does not truly understand the danger present. It needs to be completely explained just why these Insanes cannot be allowed…’ Cheyenne paused, slightly worried to continue, ‘Even if that means admitting publically, details you would prefer remain hidden.’

Aurora knew precisely what her friend was referring to, and she knew Cheyenne was, as usual, correct.

Medallion caught the attention of her empress, “We all trust your judgment, but a threat on this scale hasn’t come against Moonachria before…”

The empress cut her friend off, “She is right and they will be informed, I brought this upon us and I will fix this.” The empress assured

It was quite unlike Mouraludia not to add her opinion in such weighty matters so questioning glances throughout the discussion persistently came up against her.

“I am afraid all that needs to be said has been” the counterpart explained in her defense, “All I can do now is offer my support in our efforts.”

Aurora unlocked the palace door from her seat.

“Then get the video relay system back up and running and history will once again be made.” To joke at a time like this was shockingly out of character for the councilor, but none the less was well received as it propelled the setting up that had to be done.

The camera was ready, and now, with her council around her, so was Aurora, “This is in response to the petty challenge those rambling buffoons who dare come against us. We are declaring hostile intent, you will not be tolerated nor can your sad puppets of ignorance hope to succeed. Now to those in our empire who believe our treatment unjust; for once I will explain myself to you in the hopes of forcing you to realize that I hold your wellbeing quite high. Bio-Gens are capable if all sorts of devastating things as you have seen by way of me and my council, but you do not know the specifics. Do you realize that I can absorb the energy right out of a black hole, literally draining it, and when I wish to I can take that energy and force it outward onto whomever or whatever I wish? Do you understand that my counterpart can stop objects at a molecular level, essentially permanently freezing anything? Jasmine can rearrange elements? Tristah and Cheyenne can lighten and darkens both the hearts of those they come in contact with as well as the spaces they occupy, even on a planet wide basis. To elaborate, Cheyenne can push an entire population to suicide with hopelessness, or genocide with hatred. The weakest Bio-Gen ever to be created has the ability to manipulate a planet’s atmosphere to make said planet uninhabitable. What does this have to do with anything, you ask? Why not ask yourself what an insane Bio-Gen is. An insane Bio-Gen has a glitch inside them that makes it possible for their base programming to overtake their entire system. For a Bio-Gen trained to help in some sort of factory, well they may streamline a continual supply of whatever it is they were intended to make. The worst that can happen there is a flooding of the market with what they were designed to do, and least until the Bio-Gen was shut down. But think about those thousands of Bio-Gens designed with militant programming? Just one has the potential of eliminating an entire population; think what thousands could do. Now Insanes are aware of what is happening even when their programming is in charge, and thus there is always a possibility that they can regain control of themselves. But even with that chance, how many would be hurt or worse before they could regain said control? There is no assurance that and Insane could ever regain control even if they were aware of it, and if they couldn’t then just picture the mayhem. Now a destabilized Insane is completely different. Once a destabilized Bio-Gen’s programming takes hold the unit itself is completely unaware of itself, it completely loses its self-awareness. The only way to stop a destabilized Bio-Gen is to destroy it. For your own protection we have done our best to remove Insanes from existence, bit with all of you fighting us you have made that a rather difficult task. Now for the real issue; my creation now referring to himself as Blutcanen, I had worked with him for a century before we left the labs, then another millennia thereafter. Blutcanen was insane, but he was perfectly stable and ran little to no risk of having any issues with his programming. As we all now know, that does not apparently matter. I will never make that mistake again, from now on all Insanes are to be terminated, and this begins now.” At that the empress game the signal to cut the transition. Aurora turned to her council, “Now it’s our turn.”

Blutcanen sat on a large throne like stone mound of pure Onyx in the ruins of an ancient palace long forgotten. His four advisors were huddled around him, desperate to know what would happen next.

Xyspiraden closed his eyes to lock away his thoughts and escape the persisting idiots surrounding him.

 Truthfully his decision was a very obvious one, none the less he needed the moment to establish his options firmly, ‘One, we can surrender the Insanes and stand down; or two, we can carry on and stand against the entire empire.’

          He knew the wise thing would be to stand down, and in all truth that was the option he desperately wanted to take, but it wasn’t that simple. All of those he had recently allied himself with had already made it clear that no matter the odds they would not back down.

          ‘Idiots indeed’ he chided.

So that left him with only one option, the wrong option.

He opened his eyes and faced his advisors hesitantly, “She has declared war, so our only option is to proceed.” His voice couldn’t quite hold the resolve he tried forcing into it.

The four advisors cheered none the less for they had heard the answer they were wanting.

Xyspiraden looked down and shook his head before once again closing his eyes, ‘It will be a massacre, but there is no real way to stop this madness.’

Out of the four advisors, Mevek, Qai, Zaletfer, and Vaskel; Qai was the most observant.

“Don’t tell me you are having second thoughts about this Canen, you know what she intends to do to us.” Qai darted

“You do not know the force you are up against.” Blutcanen calmly stated

“I may not have met her like you have, but I have seen how she sits in her tower and delegates; only leaving her comfort for simple tasks.” Mevek spat

“Indeed, and all of the hype about her is over something that happened millennia ago; how do we know it’s not all just exaggeration?” Vaskel piped in

“Believe me, it’s not” Xyspiraden tried

“Wait; don’t tell me you’ve been bought into her propaganda too?” Zaletfer accused” Of course not” Xyspiraden tried

“He was the empress’ right hand for most of his existence, maybe he isn’t quite a on our side as we initially believe.” Mevek continued

“Believe me, that is not the case” Blutcanen’s plea was once again un-noticed

“It could be worse than that” Qai jolted as he backed away a step, “He could be a spy for her.”

Now the accusations had gotten out of hand and Blutcanen decided to act, “You fools, the empress doesn’t need spies, she is more than capable of waltzing right up before us even with the battalions guarding this place and destroying us where we are. The fact that she has just stated to her empire that she intends to do just that has me concerned. Do not let your ignorance of her be the reason we fall to her!” He was shocked by the resolve in his own voice.

His speech seemed to do the trick for now, but the suspicions were still present in those around him, if only because he and his empress were once so close.

