Chapter 1

This story explores themes of rebellion, magic, Celtic mythology, government power, and “steampunk” culture. In this story, the term “magic” is replaced by “magecrafting”. Users of this art are called mages.

Chapter 1

Aeron Pryce, a practitioner of wind-type magecraft and the nephew of his Mage Force Academy's headmistress, heaved a deep sigh and decided that enough was enough.

I'm getting really tired, Kenna,” 20-year-old Aeron complained to his good friend as he slumped across one of the Academy library's many worktables. Several leather-bound volumes lay scattered around him, the yellowing paper printed with arcane symbols and blocks of text. “Can't we finish studying for tonight?” His blue and black student uniform started to feel a little itchy.

Not yet, Aeron,” teased Kenna Reece, fiddling with the round-framed glasses on her face. She didn't actually need any glasses, but she loved the “geek girl” look and wore them all the same. She held up a volume entitled Mages of the Ages, perhaps the author's idea of a joke. “The final exams are tomorrow and you kinda still need to cram. Why did you have to put off your studying until the last few days of the semester?”

Aeron groaned, burrowing his head into the sleeves of his uniform. “Didn't think I'd need to. I know all the stuff already.”

Well, I beg to differ,” Kenna smiled, prodding his arm with her finger. “Heads up. Let's review a little more. Can you tell me who Unster the Great was?”

Finally Aeron managed to sit up, running a hand through his ear-length black hair and stifling a yawn. “The leader of the group of guys who used advanced alchemy to create the art of magecrafting 100 years ago.”

'Group of guys'?”

Aeron waved a hand, distracted. “His followers and students. They granted magecraft to those wealthy and/or influential enough to be considered worthy. The noble families, politicians, doctors, lawyers, the family members of doctors and lawyers... a toy for the rich. From then on, magecrafting was passed down from parent to child and the formula used to create magecrafting was destroyed to prevent anyone else from getting it.”

Toy isn't the word I'd use,” Kenna commented, her eyes growing distant and her voice becoming fond. “So many historical implications and events were shaped by magecrafting's creation.”

For one, the civil war that tore the Talwydd Republic apart,” Aeron grinned.

Yeah,” Kenna nodded faintly. She fiddled with her long brown locks of hair. “Unsatisfied by the intense social imbalance of magecrafting, the common people eventually demanded equality, but the substances used to create magecrafting had been lost and the mages quickly established social dominance.”

Feeling like his brain was wrung dry, Aeron mumbled, “And so, a bloody civil war broke out that resulted in the mages' victory and the creation of the Talwydd Ascendancy, ruled entirely by mages. Our continent was never the same again.”

Snapping Mages of the Ages closed, Kenna chuckled and stood up, brushing a little dust off her student uniform. “Oh all right, let's call it a night and get back to the dorms. I suppose that it's pretty late, after all.”

Very late, you mean,” Aeron rolled his eyes, looking at the large copper-plated clock that ticked over the library's double doors. Large steel gears and pistons quietly clicked and spun behind the clock face, providing a spectacular show of moving parts and modern technology. More importantly, it was just after 10:30 PM... and the exit exams were due to start at 0600 hours!

Still...” Aeron admitted, scooping up some of the books and carrying them to their shelf, “I oughta thank you for helping me review so much. I'd have been screwed otherwise.”

Kenna beamed and blushed slightly as she picked up a few books and gently slid them into their shelves. “You're welcome, Aeron, but it's really no trouble. We've been sticking together since we arrived here two years ago as fresh-faced recruits, after all.”

Seems a lot longer ago than that,” Aeron commented, stretching his arms high to relieve his cramped muscles. “How the time flies...”

Motioning for Aeron to follow her toward the library's front double doors, Kenna added, “Yeah, and let's cross our fingers that we get assigned to the same platoon when we graduate!”

May the odds be in our favor,” Aeron grinned. “And let's hope that our future platoon commander isn't a total ass, either. The drill instructors are bad enough as it is.”

Like Sergeant Quinn?”

Especially Sergeant Quinn. Did you know that he once made me do five laps around practice arena five when I forgot to shave one morning?”

Kenna laughed as she pushed the doors open and chilly autumn air washed over the two students. “He's a stickler for being tidy, that one.”

You're telling me,” Aeron said in mock agony as he and his friend walked down the stone-cobble path across the Golau Military Academy, the biggest academy in the capital city Golau. No one else was outside tonight, and the 2300-hours curfew would set in soon, so Aeron and Kenna made haste toward the looming brick-and-mortar student dorms. Overhead the sky was crowded with stars and the moon frosted the campus' nearly-bare trees with light. Countless red and orange leaves lay scattered on the ground.

When Aeron and Kenna reached the path that split between the boys' dorm and the girls', Aeron shrugged and put his hands into his pants pockets. “Well... good night, then. See ya bright and early.”

See you tomorrow, Aeron.”


So you maggots think you have what it takes to become soldiers of the Mage Force, the all-powerful mage army of the Ascendancy? Well, we'll see about that!” barked Sergeant Quinn, a somewhat short but stern man. He paced back and forth in front of a square formation of his students, a hundred strong. Aeron stood near the front of the group, but he wished that he was at the back instead. At least I remembered to shave this morning.

The students stood at one end of the training grounds, a huge, relatively flat expanse of grassy dirt at the west end of the academy's campus. A large circular pool, a cluster of trees, and several trenches provided variety in the terrain. The flag of the Talwydd Ascendancy snapped and fluttered in the breeze on its towering pole at the other end of the grounds. From here, Aeron could easily see the Ascendancy's logo on the rectangular flag: a thin black ring with a sky-blue interior, with two black crescent moons inside. One moon was smaller than the other and was nestled in the larger crescent.

Sergeant Quinn continued, “Today, we are going to sort out the washouts and quitters from the Talwydd Ascendancy's future soldiers and guardians! You all have already completed the written exams, but here is where we find out what kind of soldiers you boys and girls might become. For twenty years you have lived for this moment! Ever since birth, you were graced by your parents or grand-parents with the ultimate gift that elevates us from the non-mage rabble! Your magecrafting abilities will be tested to their fullest today, and if you think that it'll be hell...” He lowered his voice with a nasty grin. “You're wrong. It will actually be worse.”

What a drama queen, Aeron mentally snorted. He had rarely seen so many students standing in one place, and he took this time to scope out the competition. Kenna was standing a few students to his right, her chin held high and her glasses glinting with sunlight. Aeron knew that her psychic-type magecrafting would make her better off as a support fighter instead of a trooper, and he vowed to keep her safe during the exams.

In front of Kenna stood another girl, this one with long, pure-white hair that was immaculately maintained. Her lithe, curvy body was complimented by her regal features and kind eyes, and Aeron could already feel his heart rate speeding up. Siana Stewart, daughter of a noble family. That's uncommon, having a noble girl run away from home and join the military. I wonder what's going through her mind? She never tells anybody anything about herself! All I need to know is that she's stunning.

To Aeron's right stood what was easily this year's biggest mage student. Towering above everyone else and with brawny muscles and a heavyset jaw to boot, Cadoc was a user of kinetic force-type magecrafting. By what Aeron had heard, Cadoc could amplify his strength and speed to inhuman levels as well as release blasts of kinetic energy from all parts of his body. He got along with some of the students, but anyone who got in his way would be trampled flat.

By now, every instructor had assembled in the bleachers to watch, along with a number of platoon commanders looking to recruit new members into their units. Unlike most soldiers and officers in the Mage Force, the platoon commanders adorned their blue and black uniforms with various decals, capes, gloves, and many other types of decoration to show off their prowess in combat. One woman, who looked to be in her mid-thirties, had sliver-gray hair and sharp blue eyes. However, her uniform had flaming red colors and polished brass buttons. Aeron couldn't decide if she was an ice user with odd clothing or a fire user with peculiar hair and eyes.

On this day, we honor the Ascendancy that gives us order and power!” Sergeant Quinn shouted. “We salute the mighty Talwydd Ascendancy and give our thanks to it for this age of prosperity. For the Ascendancy!” He made the traditional salute by raising his left hand, palm-out, to eye level and then formed a fist. He thumped his fist to his heart and held it there, waiting while the students imitated the salute with perfect unity.

For the Ascendancy!” one hundred students boomed as one.

Very good,” Quinn nodded once, then instructed the students to march to one end of the long training field, taking up positions. The platoon commanders stayed seated while the drill instructors got up and scattered across the field, preparing to give the students one hell of a time during their practical exam.

Aeron smiled as he tightened his fists. And I'll give them one hell of a time right back.


Over two dozen drill instructors stood scattered across the wide training field, drawing one glowing red line on each side of the field several hundred yards apart. At the other end of the field was a luminescent white line.

Your objective is simple, students,” Sergeant Quinn sneered as he walked back and forth across the line of students with his hands held behind his back. “Cross the field and reach the other side of the white line while fighting anything and everything that the instructors throw at you. Cross the red lines, and you're looking at another year at the Academy. Do you understand me?”

Yes, sir!” Aeron boomed with the other students, his heart starting to race again with excitement. This should be a good bit of fun, he thought confidently, clenching his fists and letting coils of air whip around his hands.

Sergeant Quinn retreated to one side of the arena and raised a hand. “Begin!” he roared.

One hundred uniformed students surged across the training field, scattering into a chaotic mob as they went. Aeron broke out into a full sprint, pumping his arms as his booted feet pounded across the lumpy, grassy ground. He barely got a third of the way across the field when the instructors raised their arms, various colors of magecrafting surging to life on their hands and arms. Several students shrieked in shock and alarm as massive golems sprouted from the earth, their faceless heads popping up first, followed by wide shoulders and thick arms. The golems, composed of dirt and rock, glowed with different types of magecrafting stored in their dense bodies.