The crowds present were all physically energized by Blutcanen’s words. The cheering and showy display of jubilation abounded like a catalyst setting off everyone like a ripple. This reality clenched to Blutcanen’s insides and wrenched them so tight that he felt physically tortured. His own flesh before his eyes disgusted him and the cacophony if celebration burrowing into his head sounded vile.

No real discussion about how the resistance would strike had ever taken place, so after the clamoring had died down Blutcanen’s council of four turned to him.

“You knew the empress better than anyone, so tell us Blooded Fang, how do we proceed? How do we eliminate the empress?” Qai had to be the one to ask with his accusatory voice

“You must know her weaknesses after spending so much time at her side.” Mevek urged

“Prove your loyalty; tell us how we end this tyrant and her malicious rule?” Zaletfer demanded threateningly

“Very well I will, but please all of you allow me some time alone to do so, taking down one such as her is by no means an easy thing to do. I will return once I have found a way.” Blutcanen pressed

“As you will” Vaskel aggressively agreed

At that Blutcanen departed from his char and from before his council to do the impossible, find a way to eliminate Aurora.

‘Oh it’s no use; if only those four realized what they were asking.’ Blutcanen rested his head in his palms, desperately trying to hide

The empress was unlike any other Bio-Gen created since the completion of the nine. She was designed to destroy and in turn be indestructible. Her initial purpose was to kill all those weaker than the Moonachrians of the Palace Grounds themselves. As far as anyone living then was concerned, Arorabourialace Dechodah Vicctorriannah, Empress of the Empire of Eternity had no weaknesses.

‘The only option I have left to present to the council would have to take the empire apart by turning it on itself; but that too is impossible. The empress moved well; her speech explaining the Insanes was a good one. Now that the empire realized what danger they truly pose the peoples would be hard to sway. Granted, even those who may not fully be convinced of the danger wouldn’t dare stand against the empress. No one out there is foolish enough to oppose aurora. Then you have the nine; with Onyx by their side they are an insurmountable force in their own right. How could a fringe group with so few of any real power overcome something like that?’ Despair was beginning to set over Blutcanen’s thoughts

“By chopping it down from below it” A dark, fog-like voice said from behind him

Blutcanen jumped at the sound of the cloud and he abruptly looked up and forward.

From behind his neck the empress glided up and smiled, “So this is where you have been hiding.”

Xyspiraden had never before in his existence been afraid of his empress, but in that instance he was. He was a small, defenseless animal cornered by a monstrous predator.

“Do not worry; I am not here to kill you, not yet anyway…” she laughed, cruel and soft, like wind through dense branches.

“Why have you come here then?” Blutcanen questioned shakily

“To give you one last way out” she explained through ice

“I don’t need it!” he snapped, “Nor do I want it. Your continual pleas to pull me back under your thumb are wasted for I refuse to be your puppet any longer. We here have gained our freedom from you, and you can just forget about us ever willingly changing that!”

Aurora smiled, almost approvingly, as she closed her eyes with a sigh. A huff of a laugh escaped her closed lips and her eyes opened with a kind expression, “As you will”

Blutcanen was surprised, but he nodded almost as though he were thanking her.

At that, Aurora turned from his presence and hardened her posture, and then the Empress of Eternity walked away.

Feeling that they were safe to emerge, Blutcanen’s council of four came out from their hiding place.

“We have all misjudged you, Blutcanen” Zaletfer spoke for his friends, “Your resolve was obvious and we apologize for doubting it.”

“Believe me, there is no need for you to apologize. I know my own history with that woman and I am entirely aware of how it appeared to the populous. I assure you; however, that I am on your side and will continue to be for as long as I am allowed.” Blutcanen graciously assured

“You are always welcome amongst us Blooded Fang” Qai smiled

“Now that I have your faith, please allow me to win your confidence; I do have honest concerns about facing our empress head on. I have said this before, the stories you have heard about her are all true. Our empress was originally designed to destroy planet wide populations without remorse and without the slightest hesitation. She is cruel, she is smart, and she is cunning. Yet I have never seen her misjudge a situation, nor have I seen her become overconfident in herself or others. Because of this she is never unprepared, regardless of how things appear to others. The empress is very untrusting so her plans are never shared in their entirety, but she is also manipulative so she knows just what and what not to reveal to insure that everything goes her way. Now take into consideration that our empress is just one of nine Biogenetics who were designed with the same intent. The nine are so in sync because of their being subconsciously linked that together they operate as though they were just one unit, but they are all sentient and self-evident so they can individually adjust  themselves when things don’t go right. As a result, an attack against them directly would be futile and any way of turning them against one another would be futile.” Blutcanen was calm but firm.

“What about the councilor? If we could find some way of turning her against the empress it would at least do some damage. At the very least it would cause some political upheaval.” Qai pointed out

“Don’t kid yourself Qai” Vaskel chided, “That councilor is closer to the empress than anyone.”

Vaskel is correct” Blutcanen stated, “After all; Onyx was the one who created Aurora. Those two rely on one another. More than once the empress offered the empire to her councilor and every time, without hesitation, the councilor refused. On nearly every major decision made in the empire, Aurora consults Onyx and will rarely give approval for anything if she knows her blond-headed friend would not approve.” Blutcanen continued authoritatively

The four and Blooded Fang all sat together on the three benches of stone that were places in a circle millennia before any of them were created.

Vaskel began, “It sounds to me like our only option is to attack the empire itself.”

“How do you mean?” Zaletfer inquired

“I mean we have to find a way to turn the empire as a whole against the empress.” Zaletfer clarified, “But with Aurora’s recent speech, that will me much easier said than done.”

“So we find out something that she doesn’t want anyone knowing?” Qai suggested

“Or expose her methods of rule?” Vaskel shot in the dark

“And what exactly might that be? I mean the empress has been entirely unapologetic about how she goes about her office and she makes no efforts to hide any of it.” Zaletfer darted in

“Now you understand my dilemma” Blutcanen sighed, “But we can’t give up hope. There has to be a way, we just need to find it!”

There were no arguments made against his statement.

Aurora filed her glass of tea once more and then took a sip of the fresh peaches over ice.

Rhydian noticed the stall tactic so he glanced over to his empress with a look of concern.