Training dummies! Aeron realized. Ahead of him towered a golem that seethed with intense red and orange light within its body, and the stone giant knelt and pounded its huge right fist into the ground. At once, a roiling wave of flames exploded outwards from the impact site, throwing a few students off their feet and tossing them through the air like dolls. Several other students stopped and braced themselves, conjuring semi-opaque barriers right before the golem struck again. The golem's lower head parted to form a jaw that issued three narrow jets of flame, but the flames merely washed harmlessly over the students' barriers.

All around him, Aeron heard panicked shouts for help as the other golems assaulted the students with hailstorms of ice, rushes of water, and lances of lightning. The students quickly returned fire with a dazzling display of various elements, eager to show off their academy training. Already, a number of students lay scattered and dazed outside the red lines' boundaries, and Aeron knew that if he didn't act fast, then he'd be among them.

Assist me!” cried the white-haired girl, Siana. The golem stomped closer to the students, releasing spurts of flames with every earth-shuddering step. Siana stood proud and regal, refusing to cower or retreat in the face of the approaching monster. Eager to help her out, Aeron rushed to her side, wind coiling at his fists.

Got a plan?” he asked her.

Yes.” Siana's lips curled into a smile. “Please distract it. Then I can be more effective. Everyone else, will you help me?”

Most of the other students were busy fighting off a nearby ice golem, but one boy with water magecrafting at his fingertips joined Siana and Aeron against the fire golem. Once again the huge golem slammed a fist to the earth, nearly blasting the students off their feet as it conjured another wave of flames. With a shout, the water student reached his arms forward, jets of water appearing from thin air. The water shifted and morphed in mid-air, forming a wide sheet that doused a patch of the fire wave.

There's your opening! Go!” Siana shouted, pointing at the gap in the golem's fire. Seeing his chance, Aeron tore across the field and channeled his wind power toward his legs, propelling himself like a rocket. Easily avoiding one of the golem's fists, Aeron sprang twenty feet up on a column of whirling air. Now on eye level with the golem, Aeron grinned and drew back a fist, tight currents of air tensing on his fist. With a shout, Aeron jabbed his fist forward and released a howling jet of air, smashing right into the golem's featureless stone face.

The golem reeled back from the blow, stunned from the ultra-focused jet of air. The monster stumbled back a few steps, waving its arms to keep itself steady. For good measure, Aeron shot out his other fist, drilling a clean, deep hole into the golem's dirt-and-rock chest with another deadly lance of wind, sending clouds of dirt and rock chunks spraying everywhere.

Then, Aeron felt cold. Very cold.

You're open, boy!” shouted a woman's voice, and Aeron realized that he had been encased in ice by a drill instructor's attack. It was the woman with silver hair and fire-themed clothes, Aeron realized as he plummeted to the earth, trapped by the ice.

Damn it! She's right... I was a sitting duck up there, Aeron raged to himself. What was more, the golem was starting to recover from his wind attacks and was stepping forward for another assault.

Much to Aeron's pleasant surprise, he didn't smash into the ground and shatter into pieces. A bed of oversized red flowers sprouted from the earth in seconds, and the plants' thick, sturdy leaves and stems cushioned Aeron's fall. Gasping in shock, Aeron realized that Siana was standing with her arms outstretched, green waves of magecrafting emanating from her outstretched hands. Her soft white hair fluttered in the wind conjured by the sheer power she was releasing, and Aeron felt immediate gratitude toward his rescuer.

The plants squeezed the ice trapping Aeron, cracking it and letting Aeron blast himself free. Surging up from the plants on a cushion of air, Aeron saw one of the golem's giant fists shooting right toward him, fire bleeding from between the giant's fingers. Just as Aeron prepared a counter-attack, however, long, thorny vines erupted from the earth and wrapped around the golem's thick wrist. The vines tugged the golem's fist down, trapping it against the ground.

Brilliant!” Aeron howled, swinging his fists repeatedly at his trapped foe. Air drills punched into the golem's body, rapidly blasting away chunks of rock and destabilizing the creature's body structure. The water student leaped into the fray, sending a surge of water between the golem's cracks and seams. The water exploded outwards, blasting the creature into a torrent of rocks and dirt.

Siana dispelled her plants with a wave of her hand, running a hand elegantly through her pure white hair. “Wonderful, everyone,” she nodded in approval. “Let's go!”

Who made you boss? Aeron grumbled in his head, but he wasn't about to argue. He, Siana, and the water student resumed their sprint across the field, wary of he golems and instructors up ahead. Aeron scanned the field for any sign of Kenna, but he couldn't see her in the chaotic fray of golems and magecrafting. More importantly, a pair of golems lurched across the field to confront Aeron's group.

Yaaaah!” the water student sent a cluster of water jets at one golem's head, but the stone giant merely swept its hand through the air in response. At the gesture, the water jets curved and sprayed in random directions, soaking the entire field. Then the golem reached out with a fist, issuing a huge torrent of water. Unable to react in time, the water student was swept away by the vicious current, crying out for help. Aeron was too slow to help him, though, and the student found himself deposited outside the arena's boundary.

I suppose it's just you and me,” Siana commented to Aeron, green magecrafting glowing on her hands. “If we can get rid of them, we will have a clear shot at the finish line.”

Yeah, if can deal with these guys,” Aeron said grimly, watching as the two giants lumbered toward him and Siana. The water golem shot out another huge fist, conjuring a second jet of raging water. Leaping high into the air, Aeron surrounded himself with a whirling cyclone of air, letting the golem's water jet crash into the air cocoon. Gritting his teeth, Aeron mustered all his strength and fueled more air power into his wind shell. The air shell scattered the water everywhere, breaking up the water jet into a massive spray of water droplets everywhere.

Feeling fatigue burning in his muscles, Aeron gently lowered himself to the ground, watching as the other golem launched its attack. The golem, like the others, pounded its fist into the ground in order to make its attack. This time, however, the very earth itself became the golem's weapon. Powerful shock waves exploded from the golem's fist like an earthquake, shattering the ground in a wide radius. Chunks of earth shattered and caved in, and Aeron felt the earth under him collapse from the trauma. Quickly, he wrapped himself in a pod of air, levitating upwards and into the air.

Not content to just watch, the other golem threw huge globs of water at the airborne Aeron, destabilizing the air pod with every strike. I can't keep this up! Aeron realized, straining to pump more air power into his wind shield. Before he could, however, another blast of water from the golem swallowed him up, drowning out the sounds of the battles nearby. Aeron was helpless as the powerful channel of water swept him across the shattered ground, jostling him painfully across the ruined ground. He came to a halt in a shallow crater, the leftover water sinking into the ground. Aeron coughed and sputtered, spitting water out of his mouth and shivering in his soaked uniform. “Siana!” he shouted weakly.

More huge vines surged from the ground, this time wrapping around the water golem's head. The massive stone creature seized the thick, fibrous vines around its neck, its stone fingers clawing at the plants' tough skin. However, the vines sank quickly back into the ground, bringing the golem to its knees as its head was dragged into the churned earth. In protest, the golem scrabbled its thick stone fingers in the ground but it succeeded only in churning up chunks of soil.

I think she's got a clear shot for the finish line! Aeron thought, scrambling to his feet and pressing the water out of his hair with his fingers. Only the earth-manipulation golem still stood between Siana and the finish line, and it stomped a foot onto the ground. At once, another earthquake surged through the ground, forcing Siana to conjure a bed of flowers for support. However, the golem clenched a fist and remotely lifted dozens of huge stones into the air. The stones shot through the air one by one like missiles, threatening to pummel Siana into submission. Acting fast, Siana escaped the zone of fire and sprinted across the field, letting her vines and flower leaves swat aside the nearby rocks.

Breaking out into a full run, Aeron hastened to follow Siana's wake, but the determined golem sent more projectiles through the air, this time at him. With a quick blast of air, Aeron evaded a few rock strikes and caught up to Siana, his eyes on the finish line. Before he could get any further, however, a whole cluster of rocks shot toward him and Siana like pellets from a shotgun.

Get down!” Aeron dove and tackled Siana, throwing her to the ground just in time. A rock hissed through the air right where Siana had stood, and the golem had started walking again, quickly catching up to its prey.

Warn me next time!” Siana sputtered indignantly. “Treating a lady of the Stewart family like that...”

Aeron winced. “Come on, this is no time for that. Let's move!” He helped Siana back up and mustered the last of his strength, propelling them across the field at a breakneck speed. “We're almost there!”

Faster and faster Aeron went, carrying Siana tightly as he went. The earth golem fell far behind, its rock projectiles unable to reach so far. The glowing white finish line drew close, so close that Aeron could touch it...

And a blast of lightning surged from an instructor's fingertips and into Aeron and Siana's bodies, nearly causing them to black out. Aeron howled as the lightning coursed through him, and every nerve felt like it was on fire. Siana slipped from his numb fingers and tumbled across the grass, her body going limp. Aeron, meanwhile, rolled a few feet toward the finish line and came to a halt, his breathing ragged and his vision dim. Damn it! Siana... hang on! He weakly reached out with an arm, hoping to take a hold of Siana's limp form. He dug his fingers into the ground and tugged as hard as he could, dragging himself forward a few inches. However, he could hear the lightning instructor walking toward him, probably intending to finish the job.

Feeling a surge of defiance in his blood, Aeron flopped into his back and kicked out with his foot, throwing a weak torrent of air at the instructor's face. The uniformed man grimaced and stumbled back from the blast of air, but he regained his composure and prepared another lightning strike.

Before the instructor could let loose with another shock spell, somebody huge came thundering across the field from behind and knocked the instructor aside with a single meaty arm. Cadoc's huge form towered over Aeron, blocking out the sun. “Come on, are you going to lie there all day?” he boomed, extending a hand. “Get up.”