The empress met his gaze with a look that told him to find where to go from there

“We can’t keep putting off the inevitable, Aurora” he smiled

Aurora nodded her agreement and whispered four ominous words made more eerie with her snake’s sound, “Let the fun begin”

Rhydian decided to take over the retelling of events from there, “After Aurora’s confrontation with her creation she returned to her palace. Once there, she was greeted by a curious council. Mouraludia especially was interested in just where her counterpart had run off to.

“We were slightly worried you had gone off to do something on your own.” Mouray smiled

“I went to see Blutcanen again.” Aurora stated quietly as she returned to her throne without so much as a glance at anyone

“And…” Jasmine questioned

“What do you expect my answer to be? This was the last friendly confrontation; the next time I face him it will be to prove to them just how far over their heads their self-made quicksand has drawn them.” The venomous words shot out like darts.

“This has to end; the madness has to stop.” Tristah acknowledged

“We keep saying that, but what have we done? The empress’ speech seemed to have only provoked those who stand in opposition to us.” Jasmine was annoyed

“Yes, but if we act too rashly, our plan could backfire.” Aurora noted

“What plan?” Loren spat

Aurora’s clouded laugh puffed through the air, “Ah, did I neglect to tell you?” she was toying with them like a cat before the kill, “Allow the music to descend and the dance to end, each take their part; shall we begin? A drop of blood, a promise made; at the end of eternity who shall stand?”

No one dared to move, not even to dart their eyes away from their empress. Everyone was terrified for the empress had ever in all their years together been so calm. The predatory smile slit into Aurora’s face paralyzed Onyx with the memory of the last time she had seen it; the day the empress’ eyes faded black and the Black Palace died.

Once again Aurora stood with all of her grace and with the embodiment of all her power, and left the outskirts for the last time.

“As soon as I was deep enough into the outskirts to be within the borders of the Casyclis’ territory I was met with opposition.” Aurora picked up, “A decent number of guards were patrolling the palace of the First Hyte; the very first ruling council of Moonachria. At that time what is now referred to as The Black and White Palace were Moonachria while the empire outside of the Grounds was merely referred to as Bachzehr or Outer Control. That palace had not been used since the first ruler of Moonachria, and the surrounding Bachzehr, was killed and thus replaced. Now the ancient structure stands in ruins as it was when Xyspiraden was there.” Aurora gave a hint to the history surrounding her kind and the kind that made her.

As Aurora made her way towards the ancient palace if onyx and jasper the empress was met with guard after guard.

Proving little more than a nuisance to the empress, the guards were dealt with without even an acknowledging glance.

Standing to her full height, arms at her side, eyes hard as metal the empress glided like smoke up to the doors of the palace.

Without missing a step or moving a muscle from her stance, she telekinetically busted the doors open and walked inside.

All light seemed drawn to her as she absorbed every drip of illumination and energy within a few feet in all directions of herself. Heat also seemed decimated by her presence so as she moved she essentially appeared to be one large, misting, freezing shadow.

Mortification shot like ice bullets, continually piercing the steadfastness of the battalions, now swarming to defend the place.

Without paying any mind to those too terrified to move, the empress slowly, toying the audience with her movements, made her way to the throne of the first empress where now Blutcanen sat.

Aurora, now standing before her creation, took a second to admire the humor of their reversed positions.

Her attention then turned to the four Insanes, two on either side of The Blooded Fang, who acted as the council, “How adorable, you have a council all your own. Trying so hard to copy me in all respects I see.” She mockingly observed

“It’s efficient” Blooded Fang tossed back. He had never been on the receiving end of his empress’ fury before, and now that he was, now that he could see fist hand the murderously cold look in his empress’ eyes directed solely at him, he knew he was in mortal danger.

Suddenly Aurora grew entirely sober, and too calm to be anything but frightening.

Almost without self-evidence, those around the empress jumped back in fright.

“Enough is enough” she spoke so calm and so soft with her wispy quality that chills burned through all those unfortunate enough to be present.

“I don’t believe it is” Blutcanen’s defiance temporarily amused the empress.

“If you proceed with tis, you will leave me little choice but to lump you with these mongrels. Make no mistake, I intend to watch each of them burn. You my friend, are testing my patience; push me any farther and I will forget our comradery and treat you as I would any invalid foolish enough to oppose me.” Her eyes were ice and her words were dead.

Blutcanen completely refused to see reason and harshly rejected the empress’ generosity, “I refuse to be enslaved to you any longer. You speak of comradery and friendship but all I remember were the orders to destroy my kind. The only thing I can recall was how hard I strived to be and do everything you wanted and for what? Never once was I accommodated, never once was I asked if I was alright with what I was supposed to do. I went along with your orders and your cruelty and your harshness without hesitation, without argument but I refuse to be an object any longer. So I refuse your so called generosity for a far greater gift; my freedom and the eventual freedom of the empire form you.”

Blooded Fang’s council of four saw that as their hoped for opportunity to eliminate the empress once and for all. They foolishly believed that because she was alone in the midst of their entire force that they could kill her.

Qai telepathically informed Blutcanen of their idea and the entire council looked to their leader like dogs after bringing their master a carcass.

Without a response form Blutcanen, who was still reeling from the stupidity of those surrounding him, Zaletfer face the order and fifty of the so called elite surrounded the empress.

An irritated Blutcanen rested his temple on the pointing fingertips if his left hand as his elbow stood on the arm-rest.

The council of four was sure of themselves and even surer that the empress would become intimidated if not scared. For all of the fear Aurora had caused, this was the response they were praying for.

Instead of reacting as wanted, the empress gave one more life threatening fright to those present. Three deep and hardy laughed huffed out of her.

Even with that response, the council of four was sire that they had the upper hand and Aurora was merely full of herself.

It was up to the empress to set the record straight, “Honestly, did you really believe this sad display to be intimidating?” Aurora became obviously humored. She turned completely around to face those blocking her path to the door, “You are in my way, a very dangerous position to be in.” she stated simply

One of the opposing Insanes spoke up; “Are you threatening us?” his stance reflected the edgy and fearful, yet ready and eager to attack brainless around him.

“I have no need for threats, but I am of just a nice enough mind to warn you.” She put on a feline’s grin as a show of sincerity, which only added to the threatening atmosphere about her.

With Aurora’s upturned mouth the crowd was put that much more on edge.

Blutcanen noticed Aurora’s goating display and overly calm stance and recognized just how much danger his men were really in. within his mind he debated warning those around him, but he knew that the trust of his men had not been fully gained so he decided against it. Aurora would have to prove her power to them before they would accept his word on just how dangerous she was.

Aurora took a step forward toward the door.

“Another move like that and it will be your last.” Another voice in the crowd jumped out

“How disappointing a line” Aurora mocked, “Could you not come up with something just slightly more original?” She once again took another step forward to goat the mob.

“I’m warning you” another voice sounded out

‘She’s toying with them’ Vaskel took a step back in fear

“We will kill you!” one more voice shouted as Aurora continued to move toward the door

The empress had moved almost two yards and the look of amusement fueled satisfaction in her eyes was enough to reduce the bravest among the battalion to terror.

Aurora’s games incited the fear driven mass to irrational action. Each one, including the 4 members of Blutcanen’s council felt like trapped pray awaiting their inevitable demise. What made the feeling that much worse was the fact that she had them cornered in their own territory. At the urgings of the council of four the battalions attacked the empress with everything they had.

This was exactly the response both the empress and her creation had wanted.

Blutcanen knew his empress well enough to know that the only reason she came back to the ruins was to give a warning. If that was what she wanted, then who was he to get in the way of her will, especially since it worked so well in his favor.

Aurora’s smile maliciously got wider, but the game was drawing to the end of its fun, and in fact was beginning to wear on her nerves. It was then that she decided that it was time for her to take her leave.

At that the empress once again started walking towards the exit.

The bombardment of flames, and ice; and the attempts to freeze her from within or crush her molecular form were all un-noticed by the empress.

Aurora’s eyes were forward and her pace was entirely unaffected by those against her.

For those in the unfortunate position of being directly in the empress’ path they were surprisingly the only ones harmed.

As she walked, Aurora carved a path through the attaching masses, reducing just those directly before her to atoms without even a twitch of her fingers. In that way she strode to the massive, crumbling doors like she was sauntering out of her own, unaffected and satisfied with the result.

Right as she reached the far doors the empress turned back to face, at an angle, the stunned council of four, “Well, this has been…amusing.” With one last slicing smile, she left.

Blutcanen rolled his eyes and turned his face just slightly from the fingertips holding his head up, “I mean, did you honestly expect that to work?” his ‘I told you so’ hit his council’s collective gut exceptionally hard.

“Are you ready to listen to me now?” the Blooded Fang inquired

Now realizing that Blutcanen wasn’t exaggeration, and the stories they all believed to be blows out of proportion were perfectly and wholly true, the council agreed unanimously to do things his way.

“We will face her head on” Blutcanen said dismissively, “But first we need to do everything we can to rip the empire apart from within. As we discussed, we have to turn the empire on the empress. Now I realize that this is much easier said than done, especially after Aurora exposed the reality of the Insanes to the empire, but we must find a way to do it…” his conviction lessened with each word, “And…I may know just how” He spoke almost too softly to hear, and the look of sadness in his eyes was shattering.

“What, how” Qai pressed

For just a moment Xyspiraden sat in his throne, and It was he who decided to remove himself from it, “Please allow me a bit of time to muself.”

Blutcanen’s rush to leave once more, startled all who were left behind in the council.

“What do you think he has in mind this time?” Mevek generally questioned

“I am not sure” Vaskel was far off sounding as his thoughts wandered through the possible answers.

Blooded Fang knew he had a complicated decision to make. On one hand he could tell the empire the truth, exposing the empress for what she honestly was. On the other hand he could keep it a secret and have literally no way to bring down the empire. If he did tell the truth, Blutcanen knew he would be single handedly responsible for collapsing the centuries old stability of the Moonachrian Empire.

‘But honestly, what choice do I have?’ he sighed to himself, hopelessly

Xyspiraden shook his head slowly before carefully, exhaustedly laying his face in his cupped hands. A glimpse if blue appeared right before the slow fall of hs eyelids closed off his eyes from perception, ‘I am so sorry; I no longer have a choice.’

“Do as you must” The empress breathed coldly as she looked up from the armrest if the throne she was sitting in.

“Thank you, empress” the councilor acknowledged Aurora for giving her permission to assemble the council

Medallion sauntered out from behind Aurora’s throne, “We all know the truth about you empress, but if Moonachria were to ever discover it, they would no doubt call for your destruction. Exposure could risk an empire wide turn on you. You told your empire what it means for a Bio-Gen to be insane; you gave Blutcanen the ammunition to cause havoc.” Her tone was beginning to sound accusatory

“Then I leave the play to him; if he wishes to take advantage of the opportunity then so be it. If he does not, then it will simply be that much easier to succeed.” The empress responded a tad too easily.

After making his decision, Blutcanen had little choice but to return to his council.

Qai took the opportunity to speak everyone’s mind, “You found something” he more stated his question than asked

“Indeed I did” A sadness threatened to escape between his forced resilience, “Please set up the empire wide transmission system.”

With that simple, final request, Blutcanen knew he would never again be able to go back. He had finally crossed the point of no return.

‘I hope it’s worth it’ he was no longer sure, but he forced himself to have faith in the ones who had accepted and protected him even after learning what he was.

He took his seat and once again prepared to speak to the empire. He gave the signal, steadied himself, and with eyes ablaze in green, began, “Your empress revealed the truth about me and those I harbor, how noble of her. But honestly, did you expect it to be so simple? True, some amongst us may eventually lose control and have to be destroyed, I accept that reality; but what would happen if the programming of the empress herself took hold of her; regardless of her being fully aware of it, she was unable to control it? Are you aware that this scenario has already taken place?” Blutcanen paused momentarily as he watched his council and those around him react with terror and confusion.

“Yes” he continued, “The reason for the mass production of Bio-Gens was because when your empress was first created she lost control of her programming due to her rage and she single handedly destroyed every Moonachrian living in The Black Palace Grounds with the exception of her councilor. Because imperial rule dictates that if am empress is destroyed, the one who caused it takes the place of empress, Aurora is now your empress.”

Zaletfer noticed that Blutcanen was having difficulty revealing the truth, ‘He was loyal to his empress for so long, turning on her in such a way can’t be an easy thing for him to do.’

‘I was thinking the same’ Qai agreed

Both Qai and Zaletfer moved directly to Blutcanen’s side to show their support.