Th-thanks,” Aeron muttered, accepting Cadoc's hand and letting the bigger man hoist him to his feet. Quickly, Aeron scrambled over to Siana and helped her up too, then he followed Cadoc's lead across the white finish line. Aeron's legs felt like they were made of rubber as he weakly shuffled across the grass, but he, Siana, and Cadoc crossed right over the line and Aeron crumpled to the ground again.

Are you all right?” Siana asked, concern in her voice as she knelt over Aeron. For an answer, Aeron raised a hand with the thumb's up sign.

Never been better,” he grinned.

After a few more chaotic minutes, the last of the students managed to cross the finish line, Kenna among them. The instructors dispelled the remaining golems and formed a line with Sergeant Quinn. “Congratulations, students,” Quinn announced. “This exam is officially over and all of you have passed. There's more of you here in the completion zone than I expected... maybe there's some hope for the newest generation after all.”

Aeron managed to get back to his feet and repeat the Ascendancy salute with the other students. I really hope that my platoon leader isn't like him, he thought.


A/N: That's all for chapter one. This story will have a lot of different characters, phenomena, and creatures in it so I'll provide summaries for them after some chapters.


Talwydd (Tal-weed): The continent where this story takes place.


Talwydd Ascendancy: The totalitarian government created by mages shortly after their success against the non-mage peoples. It is an oppressive police state that grants few rights to non-mage citizens and the leaders enjoy complete control over the economy, media, and law. Elections, political parties, and labor unions are virtually non-existent.


Magecrafting: The art that allows mages to create and control supernatural phenomena. It was created with advanced alchemy and is passed down from parent to child. No more than 10-15% of Talwydd's population is mages.


Mundane people: All non-mages. They are often nicknamed “mundies” by mages.


Golau: The capital city of the Talwydd Ascendancy.


Stewart family: One of the several wealthy noble families of the Talwydd Ascendancy. The noble families date back to the Talwydd Republic, but they gained even more influence and power when the noble families became mages and the Ascendancy came into power. Siana Stewart is the daughter of the Stewart family patriarch.


Mage Force: The primary army of the Ascendancy, made up entirely of mages that are divided into regiments, further broken down into 20-man platoons. Each platoon is led by a commander and each regiment is led by a colonel. The Mage Force is often employed against dangerous supernatural creatures (to be explored in later chapters).


People's Army: The other army of the Ascendancy, made up of mundane soldiers who use rifles and combat vehicles such as zeppelins and troop transport trucks. The soldiers of the People's Army are loyal to the Ascendancy because they receive high pay and civil rights that mundane civilians lack.

2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Night had fallen over the capital city of Golau, but when the city was viewed from far above, the thousands of tiny yellow pinprick lights that shone from the buildings' windows lit up the whole city in a grid pattern. A massive zeppelin floated swiftly through the air, with a quartet of large propeller sets guiding the craft through the chilly night air. The vehicle's massive steam-powered engines rumbled and rattled in the gondola's aft section, with a lattice of brass pipes, pistons, and nozzles visible on the ship's sturdy wooden hull. Slowly the craft began to descend, angling in a shallow trajectory toward one of the several landing fields in Golau.

In the starboard section of the large gondola, a man perked himself awake, having caught himself starting to doze in his comfortable seat. Dozens of other passengers took up the seats ahead of him and behind him, many of them asleep and snoring at various volumes. Taking off his bowler hat and scratching his messy dirty blond hair, 34-year-old Bevan Flanagan heaved a sigh and looked out the window, admiring the overhead view of the Ascendancy's capital city.

How ironic that I, the rebellion's esteemed leader, live and operate in the heart of the Ascendancy's evil domain, Bevan thought to himself with distinct amusement. Indeed, several thousand of his fellow freedom fighters all looked up to him for guidance, praying that he would lead them to salvation against the tyrannical rule of the haughty, stuck-up mages. Well, that romantic idealism kept the morale up, but Bevan knew that what he was doing was far from a holy crusade; he just wanted equal rights for the mundane citizens of the Ascendancy, and to overthrow the Ascendancy's central command if he rallied enough support.

Bevan shook his head. Don't get ahead of yourself. When you get to the meeting at the abandoned warehouse, just stay cool and stick with the plan. That shipment of lightning rifles should be in by now. Ha. Shipment. More like “stolen shipment of goods that my men secured from the People's Army.” It's fortunate that so many soldiers and officers in the People's Army are in my pocket.

It was risky for the rebellion's central leader to be riding a public zeppelin like this, especially with several People's Army guards standing rigidly at the exit doors with their rifles in hand. Still, Bevan made sure that he wasn't much to look at. Clad in trousers with suspenders, leather work boots, a T-shirt, and his black bowler hat, Bevan looked like just any other downtrodden mundane citizen. Each passenger would be watched like a hawk from the People's Army guards as they disembarked the zeppelin, but Bevan had done this before, travel among the various cities by zeppelin to visit the scattered cells of his rebellion. He could handle it.

The rumble of the zeppelin's engines slowed as the craft settled to a stop on the ground, and from his window, Bevan watched as the landing field's crew secured the zeppelin to the ground with thick, sturdy ropes. The gondola's exit doors were swung open by the Army guards and the boarding ramps were lowered, allowing the passengers to disembark in single file. Bevan kept his composure as he walked  the wooden ramp with the other people, not returning the harsh glares of the People's Army guards. Really, how non-mage people could become soldiers for the cruel mages was beyond Bevan's ken.


After a short ride through Golau in a steam-powerdowned taxi car, Bevan madto announce that our cell of operatives in the Meine Mountains range is fully functional, armed, and ready for its role in our coming revolution. All the pieces are in place, my fellows. It's up to us to strike the first blow and make the Talwydd Ascendancy realize that the people will not allow mages to rule supreme! For a century, mundane people like us have lived in

e his way to a three-story warehouse, and the building's shabby exterior made for the perfect cover for its interior. As soon as Bevan went inside, crowds of his fellow rebels stood at attention, many gratefully calling out his name.

Good evening, my fellow advocates of freedom,” Bevan announced once he took his place at the podium in front of the crowds. It occurred to him that he needed a formal name for his rebellion, but that would come later. “It pleases me

fear of the mages' power. We have no representation in the government. We cannot form labor unions or express our ideas in the newspapers or telegrams. Mages make all the rules and have the freedom to violently uphold their unjust stranglehold on the common people. But with the common people united under me, we will strike back and we will restore the balance of the world!”

At the words, hordes of men and woman roared their assent, stamping their feet and pumping their fists. Bevan continued, “Tomorrow, the latest batch of students to graduate the Golau Military Academy will be featured in the parade down the main street. I tell you, this will be the last time that the Ascendancy will flaunt its superiority over the true citizens of this land! What is more, we have the weapons with which to fight back. We have our rifles, our Gatling guns, our zeppelins, and our armored steam cars. But we also have this.”

Four people carried a huge, coffin-sized wooden crate to Bevan and set it on the floor with a thump near their leader's podium. Bevan lifted the lid and picked up one of the items inside. Shaped like a rifle, but bulkier, the weapon had a short, thick copper barrel that ended with a fist-sized sphere of pure copper. The rest of the weapon's metal components were covered with small copper nodes and a trio of steel levers rested on the action, along with a small assembly of gears. Bevan pulled back one of the levers, causing a few of the gears to spin and lock in place.

This, my friends, is our newest tool of defiance,” Bevan announced, raising the lightning rifle into position and taking aim at one of the many empty wooden crates in the building. With one squeeze of the weapon's trigger, Bevan filled the air with a dazzling lance of crackling electricity that vaporized the wood box on impact. Bevan felt the hairs on his arms and neck stand up and his ears ached with the loud hum of lightning, but he was awed by the end result: only a few charred scraps of the crate were left, scattered on the floor. The audience oohed at the sight, many people shrinking away from the terrifying display even though they were already at a safe distance.

There are more for those with the courage and responsibility to use them properly,” Bevan called out, motioning for his assistants to unload the rest of the lightning rifles in the box. “We intercepted this shipment from the People's Army's supply lines, and I need these weapons to be put to good use. With any luck, this revolution will go down in history as the movement that liberated Talwydd.”

Bevan watched as several volunteers walked forth to accept the lightning rifles. I hope that Donny's all set, he thought, reflecting on his younger brother, Donovan Flanagan, who ran the rebellion cell in the Meine Mountains range. This is a lot of responsibility for him, but I need everyone to do their best. The freedom of Talwydd depends on it.


On the evening of Aeron's graduation from his military academy, he found himself in the campus' front grounds where several regiments of the Mage Force were assembled. Hundreds of mages, seasoned vets and novices alike, stood in formation as the graduate students were assigned one by one to their new units.

I hope we're chosen by the same regiment,” Kenna whispered in Aeron's ear as they and the other graduates stood in a long line. The evening sun glared in Aeron's eyes, making him look away.

But not the same platoon?” he whispered back.

Kenna smiled and toyed with her glasses. “I don't want to jinx us by hoping for too much.”

How nice.”

The First through Sixth Regiments slowly grew in size as the graduates were called over by the regiment colonels, and before long Aeron watched the huge kinetic mage, Cadoc, get called over to the first platoon of Third Regiment. A few minutes later, the white-haired plant mage, Siana, was assigned to that platoon as well.

Private Aeron Pryce,” boomed the colonel in charge of Third Regiment. “You are assigned to first platoon.”

Aeron's stomach squirmed with excitement and anxiety as he stepped forward. Swallowing tightly, he strode forward and took his spot in his new platoon, noticing that there was room for only one more person in the twenty-man platoon. Kenna was among the last graduates standing in line when she was called over, filling up the last spot on the platoon.

We weren't jinxed after all,” Aeron muttered kindly into Kenna's ear, but he fell silent when the platoon commander, the white-haired ice mage from earlier, called for attention. She wore a form-fitting black and blue uniform with black, high-heeled boots.

Ten-hut!” she barked, and twenty mages saluted as one.

My name is Commander Gwendolyn Anderson, and from now on, my word will be law for the lot of you,” the attractive silver-haired woman told everyone sternly, pacing back and forth among them. Across the field, the other platoon commanders did much the same thing to their troops. “Some of you have been in Third Regiment for years, and others have been here for only a few minutes. Either way, you grunts are the front-line defenders of the Talwydd Ascendancy and all it stands for! The Ascendancy has many enemies these days, and it needs strong men and women to put their lives on the line. Do you understand me?”

Yes, sir!” chorused the mages. Aeron felt his heart hammering in his chest from tension.

Commander Anderson nodded. “Very good. The Ascendancy might be safe yet. As I speak, rebels conspire in the shadows and the spiritual beasts of the wild are growing ever stronger. We, the soldiers of the Mage Force, will be there to answer the call of duty.”

I've heard about the rebels hiding in the cities, but the Mage Force has yet to root them out, Aeron reflected, wondering how the rebels could stay hidden for so long. What was more, the wild spirits beyond the cities, like the banshees and werewolves, had been growing more aggressive and confrontational against the human race. Without a doubt, Aeron would have a wild time on the Mage Force.

But first,” Anderson smiled slightly, “we have a parade to attend.”


Dozens of huge floats, powered by steam engines, sat in a line on one of Golau's roads in preparation for the annual military parade to celebrate the graduation of the students from academies all over Talwydd. Thousands of blue and black-uniformed soldiers of the People's Army already stood in formation for the parade, their rifles held in position over their shoulders. During this time, while the mages organized themselves on the floats, the young mages took this time to get to know each other.

Aeron took a deep breath as he climbed on board his platoon's float, realizing that except for him, Kenna, Cadoc, and Siana, all the other mages on the platoon were older than him. At the moment, Cadoc, Siana, and Kenna were standing in a cluster on one corner of the float while the older mages chatted and laughed amongst themselves. Aeron approached the older students, determined to break the ice. “I'm private Aeron Pryce, a wind mage,” he offered, extending a hand.

One of the more popular mages, a man with short blond hair, snorted with a grin as he watched Aeron's hand. “Oh look, the rookie wants to be friends.” The other mages chuckled, making Aeron lower his hand in shame.

We might as well at least know each other's names,” Aeron insisted. “You know...”

Okay, it's like this, kid,” the blond mage said with a cocky tone, taking a few menacing steps toward Aeron. “I am corporal Owen Burns. Call me Owen. Or 'your majesty'. That might be better.” The other mages smirked and watched Aeron, waiting to see what his reaction would be.

Come on, don't be an ass,” Aeron snapped. “You haven't even seen what I can do. You just might learn to respect me.”

Owen raised his eyebrows. “Really? You're acting big with me?” He clenched a fist, and lightning snapped and sizzled around his knuckles. “Maybe I should teach you your place, rookie. How's that sound?”

Aeron felt his face warm. “You wouldn't dare. Commander Anderson can see us from here.”

Owen glanced at the commander, who was talking to the fourth platoon's commander, then back to Aeron. “Then she'll see how far I outclass you.” He leaned forward and shoved his pug-like face into Aeron's. His blue eyes bored right into the younger mage's. “You're fresh out of the academy, boy. Even if Headmistress Catrina Pryce is your aunt, that doesn't make you special. Better learn that lesson fast.” He gave Aeron a mocking pat on the shoulder, then turned back to his friends.

Realizing that it was time to give up, Aeron rolled his eyes with a sigh and joined his fellow graduates. “I got a pretty cold reception over there,” he piped up.

Don't take it too hard,” Kenna reassured him kindly. “We are the new guys on the regiment. Those older guys will come around... I hope.”

Only one way to show them up, Aeron,” Cadoc boomed, thumping a massive fist on his broad chest. “You gotta kick some serious ass and destroy everything in your way! You'll be promoted to corporal in a flash as long as you put your heart into it.”

Easy for you to say,” Aeron grinned. “You could bench-press Commander Anderson three times over.”

Cadoc stole a quick glance at his commander and smiled. “Yeah, she's a fine lady, that Gwendolyn. She'll warm up to me, I know it.”

Kenna made an exasperated sigh. “You're really talking that way about the commander?”

Shrugging his wide shoulders, Cadoc responded, “Well, she's mighty fine, that one. I won't do nothin' to upset her, though. I'm a pretty fine mage myself, and she'll find that out pretty soon.”

Aeron frowned. Wow, and I thought that I was a little conceited. Does Third Regiment have a god complex tradition?

Well, I believe that Aeron had the right idea,” Siana said proudly, stiffening her back and running a hand through her pure white hair. “All twenty of us are on the same team now, and it's important to facilitate good relations for group efficiency. Don't you all agree?”

I suppose,” Kenna mumbled, looking away.

I just want to impress Gwendolyn,” Cadoc said enthusiastically.

It's Commander Anderson, Cadoc,” Siana reminded the bigger mage. “Do take care to remember that, all right? I'm going to meet the other mages. Aeron, will you join me?”

Aeron shrugged. “I guess. Maybe Owen will like you more than me.” She's pretty and smart, and she's a great mage. Owen and Commander Anderson will like her for sure! A minute later, Aeron found out just how wrong he was.

So, a little Stewart princess thinks she can cozy up to us!” Owen commented nastily when Siana introduced herself. He fixed his eyes on Siana. “Hey, beauty queen, here's a heads-up: you're not special. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Your daddy might be rich and have influence with the Ascendancy High Command, but that doesn't mean squat to me or anyone else on the regiment. Geez, why do all you recruits think you're so hot?”

Siana blinked in indignation. “I beg your pardon? I only wanted to make your acquaintance. That was all.”

When I care, and there's no guarantee that'll happen, I'll take a look at the regiment roster for everyone's names,” Owen said with a tone of finality. “Run along, princess, and take your boyfriend with you. The parade's about to start and you need to get in formation.”

She's not my girlfriend,” Aeron said quickly, but he mentally added that he wouldn't mind such an arrangement.

I... well...” Siana stammered, averting Owen's gaze and blushing with embarrassment.

Aeron tapped Siana's shoulder. “I think it's a lost cause. Let's get into formation before the parade starts.”

Siana still looked unsettled as she and the other mages took up their positions on the parade float. “I may be the daughter of the Stewart family's patriarch, but that doesn't make me spoiled,” she insisted to Aeron. “Does it?”

I dunno,” Aeron told her. “I don't know you that well. Maybe it's because you talk like nobility, since you are. Not to be rude or anything.”

That may be,” Siana smiled, getting an idea. “So, Aeron, ya think that if I talk more casual, he'll totally like me better? I betcha that'll happen!”

Aeron winced. “I think you're going a little too far in the other direction.”

Naw, it's cool,” Siana kept up her smile. “Am I doing this right?”

Um... to put it nicely, no.”

Siana slumped her shoulders. “Oh. Now I feel even sillier.”

Up ahead, Owen cleared his throat as the People's Army troopers started marching. “So, guys... how many this time?”

I bet it'll be twenty to twenty-five,” one mage spoke up.

Twenty-six plus,” another chimed in.

Fifteen to nineteen,” a third added.

Aeron raised his eyebrows. “Uh, what?”

Turning around, Owen grinned and put his hands into his pockets. “Annual bet, little guy. We wager on how many citizen arrests there'll be at the parade. Every year, idiots in the crowds make anti-Ascendancy remarks and other rebellious actions like throw stuff at the floats and People's Army soldiers. All instigators are arrested and jailed for their crimes.”

Oh,” Aeron replied lamely.

So, you want in, rookie?” Owen offered with a smirk. “Give a number range, and if you're right, you'll win some cash. Lose, and you have to pay to the winner.”

Okay, about fifteen to nineteen?”

It's on, rookie.”


Aeron wasn't surprised that the tens of thousands of citizens crowded on the parade's path didn't cheer or throw confetti as the parade passed by. Indeed, most of the citizens stood in stony silence, glaring at the mages with resentment clear in their eyes. Aeron felt distinctly awkward as he stood in formation on his platoon's float, seeing how many people were staring at him with reproachful looks. After all, these people were watching the parade because it was mandatory, not because they wanted to attend.

The common citizen doesn't have much reason to love the warriors of the Ascendancy that oppresses them, Aeron reflected as the parade crossed over a wide stone bridge that spanned a raging river. The river neatly split Golau into two halves, flowing through a well-constructed brick channel through the city's heart. But that's not my problem. I'm here to fight for order and justice against the Ascendancy's enemies. I'm going to do my job and do it well!

The parade smoothly marched through Golau's downtown, and Aeron enjoyed hearing the Ascendancy's anthem being played over and over by the marching band near the parade's front. Overhead, a trio of military zeppelins buzzed along, proudly displaying the Ascendancy's logo on their balloons and hulls. Finally, the parade reached the city hall, a collection of white stone buildings with gold domed roofs. The city hall was a popular subject for artists, and for good reason: the entire complex was situated on a tiny island that literally floated over the nearby ocean. Golau's urban center was on the beach, but the city hall's island hovered nearly a hundred feet over the rippling ocean waves. Aeron knew that wild arcane energy kept the island afloat, and many other supernatural phenomena like this existed elsewhere in the world. A long, curvy gold bridge connected the city hall's island to the main street in Golau, and the parade came to a halt right in front of the bridge.

Welcome, soldiers of the Ascendancy,” boomed Supreme Magus Aodhagan, the most prominent member of the Ascendancy High Command. He stood at a podium placed before the bridge, and the generals of the Mage Force and People's Army stood with him. “I am proud to see so many brave men and women before me, all willing to put their lives on the line to preserve the continued prosperity of our great Ascendancy. I fear that this year, however, my speech must be replaced by a dire warning.”