‘Thank you both; thank you for understanding’ Blutcanen forced an inward smile

“Your empress suffers from the same malady as I do; she is insane but she has yet to destabilize, and honestly she most likely never will. None the less she is a manipulative hypocrite for telling you what she did without telling you the whole truth.”

Blutcanen thought for a second, ‘She admitted to her populous her reasons for keeping me alive; it is possible for an insane to control themselves, but if I explain that than I will only look to my own men like o am defending her. Worse yet I could undermine our end goal. None the less, if I don’t Aurora could rebuttal with that exact argument and make us out to be nothing more than war-mongers. Even though that defense would be a weak one for her, her empire is so terrified of her that they would not dare stand against her without the most intense of rage to cloud their minds. Also by saying anything I run the risk of making the empire turn on all Insanes, but at least for now they will focus on the bigger threat, the empress, before they look to destroying us. That will hopefully buy is the time needed to regain their trust…’ He knew, regardless of how it looked, he had to make the case.

With a glance towards Qai, the most observant of his council, he continued, “Now as your empress explained, some Insanes can control themselves. Even when the empress did lose control over her programming she recovered herself and regained control…”

Zaletfer looked annoyed and was about to step forward to say something when Qai stopped him.

Noticing this, Xyspiraden smiled, ‘Good, he noticed’

At that, Blutcanen went on with an injection of confidence, “Even so, I believe the costs were too high. The entire population of the Black Palace Grounds were wiped from existence in the minutes it took for the empress to regain control. Moonachrians of the white and black palace grounds are by far the most powerful creatures in our empire, so think of the potential damage your empress could accomplish if she was to be taken over by her programming on your planet? Now it is true that to prevent this, the empress typically confines herself to her palace and her tower home, but we all know that if a situation arises that she feels needs her direct attention she will leave the Black Palace Grounds and personally see to the matter. You have been fortunate for she has yet to lose control again, but the potential still exists. That being said we do not agree that the immediate destruction of an Insane should be the answer. We merely hold that Insanes, even I, should not have the freedom to move about Eternity at will. Stable Bio-Gins should be dispatched while those of is capable of handling matters here should do so. Your empress is a hypocrite advocating out genocide when she isn’t willing to admit to you that she is equally insane. Do you really want someone like that as your empress? Please help me bring an end to her tyranny.” With a final signal from Blutcanen, the transition ended and an ominous silence fell overt the empress of eternity.

“As a result of Blutcanen’s revelation the empire as a whole became outraged. Planets began threatening to declare independence from the empire. Threats of war spread out from the incident like toppling dominoes.” Aurora explained, “Within less than a century the entire empire fell into a state of economic collapse for very few planetary governments were willing to conduct themselves by empirical instruction. Individual planetary trade had yet to be majorly effected but interplanetary trade had all but imploded.”

“It was just a matter of time before the industry within planets began to self- destruct; however, for most peoples relied on the resources other planets in the empire provided.” Rhydian noted

“Precisely” Aurora nodded, “And since none were willing to follow the guidelines and procedures laid out by our rule, resources were not effectively being transported between planets.”

“To add to that,” Rhydian was an expert on this point in Moonachrian history, “Because they refused to follow empirical law, transpiration provided by the palace grounds to bring goods to places that may not have the ability of interplanetary travel was halted.”

“This resulted in individual governments stubbornly clamoring to stand on their own, but most fell to chaos. That led to civil as well as financial despair for those individual governments. You see, the empire had everything under their eye running like clockwork for so long that no one knew what to do to accomplish interplanetary relations on their own.” The empress informed

Rhydian took up the history lesson, “From there the empire as a whole fell into ruin. Government leaders had time on their hands, chaos abundant, and insanity driven anger to spar. Because of this many officials temporarily forgot their dread of their empress and instead directed their fear, confusion, and anger towards her.”

“They blamed me for not telling them that I too was insane, but more than that they blamed me for their actions as a result of learning the truth. Those governments capable of mounting armies able to exist within the palace grounds did so.” The empress seemed more interested in the stray speck of tea leaf floating in her glass than in what she was revealing.

“More than that” Rhydian carried on, “They were mortified of the possibility of you losing control of your programming. Many felt they had to put an end to you before you destroyed them. In other words, Blutcanen succeeded” he spat agitatedly

“Blutcanen gathered those military forces that were dispatched to the black palace grounds together with his own army.” Rhydian spoke like it was his own memory instead of something that happened centuries before his birth.

Blutcanen stood before the combined forces of his organization and those sent to the Black Palace Grounds by their prospective governments spoke up with all of the authority allotted him, “We will enter right up before the empress and together we will end the horror she has brought upon is all!”

Spurred on by the cheering of the crowds Blutcanen led the armies out of his palace and onward toward the palace of the empress herself.

As though the empress was expecting the retaliation she was sitting at her throne with her entire council in their prospective seats.

The empress looked up to see Blutcanen with two of his council on either side of him. Behind the five front men marched a legion of adversaries.

The council of four knew in their deepest places that they would emerge victorious from this confrontation. None the less, the lack of reaction from the woman before them unnerved them; for the last time they saw her react that way the empress literally walked through the atoms of their best men like they weren’t even there.

‘We can’t give her time to react. As long as we act together, those among us who match the empress’ council should have enough time to best those they counter.’ Qai telepathically ordered is fellow council members.

“Do not be so foolish; you claim to be equally matched with us and yet you stand apart. You give your orders to act as one yet your minds are separate and thus your decisions are such also. You will never be equal to us for although you are one in desire and free of thinking you will never be one of exact thought. This alone is why we never fail; this alone is why we are such a formidable force. Alone, maybe you could have bested them; together we are undefeatable by the likes of such pathetic forms.” The empress spoke with suck venom in her spiting tone.

A fog like mist poured in around the empress and bled out before her to surround Blutcanen and those he stood with.

“You have been a taint on our empress long enough!”   Zaletfer sounded the thoughts of those present

The empress merely smiled in response as her eyes fell upon the downward casted gaze of her creation.

As a wounded and shamed dog would creep to the presence of the one who would scorn it, so did Xyspiraden appear before his empress.

Taking note of his manner Qai presumed to know his leader’s mind, “You did not betray her, Blutcanen; you simply spoke the truth when she could not.” Pointing towards the empress he sealed his fate with his dooming tongue, “That woman is a coward where as you are brave!”

It was now time for the empress to defend herself, “Have you such little intelligence? Have you such a vast ignorance as to be blinded by what lay before your own eyes?”

Confusion was evoked and displayed by all present.

Once again the empress’ huffed out amusement sounded eerily through the hall.

With eyes never straying from Blutcanen, the empress explained, “A slaves loyalties are never far from his own desires, but that of a friends are far harder swayed.”

At that Xyspiraden looked up to meet Aurora’s contact with a smile that could only be described as wicked beyond redemption.

“What does she mean?” Vaskel demanded

Mevek too looked to Blutcanen with great interest and intensity.

The fog grew thicker and as it did so it gained a darker hue.

Blutcanen ripped his contact from his empress, “Ignore her, her words are meant to confuse us and turn us upon one another. She wishes to end this stand off before it has even begun, we cannot let her succeed.”

Qai agreed and shouted for the manipulations to end as well as the confrontation.

With one last look toward her creation, Xyspiraden and the Arorabourialace exchanged their last arrangements before the ending began. The black mist peaked to cover the entire expanse of the black palace. As the vapor itself darkened so did empress’ eyes darken in kind. Fear fell upon the faces and spirits of all those closest enough to witness the change.

As frightened murmurs spread through the amassed crowd, the rising panic gave way to morbid dread of what was to come. Those closest to the exit way clamored desperately to push open the grand doors but to no avail. Jasmine had changed the elemental compound to that of a single solid block of lead, impervious to a mere shove.

With a wicked grin and a blood chilling chortle the empress glanced upward out of the corner of her eyes as her face slanted upward. This caused Blutcanen’s council to follow her gaze to the rafters of silver and obsidian above. Their eyes fell upon the horrific sight of their own worst fears reflected down on them. Each looked upward into the face of what frightened them uniquely, for Cheyenne in unison with Loren were causing them to do so.

A frozen chill swept the space, courtesy of Mouraludia, and bone and flesh alike began to halt at a molecular level.

Chasms throughout the great expanse began to open up to swallow whole those who stood between the teeth of their mouths. Other grand protrusions shot up from the ground, carrying the opposers high above a livable fall and dropping their corpses like leaves in the autumn winds.

The devastation was vast, but the true extent of the calamity had yet to be revealed for the eyes of the empress hadn’t yet darkened to their fullest potential. That came when Blutcanen let slip the shard of blood he still wore around his neck.

When Aurora’s eyes caught sight of it, she took her middle claw of her right hand and slit her own throat, revealing the shard of blood she too carried.

Blutcanen’s council took note of the shared item and once again were made to question where their leader’s loyalties lay. That train of thought lasted for mere seconds before Qai noticed the fully blackened state of the empress’ eyes and sounded a panicked alarm to all those yet living. Mortification was beyond measure as warriors clawed the walls to the point of exposing bone in a desperate attempt at escape. They stood against their empress and so they sealed their fate, this was the only way it could have ended.

“It’s too simple.” Sussex deadpanned

Solutions often are” the empress noted

“You love special, and yet you yourself said loves on such a scale were nit lost.”

“Indeed I did” the empress smiled

“So what really happened?” the red head demanded impatiently

“I just did” The empress was enjoying this

“I don’t believe you”

“Aurora speaks the truth, she simply withheld the end.” Rhydian spoiled Aurora’s fun

“Like a cat toys with a mouse, so I toy with your mind.” Aurora was amused

Blutcanen was the last to stand tall and steadfast against the empress.

As Mouraludia, Zaphiradeonix, and the rest if the Moonachrian council moved to clear the palace of the vermin it was then infested with, the empress stood to face her creation. She would move to end him in front of all those who dared appose her and she would not fail.

12: Chapter 11: A Guest to Shock
Chapter 11: A Guest to Shock

The fully blackened eyes of the empress fell upon her creation as his eyes grew a deep grey. The black mist that flooded the palace was lit ablaze with a fire unlike any other. The flames were a deep purple and they were icy to the touch, the result of all the energy within the grounds being simultaneously pulled in two directions. Silence fell upon the quivering men, pressing their backs against the stone sides in an attempt to be as far removed from what was about to happen as possible.

The ground was mangled from chasms and jetted out plateaus as well as the pill of the electrons threatening to fly off to join with the empress’ vast amount of drawn in energy or Blutcanen’s relatively small amount. Sound was not even possible in such a place for it too was being ripped apart by the opposing forces.

Aurora’s wings bled from her back and fully extended in a display if her might. Blutcanen allowed his to do the same as a confrontational response.

That reply amused the empress greatly so she took a mental note to congratulate his corpse once this was over.

The purple flame pulsed through Aurora’s body as the energy she drew in circulated and pulsed through her. Not even Blutcanen was capable of such a feat, thus those of his council now knew exactly where they stood.

The empress made her thoughts audible to all present so she could make one last remark. The empress triumphed, ‘Now you failed beings see the power of the one you call crazed and I feel each of you trembling. Blutcanen; by all means, let us begin this. Prove to those who shakily stand beside you which of us are worthy to rule this empire!’ Her eyes changed a shade so vacant of light as to best even the largest most powerful black holes. Oblivion itself trembled in the wake of how truly absent the empress’ stony gaze became.

Mouraludia, Zaphiradeonix, Jasmine, Cheyenne, Tristah, Loren, Chelsea, and Medallion all became too aware of their memories. The last time the empress displayed such a lack of huge upon her eyes the empire as they had known it fell before her into dust and ruin.

Things had gone too far this time. It was bad enough the empress let herself get to this point, but now it looked as though the empress was truly enjoying the spectacle. Xyspiraden thought she had really lost her mind when the empress allowed him to tell the empire what she really was. But this; Aurora had let herself be pushed to the point where sanity no longer mattered. Why had she done this; what was the purpose? To these questions, Xyspiraden had no answers. All he did know was that something had to be done before the empress repeated the same mistake she became legendary for.

‘Get everyone out!’ Xyspiraden ordered the councilor

Onyx agreed and proceeded to instruct her Bio-Gens in evacuating the palace grounds.

He feared that all he had done to his empress had led the empire he so desperately wanted to save to this point.

Mouraludia agreed reluctantly, for she had decided that any time spent arguing just added tallies to the death toll. she wished that she could stand with her counterpart deeply, but knew that her talents would be better spent with the evacuation effort.