Aeron blinked in surprise, and he suddenly felt cold. Supreme Magus Aodhagan was rumored to be, by far, the most powerful mage alive despite being in his early 70's. He was one of several mages who ran the government with an iron fist, but Aeron could hear fear in the old man's voice. The news was bound to be bad.

Our world is threatened by a darkness that many denied ever existed,” Aodhagan continued. “The wild races are assembling and conspiring in the shadows, and as I speak, packs of werewolves and other malevolent creatures have begun to prey on humanity on a scale none thought possible. A corruption of unknown origin has spread to every corner of Talwydd, and if this continues, humanity's darkest hour may be upon us. For that reason, the Talwydd Ascendancy needs the soldiers of the Mage Force and People's Army more than ever before to safeguard humanity.”

Murmurs broke out among the mages and mundane soldiers, and Aeron felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. For as long as humanity had existed, wild beings like werewolves, banshees, fairies, and other creatures inhabited Talwydd and mainly kept to themselves. But if the creatures were banding together to wage war on humanity, then Aeron knew that his skills as a mage would soon be tested to their limit.

So! Go forth, my warriors, and protect our great Ascendancy from its enemies,” Aodhagan announced boldly as a fleet of military zeppelins approached from the other side of the city hall island. “Humanity needs you on all fronts in the coming war against the wilderness. This is our hour of reckoning.”


Aeron found himself crowded onto Third Regiment's zeppelin, and the gondola rumbled and rattled as the craft's massive steam engines propelled the craft over Golau and toward the rest of Talwydd. He stood near the window and watched the massive city passed by underneath, but jumped slightly when corporal Owen tapped him on the shoulder.

Hey, private rookie,” Owen grinned. “Guess what? You got lucky.”


I overheard a report among the People's Army guards before we boarded. There were eighteen arrests during the parade,” Owen explained. “So guess what? You're a little richer. Enjoy this victory while it lasts, why don't you?” He passed a few folded bills into Aeron's hand.

Thanks,” Aeron replied automatically, then hoped that he didn't sound too friendly. Owen wasn't exactly friend material.

Owen simply shrugged. “Yup. Be seeing you on the front lines.” Then he walked off into the crowd of mages and vanished from sight.


Flanagan family: One of the former noble families. During the rise of the mages, the Flanagans refused to become mages and fought against the mages during the rebellion of the Talwydd Republic. Today, only scattered members of the Flanagan family remain, and none are wealthy.


Ascendancy High Command: The ruling council of the Talwydd Ascendancy. Its members rule with total power and they are elected into power by other mages, typically by the noble families.


Arcane energy: Naturally-occurring power that causes unnatural phenomena ranging from anti-gravity to the elemental power wielded by various monsters that inhabit the wilderness. Human beings are incapable of using arcane energy directly, but particular monsters are capable of “loaning” their powers to their human servants. (More on this will be explored later)


Werewolf: A half-man, half-wolf monster that lives in small packs. Typically, werewolves transform under the light of the full moon, but in the presence of the mysterious corrupting energy, werewolf transformations have become more frequent and unpredictable.


Banshee: A spirit that wields arcane energy in its voice. It takes the form of zombie-like women and its scream has a variety of effects on humans who hear it. They also have considerable physical prowess and are capable of floating, but not true flight.

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Aeron had always wanted to visit one of Talwydd's many beautiful beaches, and today was his lucky day.

Third Regiment's zeppelin had coasted across the hilly countryside all night, and by the time it was noon on the next day the picturesque east coast came into view. Slowly and carefully, the zeppelin lowered itself on the outskirts of a large coast town situated near an inland forest, and the gondola's huge boarding ramp allowed the mages to disembark.

Aeron sat comfortably on the wooden bench of a troop transport truck's flatbed along with his nineteen fellow mage warriors while Commander Anderson rode in the truck's cabin with the driver. The steam engine-powered truck rolled across the sandy dirt toward the town's suburbs, giving Aeron a great view of the surrounding terrain. The ocean itself was deep blue, and waves continuously lapped the sandy shore while a gentle wind swept across the land. Just beyond the town stood a massive fruit orchard tended by numerous farmers clad in straw hats and denim overalls. Aeron squinted at the trees and their peculiar fruits. What were they?

Hey, those are Calai-nu fruit trees!” Kenna piped up, pointing an excited finger at the orchard.

They're what?” a mage private asked, frowning.

Kenna fiddled with her glasses with an expression of incredulity. “You've never even heard of them? How could you know so little?”

Hey, I don't know about them either,” Aeron said defensively.

Kenna smiled, going a little red. “Oh. Sorry, Aeron. Well, Calai-nu fruits are grown all across Talwydd and they're renown for their nutritional value and sweet taste. It looks like this town makes a profit from trading Calai-nu fruits.”

How boring,” Owen commented, making several of his cronies chuckle. “We're not farmers, private Reece.”

Kenna scowled. “Then how's this for interesting... Calai-nu fruits are nicknamed 'beer fruit' because their juice causes alcohol-like effects.”

Aeron's eyes widened. “No way!”

Yes way,” Kenna nodded. “The effect isn't as strong as real alcohol but there's no harmful side effects. Many varieties of beers are flavored with Calai-nu juice.”

Remind me to visit this joint for R&R,” Own laughed as the transport truck rumbled into the town's outskirts, passing by various houses, warehouses, and taverns. Many of the townsfolk carried baskets of fruits and vegetables, or else drove trucks loaded with nets of squirming fish. Aeron could definitely tell that this town prospered from its crops and fishing industry, a model settlement of the Talwydd Ascendancy.

Problem was, none of the natives were too happy to see mages driving through their town.

Up yours, punk!” Owen hooted to a native man who had thrown a rotted fruit at the truck's cabin, and the foul red fruit made a large splotch on the cabin's fresh gray paint. The man wasn't alone; other townsfolk shot dirty looks at Aeron and the other mages, and even threw random fruits and bits of trash.

Well, it's to be expected. Even though we're here to protect these people, common folk detest the lofty mages of the cities,” Kenna explained.

How awful,” Siana complained, clasping her dainty hands together. “How are we to focus on our assignment with the natives behaving like this?”

You ignore them, princess,” Owen smirked at her.

Siana stiffened her back. “I'm not a princess. I'm nobility of the Stewart family.”

Same thing.”


We'll be fine,” Aeron smiled at Siana, and she nervously returned the gesture.

As soon as the truck parked in front of the town's local People's Army garrison, the twenty mages climbed down and stood in formation on the street, forming two rows of ten. Out of the garrison came nearly fifty blue and black-uniformed Army soldiers, all bearing their standard-issue rifles. Finally, Commander Anderson climbed out of her truck's cabin and greeted the town's Army captain.

Commander Anderson, reporting for duty,” she told the man, shaking his hand.

Good to have you,” the captain responded. In the distance, Third Regiment's zeppelin lifted itself into the air, its four propeller engines buzzing at full speed. The huge craft glided off to the west, intending to drop off 2nd platoon at a neighboring coast town.

Ten-hut!” Anderson barked, and Aeron and his fellows snapped a salute to her. “Local intel suggests that the local wildlife is threatening the entire coastline, and this town has suffered the worst of it. Men, your job is to assist the People's Army garrison in heavily armed patrol and reconnaissance duty. Many trade convoys have fallen under attack and we can't let this town's economy crash.”

I wonder what kind of monsters have been troubling this town, Aeron wondered. It seems so peaceful here!

The captain and I will arrange who works with which patrol squads,” Anderson continued. “And you lot will bunk at the auxiliary garrison on the north end of town. Report to the garrison at once to unpack your gear. Your patrols will begin in an hour.”


Cadoc and Kenna were assigned to a patrol team to the east, while Aeron found himself working with Siana and a few other mages of 1st platoon for his first patrol. Five People's Army soldiers led the way, marching along a pre-determined route out of the town and into the beach wilderness. The warm beach sun beat down on Aeron's head, making him uncomfortably warm in his long-sleeved blue and black Mage Force uniform. The local troops didn't seem to mind, though, and they chatted casually among themselves as they continued their patrol.

Now we can enjoy this wonderful place at our leisure,” Siana commented brightly after a half hour of walking. She and the others walked past a few low hills dotted with thin trees, and the Calai-nu orchard was only a few dozen meters beyond that. Each beer fruit was the size and shape of an eggplant, but they were sky blue and glowed softly.

Yeah, we can,” Aeron said awkwardly, unsure what to say. He tried not to blush as he watched Siana stroll across the beach, her soft white hair seeming to shine in the sunlight. She looks really comfortable, almost happy, Aeron thought with amusement. He cleared his throat, trying not to gawk at Siana's curvy, lithe form. “So, uh... have you ever wanted to visit the beach?”

Oh, yes,” Siana smiled. “Always. I mean, my family's castle was a nice place, but the rocky cliffs and mountains weren't much to look at. I studied books about the natural wonders of Talwydd, and this is like a dream come true for me!”

I bet that our duties will take us to all kinds of great places across the continent,” Aeron added, secretly hoping that he'd never be asked to garrison a swamp or desert.

Siana nodded. “Mmmmm. My father never wanted me to go on exotic trips, though. Too much effort to coordinate. Too much danger.”

Like the wild monsters?”

Oh no,” Siana shook her head. “I mean citizens who hate the noble families. Imagine living your life, Aeron, with countless people hating you for being at the top of the Ascendancy's social ladder. It was terrible living in isolation at the castle!”

I'm sorry to hear that.”

Really, it's fine. I've already worked out my solution,” Siana assured him. “Joining the Mage Force was my way to escape such a stifling life. My father did disown me, but I was an adult and could make whatever decision I wanted. I think it was worth it. Don't you?”

Aeron fought a smile. “You're asking me?”