Jasmine restored the doors to their natural state and the trapped crowd fled out of the palace like many flocks of birds out of a single cage.

Once in the streets the freed prisoners fled like rats in every direction, fearing that death of the most horrific nature was right against their trails.

“This will prove more difficult than I at first assumed.” Jasmine sighed with a hint of annoyance in her voice

“Indeed” The rolling of Chelsea’s eyes was addible

“Well, we had best work quickly” Tristah huffed with irritation toward Jasmine for not foreseeing the mess

Each council member had unanimously decided without communication that they would focus silly on those brought to the palace grounds from elsewhere. All those Insanes and the creations that followed them would be left to whatever fate the empress could concoct.

Jasmine found a group of diverse non- Bio-Gens cowering beneath an informative street marker. Beckoning the cowards towards her she; by means of a portal, escorted them safely to the white palace grounds to later be transferred to their prospective planets.

Mouraludia’s tactic was a tad less kind, which was quite unlike her. When she stumbled across a trembling mass of bodies she froze them and opened a portal beneath them to relocate them to her home grounds.

Both methods were effective, but needless to say Mouray’s was more efficient considering the time constraint.

Onyx too found it easier to immobilize those she found by using her ability to slow people’s perception of the passing time before dropping them into portals back to their relative planets.

Cheyenne and Tristah worked as one to either paralyze their victims with fear or immobilize them with laughter before opening portals beneath them.

Medallion went after any lone stragglers with an ingenious ploy. She would open portals right in the path of the moving idiots or right below the stationary ones without bothering to exert any more energy than need be; brilliant!

Loren and Chelsea, both playful and relatively incompetent, had a plan purely their own. They opened a rather large portal that would lead those put into it to a random planet of their choosing. Those morons didn’t even think of returning individuals to the planets from which they came, or corralling them to the safer white palace grounds. Once the portal was opened the tow went about literally rounding up whomever they could and either scaring them to run in the direction of the portal or all out carrying them into it. Needless to say, this method proved disastrous and extremely troublesome for the empress who, after learning of such a thing, had to personally undo it. But that took place long after the events now being described.

“Was this it; was this the plan all along?” Xyspiraden demanded of his empress after she had ceased her onslaught on their surroundings.

“Perhaps” Aurora’s voice was a quiet storm

“Tell me why, why have you brought your empire to ruin? Why have you allowed your people to turn against you? More than that, why have you; the one creature I respected and trusted above all others, given them a reason to?” The creation sounded broken

“Because I was board”

The walls of silence broke and the thunder of the empress’ might resounded.

“Board” He questioned, unable to believe his empress

“Board” she repeated, “Board. This is why I created you; it was a challenge, something to occupy myself and my time with. So was the feat of repopulating Moonachria with Bio-gens, but I gave that task to you for I grew tired of the mundanely of the task. The break did give me a chance to think; however, and this was what it concocted.”

“So you turn your empire upon yourself, insuring it of its collapse all for what; your entertainment? I find that hard to believe”

“Would I not?” Aurora demanded

Mouraludia looked up from the last creature she could find and save just in time to feel the calm before the storm. She sensed a peace fall over the palace much the way one could feel the calm surround them seconds before a rain swoops in to soak a body. The rest was full and warm and so unlike anything the black palace grounds had ever experienced before. Somewhere deep within her thoughts and within her feeling she swore she saw her empress and the old Xyspiraden smiling in that dark and knowing way they shared any time they were of one mind. But before she could clarify the reality of the feeling the walls of the ebb broke and darkness and cold engulfed the black palace once more; this time with an intensity not even known there.

At that the grounds shook with the force of expended energy. The palace itself appeared as bright as a star and then, nothing. Light, sound, and movement seemed swallowed in one gulp. As fast as everything disappeared so did it re-appear to reveal the empress standing in a layer of dust that used to be the Black Palace.

Amongst the filament fell a small red object held by a dark chain; the shard of blood Xyspiraden once wore.

The empress stared longingly toward the necklace before gingerly picking it up.

“Well, that was a spectacle.” Aurora huffed

The empress’ eyes were swept of their black like water vapor sucked from a glass tube. The minute her eyes were cleared the chasms and jetted out pedestals that had devastated so many, disappeared like they were never there. Shivering, quaking men scattered the ground as they realized that everything had been an illusion.

“Dare to do this again and all of you will end up like Blutcanen!” the empress warned. At that she departed toward her tower home.

“The palace was eventually rebuilt but changes had to be made and because of this, the ruling class was once again divided. The difference this time was that Onyx and Mouraludia both thought it wise for me to forgo my public reign until those alive that day to witness what transpired finally perished.” Aurora concluded

“Is that why you’re on earth?” Sussex wondered

“I long ago re-claimed my throne publically, but yes, that is why I was initially here. What better place to keep one’s identity a secret, than on a world so ‘back wooded;’ as they say, as to not even acknowledge the existence of creatures from other places.”

“Well, humans have never been known for their intelligence.” Rhydian noted humorously

“Indeed not” The empress carried the amusement

“But Xyspiraden lived” Sussex interrupted the fun

“Yes” The empress stated obviously

“How; was your energy expulsion at the end an illusion as well?”

“Not at all” Rhydian shook his head

“No, I really did send all that I had drawn in toward him.” Aurora smiled

“Then how did he survive?” Sussex wined

“I was re-created” An ominous figure loomed over the back of the empress’ seat. A small red object dangled around his neck served to properly identify the intruder.

“Xyspiraden” Sussex shrieked

“Yes” he noted in an absent tone comparable to his creator’s.

“But how did you get in here?” The child jumped

“I was wondering that myself” Rhydian puffed under his breath

“I am never far from the empress’ side.” He sounded slightly arrogant

‘Sadly’ Rhydian pouted to himself in irritation

Aurora simply smiled, “He too came with me to earth, for all who were left in Moonachria believed him dead, and it suited my agenda for that notion not to be corrected at first.”

 “I see” Sussex pondered, “So, if you are back in charge publically, why are you still here?” She asked the empress

“Simple; this dust pile provides what my tower beyond the palace never could.”

“Absolute privacy” Xyspiraden concluded

The empress nodded in agreement.

“It’s getting a tad late; supper anyone?” Rhydian attempted to re-include himself in the conversation

“Oh yes, I’m hungry” The red-head yelped

“Very well; why do not you take her out?” Aurora suggested to Rhydian, “Aímáros and I will stay here.”

A vague chill of realization flickered behind Rhydian’s eyes, ‘Everything alright?’

‘For now’ Aurora confirmed her husband’s suspicions.

“Very well; come on Sussex, get your coat.” Rhydian put on his brave front and walked out the grand doorway, Sussex in tow.

Back in the living room Xyspiraden made himself comfortable in a chair he pulled across the coffee table from his empress. Bot bothering to look down, he grabbed one of the last goodies left on the plate set out for the humans.

“What is wrong Aímáros?”

“Empress, we have been monitoring Sussex like you asked, and I am afraid that she is beginning to remember.”

Aurora looked down at her own hands, “That is rather unfortunate and cannot be allowed to continue my friend.”

“Indeed it cannot!” Xyspiraden agreed through his teeth

“So what exactly does she recall?” Aurora asked; peering eerily at the chain barely visible behind Xyspiraden’s top.

“That has yet to be determined. Empress, you must have known that a bit of hair dye and an accent subroutine change wouldn’t be enough to keep Loren locked in the mind of a fantasy.”

“That is true, but I had hoped it could have lasted a bit longer than it has.” Aurora shook her head and clinched her fists, “They reacted the way they did thinking that I am Insane, always threatened by the insanity forcing its way out. If they knew that the insanity never left but was always the greatest part of me the entire empire would be here at war with me and then where would be the stability of Moonachria? Our entire empire would fall if the real truth ever came out. Yes, if things were revealed things would blow up fast. As of now you, the nine, and my councilor are the only ones alive to know the truth. But you know well enough that among my council lie idiots; and if they were to let this slip, chaos would ensue.”

“Loren knows everything about you, that is why we went about doing this to her in the first place. When you decided to move here to earth during the cleanup decades, you took her and Chelsea with you in the hopes of assimilating them into this planet’s society. You wanted to render them no longer a threat to the Empire’s stability.” Xyspiraden reiterated

“I was the one behind all of this, so why the history lesson my child?” Aurora was growing slightly impatient.

“That option is no longer viable; if she discovers the truth, the truth about what you did to her, then what would stop her from telling your empire the truth? Those two girls have always been the lose canons; neither of them are trustworthy. Mouraludia does not agree with me, but I’m afraid Onyx does; if you really wish to prevent things from getting out of hand, maybe it’s time to consider eliminating the problem completely.” Xyspiraden felt he was walking a tight rope.

“I would not consider such a thing. True, Loren irritates me; even more so in her current form, but she is a Bio-Gen like you and like myself. She was one of the original creations and I would not have all that hard work go to waste on something as flimsy as possibility.” The empress looked directly into her creation’s eyes and what he felt from them, chilled him permanently.

“Very well, I thought as much, but if you change your mind I am here for you to assist in whatever capacity you see fit.”

“You will do so now, for I do need your assistance. Deliver a message to my councilor; tell her, if she truly wants to destroy one of her personal creations then why doesn’t she come here to earth and do so herself?” Aurora laughed cruelly, “No, never mind, forgive me my friend.” Her smile widened, “None the less keep an eye on her, on both of them, and keep me apprised of what you find. If worse comes to worse we shall talk, but until then I am perfectly content dealing with this on my own. I am not afraid if what could happen, just worried of what would come of my empire should the truth be revealed. None the less, this is something I foolishly started and it will be something I end, one way or another.”

“Very well empress” at that Xyspiraden left to return to the Black palace to go before the councilor to update her on the empress’ decision.

Rhydian returned home and sends Sussex straight to bed before returning to the living room to find his empress. She wasn’t there to be found so he decided to venture to the one place Aurora seemed to spend the majority of her time; her upstairs library.

Sure enough, the empress sat at the keys of her grand piano at the back of her library, beneath the window and the moonlight.

“I assume he had a good reason for his visit?” Rhydian was rather accusatory

“Indeed; she is beginning to remember.” The empress sounded distracted and distant

“You telling what you did I’m sure didn’t help things much” His agitation was evident

“Xyspiraden shares your sentiment.” Her far off voice walked not a step closer to the present conversation.

“I’m sure he did” the sarcasm and venom was palpable

Aurora finally had enough of her husband’s attitude, “Your petty annoyance with my creation is noted.”

“I don’t trust him, Aurora; and with everything he did to you I can’t believe that you still do.” Rhydian practically shouted

“I will always trust him and since you know not the entire story I suggest you learn to trust my judgment.” She still wouldn’t look up from the keys of her piano

“The necklace, is that why you think he will not betray you?”

“If he takes it off, he will die. When I readjusted him before putting him back together I made sure of that. And as long as he wears that necklace his will remains under my direct control. I trust my ability to create a secure system but even without it I am not worried.”

“Of course you aren’t”

“I may have no need for it, but I can still perceive your sarcasm.”

That made Rhydian chuckle ever so slightly, “Very well, I’m sorry. I do trust you, I just don’t trust him.”

“I am well aware of this, and I am well aware you fear that he will betray me. I assure you that if he dares to I will terminate him where he stands, but that threat will never be needed. Trust me; he is as much mine to command as he has ever been.”

“What do you mean?” Rhydian asked, recalling to mind the day Xyspiraden stood against the empress to challenge her rule.

“Please, just know that you are safe and I am fine, and will remain so.”

“Very well empress.” Rhydian wasn’t satisfied with the outcome of the conversation, but he knew that he had as much chance changing the empress’ mind as he had changing the seasons. Once Aurora had made up her mind on something it would take the combined efforts of her entire council to change her, and even then it ran quite a great of reaffirming her resolve.

 At that Rhydian left the library to return to his room. It had been a very long couple of days and he hadn’t been able to get much sleep. He would try tonight to sleep as well as he could for he knew that the day would come when Loren would remember herself and that would be the day that Xyspiraden’s loyalties, coursed or otherwise, would be tested in full.


A/N: This is the equivalent of a rough draft so please feel free to be as honest and constructive as you would like.

13: Authors Note
Authors Note

Needless to say this is a rough draft in the truest sense. Thank all who have taken the time to read it, and more so those who have taken the time to comment. I am well aware time is slim and quite valuable so my heart swells to know that y'all have spent such a precious commodity on this tale.