Siana giggled, and Aeron loved the sound. “Sorry, I tend to always check for second opinions. Comes with living in a business family whose decisions help shape the entire Ascendancy.”

Ah, I getcha.” Aeron's mind raced for something else to talk about, but he wasn't sure what it should be. His own life? No, that was boring... wasn't it?

When the patrol group reached a checkpoint and headed along a new route, Siana spoke up again. “So, you seem to know private Kenna Reece pretty well. Is she your friend?”

I, uh – yeah, she is,” Aeron babbled, suddenly feeling off-balance. I don't want Siana to think I'm taken or anything. Kenna's just a friend. “She met me when we entered the Academy and have stuck together since.”

That's so charming,” Siana beamed. “She helps you practice your magecrafting?”

Not that. One day she found me in the library, scrambling to prepare for a test. I was sure that I was going to fail the test, but she helped me organize everything and study better. I passed with a good grade, and she's had my back ever since. Academically, that is.”

I didn't have many friends, not like that,” Siana responded, looking down. “I think everyone was jealous that I was from a noble family. Or maybe I just acted too lofty for them. Do tell me, Aeron... do I act too lofty? Be honest, now!”

Aeron winced. She does sound pretty lofty! “No, not at all! You're a great gal, Siana.”

You really think so? I mean, I want to be more like everyone else, but I find it difficult.”

You mean acting casual, like a pal?”

Correct, but I've had trouble with it.” Siana locked eyes with Aeron. “Could you teach me to be casual, Aeron?”

Um... maybe. I could try, at least, but everyone acts different, after all.”

Wonderful! What's the first lesson?”

The patrol had been remarkably uneventful so far, so Aeron decided to help Siana out. Besides, she was so charming and pretty! “All right. For one thing, two-word phrases like 'kind of' and 'get you' are crammed together to make 'kinda' and 'getcha'.”

But that's not the correct pronunciation, Aeron.”

That's the point: convenience. It's easier to talk that way, doncha think?”

I getcha.” Siana's eyes lit up. “Wow, that really worked!”

Aeron shrugged. “Whatever.”

Was that another lesson?”

Yeah. Acting cool and easygoing.”

Siana shrugged back. “Okay.” Stepping over a large sea shell, she asked, “Could you tell me another lesson?”

Aeron chewed on his lower lip, wondering if he was making an awkward situation even worse. Heck, it can't hurt to try. “Sure. Um, sometimes friends make hand gestures when they meet, like high fives or fist bumps.” He extended a fist. “Here, lightly bump your knuckles against mine.”

Making an embarrassed grin, Siana made a fist and struck Aeron's knuckles rather hard. “There! Was that right?”

You learn fast. At this rate you'll be a regular pal,” Aeron encouraged her. Then he burst out laughing. “If Kenna was watching this, she'd think I was the biggest weirdo ever for telling you all this. It's okay, Siana, if you're a noble girl with certain ways of handling people. Just be yourself and you'll fit in when the time is right.”

I guess you're right, but still, your lessons are fun,” Siana said kindly . “Wait a minute. We've spent all this time talking about me, but not about you! How self-centered of me...”

Aeron tugged on the collar of his uniform, wishing that he could change into more comfortable clothes. “Don't worry about it. I'm kinda boring anyway.”

Anything but boring! Come on, Aeron, I don't know anything about you,” Siana insisted, tossing her white hair. “You're nice to be around.”

This time, Aeron was sure that he went red. He could feel his face warming, at least. “Am I?”

Yeah! Did you come from an interesting family? Any brothers or sisters?”

Aeron lowered his gaze. “I, uh... yeah, but they're not around much.” He forced a grin. “I'm my own man, Siana. I look after myself, and joining the Mage Force is my way to contribute to the Ascendancy.” In his mind, he remembered riding a huge zeppelin with his family when he was ten, and the horrific crash that had killed nearly all passengers, including his parents and younger brother Fergus. He had barely crawled out of the flaming wreckage in time to get medical attention.

Well, I for one am very glad you made that decision,” Siana smiled. “I agree, The Mage Force is a wonderful way to devote oneself to the Ascendancy.”

Took the words right out of my mouth,” Aeron beamed back, feeling his heart race. Hey, I'm hitting it off with the hottest chick in Third Regiment!

Siana nodded. “Much agreed. If you ask me, you're going to make a great friend, Aeron. We can be friends forever!”

A sensation reminiscent of Commander Anderson's ice blasts chilled Aeron's gut. Tell me she didn't say that! Okay, now I've been friendzoned by the hottest chick in Third Regiment! My time of glory is all used up.

Siana gave Aeron a sidelong look. “Is something the matter, Aeron? You look ill.”

Shaking his head, Aeron assured her, “No, I'm fine. Let's just keep up the patrol. I haven't sighted any hostiles, have you?”

Not at all,” Siana told him.

Approaching checkpoint four,” the People's Army squad leader reported when the group reached a small dune on the wide, sandy beach. “Let's speed it up, people. Checkpoint five is a long way away and it's getting late in the afternoon.”

Understood,” Aeron nodded, then he perked up when the nearby water started sloshing around. The water bubbled, then a reddish rock slowly rose out of the water.

Look, something's floating,” an Army soldier commented, pointing at the lump.

The Army squad leader motioned for everyone to halt, staring at the rock. “Wait... that's no rock!” he warned everyone. Indeed, the rock kept rising, revealing itself to be the head of a monstrous, lobster-shaped being that rose from the waters. The armored beast stood on two legs like a man, but its lobster face, chitinous carapace, and four clawed arms made it look far from human. Its upper right claw was long and thin, shaped like a sword. And probably as sharp as a sword, too.

Lobstoid! Lock and load, men. There's bound to be more!” the squad captain boomed. At once, the soldiers froze in formation, shouldering their bolt-action rifles and taking aim at the menacing lobster-man.

Siana clutched at Aeron's arm. “What is that?” she squeaked.

A member of a local race, the lobstoids,” the squad leader said sharply. “Open fire!”

At once, five air-shattering booms filled the beach and a cloud of gunpowder obscured the soldiers. The lobstoid screeched and stumbled back as bullets punched through its chest armor, sending flakes of broken armor scattering onto the beach. The monster was still standing, however, and broke into a full charge, raising its sword-like claw for the kill. Quickly, the soldiers reloaded their weapons in unison and fired another volley, this time sending the lobstoid toppling to the sand with green blood oozing from its torn-up chest. A black, misty substance rose from the blood, but Aeron couldn't tell what it was.

Then, just as the squad leader warned, the ocean water started sloshing and bubbling as more and more lobstoids rose from the depths, their beady black eyes glaring at the clustered humans and their sword claws held high. Aeron backed up a few steps, clenching his fists. There's got to be at least twenty of them! We need backup! He scanned the beach, but none of the other patrol groups were in sight, and not even a scout zeppelin was visible in the sky.

It's time to fight, then,” Siana said tensely, gathering wispy green magecrafting power around her arms. “Are you ready, Aeron?”

Aeron swallowed tightly and focused his wind powers around his fists, creating drills of whirling air. “Naturally.”

4: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Warm seawater dripped off the armored lobstoids as the humanoid monsters continued to rise out of the sea. They took heavy steps onto the sand, their claw-like feet sinking deep into the ground. Hideous shrieks of bloodlust filled the air as the lobstoids advanced, raising their sword-like claws for the kill.

"Fall back! There's too many of them!" the squad leader barked, and the five soldiers quickly scrambled back, keeping their rifles raised as the lobstoids closed in. One lobstoid growled and pounced, slashing its sword claw through the air with a swish. The five soldiers let loose with a volley of bullets, stopping the sea beast in mid-lunge. The lobstoid tumbled awkwardly to the beach, dark blood oozing from its shattered carapace. Like with the first lobstoid, black mist rose from the blood like steam.

Siana raised her arms high over her head, a wreath of humming green magecrafting surrounding her arms and fingers. At her command, thick fibrous vines sprouted from the beach like tentacles, wrapping themselves around several lobstoids from head to toe. The lobstoids screeched and strained against their bindings, jabbing their claw swords at the vines. It was no use; they couldn't cut themselves free.

"Good one!" Aeron hooted, pouncing on the nearest lobstoid bound by vines. He grinned and drove his left fist into the nearest lobstoid's armored chest, his wind drill punching into the creature's carapace with a wet crunch. Aeron swung his right fist into the wound, his wind power shredding the lobstoid's innards with a spray of dark blood and churned organs. The creature gurgled and collapsed, the vines loosening.

Four more lobstoids surrounded Aeron, brandishing their claw swords with the intent to avenge their fellow. Aeron ducked and weaved as the lobstoids filled the air with their claws, determined to take their human foe's head off. One lobstoid's sword claw scraped against Aeron's ribs, the razor-sharp edge splitting Aeron's skin open.

"Son of a bitch!" Aeron hissed through gritted teeth, kicking the lobstoid's claw away before it cut him any further. Ignoring the throbbing wound, Aeron crouched and bunched up his muscles, flooding his body with focused wind power. With a shout, Aeron snapped his arms out, blasting the lobstoids away with a hurricane of wind. The monsters tumbled across the sand in confused heaps, struggling to get off their backs.

"Aaaaargh!" a People's Army soldier wailed as a lobstoid's claw stabbed through his chest from behind. The man convulsed, his rifle dropping from his nerveless fingers. The lobstoid withdrew its claw, letting the man crumple to the ground. Alarmed, the other soldiers whirled around and hammered the lobstoid with bullets, forcing the creature to stumble back. However, another pair of lobstoids advanced on the men, and one of them slashed a deep cut into a soldier's arm, causing him to drop his rifle. The man quickly drew his pistol with his healthy arm, frantically pumping hollowpoint bullets into the lobstoid's face. The lobstoid screeched as its face was shredded, shards of armor and minced brain matter flying everywhere. The other mages in Aeron's group held a few lobstoids at bay with their water and fire magecrafting, but they couldn't hold the lobstoids off forever.

"To the town! Now!" the squad leader barked. More lobstoids were emerging from the beach, reinforcing the first wave. Knowing better than to take on this many foes at once, Aeron joined the soldiers and his fellow mages and broke into a full sprint back to the town. Siana joined them a second later, after she hurled a handful of white-petaled flowers that emitted clouds of yellow pollen. The lobstoids stumbled and wheezed as they walked into the pollen cloud, buying the humans time to run.

"Stun pollen. Very useful for slowing down opponents," Siana smiled as the group tore across the beach.

"You don't say," Aeron commented.

When the town came into view, Aeron realized that the lobstoid group he had fought was only the beginning. Hundreds more lobstoids marched across the beach toward the town, and the garrison of People's Army troops struggled to keep them at bay. The blue-uniformed men stood in a wide line in front of the town, releasing steady barrages of bullets. Dozens of lobstoid corpses already littered the beach, but more of them continued to emerge from the writhing sea. The mages of 1st platoon had already joined the fight, meeting the lobstoids on the beach and hurling their elemental magic at the sea monsters.

"Private Pryce, Private Stewart, get over here now!" Commander Anderson shouted, motioning toward the beach with a gloved hand. "Cover the People's Army's flank!"

"Yes sir!" Aeron panted, leading Siana and the other scout mages toward the west side of the beach battlefield. Groups of lobstoids hurried across the battlefield's periphery, intending to flank the People's Army and cut down the soldiers from the side. Aeron let loose a war cry and lashed out with his right fist, blasting a hardened jet of air at the advancing lobstoids. Caught by surprise, several lobstoids were knocked clean off their feet, crashing into their fellows in tangled heaps. The rest of the lobstoids pounced, surrounding Aeron on all sides.

Aeron slashed his left hand through the air, releasing a blade of air that pushed back a pair of marauding lobstoids. However, two more lobstoids tackled Aeron to the ground, their heavy chitinous bodies pinning him to the sand. Their hot, fishy breath gusted in Aeron's face and their beady black eyes glared at him.

Damn it! Aeron thrashed against the lobstoids, but he felt them pressing harder against him, their small claws cutting his chest and arms one by one. One of the lobstoids stood to its full height, drawing back its sword claw for the kill.

Before the lobstoid could strike, its dark eyes glassed over and it trembled as though it had been seized by an invisible foe. A second later, the lobstoid jabbed its sword claw into another lobstoid's head, piercing its victim's brain through the crack between two chitin plates. The injured lobstoid shrieked in surprise and collapsed, leaving Aeron stunned. The traitorous lobstoid whirled around and swished its huge claw at another of its fellows, cracking the victim's chest armor.

Seeing his chance, Aeron scrambled to his feet, wincing as he aggravated his chest wounds. Clutching a hand to his bleeding skin, he backed up a few steps out of the lobstoids' reach. "What the hell is going on?"

"My powers work on non-humans, you know," came a familiar, confident voice, and Aeron whirled around to see Kenna standing there with a finger planted on her temple. Pearly white wisps of magecrafting power wafted from her finger and her eyes seemed hazy and distant.

Aeron sighed with relief. "You saved my skin, Kenna. You possessed that lobstoid with your psychic magecrafting?"

"That I did," Kenna smiled, her glasses glinting in the sunlight. "You've got to be more careful, Aeron. You didn't have any backup."

"But Siana..." Aeron searched the battlefield and found Siana backing up a trio of People's Army soldiers with her thorny vines. "Oh. She's kind of busy."

"She might have been your scout partner, but I've got your back, Aeron," Kenna reminded him. "We're a team, you know."

Aeron nodded. "Yeah. I kind of got caught up in the moment, that's all."

By now, several mages had sustained serious injuries and were driven back to town on a medic truck, while the People's Army garrison was down to half-strength. Still, over a hundred lobstoids lay dead on the beach, and the survivors were having difficulty getting close to the beach.

"Stay in formation and wear them down!" Commander Anderson declared. "Don't get sloppy, people. Discipline is the way of Third Regiment."

I know, bossy lady, Aeron complained in his head, wishing that he could do more in his injured state. Still, it looked like the lobstoids would be driven back within minutes.

Then another player entered the game.

"Anyone else see that?" an Army soldier asked nervously as a massive, dark form rose slowly from the ocean's depths.

Maybe it's another cluster of lobstoids, Aeron thought, but he was dreadfully wrong: the dark shape broke free of the water and a massive, dark green-gray head broke free of the ocean, belonging to a single, impossibly large creature. A single eye, as big as a car wheel, glared hungrily at the human defenders with a narrow slit for a pupil. Black mist wafted from the eye like vapor.

Kenna clutched at Aeron's arm. "What in the world...?"

"I dunno!" Aeron told her over the din of the battle. The massive head rose a little more, its skin smooth and slimy like an octopus'. Then, the surface of the ocean exploded upwards as a gigantic tentacle broke free of the waters and slapped down onto the beach. The tentacle was thicker than Aeron's entire body and was hundreds of feet long. Suckers lined the underbelly of the appendage, all snapping and sucking like hungry mouths. The tentacle swept across the battlefield, knocking aside men and lobstoids alike. Tons of sand blasted into the air and countless people were thrown about like dolls, helpless against the tentacle.

A second tentacle sprouted from the water, snaking its way toward the town. Loud crackles filled the air as the Army pummeled the tentacle with bullets, tearing small, bleeding holes in the limb. The tentacle twitched in protest, then lashed out like a whip, smacking aside several People's Army soldiers.

"Focus fire on that tentacle! Don't let it touch the town!" Commander Anderson shouted, finally running forth to join the battle herself. She raised her left arm, freezing vapors and ice shards coalescing on her arm. Then, dozens of thick, deadly sharp icicles exploded from her hand like buck shot, peppering the wounded tentacle. The tentacle twitched and drew back under the freezing barrage, bleeding even more heavily now. Anderson released a second volley of icicles, shearing off several of the tentacle's suckers. Finally giving up, the tentacle quickly drew back and retreated into the water.

"Now! The other one!" Anderson ordered, but she spoke too soon. The huge monster rumbled deeply in its anger, lifting its head a little more out of the water and drifting slowly toward the beach. Four more tentacles exploded out of the water, joining the first and writhing across the beach like snakes. The mages and soldiers were too slow to hold back the tentacles, and a house in the town crumpled as a tentacle punched through it. Aeron heard the townsfolk screaming in terror, retreating from the assault. A tavern shattered and collapsed like a house of cards as two tentacles squeezed it, leaving only ruins. Yet another tentacle tore the roof off a house and snatched up the house's squirming and screaming occupants. The tentacle's suckers swallowed up the people, silencing their cries.

"I know what this is!" Kenna said suddenly, staring at the monster's head as though seeing it for the first time.

"A mutant octopus?" Aeron wheezed.

"No, a kraken, a rare deep-water dweller," Kenna told him quickly. "It's weird. These things almost always keep to themselves and most people have never seen one. They've never been known to come up like this and attack people."

"Well, there's a first for everything!" Aeron commented tightly. "I've got to get to a medic. I can't fight like this."

Kenna nodded grimly. "Okay."

Aeron stumbled across the battlefield, taking care to avoid the tentacles as he went. A makeshift medical camp stood nearby, consisting of several green tents and tables where eight mages of 1st platoon lay wounded on cots. He made his way to the nearest medic, a woman clad in light red scrubs.

"Just give me a minute," the woman said sternly, getting a roll of bandages and unrolling it. "Remove your shirt, soldier."

Aeron complied, resisting the urge to make a snide comment as he tore off his sky-blue Mage Force shirt and tossed it onto a nearby table. The medic took a small bottle of bright green liquid and dabbed its contents onto her palms, then caressed Aeron's wounds with her wet hands, soaking the liquid into the cuts.

"That stings," Aeron blurted. His already-stinging wounds positively screamed in protest, nearly making his eyes water.

"It's disinfectant, soldier," the medic told him briskly. "Can't risk an infection. Now let's patch you up." She wrapped Aeron's cuts tightly with soft but tough bandages, tying the loose ends to seal the wounds. "Now, don't strain yourself or the wounds will get aggravated further," the medic warned her patient.

"I understand," Aeron nodded, but when he slipped his Mage Force uniform coat back on and turned back to the battlefield, he realized that taking it easy wouldn't stop the kraken. More tentacles were thrashing around on the battlefield, and not even Siana's plants and Commander Anderson's ice attacks could keep them at bay. What was more, the kraken was in the process of dragging its huge bulk onto the beach, exposing its head and blob-like body as it went. The sea monster opened its massive jaws, revealing a circular, fleshy mouth lined with thousands of banana-sized white teeth. The monster feasted on the wailing townsfolk and People's Army soldiers that it dragged to its mouth with its tentacles, a sight that appalled Aeron like nothing he had ever seen.

It gave him an idea, too. A crazy one.

"Sir!" Aeron jogged across the beach towards Commander Anderson, his boots kicking up puffs of sand. "Conventional attacks won't stop this thing!"

Anderson took a second to whirl around and scowl at Aeron. "Conventional warfare is what we do, Private Pryce. If you've been patched up, then get back in formation and resume the offensive!"

Aeron winced as another kraken tentacle smashed apart a house on the town's outskirts, blasting broken planks and roof shingles everywhere. "With all due respect, sir, our force is outmatched! I have a plan."

As the People's Army troops and the other mages struggled to keep the tentacles at bay, Commander Anderson sighed and walked toward Aeron. "Tell me your plan, Private."

"That creature has no bones or armor plating," Aeron explained in a rush. "And a proper mage explosion should cause it serious to lethal harm." Aeron had studied mage explosions at the Golau academy but had never seen one: a group of mages focusing their powers together and unleashing them in a single, multi-element detonation.

"Mage explosions are risky," Anderson reminded him.

The People's Army rifles filled the air with sharp staccato gunshots, causing a tentacle to jerk back in mid-attack. "Yes, but if we let the group of mages get swallowed by the kraken, they can blow it up from the inside and at the same time blast themselves an escape route."

Anderson gawked, her eyes glinting. "Are you insane, Private? Let ourselves get swallowed by that thing? You're bold, kid, but I don't accept radical nonsense in my army. We operate with discipline. By the book."

She reminds me of Kenna, Aeron reflected. "Siana's plants can make a protective cocoon against the kraken's digestive juices long enough for us to charge up. Sir, this may be our only chance!"

Pursing her lips, Anderson turned to watch 1st platoon's mages straining to hold back the kraken tentacles and the remaining lobstoids, then nodded once. "Fine. We'll play your way, Private." She raised her voice. "1st platoon, on me! We have a new plan!"

The People's Army troops fell back while the rest of the mages regrouped around Commander Anderson, who repeated Aeron's plan to them.

"I like getting up close and personal, sir," the huge Cadoc said eagerly, pounding his meaty fists together.

"That's nuts. I'm not going to be fish food!" another Private blurted.

"The Commander gave us orders, now didn't she?" Owen snapped. "Jeez, Private, do you always question your officers?"

"That's enough," Anderson cut in. "Private Stewart, prepare a plant cocoon, the toughest one you can manage. Everyone else, cluster up."

Twelve mages pressed themselves together and the air began to positively hum with the increasing output of magecrafting in the area. Aeron was careful not to strain his chest wounds, but he still tensed up and summoned as much air power as he could. Nearby, Anderson's whole body shone with a frosty aura of chilled air and ice, while Owen crackled and sizzled with pulses of electricity. Cadoc hunched his broad shoulders and conjured up his kinetic magecrafting, a power that allowed him to release intense bursts of kinetic energy from any point in his body.

Thick, woody roots sprouted from the sand and curled upwards, slowly encasing the mages in a spherical cocoon that flowered with fibrous, shield-like leaves. Sweat beaded on Siana's forehead and she clenched her jaw at the effort, her breathing fast and shallow.

"Easy there, Private," Anderson told her. "I don't want you passing out from the effort."

"Everyone's counting on me, sir," Siana grunted, clenching her fists as the cocoon continued to grow. "I'll be fine."

The tough plant shell kept creeping upwards and the roots met at the apex, twisting together into a tight knot crowned by leaves. Siana released her magecrafting with a snap, gasping for breath and falling to her knees, trembling. Alarmed, Aeron knelt by her side and took her shoulders with his hands. "Are you okay?"

Siana swallowed. "Y-yeah. Just a little worn out."

"Now to get Mr. ugly's attention," Owen commented, peeking through the leafy cage at the marauding kraken. "Permission to zap kraken, sir?"

"Granted," Anderson said quickly. "Just get it over here!"

With a cocky grin, Owen poked his arm out the leafy cocoon and channeled a sizzling bolt of lightning through his arm, sending a crackling streak of blue-white electricity through the air like a whip. The tip of the electro-whip slashed against a kraken tentacle, scoring an ugly scorch mark on the creature's slimy, rubbery skin. At once, the burnt tentacle and two others slithered across the beach and tightened around the plant cage like boa constrictors, the massive suckers puckering wetly against the leaves.

"Here goes!" Owen commented as the tentacles hungrily dragged the cocoon across the sand toward the kraken's giant mouth, and before long Aeron felt, and more importantly, smelled the beast's hot breath though the plant cage's gaps. Suddenly, the kraken's mouth looked even bigger, with rows of its banana-sized teeth gnashing together and gallons of sizzling saliva dripping onto the leaf cage. It was too late to back out now; the kraken's warm, fleshy mouth snapped closed on the tough plant cage, swallowing it toward the back of the beast's mouth where it was warm and dark.

"Focus! Make the biggest mage explosion you can or we're all kraken food!" Anderson barked, but Aeron could hear a tinge of panic in her voice. He couldn't help but share the feeling. Already, he felt himself getting shoved down the kraken's slimy, tube-like throat, and he couldn't see at all and the air was thick and oxygen-poor. He could hear the beast's digestive juices corroding the plant cage's roots and leaves, and he shuddered to think what the juices would do to his bare skin.

At Anderson's command, Aeron tensed up and dredged up the last of his wind power, feeling himself tremble at the effort. Come on, Aeron. You got yourself into this gig, now get yourself out! He clenched his teeth as his dark hair soaked with sweat, and he felt strong, sharp currents of air whirling around him like a second skin. In the stuffy cage, Aeron could easily feel Anderson's chilly ice aura, Owen's hair-raising electric storm, and Cadoc's blunt kinetic pulses building together into a crescendo along with the water and fire power of the other mages. The disgusting, wet churning sounds of the kraken's stomach grew louder and louder as the plant cage neared the stomach, and Aeron knew that he and the others had only seconds to spare.

"NOW!" Anderson shouted, and with the others, Aeron snapped his arms out and released his wind powers. At once, twelve different mage powers slammed together and mingled in a raging maelstrom that exploded outwards like a firework. Aeron felt himself get thrown through corroding flesh, charred plant matter, and ocean water as he rode the detonation's currents. He kept his eyes squeezed shut and his fists clenched, praying that he would reach solid ground and fresh air.

He did.

With a gasp, Aeron felt himself get thrown onto semi-solid ground, tumbling painfully across the beach as his chest wounds re-opened under their bandages. He snapped his eyes open and came to a halt, lying flat on his back, staring up at the blue sky while his body shuddered from exhaustion. He managed to raise his head and beheld a sight both hideous and glorious: the kraken's entire head exploded outwards like a shattered melon, sending globs of brain matter, blood, and shredded muscle everywhere like a gory rain. The monster's headless body went limp and started to sink under the waves, and when the last numb tentacle slipped under the currents, Aeron let out a sigh of relief.

The other mages tumbled onto the beach around him, all covered in thick, gray-green kraken blood and slime that gave off faint black mists. Aeron was tempted to laugh, but then he looked down and realized that he too was covered in the stuff. Anderson's going to charge me a fortune to get all these uniforms washed! He settled his head back onto the sand. Me and my big ideas. At least the kraken's dead!

One of the girls staggered to her feet, staring at her slime-coated hands in horror. "Oh my god! I'm filthy!" Siana wailed, desperately shaking her hands and flinging globs of slime everywhere. "This is awful!"

Owen sat up groggily. "Hey, we're all alive, princess. That's what counts."

"I'm nobility!" Siana bit back.

"You're covered in kraken goo, too."

Meanwhile, the huge Cadoc sat up on the beach and thrust his fists in the air. "Whoo! Wild ride, man. Aeron's a genius! We should do that again!"

"Never again!" Siana whimpered, now trying to wipe slime off her uniform's pants with little success.

Commander Anderson sprawled onto the sand near Aeron, covered in goo like everyone else. She just lay there for a few seconds, staring up at the sky. "Well done, Private Pryce."

"Thank you, sir," Aeron dutifully replied. He noticed that in their masters' absence, the remaining lobstoids were shuffling back into the beach, vanishing back under the currents.

Anderson struggled to her feet, visibly exhausted. "Men, get into the seawater and get this slime off ASAP. I don't want anyone getting digested after the fact."

More than eager to follow this order, Aeron bolted for the coast, diving right into the cool, clear water along with everyone else. Mercifully, the slime washed right off, and Aeron simply treaded water as he watched everyone else do the same. Even Commander Anderson joined in, slipping off her tall, high-heeled boots and wading into the water.

"This isn't a damned beach party!" Anderson snapped when she caught sight of Cadoc and a few other mages splashing each other for fun. "If you have the energy to play, you've got the energy to get back to town for a debriefing!"

Cadoc snapped a quick salute. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."


By evening, everyone had finally washed up and stood in formation while Anderson gave them their debriefing in the auxiliary garrison. In short, Aeron summarized that he would spend a few more days on Talwydd's coastline, then get back to Golau for a few days of R&R before going to different theaters of war against the seemingly insane wild creatures like lobstoids and other species. Afterward, Aeron decided to explore the town a little more and see if he could get some dinner, but the townsfolk were already pre-occupied with repairing the damage and grieved loved ones, and they weren't happy to have a mage poking around.

"I helped save the town, you know," Aeron impatiently reminded a barrel-chested man who spat at him when he bid the man good evening.

The man stared at Aeron with his hard brown eyes, snatching off his hat and throwing it to the street angrily. "Don't you get holy with me, mage!" the man snapped. "Yes, you saved the town, but not before half of it was destroyed!"

"Blame the kraken for that," Aeron retorted. I wonder what motivated the kraken and lobstoids to attack, anyway? Is it related to that black mist in their blood?

The men gestured to encompass the whole town. "You see this place? My home? We're farmers and fishers and damn good ones too, but we can barely make ends meet because the regional governor taxes us to death to fatten the Ascendancy's coffers! And we can't even vote him out of office because we have no legal representation as non-mages. In the last month, five men have been arrested for making even the slightest protests against the injustice here."

Aeron recoiled at the man's acid tone. "Careful. You could wind up the sixth for talking like that," he warned, but he felt small before this man's wrath.

The man snarled and looked around to check that no one was listening. "I don't hold it against ya personally, boy, but your kind and my kind don't get along and never will so long as the Ascendancy keeps doin' things the way it does. Yes, you have my thanks for saving what's left, but don't act like you're my friend. I hope that you mages are gonna be on your way soon now that that kraken's dead. This town has enough hardships already without mages bearin' down on us."

"We'll be out of your hair before you know it," Aeron told the man shortly, then turned and stalked down a different street with his mind whirling.